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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. O.o, never seen M^E this mad before. Musta really got under his skin...
  2. If it is pure css "tooltip" style pop-ups you want, go here and have a look. I have been told that if you have an image as the 'span' item it works to display the image, but I haven't done it with images yet, personally. Maybe in a spare moment I will try it and see how it goes, but this tooltip procedure works to produce nicely styled "tooltips", and I can't see why it wouldn't work. It uses the display:none techniques discussed above, but no javascript. Here is the critical portion of the css. Notice how the hover changes from display:none to display:block. There is more to it, so read the tutorial linked above. a.info span{display: none}a.info:hover span{ /*the span will display just on :hover state*/ display:block; position:absolute; top:2em; left:2em; width:15em; border:1px solid #0cf; background-color:#cfc; color:#cc3366; text-align: center}
  3. I prefer the origional snes version of the game to any other. After the first year, the gamecube version got boring, and I never played any others. :PYep, definetly the origional.
  4. SELECT *FROM cscp_mojt_prefsWHERE 'admin.php'LIMIT 0 , 30 like i said SELECT clause do not use database name as parameter... and why do you need admin.php in where clause?are you at all familiar with SQL ? or is this your first time using SQL?may i ask what do you wish to accomplish with those commands?
  5. geeee gggooooddiiieeee!!!i've been looking for this thanks a bunch!!*million kisses to bridgebuilder*
  6. when i look at your post it seems like, you are very very new to mysql right? no offense intended, iam quite new to it too i thin when you said SELECT*FROM 'database name' WHERE 'location', you are try ing to access the database? correct? because 'database name' is not a parameter of SELECT CLAUSE so is 'location' if you are trying to access the database use there command in mysql console command use your_database_name;Select * from your_table_name WHERE link = '$your_search_parameter'; in php $host = "your_hostname"; $user = "your_userid"; $pass = "your_password"; $db = "your_Database_name"; $connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die ("Unable to connect 1!"); mysql_select_db($db) or die ("Unable to select database!"); $query = "Select * from your_table_name WHERE link = '$your_search_parameter'"; there you go ^^ Regards Coffeemug
  7. Hello everyone,This really looks like a very nice Web Host and I am glad I found thisI am Manwho and I am 14 years old so of course I'm a student. My hobbies are cricket and football, and of course websites and forums, which is why I am here.This really looks like a nice place and I hope i enjoy my stay here and contribute well to the forum
  8. A Virus infects... that's how I describe Viruses.This however is just a malicious program/script that deletes files.To make it successful, there's some Windows files that you can single out for specific deletion and would not be presented with a confirmation, even renaming it would work, moving however wouldn't because it'd most likely be read-only and require confirmation. Those files can be found in Windows and System32.I'm not sure whether you can force windows into interactive mode, in which every action done in DOS requires user input. I know I've set up bash so that commands like rm, cp and mv all require actions by the user before going ahead with it, also the most damage a script as such would do would be removing my home directory (if that file was owned by me), however it will get interrupted because some files would be locked (in use). If it were owned by root, that's a different story, and definitely something to be concerned about.Cheers,MC
  9. You mean like a rollover effect, you hover over an image and it changes to another image? Or you mean you hover over an image and another window pops up showing another image? If it's the rollover effect, both can be done using Javascript and CSS. If it's the window pop up, that would be Javascript only, using onmouseover though CSS could do similar but it would not be a seperate window. If you can provide a link to what you mean, then I might be able to explain how it works. Cheers, MC
  10. What is happening is you're running the PHP interpretter, which is a console program, that will pop up display your PHP results, then exit. This isn't what you are wanting to happen. The interpretter is good for knowing problems with your script before hand, but you must launch it in a console. What you want to do is store your PHP files in your web directory that XAMPP sets up for you, then you would view them by opening your browser and typing LOCALHOST/this_page.php where this_page.php is the name of the php file you want to open in your web directory. Cheers, MC
  11. Thanks a lot.But a problem...may be the victim understand and doesn't runthe file...so(it is clear to understand)what way do you use???
  12. Glitches aren't something I really want to show off about. They're simply minor annoyances that get in the way of fair gameplay. I could find loads of glitches in the first game, my friend used them all the time, and it took all the fun out of the game. Glitches aren't fun to find, nor are they fun to use. I mean yeah, you may be hiding from your friend in an otherwise impossible location, but it gives you an unfair advantage. If anyone used a glitch to their advantage whilst I was playing them on Xbox Live I'd be very annoyed and probably quit.It's pointless. Just, don't do it.
  13. That would be so cool. You could watch your friend on his way to your house. A tracking feature would be nice too, so the camera stays with him all the time. It'd take a lot of satellites though...I always knew that Microsoft are bent on world domination or something, they tried taking the console business a few years back and so far so good, the Xbox is amazing. It won't be long before we have Microsoft phones and stuff.
  14. Nobody ever wanted to play as the arbiter, hes a load of rubbish. He's identical to the Master Chief in every way, except he can go invisible and is on the other team. It's just like Shadow the Hedgehog, he's a rip-off.I agree that Halo 1 is best for replay value, but Halo 2 is unmatched for multiplayer matches, especially when you have the multiplayer map pack installed (Turf OWNS). I like the idea that you can climb up onto another person's vehicle and rag them off it, but I also dislike not being able to squash people in a warthog as easily. Also, I don't like the noise the new assault rifles make, the clackety sound, it doesn't sound very realistic or futuristic to me, the assault rifle from Halo 1 were much better.The two games are very evenly matched. It very much depends on what you buy a game for.
  15. So basically you want a proxy/router/gateway PC. Well considering this, I'm thinking Coyote Linux would be the best option as it's a router PC plus Firewall, so you'll have an added avantage using it to control access of who's allowed out and not, you can also configure bandwidth usage for each individual user, etc.You would place this computer between the router, and the switch of the network, that way it is not possible for direct connections to the internet without going through this computer, so it acts like a kind of proxy/gateway.Of course Windows can also do this too, which means setting it up as a gateway, but I'm not sure about how easily configurable it is.Cheers,MC
  16. I've used a similar decoder by the name of GIF Movie gear.Quite a good program, and works well.
  17. Quite true.I wouldn't be going around asking how to attach a keylogger. Bit suss.
  18. I'm not sure about Laptop LCD screens but LCD screens usually tell you what the resolution and refresh rates should be for optimal display.You can alter the size of it by editing your xorg.conf file and just specifying the exact specifications required, just make sure you backup this file first and that you have the MandrivaCD incase you need to do a rescue and revert back to the old one.Cheers,MC
  19. If you apply for hosting here, you can easily create the database used for a login system on a forum. However it's best to use the forum's software to create the database for you so that the configuration matches your host that will be hosting it and that it is correct for your software. Also all the tables etc would be setup by the forum software. Cheers, MC
  20. Did you change your FTP software or is that a basic summary of your log. It seems now that you're being refused to connect on this server at all now which wasn't the results that you had in the other log. The server seems to be up, so probably have to get a technician in to check this out, might be possible your multiple connections may have seemed like a hack attempt so it could have blocked your access. If you're not connecting with your domain name, you should try that too, although the IP address should work as well. Cheers, MC
  21. hi I wish have a good time excuse me if i didn't post for one week ago. I was in a travel and there was no internet connection so I couldn't... OK...I think there is no problem now,to continue. this is a wonderful and very useful teach and you can make your computer diffrent. Let's start: in every part you should run the "Run" item from start menu and write regedit and after that Enter. You will see a window which we want work with that. This window is very important part in Windows. You can control maybe everything here. Be careful...it can be dangrous too. In all of codes you may need to restart or log out of Windows for the change to take effect. So at first: Start Menu===>Run==(Write)==>regedit==(Press)==>Enter I'll inform some useful codes: 1. In this one you can Disable/Remove the Minimize, Maximize and Close Tooltips 2.You can do this with the codes below: Disable Media Player Update Message 3.You can do this with the codes below:Disable Error Reporting 4.You will Disable Low Disk Space Message with these codes 5.You can do this with the codes below:Disable Search Assistant 6.You can:Change the Text in Internet Explorers Title Bar 7.you can Disable Auto-Run of Windows Messenger! 8.This is a way to how to Change Name and Company Information After You Install Win XP 9.In this way you may Change the Title of Windows Media Player (It didn't work for me! you try) 10.And in last one you will: Remove "All Programs" Button from the Start Menu Please excuse me if they are repeated.(I don't want to spam) I'll teach seconde part if you think is good. I'm waiting for your opinion. Thanks a lot. Notice from szupie: From http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  22. Actually it's the complete opposite. There were so many spelling mistakes because people were typing too fast on the old layout that they reorganised it to slow people down. But now poeple can type just as fast now, if not faster than before, but there aren't as many spelling mistakes. This layout makes people think about where they're putting their fingers so it minimizes mistakes. This is what I heard a few days back. In ICT I think...
  23. My friend bought 1mil gp from Ebay... Haha... He used it within a month. Personally I think that purchasing items for a game with real money is cheating. It takes the fun out of the game.Why do you mine? To get money.Why do you smith? To get money.Why do you wander off into the wildy to get big bones? To get money.If you jus buy the stuff, then you take all the "fun" (Personally I think it's a rather boring game) out of the game. It ruins it.*Ahem* Thankyou for listening.
  24. This look's great! I already have a game maker but that's only for RPGs, a game maker like this will really help me. (RPGs get boring after so long) I don't like the idea of having a gamemaker logo right there while running a game but ah well, it's free.
  25. You mean when you go to your site it doesn't show up? try this link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If that link works, it's possibly DNS issue, which would be related to your ISP, but your FTP shows it resolves it properly. So maybe your password is incorrect, which sometimes can happen. I just tested seeing if I could view your site and it showed up fine. Maybe someone has already looked at it and fixed it, or it fixed itself. Cheers, MC P.S. Sorry just noticed your problem, your username is marretas not marretasfc
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