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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. If you look at e.g. THIS LINK What language would you use to make something like that?
  2. Here are Europe groups (8) for Germany 2006 WC qualifications: Group 1: Czech Republic, Netherlands, Romania, Finland, Macedonia FYR, Armenia, Andorra Group 2: Turkey, Denmark, Greece, Ukraine, Georgia, Albania, Kazakhstan Group 3: Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Latvia, Estonia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg Group 4: France, Ireland Republic, Switzerland, Israel, Cyprus, Faeroeer islands Group 5: Italy, Slovenia, Scotland, Norway, Belarus, Moldavia Group 6: England, Poland, Austria, Wales, Northern Ireland, Azerbaijan Group 7: Spain, Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Lithuania Group 8: Sweden, Croatia, Bulgaria, Iceland, Hungary, Malta What you think, which of these teams will be next summer in Germany? My predictions: Czech Republic, Netherlands, Turkey, Portugal, France, Italy, Scotland, England, S&M, Spain, Croatia... About the Germany 2006 WC logo, i dont agree with You.
  3. You were right about Chelsea and probably Milan.Last night results: Bayern - Chelsea 3-2 Scorers: 65' Pizarro 90' Guerrero 90'+ 5' Scholl for Bayern and 30' Lampard 80' Drogba for Chelsea. Chelsea is in semi finals despite Bayerns victory last night (Aggregate: 5 - 6) Milan - Inter match abandoned after 70 minutes of game. Reason: Inter supporters started trowing bottles, flares... . One of flares hit Milan golakeeper Dida in shoulder. Current results was 0:1. Shevchenko scored very nice goal. What to say about the game? Inter best player Adriano started the game, but it was obious that he still is not fit. Inter coach Mancini started game with ONLY one striker. Maybe thats the reason they failed to score, and do something more in this game. Milan played very good, and they deserve to be in semi final. I see you are Liverpool fan, I think Liverpool have strenght to go on, and i will like to see that team in semifinal. About PSV and Lyon, i give more chances to Lyon even they played 0-0 at home. I think they are better team than PSV.
  4. My main reason for getting an IPod was to replace my missus MP3/CD Player since battery time was only enough to last an hour, which was just enough to play one CD (approx. 20 songs) let alone an MP3 CD with over 100 songs. Also I am interested in http://www.ipodlinux.org/ and when it matures more, I'd definitely convert this ipod over (only when my missus is bored of it), although probably no reason to do this as the Apple firmware does what it's intended to do, I just thought it would be good if we could get more out of it let alone a hard drive with an MP3 Player. Cheers, MC
  5. I've just looked over your code Karlo,Sorry I didn't come here sooner.There are a few noticable problems in your code, and a few annoyances, there's also a few features that I could suggest too as improvements.I could write a tutorial on Output Buffering, but I tend to not use Output Buffering because of how it can really bog a server down.I'll email you the fixes and the changelog, I've got kshoutbox 0.5 if you have a development or more recent version, then I should probably work on that instead of this one.Since you're on sourceforge, if I don't have time to go through the script, I'll just send you a bug report, some problems are minor errors but there's some that really need attention, I didn't notice any other developers helping you in this project, you should try and seek many eyes to view your source, I know I won't pick up everything wrong with it, but I've only scanned over the first few lines and noticed these problems. They aren't as obvious as you would think either.Cheers,MC
  6. The string will be interpolated.e.g.$string = 'smile.gif';echo "<img src='$string'>"; then the results will be <img src='smile.gif'>I have the understanding that browsers accept any single pair/double pair of quotes, but in this case I would do echo "<img src=\"$string\">"; just to keep it alike with the rest of the HTML, or we could do echo '<img src="' . $string . '">'; whatever you think is better. Escaping the double quotes would be my choice though, as inside the HTML tags, it could get pretty messy.DreamWeaver goes for working methods rather than performance. To me it would use double quotes if it's got it's own methods of inserting PHP code.I prefer to know every bit of code indepth than rely on a programs method. Sometimes the programs can make a mess of things. In saying this, even C/C++ compilers have their flaws, now I haven't gone indepth into how the compiler works, but I look at their end result of the binary program, I disassemble it, and read the assembly opcodes, by this, I could rewrite parts of the code to make it smaller and faster, another advantage of knowing ASM.So to some degree, you rely on your program, but not fully. As I said, the main concern for the program is to actually get your code working and this may mean, doing the easy way for it.Then again, I don't use DreamWeaver and it could be that amazing that I should use it instead, since it will do PHP how I want it to... somehow I don't think so, because even I don't know how I'll use PHP effectively and end up rewriting the same code, but using different methods looking for the best approach.Cheers,MC
  7. OK well I missed your question, but to match this the latest member bit is quite easy, we know for a fact that this is how it goes.Latest Member: User MonthSo from this we could do:Latest\sMember:\s.+?(?=\s)Notice any problems with this?Well, \s is for space,basically, we're assuming that a username does not contain a space. Now I'm not sure what characters a username can accept or not accept without viewing the source. If you know for a fact that spaces can't be used inside a Username then this is quite an acceptable approach. I'm not using the s modifier as I'm detecting the spaces myself, What I'm assuming is the Username is seperated by spaces, unless usernames can contain spaces, this expression is useless.+? means their must be an occurance here, while not being greedy. e.g. must have at least 1 match, * means 0 or many + means 1 or many.(?=\s) means look ahead to see if the next is a space, this is so we don't include the space (?=) is look ahead.* is the same as {0,}+ is the same as {1,}We could use the modifiers to our advantage.There are many methods, even using PHP's date function and not matching the month as well.I'll leave you up to decide on how this should be done, if you knew what characters aren't allowed in the username you would have better chance solving this problem.Cheers,MC
  8. What do you need to understand?[^0-9]*? matches anything that's not a number, *? is the greedy inverter, meaning it will only return a result if it has something else it can match with. e.g.The string 'Hello, World!' you could do [^0-9]*?! and it'd match, because it has a definite match of the ! character (at the end, must be definite match at the end of it), if you left it out [^0-9]*? will not function, if you wanted to match anything that is not numbers, then you would leave out the greedy inverter.[^0-9]* which will match anything not a number e.g. The string Hey1234You will match HeyYou missing out the numbers. This is greedy because it has no end to it other than going through the whole file and matching everything till it reaches the end of the file.The s modifier is to include whitespace characters.Greedy inverters stops greediness, e.g. .* will match anything and everything, except newline characters, well depends on setup or modifiers. .*? also will match anything and everything except it needs to have a definite end match to this.If you could explain what you need more understanding with, I'd be glad to help.Cheers,MC
  9. Some of this I don't understand, as I didn't learn much on PCRE syntax, but it shares some commonalities between PERL's and grep's way. I don't understand the @ bit but it seems it's to show the start and end of the regex and si are some type of modifiers, i being case insensitive, s, I'm not sure. OK <script[^>]*?> finds the <script language="javascript"> part. <script matches the exact string, [^>]*? is known as a negating class, combined with *? means grab everything that's not > which could appear 0 to any instances, as well as being optional, then the > on the end means the end of that part of the script. .*? means any characters 0 to endless, as well as being optional, so needs not exist. and </script> matches the exact string, when you combined it altogether it'll match anything <script blah blah>anything here</script> but it must have the exact strings it's asking for first, which out of this is <script > </script>. Sorry I have to head off for a bit, but I'll come back and explain anything else I've left out. Cheers, MC
  10. I am an Ipod Hater! Ipods are a peace of miserable garbage. They're ugly, stupid, over priced, over rated and anything else I forgot to mention, like the fact every person has one. I realy do like the Creative players though.
  11. Its called a parked domain! Thats the whole point. Some people don't want their real url domain to be seen. For example, my domain is z80revelation.astahost.com, which is the name of my programming group. If I were to start a personal website, I would probably like a different url. So, instead of having http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ aboutme I can have a .tk domain. Even though I would prefer one of these domains. americain domain or a european one. These are alot faster than .tk and I think their cool.
  12. Thanks guys for all the help. I managed to fix the logo text. It was easier than I though it would be.
  13. There are other more ear-friendly formats, like .mp3 or .wma. MIDI tunes are so annoying. They always sound like an out of tune organ, or maybe a buzzing bee.
  14. Rock has to be the biggest genre of music. At least half the top 40 music charts are rock. I hate to say it but even the likes of busted and mcfly consider themselves rock no matter how terrible they are. Nu-metal and metal bands like linkin park etc are definatly rock. But i think the best have always got to be the classics like nirvana, guns n roses etc. i find it hard to chose my favourite, theres just 2 much to chose from.
  15. You believe all the answers are in your unexperienced, unwise and mortal mouth. "That book" has spirtitual and historical significance to Christians. There isn't one thing in the Bible that has been proved wrong, both moraly and historically. It is one of the most reliable and oldest historical sources in existence. Even non-christian scientist, archaeologist, historians,etc use it for reference. You obviously haven't read this Book, because if you had, you would realize what a merciful and loving being God is. Whats wrong with an old book? There's nothing boring about these stories, they probably just anger you, bacause you don't live the moral life taught in these stories. Common Sense! How about the Ten Commandments, that govern the whole entire Wester World. Do not kill, steal, love your neighbor as yourself,etc... Do you find error in these commandments? Christianity is what brought justice and morality to this world.
  16. I just thought I'd bring this to the PHP developers, learners, and anyone else who is interested.Most people are still not building PHP web applications for performance but rather building web applications to get it working, but you must consider all areas in programming, especially performance because you want speedy applications too.If you don't know the difference between:echo 'Hello, World!';andecho "Hello, World!"; // as pointed out by vujsathen you really need to pay attention to this, it's vital you understand interpolation.What is Interpolation:Interpolation is a way of inserting/modifying additional text. In programming terms it's easily explained like these BBCodes we have on this forum, anything between the BBCode tags are interpolated, meaning they are modified to be displayed however the BBCode tags have been defined to do. Other interpolated objects are HTML tags like strong, em, h1-h6, etc, anything like formatting tags are ways of interpolating text.This meaning is the same when used with double and single quoted strings, objects, etc in PHP. However, HTML tags used within any quotes will be considered HTML by the browser which will perform it's own interpolation on the objects.The difference between the single quoted text of Hello, World is that it's displayed as is, the PHP interpreter does not need to convert anything in this text, so it just displays the string by outputting each character it comes across.The double quoted text of Hello, World makes the interpretter work harder, because while it reads each character it comes across, it is also looking for anything that can be interpolated. Since there's nothing to be interpolated, why do some developers use double quotes?What I am wanting you to learn out of this, is when to use single quotes and double quotes.So single quotes does no interpolation, double quotes does.Here's an example that should hopefully show you what I mean.<?php$string1 = 'This string will not be interpolated\n<br />';$string2 = 'Part of this string will be interpolated ' . "\n" . '<br />';$string3 = "$string2";$string4 = '$string1<br />';$string5 = "This will be interpolated\n<br />";echo $string1 . $string2 . $string3 . $string4 . $string5;?>You should do this example and display it, so you can see for yourself what's happening, also view the source code, so you can see whether newlines were created or not.Now what happens in $string1 is very important. You're using the escaped character \n which means newline, however, newlines need to be interpolated and since single quotes do not provide interpolation, you will get the exact string as it is except for the <br /> since the web browser handles HTML tags it will not show on the page, but it will show in the source code.So the output of string one will look like this in your browser:This string will not be interpolated\n$string2 uses a mixed method, single and double quoted strings that get concatenated (joined) together. This is quite acceptable, that way only interpolation will work inside the double quoted text, which is the newline character.$string3 stores the exact same as $string2, we didn't need to use double quotes for this we could have just done $string3 = $string2 which is the preferred method but since this is about interpolation, I needed to use double quotes to show you. The double quotes interpolated $string2 the variable and came up with what $string2 stored.$string4 is not interpolated it will just display:$string1I also had to add the <br /> tag on it, because it would not have had this tag.$string5 uses double quotes for the whole string and requires interpolation only on a small part in this string, but still uses interpolation for the newline.Now you can choose what ways you want to do, but non interpolation should use single quotes and interpolation should use double quotes. I prefer $string2's method with concatenating the strings but sometimes this can get quite messy that using double quotes should be ok, but only if it has a lot of things to be interpolated.e.g.echo 'Hello, ' . "\n\t" . 'World!' . "\t" . 'This can get quite messy' . "\n\t" . 'especially if you need to interpolate quite a few things at once.' . "\n";echo "Hello, \n\tWolrd!\tThis is still kinda messy\n\tbut it's also a lot easier\n";We're using the newline and tab escaped characters in these strings, and after a while, it just becomes messy. Concatenating strings to this extent can also be a performance issue, so we must choose wisely.The main thing I wanted to point out is if it doesn't do interpolation, don't use double quotes for it, if it does, then it's ok. If you know when a string needs interpolation then this is better, e.g. you don't need interpolation in $_SERVER['host']; but you do if it's $_SERVER["$some_var"];So hopefully from this you will understand what interpolation is, and when to use it and when not to use it. I may write a benchmarking PHP application to show you how fast it was to process an interpolated string and a non interpolated string, this speed test is however an estimation, but to my understanding, any non interpolated string should be processed faster than an interpolated string.Cheers,MC
  17. Lets face it the only way to totaly protect you computer is take out our modem, cd drive, floppy drive, and usb ports. IE Or Firefox Can And Will Be Attacked.And also while we are one the issue of false security apple computers are not safer than windows. It is that there are not that many mac users ( however there numbers are growing) out there so they have less people creating viruses for them. When the number of users grow the more attacks you will have.ThanksEric DrinkardAslo just for the records. I own a windows and a mac computer Notice from NilsC: You just got yourself deleted and banned
  18. i agree with you in all what you said
  19. Could someone please help me? This is my site. I currently have the "7dana round" theme installed on my Xoops website. I would like to change the text on the logo to z80 Revelation, not the logo itself.
  20. Or he can just burn music from a CD on to his computer and then upload it to Xisto....
  21. There's no mention of other tribes, because there weren't any... yet. Adam and Eve were the first human beings. True, something may exist, but if it isn't mentioned in detail, there's no point in making a point or debate of it, like some people are doing in this thread. I would say there's more proof to the non-existence of aliens, but like you said its not worthing calling a person a fool over it. All those verses( so-called contradictions) were taking out of context. If you actually posted the whole passage you would find that they were very logical. That is the wackiest, most unsensible idealogy I have ever heard. The worst part about it, was it made also these unintelligent, unrational comments without backing it up in anyway. I will laugh at it anyone who would ever believe that... p.s. I don't think ebertaining has "meaning in the real word" either, but thats just "my interpretation". I think the Biblical account of Adam and Eve makes more sense then your "great great uncle chimp"(evolution ).
  22. First of all, the Bible was written by humans, but inspired by God, by direct revelation. True, other religions are created by humans, for their own glory and reasons, but don't get that confused with Christianity. Unlike other religions, Christianity is not defined by human standards, but by God. God has given humans free will. He will not intervene. Just because humans do something(bad) like gay marriage allowance does not mean that God supports it. Lastly, what does Adam and Eve have to do with Spiderman? Your the one who needs to start thinking clearly.
  23. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0.2900 and sometimes Opera.
  24. In NBA match between Nets and Celtics (99-86). Vince Carter set a record with 24 points in first quarter. He scored total 45 points.Shooting for 3 points 7/9.
  25. I made a vote poll script, and it work fine with results in numers or %, but i want to show images as a result. Is that possible?For example like voting poll in this forum.I tried something but that couldnt work.Someone?
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