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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Replying to ZlashYou know, if you press W repeatedly in the last sequence, the Hitman will raise from the dead and you can shoot around
  2. answer Does Anybody Play On Battleon.Com ? Replying to mtxto answer you're first question just click where you want to go and to answer you're second question increase you're level -reply by John Orlando
  3. how i call auto cad file into c Source Code For Paint Like Program Under Dos In C I have problem to call auto cad file to c .. I want any auto cad file to be insert into c program and doing co ordinate operation on it -reply by rahul
  4. I bought it from amazon.com. It ships out Thursday the 13th, and it'll probably come by the 15th. I hope it comes on saturday, so I can play for 2 whole days.
  5. money guide for members shortend. Runescape Money Guide Well you guys are giveing to much details for members. Look, get 10 crafting, go to a flax field with a bank nearby. I prefer camelot, but others work too. Ok, anyways go to a flax field get 3k flax. Seems alot but its easy only 12 iventory loads for 3000,3k. And sell for 200ea that should get you 303k if your not happy with that go for 10k flax for 2m!! correction when I say flax, I mean bow string. Also known as bs.! thank you and have a nice day!! add me on runescape zothor25 -reply by mr 0wnage
  6. I'm still using Xisto, I just wanted a domain that doesn't have my site's name as the prefix, like soniccyclone.spruz.com or soniccyclone.ipbfree.com. I perfer having www as the prefix. I'm a bit neurotic in that way, sorry...
  7. I'll be getting a vista later, but I've used my Grandma's laptop which has Vista, and I have used XP, and I think that XP was a bit faster, wheras vista took a long time to load but ran fine. I like the way Vista is now, but if it doesn't support the stuff I want to install, my opinion will change.
  8. I've got a few.Don't act like a jerk to anyone.Don't act like you're so amazing. That ticks people off.Don't advertise anything. You might get mistaken for a bot.Do try and respect everybody and their opinions.I have a lot of these, I'll come back with more as I remember.
  9. Sadly, everybody is hacking these days. I think the key is to have a password that's long and somewhat random. Hackers usually end up getting caught anyway, but look at the trouble they can cause. I use different passwords everywhere so this never happens to me. You should do the same.
  10. battleon Tired Of Runescape And I Cant Down Load Anything http://www.battleon.com/ is a good website some peeps think its better then rs I wouldnt take it tht far -reply by good game
  11. ipod not working Ipod Not Working, Need Help My 80GB ipod is not working even not charging. Please tell me what to do.
  12. Omg you speak like it is a **** game icarnt fink a game better then it I have a lvl 106 account I never get bored of the game don't think I ever will best game ever!-reply by possived
  13. Hey sir, I have the ps2 emulator one.But, it can't run.It warned me that I must have the bios first.I search bios in the bios folder, but there isn't any bios. So, what must I do?-reply by ridwan
  14. Do you ever see them have new layouts?NODo you ever hear of what features there brinign soon?NO
  15. Should students be made to do home work? Is it harder for students that live in the country play sports travel to school cannot get help with work at home Should parents be made to make there children do work at home? Why should they? What work should they do? What is best for kids Same sex schools Co-ed schools Private schools Public schools Home school
  16. Its *only* been 4months... But I saw my bro buy a HD cable before he could play his xbox 360 with HD. So I think you need the cable-reply by anonymous
  17. techno makes us dependant (collectively) Technology The problem with technology, is that it may make us Dependant from it. Once again, it's a matter of how to use it, but when some technology becomes a social standard, the social relationships may depend or be influenced by it. Also if you don't materially possess this technology, you may become marginalized. So I believe the principle of technology itself isn't good nor bad, but that depends on how we all use it, not just individually. Also, there are some bad technologies I think. Most armament technology I would qualify it as bad, as it's main purpose is to harm, kill or control others. But I suppose it depends on what you consider good or bad... By the way, concerning the "similar topic" about technology, I'd say that technology IS probably the alienation itself. Aren't we all becoming aliens, little by little? The question is: what kind of aliens are we building today for tomorrow? good or bad?
  18. PHPBB3 HOSTING Free Forum Hosting Heres a great site http://phpbb4free.co.cc/ They have lots of mods and skins installed and really good support. They also take mod requests. -reply by keios
  19. iGuest

    Halo 3

    any one got it if so how do you like it i think it is kool it is fun and online is the best!!
  20. You can forget about Norton, a friend of mine had a virus on her pc with Norton installed, she got one of Norton's agents to check her computer and even he couldn't delete the virus, I found this amusing, I went to her house, uninstall-ed Norton, used the kaspersky 30 trial version, it detected 4 viruses trojan. Banker a very dangerous trojan and kaspersky just deleted it, no questions asked, so there you go kaspersky wins.It is expensive though, if you want to take my recommendation get kaspersky antivirus or the internet security version with firewall included, Do you use internet explorer?If yes ----- FORGET IT No matter how many anti virus or spyware detectors you have you will always find your pc full of spyware eventually,Use FIREFOX instead of internet explorer, everyone I know that has antivirus, firewalls and anti-spyware, they always end up getting spyware on their pc simply because of internet explorer,Ever since I started using firefox I never found any spyware on my system, -reply by lost ping
  21. Freeloading was good while it lasted Dofus Is Free Now ! Freeloading was good while it lasted I used to play this game years ago, back when it had a lot less in it and wasn't so heavily restricted. All the members only zones were simply danger zones, and there were far fewer of those anyway. Also you could farm up to level 100 if you really wanted to. As far as I know you could've done the same leveling with any profession. Not anymore. Now you only get to go through three stages [30 levels] before you are cut short. I guess the frogsuckers finally realized their day jobs are more profitable than their runescape exiles and decided to lock down the game. Still, I recommend the game for its innovations in skill sets and social connectivity and interaction level, even if it doesn't allow you to customize your appearance and be unique. You can be a farmer and make any kind of bread as many times as you want if you're skilled enough but you will never be able to make yourself some baggy suspenders and jeans and tilt your hat. You'll always look the same as everyone else. For me creativity is everything and not being able to customize my appearance is a real turn-off. I hope they'll look into this eventually, and maybe consider creating some body clothing and body armor for the entire body instead of gender-neutral articles like belts capes and shoes. This game has a lot of promise but it needs help getting there.
  22. Thanks for this guide, but I have a question. How do I get onto my own server? Do I just type in my I.P? Or the I.P I have from No-IP.Org?Please help, Thanks,~Kristian~
  23. cs server Counter Strike Server Replying to icash Hi there, You said you could setup a cs server now do you also setup world of warcraft servers. How much will you charge me I live in INDIA delhi. Reply soon to discuss more on this. -reply by monish05m
  24. The best wapsite for 3gp download is http://www.blueapple.mobi/index.html where you can search & download video from youtube & many more sites directly to your mobile phone try it and enjoy! -reply by sachin
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