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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Well, first off to create them, you need a program called 3D Studio Max, which is very complicated in my opinion. There are loads of Halo multiplayer maps for download just simply on the net for PC version, and Xbox live for Xbox. Ah search engines...
  2. Half life 2 is amazing. I got it recently and now I'm stuck fighting off tons of combine with a small collection of automatic turrets in Nova Prospekt. My game is faulty because it crashes at every loading screen, but I don't care, it's amazing. 2 thumbs up!
  3. Not being nasty or anything, but Shadow the Hedgehog is quite possibly the biggest let down in the history of all Sonic games. I read up on a website a review a few days before it came out and they deemed it "Sonic Adventure 4: Gun Edition" and the said it's worse than it sounds. Making a game about a spin-off character is just wrong and the guns in the game are practically useless, and he can run faster than the vehicles he can drive.I think Shadow the Hedgehog is a big no-no for gaming.
  4. Unix never really used file extensions though but they also didn't have a problem with file extensions, they never limited how long a file extension could be. It wasn't until Windows 95 that thousands of sites started appearing with .htm, though .htm existed, it was more apparent at this time (Windows 95 did not understand long filenames till later versions). All this due to FrontPage and because of the 3 letter extensions Windows always relied on. There were DOS web servers around, just as Apache can run from just a console. The limitations of DOS however caused the extension problems, which case, everyone just decided to go that way, so that it'd work for more people, but now that things have moved on, and these limitations should not be around, I think it's time to actually go with the proper extension. Cheers, MC
  5. I went on Habbo once. Ack, I mean once. I really find it pointless, so I got bored and never went on it again. Then again, there are some Habbo junkies out there who spend every living moment on it, it may well be quite addictive to some, but it's not for me.
  6. There is no DOCTYPE for PHP, because PHP is a scripting language, it's not a web language for documents. You are most likely using PHP to output (X)HTML so you should use a DOCTYPE that works for that language and make sure your scripts output correctly.I use PHP extensively, I also know what type of documents I'm using it to output which is mostly XHTML 1.1, Everything I do web wise should be standard compliance, everything I want to do web wise will be standard compliance. I don't like IPB because of how many errors it produces, while it tries to conform to XHTML 1.0 Transitional (an easy DOCTYPE to pass in my opinion, yet it fails). IPB still uses deprecated elements for bold, italics and underline, and because it doesn't allow people to modify it, it will remain that way till their developers think seriously about it.If you're looking for a forum software that does it's best keeping to XHTML 1.0 Strict, then I would have to recommend PunBB which is quite clean, not so many features, and fast to load, which I'm currently looking at cleaning up it's code and implementing more features into it.As for a PHP editor, tsWebEditor is quite good and another called PHP Developer (I think). It doesn't matter what editor I use, but these ones may help you out.Cheers,MC
  7. What most routers do is block unauthorised inbound connections but not outbound unless specified. Unfortunately it's not a hardware firewall and should not be used as your only defense.Those software firewalls have the advantage of blocking programs on the inside from the outside. E.g. if you ever got infected with a trojan or virus, the firewall might have the ability to stop it from contacting home, your router however allows most outbound connects from computers within the network, so if nothing prevented the viruses or trojans on the inside, then it's more than likely they can contact home.I guess that's the main difference, though a router does have the advantage of being the outter most node and handling the inbound connections and preventing server connections to your computer.Cheers,MCP.S. Just wanted to note also, If you got infected with a virus that sets up a server, then nothing could connect to it though, unless you set this up in the router also, but if the virus wanted to contact home it could.
  8. I think MYSQL since it is more popular to me and all, They seem to be the more proffesional to me, I would go MYSQL also because it is more supported
  9. I think astrahost is the BEST!!!!!!!! I mean NO ADS, NO POPUPS, NO BANNERS The really cool credit system they have All the others have ads or poppups or some catch but ASTRAHOST doesn't It's the BEST service I've seen! KEEP it up you guys your the BEST I also like this posting system you have!
  10. iGuest


    I'm new here and I would like to say "Hi". As I am new here I have a few questions.1. How many credits would I normally get?2. What is the minimum/maximum credits I could get?3. Is it possible to get a free domain name from you?
  11. No matter what, every electrical appliance with a rechargable battery begins to die after about a year of use. It can't be helped, just, prolonged. Like what Moody said earlier, only charge it once the battery has ran out, and then charge it until it's full, or else you could find yourself with a completely dead, unusable battery in a matter of months.
  12. Hi everyboy, Oflate I faced great difficulty to pass additional parameters in mod_rewrite urls. I'll tell it from the beginning to help you understand exactly what was the problem. I have urls in my webpages which are like this one: mydomainname.com/index.php?category=category_name And I wanted the url to look like this ( a more search engine friendly form): mydomainname.com/category/category_name.htm So I applied mod_rewrite rule as per usual practice. RewriteEngine OnRewriteRule ^category/([^/\.]+).htm$ index.php?category=$1& [L] In my earlier post in a similar topic here , I have made it clear what these notaions stand for. Here is the link to my previous post. Now when I require to pass an additional parameter like : mydomainname.com/index.php?category=category_name&country=country_name I found it was not that all easy. I got some idea about how to accomplish that in a post at doriat.com but it did not work for me. So I had to try for something different. Finally, I passed the additional parameter with the mod_rewrite url in this way: mydomainname.com/category_name|country_name.htm without making any change in the aforesaid RewriteRule. And used $qry_string=$_GET["category"]; to retrieve the value stored there. Then I exploded the $qry_string variable to seperate the stored value into two parts. $qry_string_exploded=explode("|",$qry_string); And finally I retrieved the values like $category= $qry_string_exploded[0];$country=$qry_string_exploded[1]; I think, this is a simple solution to pass additional query strings in mod_rewrite urls. Regards, Sid
  13. Last time I downloaded anything like that it screwed my PC up so much it kept turning itself off every 5 minutes.My solution is every week or so, run some "computer house keeping" by running a scandisk, virus scan, registry cleanup, anti-spyware scan, get all of your virus definitions up to date, disk defragment, etc. It keeps my computer running smoothly, and with 256mb of RAM and a Pentium 2 processor I can't let things slip otherwise it's irreversible. My old computer is rotting under the stairs now. I can't use that any more.
  14. This is funny ;)Where do people come up with these things? Ah well, I also mess around with translating software, and nearly every time if you translate something into one language and the change it back it comes out as something completely different
  15. I recently found a game on the net called Dogs of the Seas (dogsoftheseas.com) and it looks like a really good game, but I don't exactly know how to play it. I'm sure at least one person out there knows how it goes so... Any help?
  16. The difference would probably be more towards who is more closer to Javascript standards and whether the script is standard compliant. You'd have to look at EMCAScript 262 to find out whether the script in question is following standards or not. Because of the different implementations that was used with Microsoft JScript and Netscape Javascript a lot of this had to be standardise.Firefox has chosen to work closely with standards on this, so that could be a reason why it works fine in IE but not on Firefox.Cheers,MC
  17. Always use .html, the three letter extension was due to Windows 8.3 filenaming convention used in DOS because it could not understand 4 letter extensions or long filenames. html is the proper extension and should always try to use this instead of htm.Cheers,MC
  18. Hello to all the members of the community.Its great that I found this wonderful community.more power to all ('',)
  19. Can you shed some code examples, usually it just depends on the order in which you load the scripts. Also if the script performs an action that requires a function, that function must be known before it's called, the only way around that is calling the action when everything is loaded, or reordering your functions.In that example shown, it shows that the function is loaded first and then the action to calling it is in the next file, you could not do this the other way around because that function would be undefined. Whatever you are doing, it sounds like you would be best using a class.Cheers,MC
  20. As far as I know Dreamweaver MX does not run on it, but I could not find my CD to verify this but a lot of discussion on this says it's not successful, though they were pretty dated talks about it, it may have improved by now. I know it runs using Cross Over.If I find my CD, I'll definitely give it a go and see whether it'll install from CD, or whether it'll install from a pre-installed directory on Windows.Alternatives you could try out are: Quanta Plus, N-Vu or BluefishCheers,MC
  21. What operating system are we talking about?You can lock anyone out except a Super User (Administrator), if you need to lock them out then I guess you would need tools to do this.On Linux, to lock a User out (using root), "chown User:User" where User is the User you'd like to have complete rights to it, then "chmod 700 directory" and now only that user or a Super User can access it.Under Windows it's more complicated, most often every user is an Administrator, though you can lock them out, they can still add themselves to the directory and view it. I'll let someone else answer this side of things, since they might be able to suggest some tools you can use or configure it properly.Cheers,MC
  22. How are you accessing Awstats? Through your CPanel (Analysis/Log Files | Web/FTP Stats | Awstats? How long have you been hosted for? Usually Awstats takes upto 48 hours before it can report any stats, if your site hasn't been running for that long, then it could be a possibility. From that error message, it seems the awstat.conf file was not created, if you want to give it a go creating it, then you need to create a text file called: awstats.welcometothefair.com.conf and put it in the directory: /tmp/awstats In that file you would want: LogFile="/usr/local/apache/domlogs/welcometothefair.com"LogFormat=1DNSLookup=0DirData="/home/miazom/tmp/awstats"DirCgi="/tmp/awstats"DirIcons="/images/awstats"SiteDomain="welcometothefair.com"HostAliases="welcometothefair.com http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; favicon.ico$"OnlyFiles=""NotPageList="css js class gif jpg jpeg png bmp"ValidHTTPCodes="200 304"URLWithQuery=0WarningMessages=1NbOfLinesForCorruptedLog=50SplitSearchString=0Expires=0WrapperScript=""LevelForRobotsDetection=1 # 0 will increase AWStats speed by 1%.LevelForBrowsersDetection=1 # 0 disables Browsers detection. No speed gain.LevelForOSDetection=1 # 0 disables OS detection. No speed gain.LevelForRefererAnalyze=1 # 0 will increase AWStats speed by 6%.UseFramesWhenCGI=1MaxRowsInHTMLOutput=1000Lang="en"DirLang="/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/share/awstats/lang"ShowHeader=1 # Show AWStats head title and iconShowMenu=1 # Show menu header with links on detailed reportsShowMonthDayStats=1ShowDaysOfWeekStats=1ShowHoursStats=1ShowDomainsStats=1ShowHostsStats=1ShowAuthenticatedUsers=1ShowRobotsStats=1ShowPagesStats=1ShowCompressionStats=0 # Show report of compression stats when using mod_gzipShowFileTypesStats=1ShowFileSizesStats=0 # Not yet availableShowBrowsersStats=1ShowOSStats=1ShowOriginStats=1ShowKeyphrasesStats=1ShowKeywordsStats=1 # Not yet availableShowHTTPErrorsStats=1MaxNbOfDomain = 25MaxNbOfHostsShown = 25MinHitHost = 1MaxNbOfLoginShown = 10MinHitLogin = 1MaxNbOfRobotShown = 25MinHitRobot = 1MaxNbOfPageShown = 25MinHitFile = 1MaxNbOfRefererShown = 25MinHitRefer = 1MaxNbOfKeywordsShown = 25MinHitKeyword = 1FirstDayOfWeek=1DetailedReportsOnNewWindows=1ShowFlagLinks="en fr de it nl es"ShowLinksOnUrl=1MaxLengthOfURL=72ShowLinksToWhoIs=0LinksToWhoIs="https://www.whois.net/default.aspx = 260BarHeight = 180StyleSheet=""color_Background="FFFFFF" # Background color for main page (Default = "FFFFFF")color_TableBGTitle="CCCCDD" # Background color for table title (Default = "CCCCDD")color_TableTitle="000000" # Table title font color (Default = "000000")color_TableBG="CCCCDD" # Background color for table (Default = "CCCCDD")color_TableRowTitle="FFFFFF" # Table row title font color (Default = "FFFFFF")color_TableBGRowTitle="ECECEC" # Background color for row title (Default = "ECECEC")color_TableBorder="ECECEC" # Table border color (Default = "ECECEC")color_text="000000" # Color of text (Default = "000000")color_textpercent="606060" # Color of text for percent values (Default = "606060")color_titletext="000000" # Color of text title within colored Title Rows (Default = "000000")color_weekend="EAEAEA" # Color for week-end days (Default = "EAEAEA")color_link="0011BB" # Color of HTML links (Default = "0011BB")color_hover="605040" # Color of HTML on-mouseover links (Default = "605040") color_u="FF9933" # Background color for number of unique visitors (Default = "FF9933")color_v="F3F300" # Background color for number of visites (Default = "F3F300")color_p="4477DD" # Background color for number of pages (Default = "4477DD")color_h="66F0FF" # Background color for number of hits (Default = "66F0FF")color_k="339944" # Background color for number of bytes (Default = "339944")color_s="8888DD" # Background color for number of search (Default = "8888DD")LoadPlugin="geoipfree" You could configure it more if you like, but this is a standard config. If this is too much, then you can also leave this in the hands of our techs to set it up for you if you like? Cheers, MC
  23. Hi everybody, If you are using Windows OS and want to enable mod_rewrite module here is how to do it. This is the general configuration guideline both for Windows and Linux server: For Windows, find the following section in httpd.conf file: Now modify the option for AllowOverride to look like this: <Directory /> Options All AllowOverride All </Directory> This small modification in httpd.conf file will enable mod_rewrite in Windows server. An excellent website that gives in-depth discussion on mod_rewrite is http://www.doriat.com/ '>Doriat.om- Mod_Rewrite Tutorials Board. Regards, Sid
  24. I'll try and explain it, but I don't think I can make a good explanation. LEA is Load Effective Address, it's basically a direct pipeline to the address you want to do calculations on without affecting any flags, or the need of pushing and popping flags. It's also used in repetitve things, in your code I'll try to explain: funtction1:1. pushl %ebp #2. movl %esp, %ebp #,3. subl $4, %esp #,4. movl $10, -4(%ebp) #, A5. leal -4(%ebp), %eax #, tmp59 THIS LINE !!!6. addl $66, (%eax) #, A7. leave8. ret 1. push ebp 2. copy stack pointer to ebp 3. make space on stack for local data 4. put value 10 in A (this would be the address A has now) 5. load address of A into EAX (similar to a pointer) 6. add 66 to A ... don't think you need to know the rest So hopefully that explains it, remember in some circumstances when doing calculations, like adding, subtracting, etc you affect different flags, in this way, you aren't affecting any flags and are performing the calculations directly to it. Useful for repetitive work. What I find is, usually what is before LEA instructions, is what LEA will mimic, and what is after LEA is what it will do. You could have just worked out everything and pushed the results at the end, but I guess this way is better/faster, etc. By the way, I wrote an empty Hello, World tutorial too but I could have made it more informative I agree. I wrote a tutorial here once on Assembly and it was quite packed but unfortunately, it disappeared and I think that it's no longer is here, nor did I have a backup copy of it, it was basic but explained how to go about using all the information Linux provides you with so you could do simple things like writing and reading, etc which would have helped people understand Shellcoding that's for sure Cheers, MC
  25. All about doctor who new series Does anyone know what the storylines are in the next few episodes, i cant wait!!!
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