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Status Updates posted by TikiPrincess

  1. Happy Birthday to you. You live in a zoo. You look like a monkey... and you smell like one tooooo!

    Now make a wish and the good fairy just might make it come true.

  2. Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

    Another random quote dedicated to you ^_^

  3. How's it goin', eh? :P

    I really appreciate your Trap site. It's pretty helpful in figuring out this CSS stuff.

  4. Mwahahahahaha, it's hilarious.

    Too bad Buffers is right, as usual. >.<

    Anyways, I saw that you came to check me out, so I thought I'd check you back. So HI!

  5. OMG! I know I've left you a comment before. >.< You must have erased it!

    Anyways, I have pasalubong for you. It's a very large can of SPAAAAAAM! Now go fry it up and cook some rice so I can eat it!

  6. Sariiiiitaaaaa! Good luck with the whole acting thing. I hope it all works out for you. Just remember that you're much more than your looks and your acting ability. You are uniquely you and wonderful in your own way.


  7. So, how does it feel to get beaten by a girl? 5 times in a row :P

    I had fun schooling you in backgammon. Now, if I could only teach you how to play spades well, we'll rule the game tables! MWAHAHAHAHA!

  8. You know how gay guys have lots of girl friends that aren't really girlfriends? Explains a lot about him, doesn't it? :P


  9. A very merry un-birthday to you!!! And a Happy Birthday for tomorrow ^_^

  10. Birthday greetings to you! Salutations and Felicitations ^_^

  11. Birthday greetings! May all your wishes become ponies!

  12. Congrats on modship! I will make sure to send you a welcome gift of SPAM!

  13. Excuse me, I'm looking for a devil in the form of a helpful buffalo. ^_^ BTW, the California sunshine is calling your name.

  14. Excuse me, ma'am. I had a report of spam occuring yesterday at approximately 8:44 PM CDT at the portal of TikiPrincess. Please cease and desist all further spam activity as this will reflect negatively on you. Thank You. Oh and here's a parting gift of SPAAAAAAAAAM!

  15. Good luck on your entry for SOTW!

  16. Happy Birthday Borda! I'll ask MB to bake you an evil cake so you can make an evil wish when you blow out your evil candles. Or I can send you some of the peanut butter cookies I'm baking ^_^

  17. Happy Birthday! Hopefully the extra year will add some credibility to those job application :P

  18. Happy Birthday! Only a few more years 'til you're legal. YAY!

  19. Happy Birthday! So how many birthday spanks are you supposed to get?

  20. Happy, happy birthday from all of us to you! We wish it was our birthday, so we could party too! YAY!!!

  21. Hey there crazy, evil guy! Oh wait, that's supposed to be Crazy_Rob... omg, have I been spamming the wrong comment box this whole time! I'm soooo sorry. Let me make it up to you in SPAAAAAAAM. mwahahahahaha

  22. Hi, will you help me find my lost puppy? I think he went into this cheap motel room across the street.

  23. How's my favorite fanjaya? (that's still totally creep, ya know)

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