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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Newscasters on the scene NEED to keep it cool and not freak out and get the public freaked out. That causes mayhem and crazyness all around. Therefore in my opinion they should fire him and get someone else.
  2. I think that Area 51 is a place for small "TOP SECRET OMG LOOK AT ME!" experiments. Stuff gets done there but nothing REALLY important. To like draw attention away from the real thing. And I also think that they hire out people to spread rumors and plant 'evidence' that they got UFOs and the like hidden there. To make the public think UFO when they hear Area 51. I want to get hired out by the guys with the black trench coats and sunglasses and oddly shaped outlines in their pockets to spread false rumors about random top secret government projects! They prolly have someone moniterring this right now. Hi Mr./Ms. Government Worker!
  3. I appreciate your quick responses, and thank you even more for answering every one of my questions.I may have one or two more later but I'm just relieved you do answer them, because most other technical support groups do not.Thanks for you time and I might join the forum now, I've looked around it and it does have some very interesting topics, I hope it stays up for a long time, and speaking of that, how long has this server been up? Just out of curiosity.
  4. I have a few questions that seem relevant before I sign up, as I have never signed up on a web host that requires forum posting before. 1. Do we have the guarantee that we will never be made to post more times than is possible for our Internet allowance, (some teens have only so much time to keep even a small web site, and some adults have real jobs they have to do so it's hard to find time for posting on forums even if you like doing it.)Is there a set number of posts you have to make to keep you site active?2. If we are making that many posts a day and still haven't broken any of the rules written in the TOU's is there still a chance of our site being removed or deleted at the Admins discretion?3. Will the pages always be add free?4. Does the server provide regular backups or software available to the members to backup their sites on their schedules?5. If we make a thread on a subject already being discussed accidentally do we loose points?6. Must the members post the entire time his or her site is hosted here, or can they stop if they choose after a year or two?7. Do you provide free domain registration? (Silly question but I wanted to know)8. If the forum ever has a problem (IE, is down for maintenance or has been hacked into) and the members cannot get in to post, will the members sites run the risk of being deleted?Also are there any reasons (apart from Illegal content) that our sites might not be approved for?
  5. I think you are right, but then again, I just started using Linux recently (about 2 days ago). I had many problems during the installation of Fedora Core 4, however, after many tries, it installed finally. It kept showing that the installer failed (turned out, however, to be mostly a hard drive problem). I'm also having a problem with the sound card. Anyway, I really like the software that it comes bundled with.
  6. We got our nickname by of course the immortal Monty Python movies.We are now the Monty Python club.And we are now trying our best to get a club website.
  7. The program bit torrent is very safe. Now the files on the other hand, they can contain viruses and sorts without knowing it. It sucks to downlaod something just to see it contains some sort of virus in it. So it's not really in terms of the program, but the files you download, just like limewire and sorts. So just watch out what files you download, and stay away from obvious ones.
  8. One day I needed a nickname. I decided on this, but I'm not gunna tell you what it means, let your minds wander O.O
  9. Hi all! I'm new (as you could tell )....and thats all I have to say about that
  10. Its really horrible that so many are suffering. Our school is doing something or nother to help out. Bringing in food and medicine- things to help. I hadn't heard that New Orleans may not be lived in again. Has anyone heard anything about the French Quarters and if its ruined or not? Last I watched it was OK but water was still rising. That was about 2 days ago so I think my info is a little outdated.Also, does anyone know what Bush is planning on doing to help releif effort and stuff? Like bring a few troops home to help? I think a few can be spared, ya know?Oooh. I saw something in Time about global warming playing part of the destruction. Something to do with warm air fueling hurricanes.
  11. Is it an African or European swallow? Woot! A fellow Pythonite! I applaud your knowing of the airspeed velocity of swallows. Tis a brave effort in the world of coconuts and Irritating French men and the like.
  12. The mystery behind my name? Well it's a long story.....actually it's a pretty short one. I got tired of getting confused with all the other Matt's that I know, so I decided to embrace my hispanic heritage....and The Matt was already taken.
  13. I have a question for you....what's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
  14. Hi! We are a Monty Club in our school. So, this is to spread the Python love. Which is splendiferous. We are in Kentucky. There's about 30 of us, but only a few of us post and it will mostly be the same people posting. Ummm... What else? Ask us about Monty Python! We're knowledgable. Heheh. NI!
  15. thanks but i found that out after the first guy replies something just ticked in my head "more ports to open?"so i went and found the other tcp port so i opened those up and it ran like a charm thanks for your responses though, greatly appreciate it.
  16. Well, I like both MMORPG and FPS the same. I love the freedom you can get from a game like Final Fantasy XI, where you can roam anywhere, with lots of friends, or even random people, and explore the world they have stored for you. It's an amazing feat which is truly worth my 13 dollars a month. I recommend it to everyone.I also love FPS as much. Games like Counter strike and Battle Field 2 are amazing. Makes you feel the tense heat from a very close battle. Low on health but still pulling all the guns out, Gotta love that feeling. I've been playing Counter Strike since beta, and I'm still loving it. So yeah...those are my two best genres, I can't really say which one is better at all.
  17. Thanks for the site it looks good and just browsing through it you can see it is very helpful. Thanks
  18. All ive heard of is some heat problems from alienware but all the people i know that have alienwares say they are flawless but i for one would rather custom build a rig for less than half the price .
  19. I take my computer apart and dust it and besides from that im saving up money to buy new upgrades for it.
  20. Well Teamspeak 2 Is a dedicated server client and i turn it on and go to my router,I go to the firewall and thats where i forgot what to put if you can please help me the setup for my router firewall is as follows:Wan or Lan put ip source beginning then endWan or Lan put ip destination beginning then endPort type ts2 is 8767 UDP i got that part just the main IP entering part please if you can help me i have a D-link SI-524.
  21. I really dont believe that that is tru because we would have heard it every where not just in a magazine and second of all how do you empty a hiv cell?!?!
  22. This is a very hard game coulndt get past the fourth level. Good Luck to all
  23. PD was also my favorite for teh N64 besides super mario world 64. But i think that Joanna looks good in Zero.Im gonna get the 360 almost for certain and already have some money stached away.
  24. lol @ darkrangets link,but i use myspace and its fine and i only add pepple i meet in person but i got this site for maybe using it for a future site and basicaly for the cool furms .
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