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Greetings From Vicky Milza... New member introduction
mandla replied to VickyMilza's topic in Introductions
Welcome to Xisto Vicky. I guess by now you been around the site and familiarised yourself with how things work. like the mycents you receive for posting and the 'free' hosting and domains. we are all one big family on KS and we support one another on the forums wherever we can. helping, advising and at times cheeky arguments but at the end of the day we all here to gain knowledge and experience in a life and different feilds we encounters in our endeavours. I hope you will find these forums as educational and interesting we have found them.Welcom to the family Vicky and if you ever need anything all you do is just ask. -
Interesting Breakup To give, and receive nothing.
mandla replied to tuddy's topic in Dating And Relationships
you situation is really painful and i believe its nobody at fault in this. Its just the way things have turned out. FOr you it hurts more because you feel like you dont have a choice but to accept the bad news. From my point of view i think there is one slight thing you all didnt take into consideration. You met this lady a month after her baby was born. she fell for you and then later because of her ex fighting for custody or trying to take baby away you ended up being told things like i never loved. This is probably true. She never loved you. Now dont get me wrong Im not saying she lied to you when she said i love you i believe she genuinly meant it. Thats what she believed she was feeling at that time of saying it.Im no doctor or psychologist but I think just after giving birth, most women still have hormonal issues and dont really knwo whats going on. SOme even resent their babies and feel trapped because they are stuck at home and its like a mental prison they are in . Judging from this girl wanting a relationship so soon after giving birth tells you that her pregnancy must have been very difficult. For instance if he abused her or left her or broke up with her while she was pregnant then obviously her self esteem must have taken a huge battering. she must have felt like a worthless person, pregnant single mom to be who was fast becoming those girls peole talk about. So when you came along you were like a tall glass of water in the desert. There you were being really nice to her at a time no one else wanted her. It felt good hearing that someone wanted to be with her especially when the post natal depression kicked in. You were something she could look forward to in her boring world of basically little or no sleep and a crying baby for company. Her bf seems like hed either left or was worse company that a screaming baby.She was never ready for a relationship. but having you around was refreshing in her dreary world. I dont know if you have ever watch a reality television show called BIG BROTHER its about a group of people put in a house for a long time like 3 months and after a while they start to feel very close and develop lve feelings for each other. It is obvious in the real world they may never have been compatible but when they had no options to chose from they made best of what was around and got attached to that. It normally does not surprise anyone that these relationships do not last once they are back on the outside world. Well My friend you have been in a similar situation. She had no one else but you and in that enviroment of post natalk depression you were as good as it got and she didnt even realise that she was infactuated with you because you were the only person there for her. You were her escape from reality. from the crying baby and long nights spent with the baby not wanting to sleep. When she left and reality hit because she probably realised you werent the only person in the world there for her and that the world wasnt all about one house and a crying screaming baby but there was a support network she realised that in the ideal world she would not be dating you she decided to nip it in the bud. If you look at you situation, you will find that she js realised that the person wanting to take her baby away or cause the baby to be taken away was someone she probabaly trusted in very much the same way you were fast becoming trusted. She realised that a guy who loves you can one day turn very sour and bitter after things dont work out. She probably is bitter at her ex for tryign to make her loose the same baby she despised for robbign her of freedom only weeks before. BUt thats not her fault. Post natal depression does that to people. Have you not heard of women who cant cope with the post natal depression some kill their babies or stuff like that. You just have to cut your losses and and move on mate. There was never a real relationship there. One of you was in a time of their life they didnt know what else to do so felt like the only way out was to try and find love. I would say cut your losses and move on bro. -
Does My Friend Like Me More Than A Friend/...
mandla replied to ggggunit's topic in Dating And Relationships
if by now you havent asked her to be your girlfriend then my frined you are USELESS there is no winning with you. Everyone has been telling you to tell her how you feel and if you havent done that by now you never will and she will start feeling like a fool hinting things to a guy who doest see what this girl is hinting.I would say next time anythig the least bit suggestive happens be it a touch on the shoulder or a cuddle. If at anypoint you think she is hinting something more than just touch then stear things toward a first kiss. Ylu had the perfect scenario at the beach and I know had i been in your shoes reaching 3rd base would have been the minimum that would have transpired. -
Such a shame how the original poster didnt really intend to get a real answer but was posting spam and yet this is such a rich realistic topic. If you over look the silly advert for the dating site that in included. In my opinion i believe everythign is a matter of choice and acceptance. The fact that internet dating has been around for nearly 3 decades tells you it must be working somewhere. Maybe for 5% of the population but guranteed it is working for some. Everythign obviously boils down to a matter of taste and inhibition meaning if you are in a situation where your best means of finding girls or boys is only and you are willing to take the chance of being messed about with touched up pictures from ones youthful days then Internet dating is a great way of meeting people. I think the problems that arrise from internet dating are mainly from added unecceasry pressure to find love, Most websites that are directly and strictly dating sites automatically have a subliminal pressure advert that is embedded into punters mind. You are competing for men on here or you are competting for girls on here so look your best, be dolled up and sexy otherwise you have no hope. the emphasis is ion being a good loking catch because the more beautiful and sexy you are will ensure that you have more inbox replies from potential lovers. What then happens if I am a shrek. Does that mean no one will ever gimme the time of day or the chance to let my greta personality shine as they will judge me based on great looks which I do not have. Also will be the added stigma of the handsome guys being stuck up and knowing how great they look that they use their looks as a one night stand advert. Basically meaning that the good looking guys may just be guys who know that girls like them for their looks and great bodies and would be using this as a tool for getting girls into bed and moving on as soon as possible. After 5 such guys most girls would turn around and say I have tried internet dating but oh my gawd the guys there are just players who are interested in getting their rocks off using their good looks. I find that instead of looking at dating sites people should look into social networking sites that are more based on friendship rather than attraction. For not wanting to advertise a certain popular social network i will refer to this network as friendface. On frinedfce you can add frined and start an online friendship and get to know more of the real each other as peole tend to put up more natural pictures and have statuses that reflect more of their daily mentality than an impressive trimmed introduction which is a morketing tool to help net as many potential boyfriend or girlfriends. There are multiple ways of getting intouch and becoming good friends. This offers the other person the chance to let their real personality shine and let feeling develop naturally if they do. Once you have gotten to know each other and you feel comfortable with each other you can begin to share more intimate details like phone numbers and start textign and ringing each other. There i minimal preszsure to be impressive form just pictures as you get to know each other for who the other person is. This helps you to rdeduce the number of faileed relationships as by the time you all meet up and start dating or seeing each other you are more or less aware of the other persons personality. THis does not in anyway imply that there is no snipers on friendface as this is totally misleading. There are people on friend face whose main goal is to score sex with men or women and they will play their cards right until they get what they set out to get. I have friends who use friendface as a getting girls platform and they say its so much better because you meet up with girls from towns afara and there is little or no chance of meeting them in the local night club on a night out if the sex was rubbish and all that. they put on a whole personas just to impress girls online and the girls fall for their charm and give in to their wishes sooner or later. As with any service include real life dating there will always be those who play the system and fiddle the wires to be perfect for their goals whether these goals are noble or not.In my own words I would say Internet dating does work but there is always a chance that you maybe the unlucky in love person so i would advice caution in any form of dating. Remeber better safe than sorry. Hope this helps and to the idiot who posted this topic as spam, you are an idiot and stupid fool. It is very unprofessional of you. I think you should be banned from this site for breaking the rules as its people like you who mess up our beloved Xisto. The only redemption is that the topic has actually picked up a lot of interest and responses so that sort of negates my anger towards you and I will leet you get off this time. Though had this been a dismal failure i would have had no problem recommending you get banned. Enjoy your lucky streak.
Is My Girlfriend Lying About How She Feels?
mandla replied to LiZhenNguyen's topic in Dating And Relationships
wow, your issue is very sad and yet soo obvious. I hate to be the one to break it to you because it seems you really like and are smitten with this girl but sometimes in life we go for the very things that we can never ever get and hold on to relationships that have long past their shelve life. You story is just as crystal clear as can be. This girl is playing you but not the way you are thinking. There is a big difference between someone who cheats on you and someone who banks you just because they can not face the reality of dumping you. Yes i know in the common eye cheating is cheating but for your sake we want to make this a little less just plain cheating.You say she seemingly doesnt wanna hang out and makes excuses yet when you ask her if shes still interested she says yes and tells you she wants to marry you have a future and all that with you. You need to do a reality check bro. Words come easy but dont mean much, never has this been more real than in this very situation. Its obvious this girl cares about your feelings otherwise she would have blanked you by now or been ruthless and dumped you but she doesnt want to see you crying and begging for another chance. You my friend are one of those guys who makes an amazing first impression, and she liked what she thought you would be in a relationship, you seemed the perfect guy cause you probably are the perfect guy. You open doors and buy flowers and all that romantic stuff. You probably care and listen when she talks about her day and all that romantic stuff. She saw Mr perfect in you and craved that but once you two go together she realised as lovers you are not really compatible, maybe you are too girly she wants someone thats gonna be a cowboy and stress her a little or say no to her and demand things like no im not gonna go to the movies next week. Whats so important that you can not cancel to hang out with me. See thats the problem with love, sometimes the advertising department of our personalities turns out not quite the product the customer wants. I am not saying this is what happened in your case but this is highly one of the main things that has led to you current situation. To put it blunty, she no longer has vested interest in having a relationship with you. As far as she is concerned that ship has sailed, you two are no longer in love maybe you still are but she is already moving on with her love life just that she cares about your feelings she traies to no hurt you in the obvious immediate realm. Notice she is snogging your best frined and telling the sister not to say because she doesnt want you to find out and feel hurt and betrayed by the two people who should currently have your back. Id say cut your losses and move on bro. Yes you may love her but holding on is recipe for pain and anger and resentment of how things have turned out. Right now I can imagine how you felt hearing thats what happened and then everytime she denies it you see and hear a liar worse your best friend betraying your trust that must take its tol on your emotionally. I say bite the bullet and just tell her you know she doesnt really mean the things shes saying because you know she kissed your friend and is trying to hide. Tell her you are hurt and exactly how you feel about the whole thing and how its made you go through a really bad period if you need to, Then tell her you are setting her free because obviously its not working out. The longer you wait the more damaging this whole fiasco will be. You want to nip iot in the bud in these early stages before you start finding out you buddy has hadd passionate explosive sex with him for the last month while she had you waiting outside the movie house for her to come for a date she never turned up to. THe reality of the matter is there is no relationship anymore. She is only dragging this out in hopes you will grow apart because you never spend any time toogether or cultivate your realtionship. This is a trick boys have used on girls for years and years only difference is boys do it because they may just one dae day want to go back for a quickie. Good luck with your situation and hope you get some form of resolution soon ans this is not a healthy situation for you. -
just been reading about Nokia Tricks and wondering what can be done on a Black Berry. i have a number of things I'd like to know eg1. How to Annoyinngly send say 20 pings to a nuisance persons BBM because they Ping me in the middle of teh night repeatedly.2. How to turn off My BBM but not my emails.3. How to increase battery life or access teh reserve tank on my Blackberry curve 8520Now this is a trick i have heard works on all phones but i have never really been able to try it out. Once someone told me I could use a mobile phone (in the USA you call them cell phones I believe) to send a car remote control signal across any distance. Say I locked my car keys in the car and then rang home on a mobile to another mobile. If my housemate took my spare car remote and put the cell phone near it and pressed the unlock button and I had my handset say against my car window the signal would travel through their phone and over the wireless network to my mobile phone and then the sensor in my car would recieve the signal and doors will pop open. I have never tried this but the theory seems ok-ish its said it doesnt work on a land line or fixed phone because its does not use digitial wireless signal. Anyone with time on their hands, can you try this out for me and let me know what results you had. Those with older handsets lying around the house try those as maybe they will be more effectiive seeing as security on the mobile phone device has increased drastically in the last couple years maybe the older phones (black and white ones) may be more adaptable to this process.I hope to hear your comments and responses when you can.
Is it true that people dont change. the same way leopards dont change their spots. hmm. Well I dont know about relationships that much but i know enough about men to know that men dont cheat because they are serial cheats but mainly because the world has other men. A friend of mine has always said to me, if you were stuck on an island with two girls and there was no hope for rescue. One girl was the a real stunner, with perfect figure and a gorgeous face but a real snobby attitude and an ugly minger who was willing and up for it, which one would you go for. Remeber theres no hope of rescue so no one will know which one you went for except you. I though about it for a while then realised that while it was instant reaction to say I'd go for the hottie, in practice because there was no one to brag about my conquest to, it would be sooo much easier to go for the weaker target.This is not reflective of the male populatiion as a whole but a fair percentage of the males on earth. It is not worth cheating on your missus unless theres someone to boast about it too. Before my fellow males start arguining and telling me I know very little about what I am saying bear in mind that most men cheat because of peer pressure. infact most of our life is dictated by peer pressure. Peer presure is not pressure from friends only. Peers can be society or work mates or parents anyone we realte to. Take a look at Fashion, no one comes out and says thongs are now in fashion so every girl should wear a thong with low cut jeans but as we see whats around us we start to conform to that and slowly we adapt and follow what our peers say. The same applies with men and sleeping around. We are sat in a bar having drink and Tonde says "Look at that waitress serving in the corner table, her skirt is hugging her figure you can almost see every curve. Oh my god if only I could."To which Jason will respond amid the laughter, "You mean the Polish Waitress, hehe shes called Agna. Hey Dumie. Tell Tonde how she is in bed."To which Dumi will at first fein his gentlemenhood by not wanting to kiss and tell but the fellas will say oh come on tell us , tell us and then Dumie will go into details of the night of passion he shared with Agna and about all the naughty dirty little things she did or does in the bedroom. Slowly each other guys will tell of their comaprable conquests with waitresses from around the town or afar and perfectly married Simba will sit there listening and hearing these exciting things which happen in the no strings attached sex world. No one will say to him you are dumb for being faithfull neither will anyone mention that he is married and faithfull. Even Thomas who is married 12 years next month will throw in a wild conquest with an asian waitress in York on a Robert's Stag Do. What happenes slowly over the conversation will be references to persons eg. Tonde says, "I remember the time I got a girl who was so randy we did it in the toilet of a busy night club. I remember she was with another guy but we kept starring at each other across the bar. And It was all so hot and exciting. She even had him give me his back in a cuddle so she could blow me kisses. I remember when I went putside for a smoke she followed me and asked for a lighter. THen gave me her checky kiss on the cheek and whispered Girls toilet in five. I couldnt believe my luck boys. it was like i was in a movie. I remeber thinking what the ffffff.""what the F ... did you do it or not. Or you got cold feet. but Then your mr easy targets in the cubicles arent you?" One of the lads will say. "You know me, I dont ever turn down a chance to get religious." Tonde will pipe in nonchalantly."Religon ??? how does religion get involved in cubicle sex?" Simba would ask."You know how it is bro. You start calling out to God telling him you are coming etecetera etecetera." The lads all burts into laughter before Tonde will continue narating his version of events while sipping on the golden honey of intoxication. Ocasional laughter and snides will be thrown in by his friends and he will brush them off with such expertise his story remains untarnished. Eventually when he finished telling of his tryst, Rodney will pipe in and say "Thats nothing, I had a threesome in the cubicle at Fuse night Spot and Simba was my look out man. Each guy will slowly over the course of the night outline their specialty and the night will fly by and before long the pub is closing as the guys cath their transport home. Simba goes home to his perfect marriage and is content with his marriaed life but cant help feeling left out of the earlier conversation with his mates. Not left out by his mates but left out of the references in the conversation. He thinks back to how the conversation had made references to threesome and mr Threesome was Rodney, Mr Cubicle quickie was Tonde, Dumie was the tryst champ when it came to quickies wiith Waitresses. Jason was happiliy married but constantly had no strings attached sex with single moms and hen party girls. No one made reference to happily married Simba. Obviously this will slowly eat away at him and he will want to be have his own angle on things. He will start to want his own angle and his own tryst to brag about after all who does not want their own fifteen minutes of fame.The seed has been planted. From this point its just a matter of time. Im just wondering though why people then feel pressured to do stuff thats not like them. Is it because of the inner child we have that wants to fit in and be like the others in the playing field? Anyone Know//??
hi nikkiWelcome to Xisto hope you enjoy your foruming and knowledge search and all that including the hosting packages. unfortunately im tooo por to afford a PS so i can only marvel and wish to have oneand to have the passion you have for games. maybe one d ay when i get a a promotion I will afford a PS3 and i can ttalk video games at your level. but in the meantime enjoy your self and stay blessed
Hi John,Welcome to Xisto and Yes you have come to the right place if you seek knowledge and help and advice and any other information that people may share. I see you have already made about 10 posts but have you joined Xisto - Support billing so you get paid for your posts in MyCents. I know a few people who have in the past signed up for the posts and forgot to connect the account to their billing section and may have ended up loosing out on Credits (im not to sure but maybe they did so dont take that as gospel its an assumption on my part) since they hadnt registered for the MYCENTS. If you dont know how to do this just ask in the forums or better still read in the forums Im sure theres a section dedicated completely to the whole Mycents system i remeber seeing it a few times before and reading it (though it was different back then cause they used a number of inactivity days kind of system which is a whole new story) lets just say thhe MyCents system is a million times better and more representative of reality today. You have this opportunity to share your wealth of knowledge and make new friends so use it and exploit it to the maximum and friends and family who can be relied on are scarce these days. And I knw for a fact 80% of the people I have met on Xisto have been a pillar of strength and help throught the difficult times I have faced in life. I have always had a vent to let out on and trust me that helps whhens things are looking bleak or when you ina dilema and dont know what to do or where to turn. just rememeber that all we can do is advice to the best of our ability at the days end its your respobnsibility to sieve throught the chaff and get the good crop from the responses you have harvested in any situation because some people just comment just to comment for commenting sake so take some thing whiht a pinch of salt hehehe. Anyway let me not scare you too much. I will take this as a chance to say welcome to knowlegdesutra and hope that you will benefit as we have benefited from this brilliant website both on terms of Knowledge and Doamin/website plans. May your stay be as beneficial to us as it will be to you. And if the first few dollars are talking too long for you to accumulate just rememeber this is one of the cheapest hosting plans in the planet. The prices are so competitive that you can use your lunch money to pay a months hosting so dont be afraid to throw in a couple of dollars to get started. We all were there at sometime in the course of the signiup and site hosting and sometimes we are there when we are too busiy to post and time just flies and before you can say abracadabra you realise the billing is due and you need to pay $2 for the months hosting. hehehWelcome once again John05 hope you stay with us is wonderfull. Enjoy buddy enjoy.
Hello Everyone, Newbie Here :) an introductory post :)
mandla replied to Papabear's topic in Introductions
hey PapaBearGrowwwwwwl!!!How is mama bear and goldilocks lol. Welcome to Kamasutra Forums ooops I meant Xisto forums and I hop your joining us will give you a chance to explore your dreams to have cheap webhosting and cheap if not free domains for life to come. It is always a pleasure when a new KS member joins this online community and we look forward to hearing your input and ideologies and advices on the different array of topics that is available to post on in KS. After all, posting is what will increase you MYCENTs and subsequently your Credits will be what you use to purchase the domain and hosting services. In the meantime I wouuld say to you get you site ready and running perfectly on localhost because its not long before you get enough credits or MYCENTS to be able to buy yourself a domain and its hosting. Feel free to share the domain name with me so i can visit and criticise, advise and congratualte on the end product.Hope you by now have found your way around and are well versed in the basics of what posting is and how to check your credits which I see havve already started accumulating. You probalbly are already feeling the excitment as i did when i first joinged these forums about 5 years ago lol. I have met a lot off people and made friends and enemies on these here forums. its just as hectic as the real world only virtual but I have learnt a lot and gain a lot of experience too based on the open minded-ness of fellow KS forumites. Heres hoping that your experience with Xisto will be fruitfull and last a vvery long time to come. Remeber all thats between you and what ever you want to achive is just a simple ask. All it takes is a few minutes of your time to select the right thread and post your situation or question and within a short while we will see your thread and answer as best as we know to our knowledge and then you can ultimately make an informed decision on whatever project you wanted to know about. This community is very supportive and (sometimes ruthless lol) but then family should be honest if we are to make sure that every one gets the best and right advice in any situation from love, to programming to beliefs and daily choices .Once again Welcome to Xisto and hope you enjoy this website as muchh as I do. -
oh my God. Have you ever read romeo and Juliet. Maybe you should. How can you even consider a breakup after 5 years over parents catching you and saying this needs to stop. if you said to your parents breakup cause dad isnt good for you what you think they will say.it wierd how you take your girls happiness and yours too for granted, how can you say after five years of being together. if you dont want the girl be a man and tell her you dont want her but dont use the lame excuse of saying my parents dont want this girl or my mom said this and that. be straight up with us and be honest with yourself. You probably have finished using her for your personal gratification now you want to use your folks as an excuse. My parents were strict and never let us do naughty things with girls and when they found you in a compromising situation they would go ape shyt about it all and threaten to disown you if you didnt break it off immediately and they would threaten to ship us off to boarding school and all that or to go tell the girl's parents they were probably worse than your parents in the way they would react. FOr year this worked and we would feel threatened enought to usually break off the relationship or at least cool it down to virtually nothing in fear of getting caught. This was ok because the realtionships were short lived eg 3 or months old and the severing of ties was hurtfull but not like when you been together for five years. I remeber how my brother got a serious girlfriend and they were together nearly a year and a half and they got caught making out on the couch after my parents returned a day early from a vacantion. They were morbid and yelled the house down accusing us of being irresponsible and probably having brought girls over while they were away. Being christian parents they actually raised a few valid points like while we do not condone that you were making out with the girl think of it like this if that girl makes out with you that means she also like you has no morals and is not God fearing. they would give you all these points that put her in a bad light and I started to see their sense but something happened that changed my life forever. My brother had really fallen for this girl and was serious about her and whilst my mom was calling her all the names under the son my brother said Im sorry mom but i dont appreciate you calling my girlfriend all those names. We are pretty serious bout each other and i will not have this. cause she will be your daughter in law one day and yet you are swearing at her for cuddling with me. Yes yell at us for making out in your house but not because I love her or she loves me. Now my parents were the strict type. You would never answer back when they were mad but my brother did. And something he said at that time made my parents freeze and slowly turn and face eah other then back at him. then they walked out the living room. It seemed like ages before my mom came back and asked to have a work with my brother in private. then shortly after that my brother came back and sat on the sofa next to his girlfrined. When mom came back she to the living room she greeted my brothers girl and introduced herself like a normal human being would. There was none of the aggro that they had displayed earlier . She explained to my brothers girlfriend that they were mad because they had caught them making out on the couch and not because they were in love. She told her that as young adults they should have been more responsible and taken their shannanigans to the bed room or somewhere more private because thats not examplary for me. lol as if i didnt do worse but not that they knew nor realised at that time.Anyway my point is that my parents respected that my brother would actually stand up and say I love this girl and i am serious about her. To them that made them realise that they were quite serious about each other. And I believe they realised that this was a serious thing not one of those games boys and girls play. When I asked my brother whay he stood up to my parents like that he said somethign tome that i carry to today. he said to me Shelly makes me so happy and I love her so much. I dont knw the future but I wanan be with her forever, i wanan have a family with her and i know we gonna be happy together. Im not saying we are going to be perfect Im saying we are gonna be right for each other but the most important part is that she makes me happy and I make her happy. I said but mom and dad dont approve thats fine, but that is not going to put me off a chance at being happy with the right person. I said but you know how mom is? dad may come around but mom nahhhhhh and he said. Well I have made it clear to her I told her respectfully and yet firmly that I knwo she may not like her and that was ok. But if it was achoice between making mom happy 365 days a year and being with the wrong person as chosen by my parents satisfaction which ends up in a bad marriage for me than i'd rather be happy with shelly 365days and not visit mom and dad. if push came to shove then when we visit with shelly it will be a quick visit not those lengthy all day visit sessions. And mom was like i didnt realise she was that serious nor you were and they calmed down. Needless to say they been married for last 12 years and have a beautiful daughter.So quit being a chicken or messing around a girl you been with for five years and asking us to validate oyur crazy idea of dumping her using your parents as an excuse because that is being a wuss.Either you man up and say i think this aint working out babes because I am a spinless little winge or stand up to you parents and tell them you understand their concern but you are asking them to respect your choice of a partner and whether they think thats wrong and she is not good enuff to respect you enuff to let youo make a decision as to what is right and wrong for your heart and future in terms of a partner. Tell them you are not being rude but just need them to respect your choices as they would expect people to respect their choices.
My Dearest Teacher how bad is when u fall in love with her.
mandla replied to sanbeand's topic in Dating And Relationships
loving and falling in love with your teacher is not a thing that started with Mary K, its somethings been there since teachers and fantasies first began. The only thing different is how we channel those feelings we have. Its what we do about the feelings that actually matters.I have been lucky enough to have been on both sides of the coin and will tell you my version of things from both angles as I have experienced them. Please note this is my life experience whether good or bad I will just state as I felt. When I was in 8th grade we had an french expatriate teacher called Hazel or rather Mademoiselle Brookes. She was hot and dresssed real well. It was like she was the perfect body. She had it all luscious lips, seductive hips, her voice would caress your sould and her eyes would see through your heart. She had long sexy legs which were silky smooth and her skirt was low enough to just about cover her knees but left enough of her thigh to keep you hooked. I rember how the first few months of french were just a blur because everytime we went to Mamaselle Brookes class we were in a bit of a daze. Not just me but so many boys in my class seemed to have this serious interest in french class. And It was as if Hazel knew we were secretly ogling at her as she would sexily pronouces french words as if french isnt sexy enough with out the added effort she seemd to put in. Because I went to a public school ( the name public means different things in different countries so let me explain what public means in my scenario a public school is one owned by the public not government some countries call them private schools because they are private limiteds as in privately owned. Basically my school was the ones where some rich guys build a school and make the fees really expensive and they have all these facilities which make the school all posh though you learn the same stuff as government run schools.) Anyway because my school was a public school it had its own boarding for student and teachers who wanted to live within the school grounds. Mdm Brrokes because she was an expatriate had one of these on school houses. It was a two bedroomed house and was just off the main campus. And we would offer to carry books for her to her house because there were rumours amongst the older 6th forms students that sometimes if you were lucky she'd let you take care of her sexual needs. It didnt help that she wore low cut top which showed of her cleavage and would flirt with boys during class. She never crossd the line openly but sure enough she kept giving hints that she was treadig on the line. THis only made you fall deeper and deeper and deeper in love with her because it raised your hopes of thinking there was a chance to get with her. Rumour had it some boys had actually got to sleep with her but that was nevewr proven, the rumour was that if she asked you to come back after school to help her carry books to her house so she could mark them at her house then she was literally hinting that she was in the mood for a bit of loving. There were different versions going round on what to look out for when she asks for help carrying books. THey said if she gave you the keys to take the books to her house and didnt go with you, it meant she was being genuine about needing help but if she asked you to come to her place and then when you got there gave you keys to her class room to go pick up the books then you knew it was on because when you got back she'd be dressed in a bath towel and she'd offer you tea and one thing leads to another and before you knew it you'd have had a piece of her if you were up for it. I doubt if anyone ever really had a piece of her but I remeber the times she would flirt with me and as I went through High School I wanted to major in french so we could spend more time together and have those close sessions when she would offer to tutor me extra lessons but she was always very proffessional. SHe would flirt but she never crossed the line. I would peak down her top if she leant over and she would smile and say in a very very sexxxxxxy tone ooh la la tu es terrible garcon, and that would just make me go weak all over. She knew what we were up to and yet she never once did any innaprorite contact as other guys had claimed about her on the grape vine. And one sunny afternoon when I was in my final year in high school she asked me to carry books for her. Actually I was walking towards the bicycle shed to collect my bike so cycle home after school and as I walked she called to me from her front porch. I walked over to her and noticed se was dressed in a white summer skirt which was see through because the sun was behind her and I could see the silhouette of her body through it. My heart started to race. When I got up to her she said to me in french I cant believe I've watched you grown from a boy to a man. We both laughed and she said how are you doing, I said great cant wait for my final exams and she said I bet you can't you have a whole life after that. In three months you'll be gone and you'll be in Uni. And I'm leaving for France next april which was bout seven months from that point. I said Oh my god I cant believe you going back to france, i have enjoyed every lesson and its a shame other kids wont get a teacher as good as you. She looked at me and smiled and said heheh I bet with words like that you must be having girls left right and centre. We laughed and I said to her well occupational hazard. She said I like that you've turned out well. Its really nice to watch someone grown and be man real man like you. She learnt and felt my arms which were ok because I used to be an athelete for my school hence i went to the gym so i was a bonus on the biceps bit. She said I remebrber how yu used to look at me when you first started doing french class, you were always tryna look down my top. Did you think I was that attractive. At this point I was thinking. Keep flirting and I will be inside your pants I swear. I cooly replied I think you are even more attractive now. she got all shy and said ooh la la in that sexy french voice then she said to me. DO you wanna do me a favour. I need a pile of writting books I left on my desk in class. Could you use those big strong muscles to carry them for me and bring them here. I was like yes ma'am. And I walked to her class which was on the other side of the campus and in my head I was thinkning today I get lucky. Especially with all the comments about about my growing into a man and the muscles I knew I was in. I got her books and walked back to her house visions of her in a bath towel and how others before me had conquered her and I thought today my son, you become a man. I bumped into a couple of my friends and told them I was about to get lucky they couldnt believe my luck and said tell us all bout it when you done. I was like yeah gimme bout half a hour minimum, THey were all wishing they were me. When I got to her house and the door was ajar. I rang and she called back I'll be right there put the books on the on the coffeee table. I'm just finishing off here. I put the books on the table and waited excitment covering my whole body. Knowing I was about to cross the line and I didnt care, i wanted it. and I was not going to be stupid and tell on her. No way this was not wrong this had been my fantasy for the last 6 years. Me and Mademoiselle Brookes getting it on. I would know how it felt to be a teacherlover. I was aroused and ready I was going to make sure she enjoyed every minute of it. I could hear the water going shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i knew it was the shower going I knew she was going to come in a bath towel and seduce me. THen the moment of truth arrived She came back into the living room. TO my dissappointment she was still in the same clothes I left her in. She looked over at me and said you look dissapointed is everything ok. I was caught off gurad and I blushed asked me if everything was ok I said yeah sorry I just remebered something I havent done and needed to get done. She said oh sorry I didnt mean to keep you. I just wanted to finish loading my washing machine and thats why I took a while. Hey, thanks for carrying those books for me. Suddenly I realised she must have known how us boys were thinking and was playing on our fantasies I bet she knew we all wanted a piece of her and she would tease the older boys like that and they would get all excited for nothing. She offered me a cup or tea or juice and I took the juice option. I did so because I was thinking maybe my friends are watching the ouse to see how long i took to leave and if i left then it would have been too short a time to have been lucky so i dragged out it as long as possibe, I made small talk and drank the juice we talked and laughed and I never got lucky. She actually invited me to church on sunday which I dont know why i did but i agreed. About an hour later I made my excuses and left. Obviously when I next saw my friends, they had ofcourse watched the house to see if i would really stay for long enough to have done the deed and I guess taking the juice offer worked in my favour. Because when I told my version of what happened to my frineds, I didnt mention the washing machine load and the juice offer. I changed the part where she walked back in and said yu look dissapointed to say she came back in a sexy outfit and seduced me and how we did it and how I made her have multiple moments of extreme pleasure and because my buddies had monitored the house they were there to coraborate my version of events and everyone gave me respect for adding Mdm Brookes to my notch of girls. As far as legend at my old school goes I am one of the guys who got laid by an expat teacher and my name lives forever in the common room wall of fame. But then in truth imaginge if the rumours had gone out of control. She could have been sacked and lost her carreer as someone who is a sex offender. I realised then though that probably none of the other guys had ever had sex with her, all of us had lived out our fantasies in our own heads and were heroes amongst the pupils for something we never did but conjured in imagination land. I did though in the end meet Mademoiselle Brookes a month before she left I went to the church she invited me shortly before she returned to france and met her. We got talking and went out for coffee. We talked and talked and had a really great time and I asked her if I could take her out clubbing before she left for France. She agreed and eventually we met and went out clubbing. She looked ten times hotter in Jeans and we got drun and had loads of fun. I took her home with me and my fantasy came true 5 times that nightor rather the rest of that next and the next morning. she confided in me that i was her first toy boy and when i said you telling me you have never slept wit another guy from school she swore she had never. She told me she knew we all wanted to do and she was flattered by it cause it meant more to her knowing that us younger lads thought she was hot and lusted for her but she would never ruin her carreer for a night of sex. She used to have sex yes but with the other male teachers who lived on campus. I was the only guy who had actually made a pass for her after i left school and because I was no longer a student at her school had agreed. Shortly fter that when she returned to France we kept in touch as friends via emails and slowly drifted apart- I mean the friendship.Now this is my experience loving a teacher. I would like to go into my experince as a teacher and having students have crushes on me because I did do a bit of teaching assistance whilst I was on University semester breaks to make a bit of money and because of my young age I had girls flirting and hitting on me all the time. Its was nice but after a while its just too many girls, to much repetition cause they all using the same tactic and of course the biggest problem being that I was a teacher and they were student as well as the fact that they were under the legal age of consent. Now some of the girls dress really hot and act more mature and know what they doing when they flirt with you or open their legs at a certain angle when the teacher looks their direction. Its so easy to start getting feeling of lust and desire but its not worth getting sacked or on the sex offenders register. As a teacher you are there as a 'parent' and you can not take advantage of your children but naturally because you are not related thats not going to stop your biological clock responding to the things that its sees and feels. So you have to say yes I feel this but this is wrong. I can not persue anything sexual with my school children I am their 'parent' and im here as a leader not a lover. So in terms of flirting with that 23 year old teacher of yours be my guest but do not make things awkward for you both by trying to make it anything more than just a teacher pupile relationship -
A Whole Lotta Kissing! my friends relashionship
mandla replied to emma's topic in Dating And Relationships
its been 5 years since this post was written just wondering what happened to bo and bell in the end. Oh for those that are doubting the whole made out fr three hours, i think you might wanna check back on your first loves, remeber back in the days when you didnt really know about sex and kissing and coaressing was as good as it got. Well i dont know bout you but when i was about 15, and still trying to get laid. I would spend forever making out with girls. It wasnt nothing to do with self control it was all to do with that i did not know anything better than making out. Obviously i knew sex existed but because i never had sex before it was not my goal.Things have changed a lot since my chilhood, sex is now more readily available and a thing kids are doing as and when they please but back then we had more strict upbringing and because we had a maid working in our house, she was the more mature parenty kind of maid who took her job way too seriously meaning we couldnt really bring girls home and go to my room with them We had to stay in public domain as my mom called it. So it was a matter of bringing girls home but we could only hang out in the living room, or kitchen orthe pool but we couldnt close the doors of any rooms we were in and the maid was a pain because she kept zooming in and out of the room, My parents offcourse loved her because in the eyes we were in responsible hands. I guess maybe the mistake we made was complain about her and obvious we inevitably sold out how she was trying to be too much of a parewnt to allow us to be naughty. Initially we expected mum and dad to like tell her to back off and knock before she enters but instead mom said if you not doing anything naughty or wrong then what are you scared of. So for us the make out room was the cinema. as opposed to paying the cinema ticket to watch movies we actually only watched the first five or ten minutes and then would make out the rest of the movie. Iremeebr if you went in afternoon shows and you come in late say about ten minutes into the show,you would see teens all over the cinema seats making out. it wasnt nothing like full sex or laying on each other but just pars kissing and touching each other. I remember when Titanic the movie with kate winslet and dicaprio first come out I went to tosee it with my girlfriend then and it was our first time going on a date. I did not for once even think we'd make out i actually though we would just have a normal date and possibly kiss afterwards when i walked her home or something but I was wrong.We got the popcorn and drinks and watched the pre ceding trailers and I remember her saying to me its a bit chilly in here i think they have the air conditioning on too high. And with that she snuggled onto me. We had those seat where you could raise the arm rest and be next to each other without a division. She took my arm and put it round her before i even know what was going on. Bear in mind she was one of those decent looking girls who everyone wanted to make out with but she was like a pastor's child not into naughty stuff as we called making out those days. Anyway there i was thiniking oh my GOD I have my arm around Cindy (name chenged for this thread) and I was like I cant wait to tell the guys tommorow at school that I was like cuddling with Cindy. Just then she moved my arm from just being around her and moved my palms to cup her breasts. I didnt need a second telling or hint, I started squeezing and caressing and she looked at me all shy and then started touching me too. Soon we were kisisng and making out and next thing i remember was the intermission. Titanic was like 3 hours long so they had a break inbetween of like 10 minutes. I remeber the lights coming on and we got up and started straightening out our clothes (like everyone else around us was doing) and we headed out. Thats when we realised the they were selling more popcorn and drinks and all that stuff. so we got more popcorn rather than look silly and show then we hadnt even been aware the movie was not over and when the lights dimed out we put down the popcorn bucket and made out some more. I have never since or before then kissed someone as i did cindy. We kissed and kissed till our mouths had no salaiva left. but did they deter us - Nope. We just kept going and going and going. And as always the girls make these stupid moaning sounds when you kiss them on the neck and it was easy for peopel around to wonder if you'd crossed the line and go further. Especially people who have gone beyond the just making out bit. I remember after the movie I could hardly walk and my two veg were feeling all swollen and pain full. Which was what used to happen when you made out for hours without going further. Now I know when a person who has had sex reads this they will think thats not entirely true because to people that have gone past the sex line the whole ball game changed. I know that since I started having sex, Kissing became a means to the deed. You made out to get her to want sex and these dayd if you make out for 30 minutes its enough to merit the next step. Sometimes you only need a minute but then the thing is it all a way of getting sex so its hard to think someone can make out for an hour or two because in our own lives that does not happen anymore. As we get older the girls are easier to agree to go all the way and when someone says i made out for 3 hours we all thinking bullsh*t. But if making out was the top thing as it was when i hadnt gone beyond the line it was worth doing it for hours and hours. because back then for me making out was equivalent of sex. Hell f there was a time when a hug was like sex. I remember the first girlfriend i had in first year of secondary school. All we did was give each other hugs. back them the hug would last minutes and just holding each other was like da- bomb. You'd be like to your boys hey i hugged cathy and they'd be like you joking and you'd be like for real and you needed a witness and all for them to believe you lol. Then it went to kissing and the making out and then sex. ehehe I remeber when I started making out wioth girls and no one would believe i was touching her boobs and all that so we would actually make dares like if you really made out and took her shirt and bra off then you have to prove it. And proof was in the form of her bra. You had to somehow bring her bra as proof. Because no one believed you they all thought you made it up girls dont go that far at this stage. So you would get Hellen into the room (Normally you'd be using a friends pad, whose parents were less strict or who lived with his much older independent brother and you'd make out with the girl for hours. Lol back then they would let you take their top and bra off but never let you take the clothes off from from the lower half. So there you'd be kissing and being making out and all then your friend would bang the front door. say after the agreed one hour and ofcourse you'd fake panic that your mom or dad was home and she had to get the hell out before you both got caught. At this point becuse she took off her clothes while making out they are all over the place. you'd cleverly have pushed her bra under the matress so its not easy to find. Then in the panic you'd be pulling on your t-shirt throwing her her top and mouthing quick quick wear that. She'd be like weres my bra and you like i'll find it and give it to you later right now look decent so we sneak out. And 90% the girls would just do as told. And you'd sneak her out and she goes home. You'd show off the bra to your boys as proof and then later give Hellen back her bra at school the next days and say something like it was in the sheets. They always believed stuff like that. But then a year later we had graduated from bra's to panties. Because the giirls were letting us go further we upped the ante and you had to prove how far you went by the relevant undergarment. When i think back now its good memeories but I doubt i want some boy flashing my daughters panties to his friends as proof of how for he went with her. hmmmmmmmmmm growing up -
Does My Friend Like Me? Does she like me??
mandla replied to jamesmead's topic in Dating And Relationships
This is so true. Its hard to find a real friend. Most frinds we find are fake and back bite when we not there so if you find a good friend keep a good friend. I'm glad james mead came back to update us on the path he had chose and i think thats a very noble choice and wish him all the best in the future. -
my uncle always said one thing to my auntie and i realise that itwas true.He constanly said to her Darlene, we only in this marriage for one thing. To make each other happy. So once you stop making me happy its time for you to make other plans and the same applies for me if i find i dont want make you happy anymore then theres no use for me in this marriage.It sounds mean but when I grew older I realised how true it was. The main reason people should be together is to make each other happy. I have heard people talk about compromising in mariage but I have seen very little compromising in marriages. Compromises dont usually last long. because they are *BLEEP* for tat. basically a husband feels he will do the gardening as long as wife is doing his laundry and if at any point wife decides shes had enough then out goes the equivalent compromise. This means you will then argue because jack willsay I have done this for you but you havent done this for me in return. Jill will say what about when I do this for you what do you do for me in return. Then because we are human we will begin to argue and this results in anger and punishment which normally is s topping to do that compromise as a form of trying to prove your point. But if you live to make each other happy the above sitaution can easily be resolved by the fact that you may not like drinking at home compared to being at the pb daily with your frieds but because you wife will be happy if you buy your six packs and drink at home with her for company and even though she doesnt like doing your scummy laundry she knows that it makes you happy and it really costs nothing she will find it easy to do. I mean yes ita compromise just like work is a compromise. Watch. If you go to work they supposed to pay you. thats why the hours drag cause its a *BLEEP* for tat. Energy/strength/brainwork in exchange for money. But when you child says mommy buy me a playstation you dont charge them for it you just do it to make them happy. To see their face light up with happiness and just to know you made someoen you love happy. Thats how Marriage should be. It should be about trying to find happiness not trying to batter trade. After a while you find the whole compromise thingy will go out the windows anyway, you will settle into roles in the family and do them because they make your family happy. Most women start of saying because they work they expect hubby to do just as much housework and cooking but after a few years you will find the woman will do most house work and cooking because they aturally are carers and their nature will come into play once they get over the whole do this and i do that.Men will find they spend more time wearing out the couch and saying honey do this for me and do that for me please. The wife will do that without complaining because she sees thet her family is happy. She is happy for her man to be home with her than out with friend and that to her is enough.So you ask expectations in a marriage I say I expect to find happiness. I know we are different people and may argue sometimes but as long as I have happiness after a few months I will not remeeber the arguements I will remmeebr the happuy moments, the laughter the love and the emotions we went through and if I find i was happy then My marriage would have been perfect.
i hate to burst your bubble but there is nothing between the two of you. Yes you genuinely like the brod but thing is you were a convenience not a boyfrined. you were nice to hunt and get but once the chase was over you were not so interesting.I dont know if you have had intenet based freinships before. They normally follow a pattern especially if they person is of the opposite sex. You meet up on facebook and start chatting, you get chatting and chatting a lot and a few days down the line you feeling this strong attraction to each other. You really cant even wait to chat say on skype and you say all these personal thing to each other. You are not being sexual but just general talk they tell you everything. You dont think nothing of it except that you have a really good friendship. Then slowly the subjects morph into sexual tastes and appetites and for a few days you both content with teasing each other intimate details of and about your sex lives. This is tantalising and very intense. You wanna know more and more and more then you starting wanting more than just knowing whom they *BLEEP*ed. You start making inuendos that include you both in sexual scenes and soon the subject changes to you both doing each other and before long you wanna do each other once they have exhibited to you and you have seen pictures of their booms abd vaj via webcam or you have seen his six pack and package on the webcam, theres suddenly a death in the I wanna go chat to them right now effect which seemd to control you a few days prior. Its like you been there, done that got the t-shirt. Well from your story it seems you are one of those guys shes flirted with and got and then after that there was nothing. or even she went back to her previous boyfrind. She didnt want you getting all clingy at her party so she didnt invite you because she has other fish to fry. The best i can say is you dump her weather by just moving on and treating her as a friend or by telling i think its not working.we better off as friends. its better if you send this in a letter because in text or voice she will reply and right now you not ready to hear her reply especially if its a mean response like I never wanted you in the first place I just felt sorry for you then realised what I had done after cause you not even worth being my friend. So to avoid this use a note post it in her locker and voila even if she responds you knw the answer was not a quick come back but you know by the time the message comes shes had time to feel dumped and is only trying to save face.Dont wait for her to start chasing you cause i believe your dumping her will actually be more of a relief to her because shes probably worried you may be telling people you are her boyfrind and you have every right to at this point. I say go get another date for the prom and when she comes asking for a dance i know you will want to say ok and make room for her but it would be better to say to her maybe later or after a few more beers. that way your the one in control. If she still wants a dance after a few hours say ok and dance with her say one song. DOnt read anything into the dance its just a dance, after the song is over say thanks for the dance and go back to your date or freinds. Remember you not good enough for her party so what are the chances you will be good enough for prom. You are a back up just incase mr right does not come along is that what you want to be in life - a backup.You need to get a grip on your balls and be all man about this. dont let her walk all over you. take charge of your destiny and make sure she does not castrate by making you a fool. If she wants you after this you know for a fact that it is not sexual desire for you but the desire to get what she cant. Ask yourself what will happen when she gets you. There will be no reason to stick around. If you work hard to get a diploma, then finally get it you ask what next. I cant keep tryna get a diploma i ALREADY HAVE . you know what i mean - word to the wise..
Should I Go Ahead And Say This? help me especially girls plzz
mandla replied to Roby's topic in Dating And Relationships
its easy to advise you and say yes go for it buddy. but the truth is i believe that your realtioship will not last. she does not see you as a man who can take her clothes off and pleasure her in an intimate way but more as a brother or friend. You have been friends with her for 2 years you say and surely by now if she was totally attracted to you she'd have told you of that she was single by now. Actually while this may sound immoral and wrong i think during those breakup times you would have at least kissed passionately. You have in the past been given hints thats im single though its temporary i hve no boyfried right now and im 'available' but you were just like a gay friend who doesnt want to take advantage of her when she is vlnerable you actually acted like a girl freind understanding her situation and being all nice to her and helping her through the problems she was going through.She stopped seeing you as a predator who wants her sexually which is how a guy would want a girl he has feelings for. THis does not mean you have to only want sex it means the attraction should be a sexual kind not a family or brotherly kind. Where you care as family or as best friends. You should not see her as a girl but as a girl with boobs, an *bottom* hips nice legs and what you wanna do with her. I assume this is how you see her since you say you are attracted to her but the question is does she see you as a guy who can hold her in his arms touch her and kiss and lick her all over and make her feel naughty. If she sees you as a guy who can protect her when trouble comes and can hang out with and chill with but with out the sexual attraction then you've boobed mate. You should make sure she knows where you stand and most of all dont ever cross that line of being too friendly because that will just mess up your chances of ever getting with her.Now in terms of what you should do. Just ask point blank but ask in a non tense non confrontational manner as in hey cindy you changed you fb status ... naughty naughty. now all the guys are going to be hitting on you and be disappointed when they find out you in a long distance relationship for 4 years. you know something simple simingly pasive and yet asks the question so she answers without even realising the question has been answered for example she may respond. heheh Im single now so its cool. You ask hheheh what about dave (or whtever boyfrinds name is) she be like he's history now. And you be like yeah right. I've known you long enough to know its temporary when you all break up and she be like no for real its over this time I aint going back. You have your answer now chance subject so she dont realise shes answered all the questions and say ask her whats up for the weekend. Dont quickly ask her out because she'll piece it together just make everything unrelated. Give a couple of days before asking her out for a drink or dinner nothing formal. She shouldnt suddemly see a change in you cause she will have ringing bells all around, you wanna slowly turn the friendship into a a possible relationship. Go out for the usual freinship dates but amid the jokes and laughter just make those little personal connections eg brushing her hand or fixing her hair from her face but also continue the normal type of conversation be it jokes and gossip. You want her to think that it would be a good idea to have you for a boyfriend cause you so cool. Slowly make her think its her idea not like you taking advantage of that shes single cause that will only make her say I need to be single for a while. You wanna be the friend thats there but constatnly be the boyfrind she wants without being full on. Trust me soon she will be the one coming on her saying i've had a friend and he's everythign I want in a boyfriend, I have been friends for 2 years and i dont knwo how to tell him i have developed feelings for him lol. -
im no doctor but i dont see the exact link between the two. a learning disability is n anything like lack of concentration. learning dissability is a problem that is not emotionally based but mentally. Yes when you have depression its hard to concentrate not beceause you are dumb or anything but simply because your mind cant sit still. This is mainly due to the fact that what ever caused the depression to set in in the first place is normally playing on your mind and making it hard to concentrate.LEts assume the depression is caused by loosing all your savings gambling and the wife leaves you and takes the kids with her. This trauma though self inflicted may lead to depression and low self esteem. Right if we put you in a class and let you try to learn new things you would concentrate for the first five minutes then shortly after that you would find your mind is thinking about how much you hate the way life has turned out for you. How you could have done things differently, how life has it in for you and that if only you had the wife on your side or at least the kids then things would be so much better.For instance the teacher would be trying to explain how to change a manual stick gear from one to two. The process would be tho le tthe engine revs go up to about 200 and then you would use your foot to depress the clutch fully. This is to disengage the gear cogs so that when you move from one gear to the next, the engine will not grind.At this point this reminds me of the A team, when Mad murdock was wiring this C4 bomb to an armoured truck and he wanted to break through the door so he could find his frineds who had been held captive. THis brings me to an episode ode of mission impossible i am watching as i type this. Basically there are two guys who look like twins. One is good one is bad. The other is good, they are trying to do a majic trick involving a staged electrocution live on stage. The similar looking guys are trying to use this to the advantage of the worse guy because basically use the likeness as a pedestal in getting elected to office. Now they plug in a electric chair to a transformer and wife it to his podium and then flip the switch on. This zaps him and makes him fall to the gournd be fore he realises that his life is messed up because they were spying on him using a wireless camera and microphone.Now at this point theres an advert that shows two people who are in love and buying each other presents for christmas and sat around a christmas tress. Which is how my life was this time last year when I hadnt gambled and messed up my life because of this wanting to take a chance now i have lost my kids and my family. Why is life so unfair to me.And at this point the teacher says now everone get up so we go and try this in practice in a real car. And you suddenly realise you never even heard a thing the teacher was saying because your mind was completely distracted. In cases were someone is not clinically depressed we would call it daydreaming but when someoen has a situation we then call it is depression causing them lack of concentration. Now while this is not an exact sitauation and i know you are wondering why i went on a crazy off topic tangent i need you to realise i did it to show you how the depression just goes off topic in situations. THe thing with depression is that it is not just simply the lack of concentration but also includes lack of sleep no food appetite, its a whole complex ordeal and I feel for anyone who goes through it. Because i have suffered from depression for over 3 years and its the worst thing I have had to go through in life. it makes living bleak and life is a drag. No one understands what you going through because it is a very personal experience and each person experiences their own version of the depression and its so hard to help especially if the issue is one from the heart and the reason for the depression is the loss of a loved one or the break up of a relationship in which the other party no longer has interest in the relationship but the sufferer of depression had. Its a whole complex subject and I believe the best we can do is to show support for those suffering from the depresion and ensure that they do not spiral down further and further into the depression but survive the experience.
this is a simple case of peer pressure and group psychology. its not the schools making groups fight but more like the schools are being used by the kids who want to fight. Schools do not codone gang warfare but are just places were a noble idea which is to teach children and young adults so they can be sorted in the future. But unfortunately no mattter how noble the idea maybe kids will always be kids. They will associate with each other based on any nprejudice they can find. For instance country of origin, surburb, color, music taste, clothing anything that can make them say we are different. This in its self is not a problem. The problem is when the ones who are all emotional tmeet the ones who dress in black and paint their faces white and because they realise they have different tastes in everythign, then decide to confront each other as opposed to just accepting that they have different tastes in everything. At this point they should rather just be happy that they are diverse yet all humans and accept each other.but no they want to be said they are superior and as a result they become confrontational. Not because they are all confrontational but because one or two are loud mouths who just had to make threats that they can back up. You see in any crowd you will find those who talk violence yet can not fight if their lives depended on it. They will talk and talk and get responses from their mirror characters in the opposing group then because there are those who want to throw a puch and run, those will then throw a pucnh and run and then the opposing group will defend themselves and a brawls breaks out. So while schools may be the number one place where fights and gangs clash it is not the schools fault that the Chavs hate the emo and fought them at rugby. Its just the stupid gangs fault for not realising that everyone is allowed to express their dress sense with out fear of intimidation or ridicule.
the ipod touch and Iphone are very similar. actully the Iphone is an itouch without the phone and camera every thing else is the same. I got an ipod touch for my birthday from a girlfriend and my mom got me an iphone they had no idea they were gettiong me similar products. The ipod touch was good because the storage is 64 Gig and the Iphone is only 8 Gig so in termse of storage i like the itouch but then assuming they had both got me 64 gig storage consoles i believe they would have been exactly the same save for the aforementioned major differences.While i know they are pretty expensive i have found both to be very versertile. I mean IPOD and Iphone have the APP store and thats the biggest edge they have over so many other consoles. You see because you can update and download the latest the apps it automatically means you have a sort of different handset every now and again. This is not to say that the handset changes completely i just mean you have the ability to download loads of new free apps and they will keep you entertained for hours on end as if you have a new gadget. just save up and buy either and you have a good product in your pocket. i understand other companies are playing serious catch up on the android market but in my book the Iphone and Ipod touch are serious leaders in the market. Its not gonna be easy catching up.
welcome PassionFruitMilkTea. Im really liking the idea of passion fruit tea and the fact you sound so vibrant on the thread. I am hoping to hear lots from you and hope to be able to help out were i can or rather where i know. hehehe. I just realise the eyes to on the b_d, had never noticed before but you see we learn new things daily and this is a great way to start. Just be open minded and opinionated and we going to get along just perfect. Welcome to Xisto and I hope you will enjoy the free domains and free webhosting that is offered by Xisto in exchange for good posting.(Edtiied to correct spellings )
In this case Anwii has a massive point and arguining any more would just be plain foolishness. Now there was another way the post could have been made. He should have done research as in watched the videos and then summarised in his / her own words what knowledge or comparisons they received from the videos. THen further gone to say if you dont understand what I mean and need full or further details please see attached videos. That way we watch the videos trying to understand deeper the subject already expressed. You went to school and when you were school what did teachers do? Did you walk int 8th grade or what ever level you did say English Literature and when you got into class teacher just wrote on the board Todays lesson: please watch ROMEO AND JULIET BY SHAKESPEAR its available in the library and provide you with it HEX Number or whatever number system they use in library. No they did not. THey went into the whole detail as they saw it and you had the video or story book as a teaching aid. When I clicked on this thread and saw a heading and just videos I was like you must be kidding. I aint watching that bollox. Couldnt the person have written stuff down than span these probably advert videos for some silly product which prolloy arent even relevant to the topic. Next thing I did was scroll past t he videos and read the comments resulting from the video. Its possible the video would have taken 30 each to watch and reading the thread responses took 5 minutes but I felt more at ease reading the thread responses not the video watch which i still havent done and look at this. To further prove Anwii's point we are all more interested in what they should have written or not written on the post than what they actually wrote on the post. Meaning the videos actually turned out to be completely a distraction from the topic at hand which I believe is how to get a Boyfriend. The Origial post is hence in my sight off topic and as result the rest of the thread will concentrate on something thats not getting a boyfriend. Maybe the topic should have been called how to distract people from the actually topic. That would have been perfect for this thread.if i get time maybe I will watch the videos and see how relevant to the topic they are but I think thats no longer the point here. That point was lost when the original post was made.
My Dog Pukes Regularly what would be the cause of this problem?
mandla replied to ComeToLife's topic in The Vent
oh my god, i love dogs but this whole puking business would put me off having a dog. And dont dog lap up theor own sick. If you sprinkle a little bit of salt to giv eit taste and leave the dog around, you will find your mutt will lap the whole sick up and lick the floor clean. It saves you having to tidy up after the dog. hehehehGrossse