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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. YES...The PalmTop uses the RTOS(REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS).Hence that makes it an Embedded System.Even it is an shared LInUX System for the better security.
  2. That was a really good tutorial on C programming..plz move it to the tutorials..
  3. Well Sorry to say but you have really good sense of humour...Calm Down everybody gets screwed up some time..
  4. I feel that Internet Explorer is very miserable with the security concerns,But it is more of the buzz for FireFox rather than service that is bieng offererd by the FireFox.Like all the features that you have in FireFox is also supported by Opera,but nobody cares to appreciate Opera.
  5. I'm terrible at Poker :DEspecially that one on television that plays a lot. It's called like Texas Hold Up or something. That is so hard on me!! At least normal Poker, if it has a name, is giving me a chance to win. Got 1 royal flush once too haha. But yeah, it's an enjoyable game, but only as real life playing cards, not online game stuff. More fun playing it in real life
  6. I'm still holding my breath in anticipation :DI've read things like Control Arrays, but whether this has anything to do with it, I am not sure.Basically I want a similar effect to an OK/Apply like dialog, in which if data is changed it will enable the Apply button, but I want an effect where if all the requirements are met then it will enable the button.If it requires Control Arrays and this indexing method, then I guess that's the method I might test, but still please provide anything you have, because it sounds like your 15 textboxes compared to my 11 textboxes is what I'm after. The 2 textboxes above was just a small part of describing the problem.Cheers,MC
  7. I agreee that they are offerin 1gb but they are not providing mysql database and php,so that's the catch
  8. I feel u have had long hours on the net...You should take a break or a vacation.
  9. I am sure that Aliens do exist and we are not alone in this universe.There are many sightings of the aliens ships and nobody can deny this.
  10. I feel that if you are really new to Html and Php,then u shouls try sotwares like FlashSite Builder or even Xara Webstyle will be very handy for you.You can even try some of the free templates available on variety of Sites.
  11. Well i feel thatif you are trying or starting your own blo then The BlogHoster is the best blogging script available on the net,but it is not free.
  12. "this is the visual studio 2005 beta link click to go to microsofts programmer betas site!"
  13. OK, only been using VB6 for less than 2 weeks, but have gone passed expectations and have found things I have overlooked and am now needing either an explanation on how to do it or some good places they will clearly explain how to go about it.To be honest, I'm not wanting to learn this language, it's just a requirement that I must get out of the way before moving onto a much larger project.I will apologise now if I speak a lot of C/C++ Objects/Properties/Methods/Functions, I can explain programming better under this language.So back to VB,Just to ignore my program, lets say I have a simple form, it has 2 textboxes and a command button to process the information.Each textbox has field validation, using validate(), so it raises errors to the user as soon as they try leaving the box, so both text boxes must validate before they can leave that box then they can process the information.However, the first textbox can validate and instead of them changing focus to the second textbox, they click straight on the button, since the first textbox is valid, they're allowed to move on, but they skipped the second textbox and that's the problem.So I need a means to make sure that both fields contain information before allowing the information to be process. I don't want to use the process button to do this (but will if I can't get it working).So my intentions is, I'm going to disable this button and want to enable it when both textboxes contain valid information, which means they won't be able to bypass it.So how would I do this, I think it's called Object Validation, but I'm uncertain if that's VB terminology. While the textbox validation is Field Validation.So any clues, tips, sites anything that will help me?Cheers,MC
  14. I gotta say, the series went through something that I can't even explain. Part 1 was pretty cool, made me want a sequel real badly. Part 2 was like so-so, because it didn't really star who I hoped it to be, but at least it ended well for him. Now part 3, that was something. They used Jean and that was a nice feature. The main one was Suke though, damn was that cool. I gotta give this series a 9 for pretty awesome. I see they're also making a new one soon. Lets hope its as good or better!
  15. HL2 wasn't as bad as most think really though. I thought there should've been more to it though. Thing is, they're releasing more to the game soon called AFtermath or something. I hope this game can finally seal the game, or will it probably open up to a sequel? Anyways, it was pretty good throughout the game, and I hope AFter math really is a better addition, even though there aren't much gameplay and sorts to it I heard.
  16. I can't really choose between the SNK vs Capcom and the Soul Calibur. Those are just too amazing in their own style. I'd love to go online on these games sometimes. (PS2)
  17. 50 Cent Eminem The Game G-Unit
  18. Eclipse are so nice looking. Gosh, they are one of those I'd stare at for days just because of how it looks. Thing is, I feel the same for Impreza (Subaru). I can't really say which one is my best looking car to get one day, but man, I can' just imagine riding one of these new models when they come out >_< I totally love how the design looks on the Eclipse. Makes me wonder how is that possible to make something this beautiful. Impreza makes me feel the same too, but it also has things I can't even describe. Gosh, I can't continue talking about this, cause I'll be talking in a cycle that seems forever. One last thing though... I want one >_<
  19. I'm with Counter Strike here. Game is one of the on PC in my book. I also see a bright future in Battlefield 2. All Battlefield 2 have to do is get their act straight. Try to lessen lag, and not lie they have many different types of vehicles when basically the names on it is all that's different for each group.
  20. Halo/2 is basically the only thing that would want to make me buy an XBOX. That's only one game though, and I'd have to buy more games if I want a system. Yes, there are other games that really shine, just they stink for me really. Hopefully the XBOX 360 can change my mind, and make me buy their system too
  21. The problem sounds motherboard related, you say the fans are not working, which fans are these? The PSU sounds like it's working, even though you can not tell if the fan for it is working, most likely a silenced type PSU, try holding something light behind it like tissue paper to see whether the fan is working.It could have been a surge/spike, in which part or all of the motherboard will not function. It could be heat related in which the CPU has cooked itself, if the CPU had been running overclocked, it'd be best to clock it to normal speed. If the fan for the CPU was not running and there was only a heatsink in place, the CPU would still run, but overtime it would slowly be damaging itself.To rule out RAM and Video Card (if possible), you should remove them and then power on the computer to see if you can hear any indication from the internal speaker that these components are missing. If there's no indication, then we know the problem lies before these components are checked for.If there is sound, place the Video Card back in then test again, if there is sound then try the RAM, but if this is the case then the actual problem explained above makes no sense.How can you tell if there's power being supplied to the motherboard? Some motherboards have an onboard LED light, that switches on whenever it's connected to power. You also say that the lights on the computer light up which suggests it's getting the power from the motherboard.So should we be examining the CPU? This sounds like the problematic area, unless the motherboard is partially faulty.Cheers,MCP.S. I ignored the Hard Drive problem, since this is after the POST test and is not needed for bare essentials to have a computer running.
  22. In the early years, during the browser wars, I use to design pages for each site, which meant detecting what browser was used, and displaying the right page that was written to be compatible with the browser. This was at the time the only possible way of having your site formatted on each browser how you wanted it to look. I've given up on this method.I now write sites to standards and test them using different browsers, I then use CSS to fix the inconsistencies (CSS 1, 2 & 3). I use XHTML 1.0 Strict only because not enough browsers support newer standards yet, but when they do will be when I convert over. You really need to go through a lot of site designing before you can master writing a CSS file that will work on different platforms, different browsers, but when you do discover this, it'll become natural to always include those lines in your CSS file.The standards are there to help us design sites for our future selves (meaning when we're old and grey, for our sight, hearing, etc), not meaning for the future. It's also for everyone to be able to use your site.Cheers,MC
  23. Make sure both computers exist on the same Workgroup, Static IPs (not necessary), different Computer Names, Same subnet and IP class.The help file is a really good source of information (well, not completely true it states things that don't exist, or maybe should exist). Just read the help file about the networking, which shows how permissions work (similar to chmod but way different).You do not need the guest account. When using simple sharing, which is default and recommended, you must give Shares full access if you want anyone on your network to access it, strange but true and makes no logical sense. This is only for System critical directories and your own personal directories. So when you right click on say Program Files (System Critical Directory) you should be able to select Share this and then from there you turn on sharing and there should be another checkbox that appears which is not filled, it has something to do with full control, rights or similar, enable that too.I'm not too familiar with Windows XP Home, but if using NTFS then you have the ability to make your directory private, but if you're not using NTFS then you can ignore that part.If this does not work, then you'll need to look at your Firewall Settings and make sure that it's setup correctly to allow access to computers on your network, you could even disable it just to test it's not the cause of the problem. Windows XP's firewall automatically allows it, so if you do use that then that's not the problem.Test the other computer by pinging it and seeing if it responds, make sure the other computer's firewall allows ping, disable if you're uncertain. Ping by IP, ping by name, ping your own network IP, ping your own localhost IP.I may have missed out some things, but I just recently came across the same problem with trying to transfer files from one computer to the other, but eventually discovered, shares needed more than read only access if they were personal folders or critical system directories.Cheers,MC
  24. The Administrator claims that I have posted up spam within the past week that I have been here but I cannot recall doing so. Is there anyway of finding out what posts triggered this?
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