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Everything posted by mrdee

  1. Thank you for that explanation, rvalkass.So, it was idle hope that someone was trying to do some maintenance here, as my initial thought was that a bulletin board which was up and running and working would normally not generate any script errors, just because of the fact that everything was ok in the script.At least, people still get a polite answer from you, without any sarcasm or flaming, who said ignorance was bliss?Thank you again.
  2. James, that depends on what your the rules and requirements of your club are. For example: I do Shotokan Karate, and on training, we do not use anything regarding protection. However, when we have a tournament, then we are obliged to wear a gum shield, mittens and a groin protector (shell) during our fights. I asked our Sensei for permission, however, (and got that permission) to wear leg protection during training sessions, for the simple reason that I am diabetic, which means (among other things) you have to be careful about injuries to your legs and feet, and after one nasty experience, I decided that was needed, which is why I got that permission. What happened in that "nasty experience" was: during a sparring session on training, my opponent caught me on the shin with his toenail, leaving nothing but a tiny scratch. However, due to the diabetes, and also the fact that Karate is done on bare feet, and the floors of the training halls are not always squeaky clean, the tiny scratch got infected and caused an ulcer on my leg which oozed for weeks. But, as I said in the beginning, it depends on which martial art you do (forgot to mention that) and also on the internal rules of your club. Eg. in Tae Kwon Do, the fighters wear a protective shield around their upper body, while in Kendo they wear the same plus a protective mask as well. Ayway, consult with your teacher of whatever martial art you do and he will be happy to give you further guidelines.
  3. Yes, that is exactly what I meant by hacker, someone malicious trying to mess up things here.I also thought it was FIR, as it is only the second time I have seen it happen, and since I assumed, as I posted before, these things do not happen automatically, I thought I'd try to bring it to someone's attention, but it seems I have to watch over my shoulder when I post here lately.
  4. I am going to post this here, since it seems te be hot news to me, I only discovered it earlier this morning. It will also be a good test to see if my post goes through, in spite of what is happening. When I entered the forum this morning, I was greeted with the following bunch of error messages: I also noticed that, during the loading (enough time to notice it, given the forum's loading time), the favicon was different, but it changed to the usual Xisto favicon just before the page appeared. I have had a similar experience before, and posted a question about it, but never received a reply. I assume that, when the code runs OK and has been tried and tested, the script will usually not generate any errors, unless changes have been meade to iether the script, or the hosting (eg. upgrade PHP version or added/removed functions in PHP or the like). Unless it is anything of the above, could it be there have been changes made in the script, which would sort of give me a hint one of the admins is doing some work/maintenance on the forun, or could a hacker be at work too? At first, i though I was not going to get access to the forum, because the list where the subjects are normally shown was blank, but upon scrolling a bit further down, I noticed they were now shown below their usual place. That is also why I am saying it will be a good test, if this post appears after i have sent it, it shows me that, in spite of the error messages, the forum is still operational. However, it would be nice if someone could enlighten me, either a PHP expert who understands what those error messages are indicating, or someone who knows what is going on, whatever further information would really interest me. Thank you in advance to whoever could shed a bit of light on this.
  5. I don't know whether this law applies in other countries too, but in the United Kingdom there is one way of covering your back (in certain cases, I know, since there are many different cases of Internet Fraud around, and, as someone here gave some examples, it is not always fraud, for example, a seller going bankrupt).Anyway, if you, for purchases over ?100, pay by credit card and you incur any losses, for example, goods you never receive, or, also the non-fraudulent occurrence of a seller going out of business, then your credit card company will be held responsible for your losses.Obviously, as I said, there are different cases of fraud, and in some cases, you will not have a leg to stand on, on the basis that "you should not have been so stupid to fall for the scam", but there are certain ways to protect yourself against certain kinds of fraud and cases of "force majeure" such as bankruptcies and the like.
  6. Sunny5, we could do that, and would be quite willing to do so. However, you do not give us much to go on. Some examples: How much would you be willing to spend? What kind of work do you plan to do with it? Related to the above, what software do you want to run on it? It depends on whether you just want to use your laptop to the usual things, like surfing the net and sending some emails, or whether you want to turn your laptop into your home office, running powerful office software. Also, if you plan to do lots of photo/video or music editing, you will need a fairly fast model, with quite a large Hard Disk Drive, this will obviously come at a price too. If you intend to do lots of nowadays gaming on it, you will need fast graphics too. So, if you could give us a better insight into your budget and what you want to use your laptop for primarily, we will be able to give you some more information too.
  7. This might be a silly question, but since I am still in the process of learning, I feel I need to ask it anyway.I have set up a Table in Access 2007 to keep track of my private students, this particular table contains the personal details of the students.One of the fields, called "Course", shows which course the students follow (as there is a choice between a number of courses), and I have made a list box (drop-down list) which already contains the choice of courses on offer to make data entry easier and quicker.However, what do I see now?The list box works fine, when adding a new student to the table, you can click on the "Course" field, and a list with the possible choices drops down, and you select by clicking on the appropriate choice with the mouse. (Nothing new or unusual here).The trouble only start when I want to have a look through data in the table :When I look at any record, the course field also displays the list box, while I want only the selected choice to be displayed in a text box while I am in view or query mode.Could anyone advise me on how i can get rid of this problem, so that the list box only exists for data entry?All expert help will be met with a lot of gratitude.thank you very much in advance.
  8. Anyway, back on-topic now.When I went onto the forum yesterday, I got access almost immediately, ie. the forum opened in about a second, but on he top of the page were a row of PHP error messages.Some of the frames of the forum were there, also loaded practically immediately, but due to the errors, I assume, full access to the forum was not possible (No subjects were listed and visible buttone did not react to any clicks).Now, I am not complaining about not gaining access to the forum, the point I am trying to make is that the error gave me the impression some work or maintenance was being done to the forum.Does anyone have any knowledge of this?Even now, it seems the main forum is loading slightly faster, while other functions still suffer from their unhealthy lack of speed.So, would it be possible that someone (an admin?) is taking the bull by the horns and has started a resurrection of the Xisto forums/community?Like i said, if anyone has any further knowledge of this, please let us know.We are living in hope.
  9. mrdee

    A Seasonal Vent

    I doubt the IRS has any sympathy for anyone, except themselves.Has anyone ever noticed that, when you owe them any money (now matter how small the amount), you get a letter telling you you have 10 days to pay the money you owe them, while, on the other hand, when they owe you money, you will get a letter telling you "We are pleased to let you know...." (I have my doubts about that), and then they will tell you you will get the amount of money they owe you in about 3 months time.That is indeed an example of the IRS's sympathy.
  10. It seems like I was abandoned abit here, just as I was beginning to make some progress.Just to recap (and to give the latest updates in the mean time):I have managed to set something up in both MySQL and Microsoft Access, thanks to the help of PHPRunner, the MySQL database (with 2 tables and a one-to-one relationship so far), is beginning to take shape.i have managed to link the students table to a table called "Lessons", and I can nicely switch between both tables, add, edit, remove data in both, also, when data in one table, which have an impact on data in the other table get altered, the alterations seem to take place properly in both tables.So far so good in MySQL, but I am obviously kind of stuck now on how to take things further and make a table to control payments, so any further advice would be welcomed with open arms.As far as Microsoft Access goes, I do have some problems there, but first of all, people might be wondering/asking "why make a database system in both MySQL and Microsoft Access"?the answer is simply: for practice purposes, and then, I would also use the one which seems to be structured best and which seems to work the best out of the two.But, as I said, I want to learn as much as I can about database development, so it seems a good idea to learn about different systems/platforms. Anyway, back to the point now:In Access I created a table with student information, simple enough, and then I created, just as I had done in the MySQL database, a lessons table, which so far contains 3 fields: a student ID (the foreign key), a lesson date field (a date field) and a lesson time field (time field), so in field 2 I plan the dates of the lessons, and in field 3 the time of every lesson (don't know whether that is OK or clumsy).However, when I set up the one-to-one relationship, Access seemed seemed to accept it, gave me no errors (I set up the relationship from the Primary Key in students (Student ID) to the Foreign Key in lessons (ID), but when I look at the student table, I can see no reference anywhere to the lessons table, or the other way round, or should I set this up manually in the form view?In the MySQL database, I can effortlessly switch between the two tables, but not in Microsoft Access.Not sure where I am going wrong here.All help will be gratefully accepted.
  11. They are not explaining much on the PEAR ite, not at first glance anyway, are they? (Mind you, it might be my ignorance causing me to say that). Anyway, I am using XAMPP on my local machine, in order to run an intranet within my home, where I can share data with my wife to help me set up appointments, payment details etc. and at the same tiem (being on an intranet) protect it all from preying eyes from the outside world. My version of XAMPP also includes Mercury, an email module, which, it appears, was made by the makers of Pegasus Mail. I have already set up mercury so that i can exchange emails internally (intranet email which does not leave the building at all), but it would be necessary for me to be able to send email from the intranet too, eg. for sending reminders to slow payers, announce changed appointments, or communicate about new ones etc. And, yes, I do have my own email addresses with proper ISPs, but since the whole business system is posted on our local intranet, I need to be able to send emails directly from my database system. However, at the XAMPP forum itself, an issue (and a solution) for that are mentioned, but it does not seem to do the trick for me. The forum advises people to do the following: i have set all the parameters the way they describe it, but that still does not do the trick for me.When I send (or try to anyway) an email to an address outside the intranet (localhost), i keep getting the well-known MAILER DAEMON message that the message could not be delivered. Emails within localhost, however, get sent and received with no problem. I have also tried to replace the bit ";sendmail_from = postmaster@localhost" with my own email address, but that still makes no difference at all. Is there anyone here who knows a bit more about this, or who is knowledgeable in XAMPP/Apache/PHP/Mercury, so i can get this problem sorted? Obviously, any solution which solves the problem without using Mercury (as in the original opening post) would be welcomed.
  12. No point carrying on with this discussion then, if everything I say is taken out of context.
  13. Oops, someone with long toes here.Well, for your information, OK, the "kosher" bit might have been a bit of an unlucky choice of words, but, when I have an opinion, I will voice it.Fact is, in my case, the updating of MyCents is incredibly irregular.As I mentioned before, sometimes I get my credits within hours, but, on occassions, it takes days for my credit balance to update.I usually do not care so much, and I know the credits will be added eventually, but when I get near my invoice date and I still need a tiny amount, and it is just not happening, then things do tend to get on my nerves.When I first upgraded my hosting plan, after my first payment, I reached my needed amount in just over a week, and, I might have posted slightly less this month, but the fact of the matter is, updates seem to be so unpredictable this time, and it is that irregularity that is getting to me.As said before, if the script runs on a regular basis, then why do you get your credits in no time sometimes, while, at other times, you have to wait ages for your update?It is just the point about the irregularity of the MyCents updates that I want to make.Nothing more, nothing less.BTW. Nice golden retriever you have there.I will be welcoming black labrador puppies next month.
  14. Well, I am sorry, but I must disagree with you. Of course the script has to run only periodically because of the server overload risk, but it is certainly not as regular as you make it out to be. A few examples: It has happened, on occasions, that I posted once or a number of times in the early morning, and by late evening the next day, my MyCents credit was updated. What has also happened was that it only took a few hours. However, lately, I seem to have to wait for days for my MyCent credits to be updated: they were updated today, and I have been at the same credit level (although I have posted every day) for more than 3 days. In other words, so much for regularity. Another thing that I have noticed as well is that the MyCents system seems to award credits as it pleases: sometimes I will post a 10 line long post and get about 55 cents for it, while, at other times, I post a number of articles of well over a page long, and I will get only 20 cents for it. For example, no, as I mentioned before, my credit has not changed in more than three days,and during that time, I did some regular and substantial posting. Yet, what do I see? My credit has gone up from 74.28 cents to a measly 97.52 cents. I really wish they got their facts (and at the same time their script) right at Xisto so there is some consistency in the time of updating, and also in the number of MyCent credits that are given per post. It would also not harm if they could inform us clearly on how exactly it all works, after all, a script has been written, so there must be a certain line in the time and the amount of updates. I assume that whoever wrote the script must be able to explain which changes the algorhythms make, so why not inform us good and proper, as, at the moment, we have no control over, nor any say in how our credits are calculated, and to me, that is not always very Kosher.
  15. mrdee

    A Seasonal Vent

    Yes, I know about labbies, but, to me it is worth it.Anyway, that "old keep 'em on the computer trick", I have always been told (and, yes, we all (including me)tend to sin against that rule more or less) to, especially if you have crucial or sensitive data on your system, keep a hard copy , backup or both of your files.I would say, in case of someone's accounts, or the books of his/her livelihood being on a PC, it is essential to back up regularly, just for cases like what happened to you.And, yes, I do agree with you on one point: when something like that happens, it is definitely a disaster, nothin more, nothing less, which is why it is so vitally important to stick to the backup/hardcopy rule (for honesty's sake, I am saying this because I speak from experience too. ).So, having said all that, I still think it is a slightly better system than keeping it all in the good old paper bag/shoe box (although, if you do that alongside keeping your records on file electronically, you still have something to fall back on) and the law still requires that all paper based invoices/receipts are filed so they can ask to see them should they require it.(At least, that is the way they operate here).I have just tried to bring my opinion across, whether or not that is met with sarcasm is beside the point.Making your point is what this place is for.
  16. Well, as Xarex says, the description of the Decade plan is not very detailed. However, since it says "Made for a single website" and "Best for Beginners", I would not think you would get the same amount of web space and/or bandwidth that they give you on the Logic Plan. Also, since they only seem to provide support through this forum ( I dread to think about anyone having a problem with their web space which they are not able to fix hemselves then), it seems to be sort of low-end, low-spec. Then again, what would you expect for $1 a year? I rally hope there are some people here with more knowledge about the plan than me, because I really would not know the answers to all the questions myself, and since Xisto do not offer any e-mail support, well, you know what I mean, don't you? However, to be quite honest, I liked the Logic plan, and the price is right too, and i have recently upgraded to Logic Pro, quite happy with that, and, to be quite honest, even if you paid with real money, it would still be very affordable. Even he big one, the Ultimate Linux Plan (which i am hoping to get some day) is very reasonably priced, even if you paid with real money, it does look a bit more difficult getting the money together through MyCents, but it is probably possible (well, i am trying, aren't I?) So, my advice would be, unless you can get some official facts and figures, I would leave the Decade plan alone for now.
  17. I must agree with most of you here. When McDonald's appeared in Europe, a good number of years ago now, the Big Mac (which I always chose) really deserved its name, simply because it was BIG. However, nowadays, it has become something like simply a double hamburger (or cheeseburger, rather) with some salad stuffed into it, and while (as someone in an earlier posts rightly mentions) they seem to understand the trick of how to make a mix that bloats people up, through serving the right kind of soft drinks with the burgers, it has become clear that, if you had a Big Mac on its own, or just with some plain water, you would either not have enough with one, or you would be starving hungry again in no time. Let us not forget that there is a huge difference between filling and bloating your stomach. Having said all that, I would prefer Burger King over McDonalds any time now (those two are the only ones available here in England), for a number of reasons: A Whopper is really what its name implies it to be: it is HUGE and able to fill you up. Contrary to what you get in McDonalds, you can taste what you eat, also, Burger King advertise their "flame-grilled" burgers, and, yes, they taste exactly as if they have been barbecued. Burger King might be somewhat more expensive than McDonalds, but at least it is worth the money. To be quite honest, on the odd occasion when I go for a burger meal, if there is a choice i will always go for burger KING, AND USE McDonald if there is no other choice for me.
  18. Well, harlot, you have a point here and there.I, for one, am indeed still here for my hosting, especially because I am still happy with that, so, I might as well keep posting (and not spam, that is) to keep getting my service, because, as we say "the price is right".Although the Xisto - Support lacks a bit in speed sometimes (unlike some years ago), I have not needed them that often anyway, as my hosting service is quite reliable.Also, if you tried to get hosting with the same features elsewhere, it would cost you an arm and a leg, they usually charge amounts I certainly cannot afford, and, if you do get it free, or cheap, then there is usually something (meaning "a lot") missing from the features that we at Xisto do get (eg. no or only 1 MySQL database, or, in case of none, no PHP neither, or else "Safe Mode" is turned ON, which stops you from running the most innocent and legitimite scripts, or, if you don't get a number of visitors, they just stop your service, but, on the other hand, you get such a small amount of bandwidth that they suspend your site until the next month if you get a certain number of visitors, etc. etc.)So, I would rather stick with my Xisto hosting than go anywhere else.However, I do get annoyed at times here, mainly due to the lack of speed of the forum, and even more, due to the fact that, as you mention, the community seems to be dead.The help I used to get here when I was struggling with problems: 1 post, and about 10 minutes later, you had between 5 and 10 replies, replies from knowledgeable people who knew what they were talking about and solved our problem in no time, while now, you are lucky if you get 1 reply after a week.That is why I am trying to do what I can, by talking to the right people, to get this place moving again, so we can keep making the most of our hosting, but also for the benefit of people who come here expecting to get what this forum should be for: answers to their questions and quality discussions. (Apart from my hosting, I fall into that category too).
  19. mrdee

    A Seasonal Vent

    Yes, I have indeed priced the price of dog food.I have three of them, and that will get worse, as my female labrador is pregnant and we are expecting the puppies around May 9th.(OK, for a while, mum will feed them, but that will change too).Anyway, back on topic now:Keeping track of and properly filing your income/expenses are indeed a pain, but unfortunately they are a legal requirement (poor state might suffer a loss of a few pennies otherwise ).It is, of course, a well-known fact that self-employed people (although this is not legally required) are much better off if they have some knowledge/training in the field of accountancy.There are, of course, professional accounants available, and, granted, their services are tax deductable, but the money for those services still has to be put on the table every month/year (depending on how the system you agreed on operates).And, yes, a brown paper bag is the favourite filing system of many of us, which makes us sweat when it s that time of the year again, however, there are now things called either PC, Mac or laptop which can make life a lot easier.Then again, having said that (it takes one to know one ), many of us start using an accounts program full of enthusiasm, we say "wow, this is so easy to use, so user-friendly, does all those calculations", but after a while it goes "oh, yes, here is my petrol receipt for today, it s getting a bit late, so I'll enter it tomorrow", which then, bit by bit starts to happen a bit more frequently, and after a month or two, the good old "filing cabinet" (the brown one, that is) has started to fill up nicely again.And, sheepdog, you were lucky to have the dear lady when you had her, as nowadays, there is a great deal of accountants around who are quite willing to take your money, and, some of them do a great job, while others charge you an arm and a leg for a crap service too, but there are quite a few of themnowadays (as i said earlier) who will flatly refuse to do anything at all for you when you just hand them the brown filing cabinet or a shoe box. (I know, it doesn't make their job any easier, but is that not what you pay them (handsomely) for?)So, what people say about "this not being the times to refuse work or to be choosy or fussy about being selective with customers" does not always go.Come to think of it, I know quite a few accountants, and I have yet to see one who drives a 2CV or a rusty old Renault or Fiat, or, even worse, one who goes to visit his customers on a bicycle.And, yes, they do have to pay taxes at the end of the year too, but I am sure they will know the way to keep that to a minimum.
  20. Well, I said I am a total beginner. Nevertheless, your explanation is very clear and very detailed, much better than anything else I have read, where they just assume you know it all. It certainly has. Thank you.
  21. Hi iniyila,I received an update from the Release Candidate (RC) to Ready To Web (RTW) version of Internet Explorer 9 on Monday 28 March (only a fortnight later than what was announced by Microsoft). At first glance it looked OK, even allowing Flash Player and Flash Shockwave to do their thing.However, after a little while of use, it went back to its good old, wel-known buggy self, when it kept throwing the message "his site is not responding" at me.This seemed to happen after Internet Explorer had shown me a message "This page has been modified to avoid cross-site scripting" (whatever heck that might mean).I seem to remember this error message came when I was looking at a page which relies on Flash, and after that message, things began to go pear-shaped, and Internet Explorer went back to its good old trustworthy untrustworthy status (No, this is not a typo).I am really beginning to wonder when Microsoft are ever going to get things right, and when they are ever going to listen to people instead of always knowing it better (or, at least, pretending to do so).I think we will just have to grin and bear it.I did see some new features in there, some that may be useful (if they work, that is), but they will still have to have a definite look at their plug-ins.
  22. Maybe it works for you, but this end, things are quite slow, as usual (although a bit better than I was used to).However, if it's not one thing it's another: for a number of days now, my MyCents credit has not updated, although I have been posting every day.Goodness gracious me.
  23. Well, sheepdog, do not feel too sorry for the moderators (or at least the admins). The reason why there is so much spam on the forum, with all the other problems that come with that, is because some of the admins have simply turned their backs on this forum. And it certainly is not only spam which is annoying visitors here, it is also the fact that this forum has become incredibly slow. I am obviously not going to start copying and pasting here (against regulations), but if you want to see a topic that goes into the matter a bit deeper, have a look here. In that particular topic there is a discussion going on, not only about the spam issue, but also about the ho, who, why and what of things. Fortunately there is also a mention of some possible solutions, if only the powers that be would listen and take heed now. Then there is a further topic, which can be found here, far less technical, and far less detailed, but it shows that other visitors here are getting quite anxious or fed up (don't know yet which category to class myself in). (It also seems like the last post in the topic looks suspiciously much like spam). So, if you have anything to add, or want to put some possible solutions or suggestions forward, feel free to join the topics I mentiond, and help us in the fight to give this place a least some of its former glory back.
  24. I don't know, it was probably my imagination, but for a moment I had the impression the forum was running slightly faster when I came back to it a few minutes ago. However, having said that, it was only in certain areas, such as opening the start page of the forum and clicking on the odd topic, only for my "somewhat happier" feeling to disappear when I went to see my profile and had to wait quite a while again. Nevertheless, has some work/maintenance been done to the forum at all during recent hours? A little while after I had opened this topic here and checked to see if there were any replies (yes, the email notification does not seem to work properly neither), the forum refused to load altogether, with the message "The connection has timed out". That is why I was wondering if anyone had done something o the forum, especially because of the impression I had when I managed to get back on. I really hope the powers that be take heed to what has been said here, even the previous two posts are extremely valuable, with great analyses and very useful suggestions. If they could only follow what has been written, and, if they are too busy for the time being, like I have seen written about Opaque earlier, then why not give temporary Administrator access to knowledgable people who are wlling to help out? Don't these people realise the are only cutting into their own flesh with doing things the way they are going now, or do they think people are all of a sudden going to stop using the forum and start paying for their hosting with real money? Fat chance, i would say. By the way, that reminds me: I just saw something on Twitter about MyCents 4.0 now being installed, doe sanyone know more about this? Does anyone know what difference it makes (if any), has the update any beneficial points? Anyway, if anyone can keep me up to scratch with all the latest developments, that would be a great help.
  25. You are right in most of the things you say, of course.However, spam is not the only issue on the forum, is it?Only the other week, I was recommending the Xisto hosting to some friends, friends who run a substantial website.They were even interested in the big one (the unlimited plan), and were even considering to pay for it with real money if they had to, but stopping by at the forum first put them off when they saw how long hey had to wait before the forum even came up.Well, a few of those, and if that is not beginning to count as serious loss of business for Xisto, then I don't know what is.
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