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Everything posted by sheepdog

  1. Good gosh, if I had to bath every puppy every day I never would get anything else done. Besides, frequent washing is not healthy for the dogs skin and hair coats. The texting might be a good idea, except I don't have a phone that sends texts. I suppose I should be more deligent about getting visitors phone numbers so I could at least call them. I am pretty lax in that department, or I write their number down somewhere and then can't find it. I try very hard to be organized, but I am not by nature an organized soul. I actually bought one of those remote bells months ago. Never had the time to get it all set up, I have to build something to protect the box that sits next to the driveway from the elements. Wanted to make something decorative that blended in with everything else so it wasn't noticable. As far as the dogs barking to let me know someone is coming, hey, I got that covered!
  2. I guess you've never heard the saying, "when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." You will never get the entire population disarmed. And when people wo are otherwise law abiding citizens who turn in their weapons to remain law abiding citizens, they will put themselves at the mercy of the criminals who will able to rob rape and pillage to their hearts content with no fear of their chosen victums being able to fight back and defend themselves. Statistics have already proven this. Areas that have the tightest gun control also have the highest crime rates.
  3. sheepdog

    New Member

    Well hi there JustGiving, you sort of snuck in on us at the bottom of another introduction, I almost didn't see your post. Want to welcome you also to Xisto. Do tell us a little about yourself. I do like the cute little baby face you chose!
  4. Yes, thanks for the update. I got one a few days ago, I was starting to wonder about what was going on. But sometimes I get real regular emails notices when I have made enough posts to earn at least $1 and other times I don't, so if I don't get any I usually just ignore it and go on posting. It would be nice if you could share with us some of what is considered to ad to the quality of a post. I think by now you all know I'm not a spammer, so you wouldn't be giving away any secrets, I hardly ever even try to peddle a puppy to someone here! :-) Oddly I haven't even sold a single puppy to anyone here, at least not that I know of. You'd think as common as people in the market for dogs are and the large number of memebers here I could peddle a few!
  5. Yes, during the really slow periods, I find it isn't worth the time checking in all the time because it still takes a lot of time scrolling through all the many forum topics just to see if there are new posts. So the slower it gets the less frequently I bother dropping in. I sure with it would pick up at least this next week. My hosting credits are getting pretty low, and vacation is coming soon, and I'd rather not have to worry about it while I'm gone.
  6. Good advise Marene. I see you are a newbie here, welcome to Knowldedgesutra. Do you play guitar? I see you with one in your picture. Something I always wanted to do but never really could cause I'm double jointed in my fingers and can't hold down the strings worth a hoot.
  7. This past week or so I have noticed MANY site that are now filled with underlined words that when you happen to scroll over them they pop up with annoying ads. I'm seeing these blasted things every where, even here, and I also noticed them on Puppy Find, one of my regular advertising places. Even my own page on Puppy find where I go to edit and update my ads has these crazy things. I'm seeing them on practicly every site I go to now. I find them really irritating, especially when they pop up with only a quick pass of your mouse cursor. They block the information you are trying to read, and sometimes are hard to get rid of. Are people who own the sites getting paid for clicks on these things? What's the deal?
  8. Stupid, rude, inconsiderate humans. The world seems to be full of them. I can't count the number of times people have called or emailed me and set up appointments to come and see puppies, and then never show up, and of course, you never hear from them again. I understand that sometimes things happen beyond our control, but for crying out loud, why can't a person make a simple phone call or email to let you know they can't keep the appointment? I usually put a fair amount of effort into preparing for a puppy customer. Pups, like children, get dirty no matter how clean you keep their surrounding, they still find a way to get messy no matter what you do, so I always bath my pups before people come to see them. Since I had 2 pups for her to pick from I had taken the time to bath them both, and of course, it takes time to get them dry and give them a quick brush out. I even had the hired man go bring the parents of the pups up so she could see them too, per her request. My help does not work here for free as I'm sure you can guess. And then there all the time I waste just basicly watching for them to show up, keeping an eye on the driveway. It prevents me from doing the other work that I need to get done, You can't stop in the middle of a lot of the things I have to do here, and sometimes I am working in areas of the farm that I can't see if anyone is coming or not. The day this stupid woman was supposed to come we really needed to get to the place next door and cut some wood. But you can't do that if you have to watch for someone to show up. Why do people have to be so damn inconsiderate?
  9. Actually Adriantc,shortly after this horrific story broke the news, I heard a short blurb about another incidenet in this country many years ago, (I can't remember the date, seems like it was back in the 40's?) that killed the most people ever in a school. The purp actually used dynomite. So yes, horrible thngs can happen without guns. Granted dynomite is not that easy to come by, guns are probably much easier, but if someone wants do do something this awful, there is without a doubt, a way to do it. Common household chemicals can make some wicked bombs. I'm no chemist, but even I know of one that can start a wicked fire 30-45 seconds after you combine the 2 of them, giving you plenty of time to walk away. As far as an AK 15 being over kill (pardon the pun) for home defence, I can understand your reasoning behind that. It would be plenty for your average criminal that is breaking into your home. But not everyone has faith in our government or police force. These government agencies are all well armed with the biggest and best weapons currently available. God forbid, what if a revolution was to take place? Citizens against armed forces with single shot rifles would be in about the same shape the indians were with their bows and arrows against the white man with his repeating rifles. And don't think it can't happen, if you don't believe me just ask and Indian! (native american of course)
  10. sheepdog

    New Member

    Hi Biggie, and welcome to Xisto. If your doing web design, this is certainly the place to come for any help you may need. Lots of really smart tec savy people hang out here. Myself not included of course, I'm just your average ordinary goat farmer.
  11. I'm slowly gaining some insights into the workings of Facebook, but it's been a struggle for sure. You would think as long as I have been messing around on the internet stuff like this would be easy for me by now, but it just blows me away every time I try anything even remotly different. I nearly had a heart attack last week when Xisto was all different. I'm glad it's back to normal, let me tell you. I don't know if it's cause I'm getting old and my brains are getting soft and mushy, or what. Is it harder to learn when you get older? I'd think you could continue to learn throughout one's lifetime if you worked at it. Since I've gained a little confidence in FB pages, I have tried to play a few of the games on there. Talk about a money maker, they let you play a few levels of something free, and get to liking it and then want you to pay for extra lives or energy or upper levels of some games. No wonder the company is making billions of bucks! I am a little leary about their games though, I have heard you can pick up viruses and stuff playing them. Anybody know more about that?
  12. sheepdog

    Mp3 Players

    Boy for something as common and simple seeming, these dang little music players are the very devil to figure out how to use. I bought myself one for Christmas. Figured it would be a lot easier than dealing with a CD player and all my cd's in the car on the long drive to California this year for our vacation. The old man is country, I'm oldies Rock and Roll, so listening to the radio is out of the question. So, I figured it would be easy to transfer my cd's to the player right? Yea, sure. I got one cd transfered, took it out and put another one in the computer and then did 2 more. But when I listened to my player, it had the same cd recorded 4 times! I still haven't figured out how that happened. I erased it all and tried again, and the same thing happened. Of course I was smart enough to only try 2 cd's the next time. I fought with the stupid thing till the world looked level, and finally gave up on it for a few days. It's supposed to be able to transfer directly from the cd's, but I sure couldn't get it too. So after thinking about it for a few days, I decided to put all the cd's on the hard drive of the computer and then to the player. I think I finally got it figured out, it seemed to work if they got copied off the hard drive. So, right now I have about 10 cd's on it. Not sure how many songs it will hold. I have a lot more cd's but they aren't very well organised, and I have made multiple copies of them so I have to go threw them first and then try to remember if I have that one yet or not. All very annoying. And I'm almost afraid to try to put more on it, I'm afraid I'll screw up and then have to start over again. But I really do like the player. Fits real nice in my pocket, not much bigger than a ciggerette lighter. I did buy a different set of head phones for it, the one's that came with it hurt my ears, they were too big and hard as little rocks.
  13. I feel much the same about some of the youngsters we had here in past years. Some of them really seemed like bright intelligent kids, wish we would hear from them occasionally. I've done my own dissapearing act from here many times, I just don't stay gone all that long, usually just a few weeks, or maybe a month tops. I'm like that bad penny, I just keep turning up! Work here is always sporadic. I'm just finishing up Christmas, so hopefully things will slow down a little for me, but vacation is coming up, so I still have a lot to do to get ready for that. I usually vanish for awhile in the spring, when all the dogs need groomed, the garden and flower bed needs planting and all that stuff. I am hoping at least this year to have a kidding season, although both of the bucks I bought have dropped down dead for no apparent reason. So I'm not sure about that just yet. I won't know about that until the end of March, first of April when they are due to start. They are so fat right now there's no telling. As for old and worn out, funny I think all the "seniors" here at Xisto are involved in this thread, kinda funny. Us old folks are really in the minority here for sure.
  14. No, they really aren't much in the companion dog department. Unless you happen to be a goat. Then they are great. I know too many foolish people that have tried to make house pets out of them and then end up having to put the dog down when it goes crazy and bites somebody. They really need a job to do and goats or sheep to live with. Humans drive them crazy. (and ok, I can sympathise with that in all honesty.) The pups are doing great, growing like little weeds, I'd sure hate to try carrying them now. I still haven't been able to catch the 2 older males that I was supposed to sell, looks like I'll just have to wait until we bring the goats home. Most of the young pups are spoken for now. There was only one female in the younger litter of course, but she is a beauty! Big and blocky for a girl especially, she is the biggest pup in the litter. And of course, now I can't bring myself to part with her, so her brothers will be leaving, but she's not going anywhere.
  15. Boy am I ever glad to see Xisto back to normal. I don't know what was going on when I was in here the othe day but I couldn't make heads or tails out of anything here. Sure glad it's fixed now. My hosting credits are slipping away, it will soon be vacation time and I sure need to get to posting. Sissy, our older Mini Schnauzer and T'Pel are currently haveing a wrestling match as I type this. Poor Sissy has lost a few pounds, but she was too fat anyway, so it isn't hurting her. She is even almost managing to keep up with T'Pel. But just barely. Yesterday they had their first serious dissagreement. As much as T'Pel pesters her, I'm really surprised it hasn't happened before now. Lot's of growling and snapping, but no serious damage done before I stepped in and put a stop to it. I had given each of them a long rawhide stick to chew on. Each went to their own spot to enjoy a good chew, but it wasn't long before T'Pel decided to try to hog both chews. Much to Sissy's displeasure. Little Sissy put her very quickly in her place. Then I retrieved the other chew and gave it back to Sissy. It's kind of funny in a way, since Sissy has never cared about chews in the past. I guess she just wants it now because the other dog does too. There is definatly a lot of jealousy going on with the 2 of them. When T'Pel see's that Sissy is about to jump up on my lap, she comes and pounces on Sissy so she can't jump up on me. It's really pretty funny. T'Pels speed and agility still amazes me. As we came in the house tonight from the back porch, she ran down the hill to the porch and cleared all three porch steps without touching a single one. It was so fast and slick, it didn't even look like she had made a jump, it was just one long step in her stride. I keep expecting her to crash into something and break her silly neck, but she is amazingly coordinated and rarely misjudges her steps and jumps.
  16. If longivity was important in choosing a pet, I suppose a tortois would be an excellent choise. However, they lack a lot in the cute and cuddly department, and they'd be bloody slow at fetch the stick! :-) Wouldn't help much for burglers either, unless the bugler tripped over it and knocked themselves out on a coffee table. So really, people rehomed a dog just because it spilled it's water dish? To me that's a pretty piss poor reason to get rid of a dog. Such a simple thing to fix. One, dump the dish yourself when the dog is done. Or, get one of those super heavy water dishes. I have one that is made of fake marble, no way a dog can turn that one over. Or you could even just let the dog drink out of the toilet bowel, they'd have a tough time turning that over.
  17. Good question. I wonder if this would fall into the catagory of "thought crime." I really don't think that thinking about another female would be cheating, I actually think mens brains don't work well enough to think about much of anything else anyway. :-) At least younger men anyway. And I'm not sure how many of them ever grow up either. Nothing like a little man bashing on Christmas eve. You all know I'm just joking right? I do love men. Even with all their many faults.
  18. Hummmm...he can find time for her but not you? Seriously, why do you not want to lose him? Does he make you feel special? Does he let you know how much he cares about you and respects your feelings? I think not. Some things just don't work out. This sounds like one of those times. Move on to someone who cares about you.
  19. Yes, even here is the USA it is without a doubt still a male dominated society. But thank god we have got passed the arranged marriage thing at least. Honestly, I can't even wrap my mind around how that would work. I remember as a teenager growing up, my parents always liked the guys I dated that turned out to be real jerks, and the guys that I liked that were kind and sweet my parents always disliked. I am without a doubt thankful they didn't get to pick for me. Of course, it's not like I did that great a job picking for myself, I did mess up twice. But hey, you live and you learn!I feel deeply sad for the woman who has an arranged marriage. What if he is a jerk? Does she have to spend her entire life wishing for something better, someone who really cares about her and loves her as a fellow human, or just treats her like a peice of property? Such a very sad thing. I can't under stand the mind set of a woman that would even go along with the chance of such a unhappy ending for her life.
  20. I agree with Nanna, it entirely depend on the people involved and the depth of their commitment to each other. Circumstances can vary greatly, but keeping in contact by the phone or with letters can keep the fires lit for those who truely care about the one they are seperated from. True love knows no bounds.
  21. This is an excellent post for this time of year. More people should put serious thought into what they are getting their friends and family for Christmas, and hopefully if they read your post they will give it some serious thought, because it is very important. Picking the right gift for another person lets them know how you really feel about them. And it isn't really about the amout of money spent, it's the thought that went into the gift that is the most important thing. At least for most people. There is a I think Fed Ex commercial on TV right now that just aggrivates the daylights out of me. Guy rushes in the the office, asks if it's too late to ship out a present, the guy at the counter says no, there is still time and hands him a box, and then asks him where is the gift, the guy looks around, grabs a couple pens off the desk and throws them in the box. What a complete inconsiderate, thoughtless Jackass.
  22. Wow, what a disaster! Your family is supposed to be your base and your support and to help you grow to become a productive adult. Sounds like your family is just the opposite. What some would call I suppose, a dysfunctional family.First off, how old are you? If you are old enough to leave home, my sugestion is that you do just that. As quickly as possible. Even if you have to live in a box or a car or with friends, or whatever it takes to get away from this family that is sucking the very life out of you. Get a job, and start saving every penny you can. Use your money for your goals and dreams, not what some selfish cousin wants. Start saving for the basics, a place to live, maybe a car. Forget about anything that isn't you next direct goal. You don't need lots of junk until you have a roof over your head. I don't know what kind of experience you have. Maybe you could find a job that included a place to live along with a paycheck, that would sure be ideal until you could get a nest egg saved up to get your own place. Examples of this would be in home care for the elderly or disabled, or a farm/ranch hand. If you are reliable and have a good reputation, there are sometimes house sitting jobs you can get when people go on vacation or move and worry about leaving their homes empty. Just remember, stick to your goals, think outside the box, make up your mind you are going to do something and go do it. Screw what your family thinks or says. Get out there on your own, it sounds like you would be way better off if you did. Good luck to you.
  23. I'm one of those die hard Americans that say "you'll get my gun when you pry my cold dead fingers from it's barrel." It has been proven time and time again that the more you try to ban guns the worse crime becomes. Americans have the constitutional right to be secure in their homes, and it requires a gun to be secure from those who would rather make their livings from stealing what others have worked for rather than to work themselves. I have worked hard for what I have. I am proud and very fond of my possesions. I think everyone should work for the things they want. They would certainly have more requard for the things they own if they had worked for them. Should fire arms be better regulated? No. They are already severly regulated. The boy who did the school shootings could never have purchased the gun he used. He stole the gun from his mother. And as I'm sure you all know, theft is already illegal. The problem lies in the mental instability of a certain percentage of the population. How you can control someone who is unbalanced and still protect their rights to freedom and liberty is quite a debate however. You can't exactly lock some people up just because you think they are crazy. The ACLU would have a field day with that one. Regulating firearms is not the solution. It never will be. Also, disarming the population is the first step in the government taking complete control of the population. For those of you with a good knowledge of history, you will remember Hilter disarmed the citizens of Germany before he started taking over the country.
  24. Welcome Aslam! Your in the right place if you need information, we have lots of really smart people here. Tell us a little more about yourself, your hobbies, likes, are you in school or working somewhere, all that good stuff so we can get to know you.
  25. Yes, we have plenty of forum topics, what we need these days are people posting ideas, suggestions, comments, what have you in the forums we already have. Though I have noticed, people don't seem t pay a lot of attention to the forum topic catagories, I see odd posts that have nothing to do with that particular forum. Granted, sometimes you have a subject that is hard to fit in a specific topic, but then when in doubt, I just use the General forum.
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