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Everything posted by mrdee

  1. Everything looks perfectly normal here in Firefox, IE and Opera.Go and have a look now and see if there is any change.You might have caught me during an upgrade or maintenance or something.
  2. Yes, that seems to be doing the trick.However, in Firefox, some letters look a bit 'squashed' sometimes, but it does look much better with a bit of a margin on the left.Thank you.
  3. Thank you for mentioning this,Baniboy. I had a look and noticed that a closing table tag had gone missing in the HTML code. I have corrected this and now it looks normal to me. About the padding, do you mean like this: #therest{float:right;width:900px;min-height:500px;background:#eee;border:2px dashed #ddd;border-radius:5px;margin-left:20px;<div>padding:20px;</div>}as that does not seem to make any difference. However, on second thoughts, I think you were referring to a new div within the code of my content box itself, something like: <article><div>Blablablablablablab</div</article>But where do I put the padding then? Sorry my questions are probably incredibly stupid, but that's ignorance for you.
  4. This is how I have adjusted the CSS code for now: <style type="text/css">body{margin:0;background:#fff;}#container{width:1250px;margin:100px auto 0;}aside{width:300px;min-height:500px;background:#eee;border:2px dashed #ddd;border-radius:5px;float:left;padding:5px;}#therest{float:right;width:900px;min-height:500px;background:#eee;border:2px dashed #ddd;border-radius:5px;margin-left:20px;padding:5px;}</style> I have tried adjusting the padding in #therest, but that does not create any space between the window edge and the tex, all it does is push my content window downwards, so it starts about half a page underneath the left one. By the way, I just noticed: should "aside" not be preceded by a # sign?
  5. Thank you both for all the interesting help.Yes, I wanted to have a bit of a margin between the text and the edge of the box in my content window, but was not sure how to set that.And, Darko100, feel free to help me with a cooler border, I can do with all the help I can get, and I really appreciate all the support I am getting.One other thing I noticed was: both windows are a bit far away from the page title, although there are no extra </br> tags, is there any way I can get my windows a little bit higher up so I do not have that whole empty space between the title and my content?That would be a great improvement too (IMHO anyway).So, Baniboy, it looks like it sort of works in Opera too? I'll have a look too in a minute, I believe i have a copy of Opera on my laptop, so I will be checking it out.Once again, thanks for all the interesting tutorials.
  6. There you go,in the mean time, the whole Dutch section has been uploaded with the "facelift".In the English section, the new News page has been uploaded so far, you can find this at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ think it looks quite cute.Thank you, Darko100.baniboy, I did read your tutorial again, and, I will work through the best possible solution, dont think I am not grateful for all the help everyone keeps givig me.I have tested the site in both Firefox and IE9 and they both seem to work, although, surprisingly, in IE9, my coloured scrollbars do no seem to work, although the CSS code is still thee, and I did change the DOCYPE to HTML5 for every file, at least i remembered that.
  7. Darko100,YOU ARE A STAR!!!!Thank you so much for this, it works great and I think my layout looks better than before.I also like hat grey-blueish colour yo picked for the background and the slightly rounded corners.Of course I had to tweak the measures a little bit to make it take up the whole width of the page, but that was a good bit of practice.The only thing I am not sure about yet (all parameters in style sheets are not clear to me yet) is how I can decrease the gap between the sections a little bit, I fiddled a bit with the margin settings, but that did not make a lot of difference.I also like how you set a "relative" height, so that the frame etends as content is added.The content is not uploaded yet (I tested it in my browser through my HTML Editor) as I have to adjust all my pages first, but you can go and have a look at http://www.vlaanderen-flanders.org.uk/ and, if you wish, add a bit of feedback when it is done (should be later on tonight, I estimate in about 1 hout from now).Nevertheless, I think it is a great improvement and I am really grateful.At the risk of becoming a pain in the proverbial: could you also explain to me in what respect this system is more flexible than tables, ie. what the advantage of this system over tables are?Thank you again for your expert advice.
  8. Hello,If you look at my news page on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you will se that it is divided in 2 columns.The left one where the menu resides, and then the right one where I put all the articles ina separate box.As things are now, I have achieved this with two tables, but I would like to achieve the same layout using CSS3 rather than tables.Can someone show me how that is to be done, and also, if I am using CSS3, will all browsers see the page correctly?Or is there an alternative in an earlier CSS version to achieve the same layout?Still trying to get the grasp of the ins and outs of CSS3 ( and earlier).Thank you in advance for any advice.
  9. Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows where i can get some freeware Bluetooth software, with the main two purposes being: a) Drive my Bluetooth mouse. Transfer pictures etc. between my Blackberry and my laptop. The reason I am asking for freeware is not because i am tight-fisted, but just because I do not wish to spend any money on anything which is not fit for the purpose I need it for. I am using Bluesoleil 8 at the moment (in evaluation mode), and my mouse works, and I can transfer files between my laptop and my Blackberry (although maximum 2 Mb because of being in evaluation mode), but Bluetooth seems to interfere with my network, FTP and even e-mail. On my PC I use Bluetooth 6 (full version), and I have no problem with it at all. (Did cause problems on my laptop too, though). That is why I am looking for a freeware alternative so I could try to tweak it appropriately. Any suggestions anyone? Oh, by the way, I am not sure, but maybe my mouse (a Bluetooth HP Rechargeable) plays a part in it too, I never had a similar problem with my old Bluetooth mouse. Thank you in advance for any help.
  10. Well, 7 years old.I am not sure I remember the days when I was that old, or the mischief I got into.However, for a forum, when it reaches 7 years, I think you can begin to talk about "a respectable age".Of those seven, I have been with Xisto for nearly four, so, more than half of its life.I too, now live in hope we can lure Opaque back to make Xisto top ace again.Anyway, Happy Birthday Xisto.
  11. Not sure whether I had to post this in software or hardware, as I am not sure which one of the two causes the problem.Anyway:I use a Rechargeable HP Bluetooth mouse on my laptop, so I obviously have a Bluetooth dongle in my machine and I use Bluesoleil 8.0.338.0 as my Bluetooth software.For a while I have had problems with FTP'ing (Tiem-outs, remote folders not opening etc.) and e-mail (One account after the other timing out during receiving e-mail), and finally I have pinned it down to Bluetooth being the culprit.(The reason why I was not sure whether to post in Software or Hardware is because I am not sure yet whether it is the software or the mouse, as I never had this problem when I used my previous Bluetooth mouse, whose make I forgot).Anyway, when I turn Bluetooth off, all e-mail and FTP works normally.Apart from the mouse, I also use Bluetooth to transfer pictures between my Blackberry and my laptop, although I do not use that feature that much.Does anyone recognise any of the symptoms, or does anyone know whether it would be the software or the mouse causing the problem?If it is the software, does anyone know of some Bluetooth software (preferably freeware) which could achieve the same functionality for me?I will be grateful for any advice, as I have had enough of turning my Bluetooth off when I need to FTP or check my e-mail.
  12. OK, Xamire.Thank you for that, I hadn't thought about that.It makes sense, though, looks like an extra security feature.I will look into that a bit further now.Thanks again for the explanation.
  13. That is very true, which reminds me I didn't mention I rarely drink it "on the rocks" as such, except maybe some of the more ordinary makes.When I have whiskies like Chivas Regal, Glenfiddich or other double malts (hence the more expensive ones) I cool the glass with ice cubes before pouring the whisky into it.Obviously I dispose of the cubes before pouring the whisky then.
  14. Hi anwiii,one thing I am sure of is that I own my domain.I get a Nominet certificate every year.However, the company (Madasafish, formerly Freenetname) only offers some webspace and that's it, in order to get to your email you have to connect through their broadband, or, in the past, their dial-up.If you connect through a different ISP, as I mentioned, you have to pay ?3.99 a month to be able to receive your email.Unfortunately, I have had this domain since 1999, years before I even heard of Xisto/Xisto, and it was a great thing, as domains still used to cost an arm and a leg in those days.But, as you say, I think the best thing will be to contact them and ask how much it will cost me to transfer my domain to Xisto.(By the way, I am not sure I have found this on Xisto - Support, do you know the charge for domain hosting at Xisto by any chance)?And, yes, the domain is important to me, it is the one I use for my website about my private music tuition, and the domain name has been known for years now, so I think it is best to keep it.Anyway, thank you for the advice, i shall start looking around what my options are.
  15. I am using Google Apps (obviously including Gmail)with two domain names I own, and in both cases I am very happy with it as in both cases, everything works smoothly and flawlessly.However, I have a third domain name, which I obtained free, and which is hosted with the company who provided it (years ago, they did that when you signed up with their hosting company).However, I am not really happy with their services, and above that, they charge me for receiving my email too (?3.99 a month).That is why I thought of (if I could) to start using Google Apps for that domain name as well, and switching it to Gmail, but the problem is: the ISP do not offer any server side services, so, for using forms for example, I have to upload them here at Xisto and then link to them from my website, I have no CPanel or anything, so, I do not see how I could change my CNAME or MX records.That is why I was wondering if it is possible in Google Apps, just to verify ownership of the domain by uploading that small textfile as required, and then to leave the MX Records alone.Is that possible, or will I have to move my domain to be hosted somewhere else? (Where I will obviously charged for it, but that might be cheaper than paying ?3.99 a month for receiving email, on top of all, with a not so brilliant service).Then again, if i did that, I would be paying for multiple domains, but if there is no other way, that is what I would consider.So, does anyone know if what I wish to achieve is possible, or will I have to switch hosting companies, or, if not, does anybody know a different solution to my problem?Thanks in advance.
  16. A while ago I learned how to put a favicon in my address bar, thanks to the well-appreciated expertise of people on this forum, and now I would like to take things a step further (if that is possible).I have noticed recently that some sites, apart from their favicon, now seem to have a small banner after their icon, containing the name of their website.(I only hope the thing to do is NOT to create that banner yourself with your favicon, or I'll be stuck).Just to illustrate what I mean, I have attached a picture, taken from a Google site, where you see the logo, followed by "google.com" on a blue background.It is upon having a further look at the picture i now see that the icon seems to be embedded in the blue field with the site name.So, my obviuos question is, does anybody know how to create that effect?I would be very grateful for any help given.
  17. Chocolate for sure.Red (although, people should not dispute tastes and colours).Not keen on any kind of Coke, but, maybe Coca Cola tastes a bit less awful.By the way, I read a very funny remark (although I wrote about not disputing colours and taste earlier, just giving my opinion) Bourbon and Coca Cola or Pepsi: Brrrrrrrrrr, i always drink Scotch and I would not dream about murdering it with coke or lemonade or whatever people sometimes add to their whisky. Some ice cubes are more than enough for me.White chocolate is strictly speaking not chocolate, the reason being it does not contain any cacao or chocolate beans, which are a main ingredient of chocolate. it would just be like beer not containing any hop, which is essential for making beer.Then again, many people like white chocolate (I don't), but strictly speaking it should not even be called "chocolate".When it comes to chocolate, I quite like dark chocolate, although I don't mind milk chocolate either.Difficult to judge between the two ladies.
  18. Wishing you a very happy birthday.x

  19. Hello Papabear, welcome to the Xisto forums, I am sure you will have a good time here. About paying for your webspace hosting, well, I would certainly call it "free" in a way. you can, if you wish to do so, pay with real money, and if you do, the charges are still very reasonable, especially when I look at what you get for your money, and certainly when I compare to what other hosting companies charge. What you can also do, of course, is post in the forums here regularly and earn credits via "MyCents". It adds up quickly when you post regularly, and every time you reach a whole dollar, that gets added to your credit. The first option is paying $10 (which you can do, as I said earlier, with real money, or with your MyCents credits) and then pay nothing for another 10 years. It offers the basics for beginning webmasters, but the charge is more than reasonable. Another good one is the Logic Plan at $1.95 per month where you get a number of greta features, such as 5 MySQL Databases, 5 Addon and 5 Parked domains and 5 FTP accounts. For just a bit more, $6.66 per month you get a big upgrade on the previous, such as more web space, more bandwidth, more Databases etc. All you need to do is, when you have enough credits for the first payment of whatever you wish to buy, apply for webspace with Xisto and await approval, then you are good to go, build and upload your website, and keep posting so you earn enough credits to make your payment when the time is due. For further information about how to apply for your hosting, have a look here. This is about hosting with subdomains, but it is a simple thing to use your own domain as an addon or parked domain. Anyway, as i said before, welcome here and hope you have lots of pleasure both here and with your own acquired webspace.
  20. Just to announce that (thanks to the motivation and encouragemant I get here) I have now completely re-worked my slideshow with sights from Flanders, accompanied by beautiful music by Johann Sebastian Bach, which I think fits the slideshow perfectly, even if I say so myself. You can get to the slideshow by either selecting "Flemish pictures" from the menu, or by following this linkto get there directly. I made the new slideshow with today's "Giveaway of the day" program , and I feel quite satisfied with it.
  21. Thank you so much, web_designer, you have been a real source of information to me. I might as well go to the bitter end then: How would i go about it hen (I don't know whether you think it would be beneficial or not) to do away with tables altogether with my news page (you have seen the layout, on the left the bit for the menu, a flag and a clock, and on some pages a media player, and then on the right the separate tables for every news article). Do you think a <div></div> solution would be better than the current layout, and how would i have to do that? Also, would i have to start a different <div></div> for every news article or would I have to use just one div for the whole page and separate he articles by a line or something? Sorry if some of my questions sound a bit idiotic to you, I am nevertheless very grateful for all your advice. Shukran. By the way, here is an attempt at achieving what I asked for, but I just cannot get the right hand bit (with a red border to make it clearer) to go nicely next to the left hand one (with the black border) and being nicely vertically aligned at the top. I think (and hope) I have just forgotten a tiny detail. Anyway, judge for yourself: <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="generator" content="CoffeeCup HTML Editor (http://www.coffeecup.com/)"> <meta name="created" content="Thu, 26 May 2011 12:01:34 GMT"> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="keywords" content=""> <title></title> <style>#links_menu { width:100px; border:1px solid #000000;}#main_body {width:800px;border:1px solid #FF0000; }</style> <!--[if IE]> <script src="http://html5shim.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script> <![endif]--> </head> <body><div id="links_menu">One thingAnother thingAnd more</div><div id="main_body">Wish I could get this on the right, nicely next to the left one.</div> </body></html> BTW, "links" has nothing to dowith hyperlinks or anything, "links" is just the Dutch word for "left", so, "links_menu" means "left_menu" (just forgot to translate all the code.
  22. I hope I am in the right topic here, as I could not find anything which seemed relevant to what I want to post.Also, I am posting a Facebook issue here as Facebook support is practically non-existent and I am pinning my hopes on finding someone here with enough Facebook knowledge and experience to help me sort out my problem.The issue is the following:I have my own personal Facebook page, and I have set up two other pages for marketing/advertising purposes, starting from my personal page, from where I have set my self as Admin for the other two pages (as facebook requires you to do).The first page works with no problem, everything is in place, I have a "Like" box, referring to the Facebook page, on my ordinary website, so, no problem there.However, the second one, I have done all the same I did for the first one (set myself as Admin from my main page, started a profile, uploaded some pictures and made some posts).I also have a "Like" box on my normal homepage, and that all seems to work, but, when I go to the page in question, I am still left with the option "Getting started", although everything is in place like it is on my other marketing page, also, it is just impossible to edit my profile.When I add information to my profile, after clicking the "Save" button, i am left with a blank box and no confirmation about my information having been updated appears.When I go back to my profile, ntohing at all has changed.Still, when I look at the page itself, everything looks and seems to act quite normal.If anyone wants to have a look at both of my marketing pages, just type in the search bar "Berkshire Music Institution" (that is the one functioning normally), and "Slough Artists", which is the one with the problem.I am not sure whether looking at the page(s) willl give you any further information, but you never know.Or maybe, and i am hoping this is the case, there might be some experienced people here who recognise the symptoms of my problem and might have a solution.If anyone goes and have a look there, by the way, I could still do with a few more "Like" clicks on both pages, I don't know, probably clutching at straws here, but, is that not part of or THE reason for my problem?One of the rules is, to get an own facebook URL/address, you need 25 "Like" clicks, both of them are just below that, but, who knows, maybe it is OK for one page but they are a bit stricter for a second one?No idea.I would be very grateful for any helpful information.Thought I'd post an update here too:The help topics say the "Get started" bit automatically disappears after you have added some pictures, added basic information and have got a bit of a fan base, all of which I have got.Although it saya "21 people like this page", in some bits of the page it says "You do not have any Likes".This is driving me up the wall, and there seems to be no way you can contact facebook drirectly, or is there a way?Please help!!!!!!!!
  23. I know it is perfectly possible to equip an old, analogue organ/keyboard, even piano with MIDI ports.I would only like to know what happens after this has been done: does the organ/keyboard stay as it is and can its internal sounds be transferred via MIDI, or, does it give a possibility to connect over MIDI, but only with the use of a sound module or other sound source, while its internal sounds are being used in the way the instrument was, ie. analogue, with no MIDI transmission, or, probably the worst case scenario, has the organ become a sort of "dumb keyboard" after the conversion, ie. all it can do is send and receive MIDI information, but all the built-in sounds have been disabled and all it can do is send/receive to and from a sound module/sequencer.Could someone enlighten me what happens to the original instrumen tafter conversion, as I have an analogue Yamaha organ, which I am considering converting (or rather, have converted) into a MIDI instrument, but my decision will depend on what happens to the instrument after conversion.Thank you in advance for any advice.
  24. I would like to know if the Native Instruments B4, in combination with Cubase 5, could be used with audio recordings rather than MIDI.What I mean is: I only have my Yamaha piano connected to my PC to use Cubase, the piano is obviously a single manual instrument.I do not have a MIDI splitter to connect a second keyboard simultaneously, and when recording organ music, I find it a lot easier playing on the two manuals simultaneously (like you do when playing a real organ)than first recording the chords and after that the right hand stuff(orvice versa).However,I have now acquired an organ with two manuals and pedal board, but without onboard MIDI, and I do not have the technical know-how to MIDIfy it myself, nor do I have the financial means at the moment to have it done.I can, of course, simply record with the microphone (analogue audio), but I would like to let the recording (WAV or MP3) to go through the B4 plug-in.I know B4 works with MIDI files, but I am not so sure audio recordings can be routed through it.Is there anyone here who could advise me further, please?I will be very grateful for any help.
  25. And, web_designer,as I promised in the previous post, attached is a picture of the console of the carillon at the bellfry in Ghent.This console is linked to a set of bells, which sound when the appropriate key on the console is hit.
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