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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. A lovely game, indeed. Thanks, Dark Ranger. I got a score of 7/10. It told me... I guess that's not a bad score, considering I've never seen any of those people before. Thanks a lot for another interesting Website, Dark Ranger.
  2. Being a dentist myself, I know a lot about biological pattern matching and nervous ophthalamic interpretation, but still, seeing things like this never seizes to amaze me . Specially since this particular chess board uses the added shadow of the cylinder to enhance the illusion. Brilliant!
  3. Well, you could start by going to... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It reviews an awful lot of PERL scripts used for Content Management. Some aren't free, naturally, but I'm sure you'll find more than one satisfactory script, that are free.
  4. Oh boy. I have to say that while I started surfing through this Website laughing, I ended up so freakin' mad and disgusted that I think I broke my left mouse button hitting the Close button on my browser. I mean, for the love of everything that's good and pure, this is not computer illiteracy, it's absolute mortal stupidity. Still, some of these incidents were pretty hilarious. I'm sure I'll take another look at this site soon. Thanks, Sarah.
  5. Sorry, but I can't help but say that this game is too boring for my taste. I lasted less than one minute at it, and I'm a man who likes games (and shamefully, breasts, too ).But I have to give the maker of this game some kudos for the coding. It must've given him quite a headache to make it.
  6. Wow. I just took a look at the MIT site, and I saw some of the prototype pictures drawn using the I/O Brush. My God, I can't believe how vivid these colors looked, how different from the palette colors we're so used to. Now I suppose the next logical step should be reducing the size and the diameter of the brush, giving artists the ability to substitute their normal brushes. Of course, this is going to take a while to go mainstream, but when it does, and when electronic drawing canvases and I/O brushes are not so expensive anymore, I expect nothing short of another Renaissance. Too optimistic? Not really, just a tad futuristic, perhaps. LoL.Anyway, thanks DarkRanger for the great post. It'd have been a shame if I hadn't read it.
  7. Why don't you simply e-mail the customer support at SPEWS.org itself? I personally haven't been a "banning" situation yet, so I don't think I can be much help here, unless you want purely a theoritical opinion. So just e-mail them, ask what happened, and when you find out, tell us so that we can avoid it!
  8. What about WordPress? Have you tried it yet? It's a terrific bloggin CMS software, if you ask me, and it can be simply configured to manage photoblogs as well. It's a free product, yet it still offers great value. It looks superb in the administration area, making it a breeze for you to customize it. And for your visitors, the product's Website offers hundreds of themes, so you can simply jump over there and take your pick. It doesn't require much, only PHP 4.1 and MySQL 3.23.23, which are readily available at most Web Hosts, including our beloved Xisto. It also supports Cross-blog communication tools, like TrackBack and PingBack. It allows full user registration and password protected posts, too. It also incorporates intelligent text formatting for extra line breaks, inappropriate end-of-lines, multiple white spaces, etc. Give it a shot. It's free, easy to setup, and quite easy to uninstall, too. Here's the link: https://wordpress.org/
  9. Well, there's always the ImageShack Photo Hosting Service. There are many things working for it... * It's a decent provider that's been in business for a while * It's totally free (unless you want to register to get a couple of extra options) * It offers hosting of unlimited number of pictures in all the mainstream file formats (but it has a file-size limit of 1024 KB) * It allows direct linking, meaning you can use the pictures you host there as a personal picture or avatar on blogs, product photo on ebay, etc. All in all, it's a great solution if you don't have your own hosting space and need to get one with decent advantages for free.
  10. I wonder why you're limiting your options in these two providers alone? There are other fish in the see, you know, and I'd personally rather go fishing. And better still, since I see you're a Hosted Member here at Xisto.com, then how about you make your own blog on your hosted web space? I mean, when you get right down to it, if you want features to exactly fit your wants, then you've got to do it yourself. I haven't used the blogger of Xisto yet, but I suppose even if it's not so earth-shaking, you can hunt for a blogger-script around the Net. There are some excellent, yet free, stuff out there. But anyway, if I had to choose between Xanga and MSN-Spaces, judging merely on the information you provided here, I'd go for MSN-Spaces.
  11. Yup, it's amazing how the Blu-rays will be able to hold up to about 50 gigs and also be the new compatibility game for a play station 3. I'm amazed it can jump from 8 gigs dual layered dvdr, to a huge 50 gig in just about 5 years. I wonder how xbox's hd-dvd will be able to keep up. Also, blu rays will get faster so players can play it better.
  12. It'll be cool to have virtual reality. I always thought that was a cool concept in the .dot hack saga. If that was possible, I wouldn't mind wasting my life on it every free chance I would get Games being virtual reality will truly be a far off next generation ownage.
  13. Naruto's much better than Dragon Ball Z/GT only because they don't have any 3 episode powering up like DBZ/GT. Dragon Ball was good though, the small Gokou, funny and fast like it should be. Naruto has potential to become greater once this filler arc ends.
  14. I think that games should pay to play if its necessary only. Not every game should do it, but the ones that really need the fundings to keep up the servers should. I enjoy playing Final Fantasy XI and love how they keep the servers up most of the time. There are few occasions where the servers need maintenance or down time, but for good reasons at least! Who wouldn't wind a server update in the middle of the night when you're probably a sleep, and have a brand new quest to do the following day? If that money goes to things like that, I'm certainly fine with it. The only other problem I would have is if they charge the monthly pay to an excessive amount. No way am I paying 25 bucks just to play it monthly, and had already spent 50 bucks to buy the game itself! That's just wrong of them to do so if I say so myself. Anyways, it just depends on the game how they should do it, and hopefully make use of our monthly pays.
  15. Hi!! Another very well constrcuted PHP Editor is PHP Expert Editor... http://www.ankord.com/phpxedit.html There's a downloadable Demo on the Homepage and if you like it, just order it, it's worth!! This Editor also knows HTML-CODE and creates easily mySQL requests!! Very useful for combining HTML and PHP for example ind phtml! ____________________ See you!
  16. If you just want to use it, to upload single files (or perhaps some more ;-) ) you can also use the Explorer... Just type your ftp address in the location-bar (like myserver.de) and <enter>, you'll be offered to enter your yousername and passwort and you can see your ftp-content as in the normal file-browser Hope, I could help!! ______________________ Sorry for my bad english, i'm from germany!!
  17. Difficult to solve your problem, I think!Perhaps it's easier if you work with mySQL, the name and password are put in the password-file and in the same script, the name, passwort and entered e-mail are saved in your database!If anyone lost his password, you can easier use your database to (re)send the password than the htacces-password-file!!Aditionally, i don't think that youre able to put anything else except the name und encryptet password in htaccess-pwd-file!!Correct me, if I should be wrong... __________________Sorry for my probably bad english, but I'm from germany
  18. Hi!!Very nice program, indeed... tried it an it has many advantages!!Another utility for making animated GIFs is ULEAD GifAnimator...Very smart to handle and good results!!You can download a Trial at Ulead-Homepage, just goooogle for it and you'll find _____________________JulianSorry for my bad english, but I'm from Germany
  19. Hi!! Yeah, i'm looking forward to this game... I have played PES4 for a very long time since the last year, and it's interesting though having played it so often!! The only thing I played, was the PES5 DEMO... you can choose between 4 teams and play a single half! Graphics are fantastic by comparison to PES4... in my opinion it's now more realistic than before because of the new ball control (ball jumpes away from the foot, etc...) Can't wait for playing the full version!! __________________ Julian (Sorry for my bad english, living in Germany!! ;-) )
  20. i could teach ya if i hav time o.o( u noe coding stuff on the game) but mostly i'm free ^^ xD so u can ask me a bunch of question but from tomorrow i won't be on or will i..i got things to studies..exams is coming so i won't be on often.
  21. Cool i got a game there...its like 3 times hosted a week :S xD...Ownage lol although the codings gives dizzyness
  22. Have any one of you gone here before?If not you should really go there its a 2D base online game...there are many 2d online game such as dbz,naruto,bleach and etc...you should check it out here's the Link http://www.byond.com/
  23. If ya found Pro Evolution Soccer 5 in the stores try to buy it.The Graphics are better and the AI is kinda hard though specially if its hard mode.Its Graphics are better than the old ones though.You should give that game a try its really cool
  24. No i will be stronger than u RAWR anyway i gtg go take shower now xD
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