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Everything posted by Wyllt

  1. MSN search will not likely be even in the same league as Google, I have no doubt however of Micro$oft's ability to take over the search market dispite not being the best search engine. Micro$oft has a track record of releasing sub-standard product, and yet through marketing magic make that product the new standard. If you doubt me look at any one of thier products, almost every product that Micro$oft has ever released has had competetors with superior products, but they managed to grab the majority of the marketshare.
  2. Well I had always assume that patents applied to physical inventions and the like, and copyrights to intelectual property. Clearly this falls under the catagory of intelectual property. In performing a quick websearch on what can be patented though I discovered I was incorrect in my belief (sort of). I discovered this site which clearly describes what can and cannot be patented. As such it is clear that a theoretical device that is described in the article CAN be patented. However because, as you stated the theory isn't exactly new it might not really be a legit patent, because all patents must be novel ideas. Novelty is aparently defined as:
  3. I wondered about that too, and found out that days and credits are apparently the same thing. So if you have 30days you have 30 credits.
  4. I heard he was ill, hadn't heard about the death though. I don't think it was unexpected though.
  5. exactly, just imagine a guy like this Matthew Nagle being able to just get up and walk out of his weelchair thanks to a working mechanical suit.Of course this also means that there could be military type mech suits available too. Just what the world needs, more military technology (note the sarcasm).
  6. Of course Bush should go to Rome to be at the Pope's funeral, as should all world leaders Catholic or otherwise. John Paul II was a world leader in his own right and deserves respect.
  7. I am normally an opponent of the death penalty, but in cases like this I say fry them. Anyone who would rape a child should have a slow and painful death. Almost every other crime you can repent and relize the error of your ways, but pedophiles don't see anything wrong with what they are doing, and are VERY likely to repeat offend. Even without considering that, this guy didn't end this girls life, he twisted and destroyed it, leaving her alive to pick up the peices, much worse than just plain killing someone. And a girl that young doesn't really understand what happened, but it will haunt her for the rest of her life anyways. I have a three year old daughter, if anyone did that to her they had better pray that the police catch them first because I would make sure that they paid. I would cut off a certain organ and leave them to bleed to death. But even that is too quick, and not nearly painful enough a death for what someone like that deserves.Children are our most precious comodity, someone who would harm a child like that should recieve the harshest penalty we can give. I mean child abuse is bad enough, and I think that child abusers are often given much to lite a sentance, but rapists... man I can't say it enough times, fry them.Ok, done my rant... I am gonna find a more cheerful article to read!
  8. LOL, ya but what if those little chips in our head turn out to control us instead of the other way around. Hard to defend against the evil robot invasion if we can't lift our cyborg arm, or worse if our cyborg leg kicks our butts.Seriously though, I see both pros and cons to this tech. It is inevitable, but I am not sure that it is 100% benifitial to the human race. Sure its great for the handycapped, and for that reason alone I say the good outweighs the bad, but what about the guy who gets a robotic arm so he can outpitch any pitcher in the MBA? Sippery sloap that.
  9. Well I think perhaps you should re-read my post. I did NOT say the education that students recieve from TEACHERS is sub par, what I stated was most students recieve slim to no education in the home, and the education system both in Canada (where I am from) and the US have recieved so many cuts backs and stringent guidelines that teachers do not have sufficient materials to do the job to the best of thier abilities, and believe me I do believe highly in the training and the ablilities 99.9999% of the teachers who are in the job. I have seen teachers become jaded after years of being looked down upon and jeered at, but generally they are so dedicated they ignore the treatment we have been giving them. For instance I work in a school board (not as a teacher, but as a computer tech) and that board has not had a contract with the elementary techers for three years, the teachers finally got fed up and started acting, there is a Work-to-rule campaign currently going on and alls I hear outside of the school walls is how those greedy teachers want more money. It is pure propeganda by the school board trustees, the teachers just want a fair contract, with a reasonable raise that at least matches the cost of living increases. I don't think they are being unreasonable in any way shape or form, but the media is reporting it as though the teachers are being stubborn and turning down every fair contract they have been offered, when in fact they have been offered 2 contracts, one was turned down because it did not give any allowance for cost of living increases, and the other was rejected by the government. The governments of both Canada and the US claim education is on a high priority, but examine the budgets, education is WAY down on the list. These cut backs can be seen most clearly by walking into the library of any public school in either country, the books are outdated and falling apart, for the most part, apparently in the US they allow for corporate sponsorship which allows the school to make a deal to have advertising on the dust jackets to pay for newer books, and frankly I wish canada would do this.
  10. I run only when chased by someone or something that I am afraid of , even then I may decide to chance it and see how much of a pummling they'll give me LOL, seriously I don't like to run, though I used to be on the cross country team when I was in public school, and they tried to get me to do it in highschool, but I never much liked it.
  11. Google is far superior to yahoo, the search engine (google's primary service) blows Yahoo's out of the water. Yahoo is a mediocre search engine at best, good for newbies and that's about it. Yahoo's email service is on par with hotmail, while google's is much faster, and contains more storage. Sure hotmail filters all gmail's messages as junk mail, but that is just an example of how Microsoft thinks they can bully a competetor.As for Yahoo's API, who really cares, who would want to use yahoo's search within thier programs when google's blows them out of the water, even if the API is more feature rich, the base engine doesn't compare so what's the point, as for ease of use, why should a programmer go for the easiest to use solution, they are programmers, it is their job to figure out how to get the BEST solution to work seamlessly. The maps are about equal in my opinion, I used to be a MapQuest user for maps, although I think I may switch to either Yahoo or Google, just because addresses I know MapQuest doesn't know both Yahoo and Google found. It seems that both companies have a leg up on MapQuest for Canadian maps, I don't know how they compare for US maps because I don't know any areas that aren't covered by them in the US.Yahoo as a company may make great strides in comparison to Google, especially since they offer internet services, I am using Rogers highspeed at home wich is now called Rogers Yahoo high speed, so I could see Yahoo having a leg up thier, but you must remember Google is still primarily a seach engine company and in that department they are miles ahead of any of thier competition.
  12. He still felt an obligation to her, obviously. And according to him he felt it was his wifes wish not to continue her existance by artificial means. I know that if my wife was in a similar situation that she would want me to do the same, however I am quite sure I would have a VERY hard time actually letting go. The big fuss was becuse she did not document her wishes, and her parents had different thoughts on what she would have wanted than he did. The problem was since no one knew for sure what her wishes it had to be assumed that the husband knew best
  13. clagnol definately has a point. Creationism is not just the theory that god created man in 7 days, but rather that god created EVERYTHING in 7 days, the stars, the world, the animals, everything. Creationists believe that at the end of those 7 days the creation of the universe was done, the world was perfect.Evolution states the exact opposite, evolution states very clearly that the species of the world are constantly evolving. The two are clearly at odds with each other, so it is natural to see that they are opposing theories.Of course I have my own theory that states that both are possible (I'm not an overly religeous man mind you, but I used to be). My theory is quite simple. The first problem to overcome in reconsiling the two theories is that god created everything in seven days. This is a pretty tough hurdle to overcome, but not when you stop and think. Genesis tells that god created the heavens and the earth in seven days, however the language is actually quite vague when you sit down and read it. It is more implied than stated that it was 7 earth days. God is supposed to be omnipotent and imortal, why would we assume that the passage of one day for a mortal frail human would be the same as the passage of one day for a omnipotent imortal being? The only reason to assume that is because Genisis was written by a man, however I would like to pose the question of assuming the bible is correct, who passed on the story to be written in the bible, it must have come from somewhere, since the old testement was old when Jesus was said to have walked the earth than you would have to assume that someone else heard the story direct from the source at some time. Can an omnipotent immortal being truely understand how long a day is? I know he is supposed to be omniscient as well so he must have understood it, however the story was written by man, the the man properly record what the story should have been? So basically I am saying what is a day to a god? If you take away the basic assumption that time is relevent to the discussion of creationism vs. evolution then there is no argument. It could be said that God is STILL working on his creation, and that is why evolution is STILL occuring. The problem is strict believers in the bible assume that the writing in Genisis is literal, yet they ignore the fact that there are several different versions of the creation of the world that do not completely agree with each other. So if they are willing to overlook that why not redefine some basic assumptions about the wording in its entirety?
  14. According to This site dry mouth and nausea are common side effects of the drug along with a host of others that are listed on the site I posted.
  15. you need a little more info then that. What is the server going to be used for, what's your security needs, what are your personal (or your sys admins) skill sets, how many nodes do you project. Choosing a NOS (Network Operating System) is a little more complicated then simply chosing the best one, various NOS's are great at file sharing, but god forbid you want to use it as an appserver, some are great web servers, but terrible file sharers. Unix and Linux flavours are excelent for web and email servers if you are capable of setting them up right and willing to take the time to learn how, but they are a pain in the butt to set up as file servers, though they handle appsharing easily.AS/400 is a kick a$$ appserver, but next to useless for much else (although they have added a pretty rock solid web server to it), but it is alos very expensive.MS server 2003 is a sinch to set up, has a half decent web server (IIS), and there are alot of email servers you could add to it easily, filesharing can be done, though not as pretty as Netware(I'll talk about Novell Netware next), appsharing can be done, but its not all that pretty.Novell Netware, best of the best when it comes to filesharing, used to be a joke for appsharing, but since Zen it is considerably better. Zen gives the added benifit of controlling software roll outs and enhanced profile control, if you want to take the time to learn how and set it up correctly.As for server requirements, well that depends 98% on what you plan on using it for, I've seen Netware (3.51) run on a 286 with 8 megs ram and a 200meg hard drive, it handled the printing and authentication in a network of 5 nodes (three printers and two computers), logging on was slow and printing seemed like it could take days sometimes, but it worked and didn't have to be rebooted in the 6 years it was running. I know I didn't give you any concrete answers, but then again your question was fairly vague at best.
  16. I am personally not a fan, of the netspeak, however to blame the internet for students declining ability to use proper english is non-sensical at best. It could be said that since this is what they spend most of thier time on a computer doing naturally it would become second nature to them, but then I ask why is it chatting that they are spending most of thier time doing? Why not homework? I believe the reason students are becoming steadily worse at grammer and spelling is because the quality of instruction they recieve (both at home and at school) has declined. I know my spelling and grammer leaves much to be desired, however I work at improving it as often as I can, and I spend alot of time writing, for pleasure and for work, so I think I have perhaps improved since school.Now don't get me wrong I am not blaming the teachers, or placing the entire blame on the education system, but rather portion of the blame goes to the parents, and a portion goes to the education system, and perhaps a very tiny portion goes to those one or two teachers that really don't give a damn any more. Teachers get paid so little when you consider what we have placed them in charge of, and parents these days have pretty much absolved themselves of any responsibility in instructing thier children how to read and write. The education of our children should not be left to the teachers alone, we are just as responsible for it as they are.To place the blame on internet chatting is pointless, it is rather like blaming the sinking of the titantic on the ocean instead of on the crew and the iceberg. Using a made up shorthand is natural for people chatting online, it is human nature to find the quickest means of getting a job done, and while communicating in Realtime the faster you can get on with the conversation. The rest is just plain fun. Made up shorthand like h8 I don't mind, and actually like to use once and a while, I personally can't stand stuff like m34n, because it actually takes me longer to type it, but it does kind of make you feel like you are using a kind of code, so naturally it would appeal to youth who have always tried to find ways to make it difficult for thier parents to understand what they are saying.
  17. spawn_syxx9, I think you are being insulting (I hope unintentionally) and ignoring the actual content of the original post. You are hung up on the fact that she is a dancer and works in the adult entertainment industry, this is irrelevent to the post. The only relevence it had is that it demonstrates that she has to deal with this all the time. The incident being discussed has nothing at all to do with her profession, it took place at a restaurant, not at her work. Ignoring that it does not justify overly the actions of males who hit on women to such a degree that it makes them nervous. Those who state that the women invite this by the way they dress or what industry they work in is ignorant and insulting. It is the same as a rapist using the defense of provocative dress.Perhaps if she was complaining about guys hitting on her while she was striping you may have a point that she is inviting them to hit on her, however even at this point she has the right not to be accosted. Now as I stated in an earlier post I don't think that this particular incident was that severe, and in fact the original poster mentioned in a later post that she was more venting about her boyfriends lack of compassion then being hit on, but to dismiss it as some have done due to her dress (which was never stated as being even the least bit provocative or revealing) or her profession is justifying the actions of other less inocent assaults.
  18. LOL, no. Blackberrys are more PDA's then phones, the phone feature was an add-on.
  19. Eating meat or not eating meat is not really a question of morality in my opinion, it is a question of survival. How we treat the animals before they reach are plate may be a question of morality, but quite frankly its not my problem and there are far greater issues that occupy my mind then how the cow/chicken/lamb was treated before it was slaughtered and reached my plate. Perhaps when everyone in the world has the luxury of considering the source of the food on thier plate before they eat it (ie no more world hunger), and humans treat each other with respect, then we can consider how we treat other species. And before someone gets up on thier soapbox, I am aware that how we treat other species is tied to how we treat our own, but I believe that reforming our treatment of each other is more important way to improve our over all "morallity" than to focus on minor issues first.Now tho those who claim morallity is just an idea and as such does not exist, I say to you democracy is an idea, does it not exist? Money is an idea, does it not exist (and before you say anything paper and coin money is just an imprint of a value system we invent, it has no intrinsic(sp?) value of its own)? There are many things wich exist as ideas alone, this does not make them any less valuable. Morallity exists, that being said I do not believe that morallity is written in stone, in other words there is no way to say one thing is moral and one immoral. Humans are naturally amoral, morallity is passed on to us from society and our parents.
  20. You are definately due some respect from your boyfriend, you were obviously upset and regardless of what he thought about the incident he should have supported you and been at least aware of how you felt about the situation.
  21. Blackberries sure have come along way since I last used one. I had one a couple of years ago at one job, loved the sucker, didn't have any of those xtra toys, strictly email only, but it was damn handy.
  22. Man that hurts the eyes.... but there are no black dots obviously, the only way I can manage to see that for sure is to focus on one dot at a time, then they are only white.
  23. If the sites haven't been indexed by google yet they natureally would not show up. Can you search google and find the sites? if not this might be the reason for the problem.
  24. I just recently got my Gmail account, and so far (besides the size bonus) I have seen alot of advantages over hotmail, yahoo and every other free mail system. Gmail loads much much faster than the others, it auto refreshes, no folders instead they have labels that allow you to give any given email multiple labels, they have that Gmail notifier (I know I know if you use MSN messenger it'll tell you when you have new hotmail messages, but I can't use messenger at work), ablilty to download using POP (Big advantage if you have a blackberry or similar device). For my money I would go with Gmail over any other free system I know of, and even over a few of the paid ones.
  25. Perhaps I am wrong about this, but since when is "a nice scalloped hem dress" automatically a revealing outfit? I think you are just projecting what you assume she was wearing. Ok, how is that important to the discussion, she could be a hooker it still wouldn't give the guy the right to be overly agressive. What she does for a living should have no bearing on her right not to be acosted. mzwebfreak: Ok without knowing more about the incident I can't really can't comment too much, but from what I read I think you may be overreacting a little. I wouldn't consider asking you if you were alone to be an overly agressive move, but as I said I don't know enough about the incident, I didn't hear how he appologized and I didn't witness it. I don't know for example if he was saw you all sitting at the table, I don't know if it was blatently obvious that there were others at the table, or if it was obvious that you were with anyone else at the table. Hard to say. That being said I don't think your BF's reaction was exactly logical either. I personally don't mind when my wife gets hit on, but I would never suggest to her that she should THANK someone for doing so, especially if it was agressive enough to make her uncomfortable. As for all the guys who say that they always take it as a compliment to be hit on by girls, well duh! Of course you do, most guys would, but what if it was a constant intrusion on your life, and by women you wouldn't even consider seeing? What if while you were at work you could barely do your job because women were fawning over you? Would it still be a great compliment. Well sure it would, for the first while, a few hours, a day, a week, maybe a month, but constantly, no the charm would drain out pretty fast.
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