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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. sweet thanks.this is really great i've been looking for one if thease for a long timeThanks.-joshua
  2. Lol yeah it dose but i like it lol so i'm sticking with it
  3. No his father is the 4th hokage and his mom is actually a woman named kushina uzumaki. Go to : http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kushina_Uzumaki Tsunade cannot be his mother because she is 50.And the supposed "boss" of Pein is Tobi. -reply by Danielle Roller
  4. I'm impressed that you guys have so many goals in life. As oppose to you, I don't have any...No goals...No passion at all. I just have my bachelor in science and I'm looking for a job but I don't think to stay with that kind of job forever. It might be a little late to say that I'm lost, however, I hope to bump into something that can turn into a passion someday...-reply by Sleepyneko
  5. Replying to Trap FeedBackerThanks for the config file. Boosted my framerate from 35 - 56 in video stress test. Can't wait to try it out on a server.-reply by Moby
  6. Killer Ant Movie Ideas Happy Valley was a happy town. Kids artfully played like dancing lizards across the vacant suburban streets. Happy Valley was happy. Doors could be left unlocked, animals left unchained and unattended. Everything seemed perfect, and of course, everything was perfect. This utopia feared no evil, simply because evil was non-existent. <Enter dark music> That was ... Until Leroy Jenkins strolled into town. <Cut - End Cue. Movie idea not horror flick.. Call it discovering aliens, but we're the aliens.> -reply by Comedic Tones
  7. I agree about that what you have written, they don't care if 15$ dollar dose not come come to them because they are getting alot of dollars every month, I have a magazine about PC Games(Games For Windows 2007),in the magazine it was written that millions of players have joined WOW,you can now just imagine of how many money will they get 15x100000 = 1500000$ which is alot -reply by Stirker
  8. Emily Brunsted What Do You Do When You Love Two People? Replying to Trap FeedBacker Emily, I read your situation. I am in a similar one too, a little less complicated. I'm in love with my ex-boyfriend of 5 years, who left me last year. He still loves me as I love him too. During the past year, I fell in love with another man. We dated for 6 months. I love and miss them both. I miss my ex because I'm so in love with him and feel like we're destined to be together. But I miss the other man because he is my soul mate and he treats me better. How did your situation work out? Michelle -reply by Michelle
  9. Yo mama so fat her cereal came with a life guard
  10. Why not have PDA??? Should Students In School Show Pda's Okay I'm only 15 but I think PDA is stuipd..I mean why cant kids hug? High school students should be able to kiss and hug..But if they were to go future than that.I can totally understand..Cause if students were touching each other where there not suposse to I can soooooo understand..Just help m and see what yew think about PDA... -reply by Tayler_love
  11. I buy the crap I buy every month online through my own business, and last year I made over 3000. This year I am looking at about 60000, and I helped set up some people and get some customers. The guy that is helping me is making over half a million a year. If you want to make money online you cant do it through sites that are willing to give it away for free. Because nothing in life is something for nothing. Anything worthwhile takes work.-reply by Joel
  12. Replying to Mjay06Just had to point out that if you google We Didn't Start the Fire you'll find it's a song by Billy Joel that references a catalogue of headline events during his lifetime, from March 1949 to 1989. -reply by Isaac
  13. 502 server error Gmail: 502 Server Error Hey The topic name says it all. Well I have been trying for the last half an hour to log into my GMail account, but it kept on occurring a Server 502 error. Just wondering if it is just me or...Yeah. -reply by pooja rana
  14. 1.Ogame2.Empire Earth exp. Pack3.Civ iv4.Conquer Club (risk online)5.Runescape (and ashamed of it)-reply by Eliminator15
  15. Replying to VolcomI don't like the graphics or the players or the noobs... But that story was the best thing about runescape I have ever heard. Lol, that was funny. It took a while to read though. When I was a noob I died every time I got on. Level 55 now, I get on every now and then, throw up in disgust, go up into wildy, kill a few noobs, and leave.-reply by Eliminator15
  16. Replying to CainI really liked all of the music from the game. I actually just put the laptop by my bed, and just put on the song. It put me pretty fast to sleep.-reply by Eliminator15
  17. Pimpida Do You Know The Meaning Of Your Name? In which language Pimpida means Sunlight -reply by jad
  18. Blood Sweat & TEars - I Love You Moe Than Youll Ever knowVery Good Slow rock another is House for sale by Lucifer band.
  19. good "graphics" computer Laptop Computers Replying to Trap FeedBacker One of the best graphics intensive computers out there is going to be HP. They have nvidia graphics cards, which in my opinion of one of the best. Depending on your budget, is the quality you are gonna get. If your budget is low, I would look into a gateway. You probably think gateway is a POS, cuz honestly they use to be. Acer bought them out, and they are one of the best out there now. Look into the acer 1625 for a budget compatible computer that is still rocking. Just because it is inexpensive, does not mean it's a cheap computer. If you aren't looking for a particular brand, then find a computer that has an AMD Turion processor, preferably dual core. They are the fast processors for graphic intensive application and don't **** a battery like crazy. Also I would go for an nvidia graphics card. Best out there as of today is the 8800 series, but the 7000 series is still really good. Let me know if this helps or if you have any other questions -reply by Travis
  20. How to Merge internet connection? Boost Up Dial Up Speed I have two will phone net connections. These phones are given 115 kpbs speed only. But I want to merge two net connections for 230 kpbs. If it is possible. Please help me. -question by Pavan Kumar
  21. 1.Soundgarden-Blackholesun2.Escape the Fate-Makeup3.Incubus-Mexico4.Sourstone-Through the Glass5.The Cure- Pictures Of you-reply by EmotionalWreak
  22. My 10 favorite songs Your Top 10 Fav Songs 1: Evanescence - Like You 2: The Coasters - Down in Mexico 3: Puscifer - Revelation 22_20 4: Tyler Bates - Message for the Queen(300 soundtrack) 5: Marilyn Manson - Putting Holes in Happiness 6: Lacuna Coil - Within Me 7: Janet Jackson - Feedback 8: Kathleen Battle - Lovers 9: Sheryl Crow - If It Makes You Happy 10: The Killers - Tranquilize -feedback by evy13
  23. i would like to learn animation i think it would be kool to make them if any one can point me in the right direction to start it would be great help.Thanks.-Joshua
  24. Replying to TikiPrincessMyn would have to be eitherRick James- SuperfreakTyler Bates - Message for the Queen
  25. you can also wrap it in saran wrap.-joshua
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