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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. After many miserable attempts on Linux, which is good news for my system but bad news for my results. I tested Windows XP Pro SP2 and shock horror, it "could be possible" to exploit. Quoting could be possible because I've only seen the result of the overflow, they may have some countermeasures in which case I have not attempted to check.I will try to write a complete beginners guide to exploit development, I prefer Linux, but in this case, I will have to settle with Windows due to the fact, I couldn't exploit my own system, even tested easier vulnerable programs than the one above and still failed.There's quite a few tools we will need for this, I may need to provide binary/source code for some of the tools I created to find specific addresses we needed, so I will provide that as well as my way for loading our shellcode. I will try to cover all areas needed, from the basics of understanding the program at a low level (assembly) language, some calculations that maybe needed to determine stack size (so you know the right amount of bytes to overflow by), I will even explain writing Windows Shellcode preferably XP (since that's what I run) but I will try to explain how you can write your own, since it's likely OS dependant. After writing the shellcode, if we don't have room on the stack, we will need another method of loading it, in which I will explain too, since that's what we got to do with the above. There will be things that I can't explain in which you will need to read more to it, but the things I want to explain are things that aren't well explained to people starting out in this, especially shellcode writing for your own system. So please do ask those questions, since it's the only way to provide better answers and the end result means everyone will have a better understanding (hopefully).It won't be long till I release it, since I'm writing the guide as well as doing the outlinedtask it'll take longer than expected, but at least you should be able to attempt it and have similar results. I will probably also explain theoritically how it use to work in Linux, since this was where I first learnt exploit development, yet Linux security just improved vastly, that you need more than one mind to overcome the obstacles, it's really needs various input for methods that may or may not work.If I do encounter problems exploiting it, then I may just write a guide not based on the above vulnerable program, just a general guide that will give people better understanding.Cheers,MCP.S.I should add what we need:If you don't have Visual C++ then get Dev-Cpp or if you're comfortable with gcc/gpp/g++ then that will do but you require the windows.h header file.gcc, perl, gdb, ld, objdump, nasm, vi (or any text editor you prefer)I use MinGW with MSYS which has a majority of these tools, cygwin however can get you all of these tools and would probably be better in this case but it's up to you, what you use.I hope I haven't missed anything out, but if I have I'll update the list.
  2. I like this new style. It's more bland, which I kinda like more than the other curvy one. This makes it feel like clicking things is faster too! I rather keep this new style than that old one. Also, how the shout out box looks is better too. I think keeping it like this will be more great than the other one in my opinion.
  3. I use flashfxp , cute, fast, download in https://www.flashfxp.com/ . Serial contact me!
  4. welcome to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , beautiful site
  5. I'm not understanding this. I have not a clue where to start. Am I suppose to register and then start posting? I've read all the ToS, and the help pages but I can't find where I am suppose to start. I don't want to register when I could be doing it wrongly. Can someone help me out please. I've been searching through this site for the last hour and a half and I can't find anything to help me out.
  6. This is basically what all my friends, including me, think of the two. Guild War is an okay game with some very nice aspects, but World of Warcraft simply leaves GW in the dust. With WoW, you can count on making many calculations just to enter a battle that you know would be worth the while, and have some very nice drops. I've seen some groups plan for hours to get the perfect strategy, and most of the time when it turns out good, it gives you that simply nice and compelling feel of victory, like the game makes everything worth what you just did.I've gone through that on my friend's account many times, it's quite nice to feel. I would probably have gotten WoW, but I simply like Final Fantasy Eleven much better for my own tastes. But about Guild War and World of Warcraft, Guild war is a very nice game, but just doesn't stand a chance to World of Warcraft's vast gameplay and fundability, if that's a word.
  7. If you think Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater is the best game ever then you've obviously haven't played it. The reason I think Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater sucks is:One: Tactical Espionage is the worst genre you can make a game in. Obviously, Hideo Kojima didn't understand that concept.Two: The four cobras are so easy to beat. The fiery cobra member can be beaten with a knife.Three: Shagohod? WTF?!! The graphics are good, I'll give it that but in actual gameplay, it isn't as exciting as I thought it would be. The last thirty minutes are a blast and I forgot to mention, Eva. XD
  8. Stupid review, looks like it came from gamefaqs. You should have talked about the girlfriend/gang wars bit.
  9. GTA is evil, EVIL I TELLS YE! It brings out the evil in all of us. I meant in the form of gaming.San Andreas was fun when I first played it but now, it kind of sucks. I mean, it's too repetitive, especially the missions.
  10. That's not too bad. In fact, I'm kind of glad about this. That means I get to enjoy my PS2 longer while everyone has to wait.
  11. I've seen cheaper.. and free ones too: /cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi
  12. It's like that for cell phones, too. We've seen the enemy, and it is us...
  13. Don't blame the internet; blame your PC! Yes, the internet is a pain in the @#$% if you have a crappy computer. Sad, really.
  14. IMO, I think it's too early for them to be releasing new consoles. At least that's how I feel. We already have photorealistic games, I doubt the new ones will be that much better.
  15. I've decided to give anyone who wants a gmail account here an invite. So if you want a free (yep, free) gmail invite, leave your email address here.
  16. IMO, your site is really well designed. And I'm not one to give such complements.
  17. Disabling right click is useless. It just makes visitors feel threatened and plus, if you really want to rip from their site, just view source.
  18. I don't know what kind of idiot would shell out their cash on such a domain. Probably for the satisfaction of having the longest domain name but still, it's stupid.The person who made it isn't impressing anyone, not even their mom.
  19. Welcome to AH, misfits_phreek! *Presents misfits_phreek with a slab of the AH welcome cake*I've never been to Hawaii before but I generalize it as a tropical beach. Is it like that in the islands?
  20. I have a question, or poll if you like. What drives your life? What is making you who you are right now? Be honest!EDIT: The driving force of your life could be consumerism, addiction, approval of others, etc. What's yours?
  21. Honestly, most people just put MIDIs onto their myspace. It's cool at first but after listening to the same song over and over again, it can be a real hassle for visitors. My advice would be to avoid adding music all together.
  22. As I was walking through a store today, I heard this horrific sentence uttered beside me:"I be hungry yo, i need some blue dorito." I mean, WTF?The blue dorito, not cooler ranch, but the "blue" dorito - not pluralized, mind you. And, "I be hungry, yo?" I'm sorry but did you mean, "I'm hungry?"Sweet Jesus, what is this world coming to?
  23. My name is Andy but you can call me DA. Anyway, I'll be a regular here. The web hosting is worth it, IMO.
  24. Hey qwijibow,A's hexidecimal value is 41 rather than 45.I was thinking of compiling an unpatched kernel to do this under Linux, but wouldn't that destroy the purpose?What I notice on Fedora Core 4. I can't overwrite the return address (EIP), so I thought about return into libc exploit, but again, I'm faced with NULL being the most significant bit then the case of random localisation of the memory address which isn't hard since it's commonly only 3 characters out of the address that change which means brute forcing it will definitely get it correct one way or another, but I'm still left with NULL being the significant bit which stops me in my tracks and the fact I still can't overwrite the return address.Lets see if Windows XP Pro SP2 still fails against this.MC
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