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Everything posted by mrdee

  1. No need for all the Googling.Just use the menu to have a look at the pages "Persons", which shows you information about famous Flemings, from freedom fighters and martyrs to scientists, artists and sports people. When you read that information you will see in some of the topics the things that rotten state Belgium has done to Flanders in its short existence (only since 1830). Please also feel free to give me any suggestions if you feel the page could do with improvement in some way. I will be updating that page soon and, to begin with, add an alphabetic search feature. Also have a look at the page "Flanders", where you can find a political, historical, geographic and ethnic insight into that beautiful piece of land.This is going to be updated soon too, but will need a lot of work as it is the most complex and extensive topic of the website. Thank you for that advice and compliment as well, I am also very proud with the piece of music I put on the persons page. I thought that was very appropriate for a page where you intend to remember people. Let me know what you think about this too please. And further, as you saw already, there are regular news updates, on the media page you can see videos and listen to music, but you can also see clips from the TV news and clips that are relevant to the site. Then, further, there is an opportunity to send e-cards free of charge, I am in the process of adding to that too. Feel free to use it. Also feel free to leave a comment in the guest book, or, if you want to comment on the site, you can use the "Comments" link to fill in a form. And finally, just keep your suggestions coming. Oh, yes, almost forgot, one more question about the HTML code you suggested: How do I get the box with the text centred? I tried with <div align="center"> <div id="static_post"> your post goes here </div> </div> And that centred it, bu also the text inside the box, I then tried: <div id="static_post" align="center"> your post goes here </div> And that left the box on the left, with the text centred, I would like to know (not strong with <div>) how I can get the box centered, with the text inside it left aligned. Thank you again.
  2. Thank you for the compliments web_designer.The powerful piece of music you hear on the home page (the one at the very beginning where you choose the language) is called "De Vlaamse Leeuw" (The Flemish Lion) the national anthem of Flanders, referring to the lion on our flag.My site is a Flemish-nationalist site which aims to help to achieve independence for Flanders, independence from Belgium.The music you hear on the news page is something unique too typical Flemish, only Flanders has carrilons in its bellfries.A carillon is a set of bells (like church bells) which are played from a console a bit similar to an organ, with a manual and a pedalboard, except, of course that the keys on the manual are hit with the fists rather than played with the fingers.I used a sampled sound set from a real Flemish carillon placed in the bellfry of Ghent if you like I will upload a picture of the console.Anyway, I went a bit off-topic, but you showed an interest in certain parts of my website so that I felt I owed you some further explanations.Also once again thanks a lot for your good advice I shall bear the <div> solution in mind too.
  3. Hello again, web_designer,always good to hear from you.Sorry, once again I should have been a little bit clearer.It is not about the "Oh Dear" post, however, your advice is also very sound and I will try it out.My question concerned a post, which is not visible on the English news page, because it concerns an activity which is being held in Flanders, so, not much point in advertising it on the English page.You can go and look at the solution I used, at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ used a marquee that scrolls a text at the top and it also contains a hyperlink to send people to a page where they can get more info.The post about this is also on the page, but has obviously began to scroll down now, hence the scrolling advert.However, i will try out your suggestion too and see what it does for me.Anyway, go and have a look on the page I just posted here and let me know what you think about the solution (It is in Dutch, but you should get the gist, as I just explained.Thank you for your help.
  4. Do I sense a hint of favouritism here??????????????/
  5. The page you were looking for is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ .It is plain old HTML, as I have not made anything like commenting o posts etc. available.I will just do a scrolling banner on top.
  6. No, I don't, anwiii.I did start testing Wordpress but I could never get it to work properly, so I stuck to static pages.
  7. I think I found it now. The bird has indeed somethig to do with *BLEEP*, but would not be a blue, but a great *BLEEP* (parus major). Maybe I could refer to a clearer picture: Oops, see in the preview I get a number of BLEEPs here, hope I don't get warnings for them, as I was writing some thing completely innocent. Rvalkass, how did you manage to write that without a BLEEP?
  8. True, we always seem to overlook the obvious, don't we?Nevertheless, thanks again.
  9. That was exactly what I was saying, anwiii, the original picture on facebook was nice and crisp and clear, but i cannot get it to look like that for some odd reason.It might be the kind of bird that is described, but i am still not 100% sure if it is correct.And, yes, rvalkass, I have seen them in Slough, especially during that time my central heating broke down. (I must say they did look different to the picture, though). :PThanks for your input, gentlemen, nevertheless.
  10. Yes, Jase, that has helped for sure.Why on earth did I not think about that. am going to make work of it right away the scrolling banner, that is).Thank you so much for your very valuable advice.
  11. I have been thinking about a solution for the following:When I announce something on my website, an event that is some time away, how can I make it re-appear, without having to constantly repeat the post?To make things a bit clearer: my (static) page is laid out with a table on the left, whe the menu resides, and then on the right, I have the main body, where separate articles appear, one above the other, every time with a separate table for a new article, made up by date (see attached screenshot).Obviously, as new articles appear (and I update daily), the announcement is going to be pushed to the bottom more and more, and after a few days, it probably will not get noticed anymore.I am not keen on using a pop-up, as many people have pop-up blockers in place, which might still make many people miss the announcement.Is there a way I could let the announcement stand out every time someone visits the page in question, eg. by making the article 'float' over the main body of the page or something like that?Any suggestion is,of course welcome, I am sure many knowledgeable and more experienced people than myself will probably have a solution in mind.Thank you very much in advance for any useful suggestions I may receive.
  12. For a while now, I have been experiencing problems when using my e-mail client (Windows live Mail 2011) on Windows 7 Ultimate.When checking e-mails, every single time I get the message for some accounts: "Your server has not replied in 90 seconds, do you want to wait or stop?", meaning some of the servers do not respond within the time given. When I check the server (or service status) of the ISPs in question, there is no mention of their e-mail server being down or having faults. Also, it is unlikely (though not impossible, of course) it is a virus or spyware issue, as my scans with AVG free mention no infections, and I also regularly run Spybot Search & Destroy, which cleans up the problems that might exist.The other thing is, I only seem to have the issue on my laptop, on my PC the problem does not seem to exist (happens once in a blue moon on the odd account, but not constantly on a number of accounts).I also suspect (I have to be careful when saying this, but...) a program I started using not too ling ago: Mailwasher Pro 2011.I need something to help me fight all the spam people send me, but I am not sure whether it hinders more than it helps.I started with version 6.5, on heir forums, they advised me to upgrade to version 2011, and when I posted again (mainly about spam being left alone and being marked as "good", even after clearly setting it as spam during every step of the learning process) they advised me to try the latest beta version of the program, which I am now running.Like I said, I don't know whether it is a coincidence or not, as I have even tried just checking my email without running Mailwasher prior to Windows Live Mail, but the issue is still there, not sure whether the Mailwasher settings have done something to my email setup, as I certainly have not done anything to change them.Does anyone know whether Mailwasher could be playing a nasty part here, or does anyone recognise the symptoms of this very annoying issue?I will be very grateful for any help offered in the matter.
  13. Yes, I noticed that myself, straight after uploding it. It looked a lot bigger on that black screen that pops up on Facebook (but it looks you cant copy the pictures from here, only from the page it is on). It did, however, lookvery clear nd crisp on Facebook. Also, the picture being a .jpg, I fear that, when increasing the size, it will go all blocky. So, any suggestions? Thank you. I'll have to try it this way he 2nd time, can't find the upload box anymore. (This is an enlarged version).
  14. Hello,I was wondering if there are people on here with a sound knowledge of birds.I have uploaded a picture of a bird,and i would like to know what kind of bird it is.Just to try and help a little bit, the picture was taken in Europe,in belgium to be more precise.It would be a great help if someone could answer my question.Thank you very much in advance.
  15. Thank you folks, Bluedragon, SP1 is already installed on my Windows 7. Darkyo13, I have ran the Troubleshooter, and it said it has made some changes to my system (without specifying which ones, of course, but that's Microdoft for you). Of course, since I received 7 updates this morning (and, yes, I did them one by one, just to be on the safe side ), I have no way of checking whether that made any difference until I get my next lot of updates. However, I will post back here and keep you informed. Although this is what you suggested as the next step in the solutions if the first one does not work, I am not 100% sure what you mean.To be a bit clearer: I have, so far, as far as I can remember, never had any updates via Windows Update where I had to accept a licence agreement (except maybe a big one like SP1, but cannot remember this as it is too long ago), I know, before Windows Update, when you could download updates manually you had the boxes "I agree" and "I do not agree" when you ran setup, but now, it seems that Microsoft are satisfied with the fact that you have accepted your Windows 7 licence agreement and have subjected yourself to a check for genuine software prior to updating Windows. So, that is it in a nutshell then. All i need to do now is wait for a next set of updates. Also, regarding error messages: the only one I get is "Failed" in the list of updates, without any further specification. However, I shall take it from here now and look what happens. Thanks to the people who helped me, and I will post back here at the next possible opportunity.
  16. Thank you ever so much for those links, web_designer.yes, i thought it was an idea worth thinking about too, which is why I posted about it.I have only just started looking at the sites and already found some things that might be very usesful.i will certainly not hesitate to share my findings with other people who are interested in a project like this.Thank you once again, and I will be posting further information soon.
  17. I use Windows 7 Ultimate, and I have noticed something which seems to be an update problem.I have my updates set as "Automatic", ie. Windows 7 looks for and downloads and installs Windows 7 updates automatically.However, I have noticed a few times that, when I have a considerable amount of updates waiting, the downloading and installing of updates usually fails.Now, for example, I had 15 updates, and all but one failed.When I install them separately (one by one) it does eem to do the trick, but that is, of course, hardly automatic, is it?Now, I would like to know if this might be a fault in the Windows Update settings, or if there might be another reason, and more importantly, if there is anything I can do against it.Has anyone ever come across something like that?As I mentioned before, it only seems to happen when there are a considerable amount of updates available, not in case of just 2 or 3, it appears.I would be very pleased if someone could enlighten me regarding this problem.Thank you in advance.
  18. As far as I can see, Port 21 is open, there is even something on the router called "FTP server", which has an IP address, and that has ports 21 to 21 set.However, no mention of Port 20 anywhere, and, frankly speaking, my old router was a lot easier to set up and configure, so, for the time being, I am not going to fiddle with settings whose meaning I am not 100% sure of.In the mean time, the FTP problem is remaining a pain in the neck.I have tried Filezilaa (which I have always used so far), SmartFTP, CoffeeCup Free FTP for normal FP jobs, and CoffeeCup HTML Editor (my default HTML Editor) and Adobe Dreamweaver for uploading web pages after editing them.It always works one way or another after a while, but until it does, it is giving me more than one gray hair (having to retry a number of times to connect to servers, having to retry a number of times to open remote folders, all due to server timeouts).Mind you, my hosting provider (Xisto) is also looking into it, so I am still not sure whose end the fault is n, but all I can say I never experienced anything like that before.Anyway, I am very grateful for your contributions.
  19. Sorry, should have been clearer on that.What I mean is the list of machines connected to the network. My ISP is not Orange, but O2, in England.The router they have given me says "O2 Wireless router IV", one with two aerials (antennas if you like) on it, and little or no buttons. Yes, I will have a look at that. Yes, the last thing I have done, the first (about SSID) I am not 100% sure what you mean. Let me just re-iterate, my Internet speed seems to be great (not unusual to get 13Mbps, this is not on fibre optic, but copper wire). However, I was just wondering if it could have something to do with my FTP problems I am experiencing, and the server timeouts I recently keep getting when checking emails. Anyway, thank you for your help so far.
  20. Hi Nate, Yes, I thought I had forgotten to mention something. All machines do indeed run Windows 7 Ultimate. Also, i did not create a network disk/USB stick. I will also try the step you advise. Thank you, and I will get back to you. Just wanted to add I re-ran the Network setup wizard and everything is all right now. There is still the other network issue (if that is what it is, of course), which i have described in another topic and which you also kindly replied to.
  21. A while ago, when I joined my ISP's telephone plan, alongside my broadband service, I was given the fastest possible access to their broadband too, for which they sent me a new WiFi router.I obviously had to connect and set up the router in order to make it work.(Let me also point out Iam usin Windows 7 Ultimate).i did connect and set up the new router, surprisingly had a bit of trouble making it work, but what I see now is that, in my Network list, the name O2 (which is the name of my ISP) appears.As far as I can remember, that was never the case in the past.As can probably be expected, there is no arrow next to the name, and when you click on it, nothing happens, except for a green line progresing through your network filebox.It would normally not bother me, but I have began to experience some FTP problems (although my broadband speeds are great, I sometimes get ove 13 Mbps), and I wonder (although I doubt it) if both issues are related.Are there any network specialists amng the readers, please?Thank you.
  22. I run Windows7 Ultimate, and 2 PCs and 2 laptops are running on it.Today, it came to my attention that 1 of the laptops is unable to access the other laptop on the network.The laptop in question is, however, able to connect to the Internet through the WiFi network, able to access the other PCs on the laptop and able to access the printers on the network too.The same laptop can also be accessed from the other machines too.The laptop that cannot be accessed also shows up under "Network".The only problem is, when trying to access the other laptop on the network it says "Windows 7 is unable to connect to ..... (name of the laptop)"."You do not have permission to access ..... Contact your network administrator."As far as I can see, all machines have permission to access files and folders on other machines and printers too.When I run the Sharing tool, it says permissions are granted to "Everyone".is there anyone who could make out what exactly is wrong because that machine cannot access 1 specific other machine?
  23. Thanks, anwiii,I shall look into all those options.One thing I know is that nobody else but me has attempeted any logins on my machine.Fortunately, I kept my cool and just logged in using Internet Explorer 9 (don't use it normally, but do have it on my machine, fortunately).Doing this, the login worked, and when I went back to Firefox I could log in first time as well.(Maybe that rings a bell, don't know?).Anyway, thank you for your help so far, and I will carefully look through all your other suggestions too.
  24. Oh dear, that has made matters worese.Now the logins that were fixed have stopped working again.
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