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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Actually, Miketron, that was happening and is still happening. It's just that before, the most you could get for one post was .75 FNH$, and now, it's 5 FNH$.
  2. I didn't ban you, I'm not sure who did, but I did suggest it in the staff forum. I suggested it because you were dissing the admin right and left, with no restraint whatsoever. If you would agree to keep your opinions under control, I would support un-banning you. Also, I don't believe you've had any actual experience with the admin, except from reading the posts of other people who have come to the forum to try and get in contact with him. If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you could post a description of this experience, so I would have some idea of why you're so pissed at him.
  3. If it WILL cause that problem, why are you suggesting it? Of course it's possible, you can set the increase to anything you want. Think a bit before posting eh?ps. I'm being sarcastic on purpose until I get a good reason for my ban from the mysterious guy who banned me.
  4. Nope, there's actually a mod for it. I'm not sure if you can do it on a per-forum basis, though. Naz, what he means is that to post in the hosting support section, you have to pay a certain amount of FNH$. That would be me. :wink:
  5. Yeah, it exists, available at phpbb-amod.com . Or were you being sarcastic about that too?
  6. iGuest


    Have you been living in a cave? So many phpbb forums have this mod installed. :roll: ps. I'm being sarcastic on purpose until I get a good reason for my ban from the mysterious guy who banned me.
  7. Same here... I ordered the reseller 3 plan and replied to the username, password, and domain name e-mail 2 days ago...i have yet to receive my account info... I don't understand why FNH doesn't use instant setup for their plans...it's really not that hard to set up...
  8. Go to themes console in admin! Click on T-Console in admin menu, and select your theme from the drop down list, and there you go, edit your links, and you have a variety of other cool options ^^.
  9. Heh, the admins are even ignoring the paid hosts. FNH sure is going down.ps. I'm being sarcastic on purpose until I get a good reason for my ban.
  10. I didn't know an arcade mod existed that could keep rankings for phpbb. Or is your dear Nazrin going to code up one by hand? :roll:ps. I'm being sarcastic on purpose until I get a good reason for my ban.
  11. Anyone tried it yet... and did anyone get the free $5?
  12. Good idea, but how are you going to implement it? Only the admins can deduct FNH$. Maybe you should think things through before saying 'it's a good idea'. :roll: It can be the greatest idea in the world and still not worth a sh*t because you can't do anything to implement it. Unless of course, there's a super coder among you staff here that can modify that money hack to make it deduct money from threads being posted in a particular board. I doubt it a lot. :roll:ps. I'm being sarcastic on purpose until I get a good reason for my ban.
  13. The Hives anyone?I especially like "Abra Cadaver", "Walk Idiot Walk", and "Hate To Say I Told You So."
  14. Let's see, a double-posting *bottom*-kissing spammer telling me I suck. Wow, I'm so impressed. :roll: I don't recall complaining about the servers being down. All my complaints were geared towards the admins not telling us anything about it. You can check my posts if you care to.I'm still waiting for a good reason for my banning, hell, I'm not even in your official ban list yet. :roll: Or do the mods here ban without giving reasons? Maybe you mods and account creators should settle on a fixed set of rules for banning people eh? Cos you turned TommyK into a liar. :roll:
  15. Too scared I bet! haha well, have you seen Australia lately? The last few games I saw Australia in they one by 100 runs or close to it. I'd like to see you guys do that.
  16. seen how much we have progressed over the last few yearswon 14 test series's on the trot. we aint played australlia.
  17. Oh. Really? Then it wasn't a total waste, even though I don't get to enjoy the sight of my new username in gold. And I have to go put my username color back.
  18. Haha yeah right, number one against Australia, you're bloody joking mate!
  19. but I.E can... :mrgreen:
  20. Where on the site do you download it? Do you have to download "client" and it runs through that or something?
  21. heres my contribution
  22. ugh too many big words.Whats wrong with lead soldier? Is it just fumes or something? or does it make less good quality sound?I am not thinking of one of those voice changers. you can get them at toy shops and sound like Steven Hawking, but no I am not thinking of those. I am thinking of opening up a toy and putting new bits in to make the noise different when you press a button on the front of it.I am in Newcastle, by the way.And so Circuit Bending and Circuit Modification is the same thing. Like "five dollars" or "five bucks" ok i am cool with that.
  23. iGuest


    dude try http://forums.xisto.com/ type in your scrnname and pass
  24. it looks wicked. i like it heaps.
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