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Hey Anwii, like your new avatar! Much cuter than the booger picker! I certainly do understand what you are saying, sure, I'm just a dog breeder, and not a rocket scientist, however, when it comes to nuking a leaking oil well, I'm curious, just exactly how many people are out there that actually have EXPERIENCE in this tactic?????
It is my understanding that if a tree dies and falls and rots, the rotting process gives off more emmissions than if the tree was burned. So harvesting mature trees to use as lumber or burn as firewood doesn't really hurt the enviornment as this articule would suggest. Then there is the added bonus that for those of us who are property owners and have it available, we are not subject to the price gouging habits of the gas/oil/electric companys for our heat.
As we near this favorite holiday, I would like to remind everyone to that while most of us get a great thrill from the flashes and bangs of fireworks, our dogs are not always so enthusiastic about this holiday. Many dogs are terrified of loud noises, and will panic and run away when the noises start. Make sure your dog is under strict control during this season. Many dogs escape in a panic and run away and are never seen again by their owners. This is not a good time to leave a frightened dog loose even in a fenced yard, panic can cause a dog that otherwise would not even consider leaving his yard to jump the fence and be gone. Only taking walks on a secure leash and properly fitting collar. Double check your dogs collar before the fire works season starts, checking for wear and tear and weak places that could break under extra pressure. Also make sure a name tag with your current contact information is on the collar, or if you have been putting off getting your dog micro chipped or tattooed, now might be the time to take care of that little chore, before it is too late. You might want to consider keeping your dog in a crate during the evenings when most of the noise is occurring. If a crate is not available, pick a secure room inside the home, that is as quiet as possible, and has no large windows, a bathroom would be a good choice. In extreme cases of noise fear, and as a last resort, you may want to consult your veterinarian to see if he thinks a mild sedative may be in order.
Welcome mcknight! Don't suppose you raise Old English Sheepdogs? I bought my very first Old English from some folks named Mcknight. Named him Laddie. He was a great dog. My cats used to use him for a pillow, he ran loose on the place and never bothered any of my chickens or anything. Really super nice dog. And yes, I keep hoping we will get a few dog breeders in here. I have to struggle to make posts with computer geeks, Philosophers, teen agers, and others from far away places with different customs that this poor old hillbilly just doens't get.
That my friend, is the sixty four million dollar question. I'd say pretty dang stupid if they are even thinking about nuking it. Let's face it, they can't possibly know all the repercussions of hitting it with a nuke. What makes them think it will even work? IF there was one good thing that has come because of the spill, it's this. We should now know beyound a shadow of a doubt that our government is totally incapable of dealing with ANYTHING!!! I have never seen so many screw ups in one disaster. I really thought the coast guard stopping the rigs that were skiming out the oil to check their life jackets was the epitomy of stupidity, but looks like the nuke idea even tops that!
World Isn?T Full Of Dishonest People Cheers to Will, on this Planet
sheepdog replied to OpaQue's topic in General Discussion
LOL, dag nab it Anwii, you beat me to it, I was going to say the car's owner had proabably left the keys in the car or the locks were jamed and now he isn't going to be able to get in his own car. So....actually, it was probably an elderly couples car, and now they are going to be locked out, the old man will try his best to jimmy open the lock, but the hot sun will get the best of him and he will have a heat stroke, since they also left their cell phones in the locked car, the elderly woman will have to run back to the store to make a 911 phone call, in the process she will have a heart attack and die before they reach the hospital. When the old man comes too later in hospital and finds his wife of the past 60 years has died he too will have heart failure and pass away. So that turns Will from a good samaritian into a murderer. -
I just hope one of the test market cities they realease these Marboro Greens is Washington DC.
Wow, can't believe I made it to the top of the list for most frequent posters today! I'm getting to be a real chatterbox!And I just realized I've made my second year anniversary here! 2 whole years I've been hanging around bugging people here. I was just wondering why my avatar doesn't show under that list? It does show on my posts.
Oh, very good Opaque! I am glad to see you are preparing for marriage by coming to a good understanding of woman and how not to piss them off. Learning these deadly words and how to avoid having to hear them will be a real life saver for you in the future! Your a pretty smart feller by learning them in advance! My favorite and the one I most often use is Don't worry about it, I got it: Hubby knows he's in deep doo doo when he hears that one!
Boy am I glad for the Vent topic here! I sure need it after this dip stick I had to deal with!Sold this fellow out east a pup last week, shipped him on Friday. Friday evening I get an email saying the pup arrived safely, and all was well, but I didn't send the pups registration papers. I emailed him back and told him that the papers were taped to the back of the pup's crate. Saterday I get a phone message from him, saying that I did not send the puppy papers, they are not on the crate. So I emailed him again, and told him that I had securely taped the papers on the back side of the crate, that they were under the bright colored duct tape on the crate in an envalope. Then Sunday I get this really NASTY email. He called me just about every name in the book, said I was a criminal and had ripped him off and he was going to turn me in to the states attourney general. He was very ugly about it. So I tried to call him and when I was asking about the crate, and trying to tell him about my tape job he just screamed he didn't want to talk to me and hung up on me. I emailed him again and asked how could I figure out what had happened to his papers if I he wouldn't talk to me? By this time I thought something might of happened, perhaps the crate had gotten damaged and the transporter had switched crates and not gotten the papers off the back of the crate. I made a frantic call to the transporter, but was unable to get in touch with her. By now I was really upset. Hardly slept at all that night. I was really mad too, since he wouldn't even talk to me but just kept accusing me of being some kind of low life criminal. So, finally monday, I get another email. Oh Gee, he was cleaning the crate and found the registration papers taped on the back of the crate! Imagine that! After I told the stupid (()_&$!(_^&&^%)^^$ 4 times that they were taped on the back of the crate! He did apoligise, amazingly enough. He dang sure should of, after all the crap he gave me!It's just hard to believe that you could tell somebody something 4 stinking times and they not look. How stupid is that????? I sure do like my dogs, but boy let me tell you, dealing with stupid humans just makes me crazy!
The more you watch on Tv about the oil spill the madder we all should get. Just an hour ago I was hearing how several countries offered to send skimming equipment to help control the oil and our government did nothing. The other day a news segment about this woman who had been collecting hair and stuffing it into panty hose to help control the oil was not allowed to help due to the EPA who did not approve her method. Even though the EPA did approve another use of human hair that was made into mats. Now tell me how panty hose stuffed with hair are going to be more harmful to the ocean than oil gushing into it. And if it's not the EPA, it's the Corp of Engineers, when they wanted to build up berms to prevent oil from getting to shores and inland, they put (or tried to put) a stop to that too. There is without a doubt plenty of blame to go around. But it's looking more and more like the government is more of a problem than BP. Sure, BP caused the spill, but it's the government that is hindering clean up. And a complete lack of coordination is popping up at every part of this disaster. Restuarants are going broke due to lack of tourists, yet they are bringing in food from many miles away to feed the huge numbers of workers fighting to clean up the mess. Anybody see a possible solution to one of the promblems here besides me? There is just no coordination whatsoever. Can't anybody see the big picture? Something needs to be done, not sent to a government committee to be studied about.
I Am Afraid From Dogs..so ...any Suggestion To Stop?
sheepdog replied to web_designer's topic in Home & Garden
It's too bad you are half a world away. You could come and work with me here at the kennel for a week and I could pretty much guarantee that it would end your fear of dogs. You could just get a major dose of dog exposure in a hurry. Mine are all friendly (except one male Soft Coated Wheaten that does like to sneak up behind you and pinch you on the butt, he really isn't trying to be mean, it's just his way of playing) -
I really don't think it's particularly brave or couragous. After all, I do spend the majority of my time outdoors, and since there are lots of snakes (or at least there were lots of snakes) around here in the great outdoors, it doesn't seem to make a lot of difference just because there is one in the house. Does that make any sense? Bombs? Not me, I'd sure be running for cover if I knew there was one of those around!
It may be tough, but in my opinion you should stay in high school. Quitting school, even if you do go ahead and get your GED can look like you are a quitter, that you don't have the determination to buck up to adversity and stick out your education. Sort of like taking the easy way out. Even if your immediate future plans could be accomplised with a GED, those records will be with you for your entire life. It may not hurt now, but what about 10 years from now? I don't want to be too hard on you, not knowing the whole story, but what are the reasons that you are behind in school? Maybe you actually need more time and more education. Maybe there is something that you still need to learn. Be honest with yourself, and analize your situation. Are you really applying yourself in school? Or goofing off? There are a lot of reasons one can fall behind in school over, problems at home and other distractions, but sometimes it is no one's fault accept your own. My vote goes for stay in school.
I grew up watching shows like Star Trek, so not only do I think it is possible, I am reasonably sure there probably is other life out there. It seems almost normal to me to accept it as fact. Hopefully not Klingons, as they would most likely come here and kick our butts! I don't know how anyone could look up at the night sky and see the millions of stars and ever be so concieted to believe that our earth is the only one with life on it. What is out there we can only imagine, but I'm sure there is something. Maybe smarter than us, maybe not, maybe even more people just like us. I'm not real sure on the worm hole thing. It has become a popular theme for lots of Sci Fi shows. Since there has to be a way to get a lot farther out of our own solar system in a manner that would not take a humans entire life time, hopefully they do exist, or hopefully we will some day discover some way to explore much farther away areas of our galaxy. I do hope I live long enough to see it too.
Interesting, I never really thought about Obummer promoting greed. Just the opposite in fact, he is more the type to take away from those who do work hard and give it to lazy bums that don't want to contribute to society by the sweat of their brows. You know, your basic welfare recipients who for whatever reason think the world owes them a living. There is nothing that can OR SHOULD be done about greed in human nature. It is hardwired into our very DNA I do believe. Part of our survival instinct. Those cave men who were not greedy and didn't eat more then their share when a kill was made or some sourse of food was discovered ended up starving and died out, leaving their greedy brothers to propagate the species. What inspirating would mankind have to do more, to exceede to excell, to invent to push forward into an amazing array of advancements if not for greed? The intisments of fame and fortune are what brings us so many of the great advancments of this day and age. If you put limits on what we can make or have or do, you are bringing us down and making us like stupid sheep in a pasture, no one stands out in the crowd and no one works to better the conditions for the herd. Capitalism works. It has been tried and there is no denying that it is the best way to bring out the best in all of mankind. Stifling it with limits and controls will do no one any good in the long run. You can't bring down part of the population without bringing down the entire population.
Before we beat up on Tropcana too badly, you have to remember that not all of us live in an area where fresh citrus can be grown. Transporting juice is probably more efficient than transporting whole oranges, since you are not paying for the shipping weight of the peels and other non edible parts. Even if whole oranges were shipped, care would have to be taken to make sure the product arrived safely and some type of preservation techniques would have to be used to deliver the product. (like picking them before they were fully ripe and more easily damaged in transport, or have a much shorter shelf life) Unprocessed juice could also pose health risks, due to spoilage. As bad as we hate additives and preservatives, in some instances they are nessary. I certainly won't argue with you that if you have access to fresh, tree ripened produce, you are very lucky in deed, and it certainly can't be beat for quality and flavor.
LOL, Too funny and too true! Never trust a cat! They will rub all over you purring like a generator, and then turn around and bite the devil out of you! Speaking of touch and animals, I read how in Japan they raise this special type of beef, the steer get massages every day, along with a special diet and lots of other pampering. It seemed like a reasonable thing, since the momma cow always licks and cleans on her calf, so when our last calf we raised was eating, I made sure I gave him a good rubdown every day. Of course, when he got older and bigger and had those nasty horns I had to put an end to that project, but I have to say, it was some of the best beef we ever ate.
Mycent - It's Still Inactive [resolved]
sheepdog replied to BuffaloHelp's topic in Alerts, News & Announcements
Thanks Web Designer, that is good news, I'd hate to get any further behind on the mycents account than I am now, I'm down to about 38 cents. Of course, I have no idea how much I've gained from my posts since mycents hasn't been working, hope I don't get any unpleasnt surprises, I guess I better get to typing my fingers to the bone! My poor little fingers are getting a real work out. Still trying to finish up spring shearing, milking, and tonight trying to get a dumb goat's head out of the gate, my hands are definatly getting over worked. -
Mycent - It's Still Inactive [resolved]
sheepdog replied to BuffaloHelp's topic in Alerts, News & Announcements
Hummm, not sure on this one. If a bunch of animal rights freaks join up and they didn't like me I'd get less for posting???? Don't think that's a real good idea. Anyway, what I am wondering about now, when the mycents is finally fixed, are we going to get credited for all the posts we have made in the past several weeks while it has been down? My account is near rock bottom and I've been trying to get plenty of posts in, but I hate to waste my time if they arn't going to count anyway. -
Welcome! Now you can add something to your life's routine, visting Xisto! Hey, you never know, you might even be somewhere near our fearless leader, he is from India too. That would be cool, lots of us here would like the chance to meet him, he has been doing a wonderful job for quite a few years now running this forum. I hear he is looking for a woman too, but I didn't read your profile, so that may not be an option......
Well, we still have our resident house snake, I saw him this evening. It really isn't a very big snake, maybe just about 2 foot long or a bit longer. He is not nearly as fearless as our bigger snakes used to be, this one slithered off pretty quick when he saw me. He was crawling across the kitchen floor and found a lower cabinet to sneak into before I could get anywhere close to him. Not a very friendly little tyke for sure. I just hope he has a big appetite for his size. We have no shortage of mice to fatten him up on.
Hummmm...... maybe next time some natural disaster strikes some foreign country we should stay at home to save gas. Let China and India and Germany come to the rescue.
I Am Afraid From Dogs..so ...any Suggestion To Stop?
sheepdog replied to web_designer's topic in Home & Garden
Of course I have to weigh in on this one, but honestly, it's not easy for me to understand your problem, and it's hard to give advise in this sort of situation. My mother used to love to tell the story of how when I was just a tiny tot, 2 or 3 years old, one day in town I ran up to this great big Great Dane and hugged it's neck. My poor mom about had a heart attack. Years later I got my payback, we had purchased a new female Giant Schnauzer and I had taken her to the swap meet to walk around and get some socialization. There was a toddler, probably 2 years old or maybe a bit less there that saw her and just went crazy for the dog, ran up to her and threw herself around the poor dog's neck. Poor dog didn't know what to think, she just stood there trembling, but thank god she took it quite well under the circumstances. It was really strange, that little girl was drug off the dog by her parents, but every time she would see the dog again she would cry and try to get to her. Some people are just born to dogs, some are not. (my guess is that child will grow up to be a dog breeder) Developing a fear of dogs doesn't always come from being bitten, if that were the case I'd drop dead of fear if I got within 300 yards of a dog. I manage to get bit on average of once a year or so. (not counting of course, little pups nibbling on my fingers, I mean the draw blood, leave scars type of bites.) Part of the fear of dogs can be from simple lack of exposure to them. The unkown is always a bit scary. It's too bad you don't live in a place that allows dogs. That would be your best bet to get a dog as a pup, probably a medium size dog, but if it was little when you got it you can learn to love it and as it grows so will your confidence. It's virtually impossible to be afraid of a cute little puppy so start small and you can grow out of your fears. Another idea for the meantime until you can get a dog of your own is to attend dog competions, agility type, so you can be around smart, well trained dogs and see how much fun they are. If there aren't any competions in your area, do find someone at the park who has a well trained dog that knows how to play frisbee or some such game and make friends with that dog. It's important that you start out around the right kind of dogs. Dogs can sense fear in humans. A really good dog will instinctivly know to behave around you. We used to have visitors come out from a local group home for handicapped people. First time they came out I was a bit worried, as we had at that time several very large mastiffs in the yard that could of very easily cause a real disaster. It was just the most amazing thing to see how those dogs reacted to the people, they all sat down and stayed very still and just waited in a line to be petted and fawned over. I was shocked at how good they were. On the other hand, one night when some drunks got lost and pulled into our place to ask directions, it was a whole different ballgame. The dogs surrounded the drunks, escorted them to the door, and then right back to their car. I think they were pretty well sobered up by the time they got out of here. But the difference between the two different groups of people and the dogs reaction to them is just the most amazing thing. Dogs really do have a sixth sense about people, those that are good and those that are up to no good. I do have to seriously dissagree with one poster who recomended carrying dog treats and feeding strange dogs. Some dogs take treats very gently from human fingers but there are plenty of others that will snap quickly to grab the treat and may get some finger too. You can't tell by looking at the dog either who is a gently picker and who is a grabber. We used to have a male Doggue De Bordeaux (Turner and Hooch dog) huge scary looking dog that was so careful when taking treats he wouldn't even use his teeth, he would carefully roll his lip over it and take it without every touching a finger, but I have had 10 pound Dachshund that would nearly take your hand off.