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Everything posted by KDEWolf

  1. Zeeshan, this is an excellent resource, though I recommend you to read this page thoroughly (may take a while, but believe me it's worth it): http://www.richinstyle.com/masterclass/crossbrowser.html Though I'm not sure if there's any application that generates a cross-browser html/css, this is how I usually work. I wish you luck.
  2. But then you could simply use Photoshop's actions (in-program macros). My Ctrl, Shift, Alt and Tab keys are indeed *hot*keys. The most evil keyboard shortcuts are like "Save for Web" ( Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S ). But again, newer Photoshop versions allow you to customize your keyboard shortcuts. There's always a way out.
  3. KDEWolf


    Have you played it already? Looks like it hasn't been released yet. Is it more Myst like or more like those old Lucas Arts adventure games (like Full Throttle, The Dig, DotT, etc)?
  4. This is not necessarily true. You're probably saying this because the most part of windows user are morons and/or haven't any technical knowledge. I managed to run Windows OSes in my computers since I got my 1st computer. I used to format only when upgrading my system or changing the OS, and even then making backup of most of the old data. This means I had files prior to 94, and still my old slow computer always used to run even faster than better computers from my friends. It's a matter of maintenance and general knowledge. My only real 'format' was some weeks ago when my HD got screwed with a sudden computer power down (this really sucked), but it was a hardware issue, and not software. It happens that usually people who use other OSes than Windows (mainly open-source ones) do have more knowledge, and know better their own systems, therefore making they run loose and clean. Put a stupid guy using Linux, with an instant messenger, a browser and a P2P program for 3 months and see how fast will it be running. Other thing to take into consideration is that while usually open-source OSes come with most of its features/programs disabled by default, leaving you to choose what to add and whatnot, Windows comes with tons of features on by default, even those used by 0,0023% of its users. This makes a big difference as well on how fast will they be, since average users most likely won't deactivate those they don't use. Sorry for the lack of text formatting, but I'm quite lazy right now to do it. =p
  5. You can do the same using in Photoshop itself, ImageReady isn't really necessary.
  6. It works, though technically it isn't a nameless folder, it's just a folder named with a non-alphanumeric character. Do you have any practical use for this or it's just for the sake of curiosity?
  7. Angel of death? Maybe he was a fan of Slayer band (which fits perfectly in the context, by the way...).
  8. It's too early to say anything. They usually look very alike in the beginning (other than the UI and some obvious features... there's also the speed difference) in their working. I think it's possible to use XP for a few years yet before moving to Vista.
  9. Wouldn't be this a problem with the auto loading login/password? Possibly you hit some time Enter or Submit with nothing in the login/password field, making it auto load the "empty" user. I'm just guessing, but you could try disabling the auto complete feature for a while.
  10. I try to run my computer as clean as possible.We shouldn't forget (and forgive) the countless, useless, windows services that load automatically by default.Right now I have like 75% of them completely disabled or in manual start mode.And very few programs are worth loading on startup. Very few.
  11. PM me with your name/surname and email and I shall send you an invitation.
  12. BitShift I guess this was quite an old topic (see the posts' date it's May). That's probably why isn't he hosted right now.
  13. Yes, converting fees Brazil's currency (Reais) makes it highly prohibitive here too. Almost the price of a new game per month...
  14. It may be one of the first, of many upcoming changes, who knows? It's quite a major improvement when Microsoft doesn't steal something, create a new name and logo, and put in their ads, as usual.
  15. I don't understand what is so paradoxic here.To me it's quite obvious that Celsius can't be used as a reference in these cases, since its absolute zero isn't the same as its 0 degree value. There are just two different references for 0. That's exactly why Kelvin scale is used in scientific formulas instead of Fahrenheit or Celsius, I guess.
  16. Stupid people like this guy are supposed to die anyway... (Yes, I'm usually this evil.) Now seriously, I don't think a game would ever be shut down due to such happenings. Game producers have no guilty of the player's mental illness, in any way. As idiot as him were his parents, who proved incapable of raising a child, setting bounds, look for medical help. Taking this to court is simply ridiculous, the ones to be prosecuted are them. It's been a while that this kind of thing happens in the world... people who use a grass cutter to cut their hair, an so on. Humanity is lacking good sense. In a few years, products' boxes will come with a 12 page manual telling you what you can and what cannot do with it, which holes of your body is ok to put it in... Now back to the topic. WoW is a a visually nice game, and good to play (I used to play in a "local" server, let's say). But it's just not my kind of game. It is a bit too focused on spending time, and not skill, in my opinion. I'm more into storyline, etc. Still, is very good for co-op gaming and all that. Though, if you don't have much free time the game may show a little boring. The nice stuff usually happens after level 40... =)
  17. I completely agree, since, as a non-native speaker I sometimes get confused with some words' meanings or am not sure about some syntax. About typos, Firefox spell checker is helping me a *lot* on avoiding them, mainly on complex (confusing) words. There are always "grammar nazis" everywhere, but up until now I haven't seen any in Xisto (though I'm a newcomer, so...).Correcting up someone who has written something wrong or such is ok, if the guy knows how to do so. Being kind and understanding, pointing out the mistake, might prove very useful to the one who did such mistake. But some prefer to correct others with an air of superiority, what just sucks... So feel free to tell me if I'm wrong or senseless in my posts. But in a gentle way, please.
  18. Whoa kgd2006, we use basically the same the most. =)Just the 3d program is different, I'm currently into Max.
  19. No problem man. Keep us updated, right? By the way, what's this site about? Is text real or just a placeholders? See you around.
  20. Well I already did comment it a little in an other thread,so I'll just add some things. First, you could use CSS for the menu rollovers, it's more reliable, has better accessibility for those who need it, and saves a few Kb. Just a suggestion, since it's not really compromising anything there. The flash banner is looking very well, but I don't fell that the blinking on the "[ ]" is as nice, it doesn't fit very well. Last two visual suggestions would be add some left padding (about 2 or 3 pixels) on "Recent News", and possibly making a (slightly) light/dark pattern alternating on each news, for better organization. Other than this is pretty good. Now, for the code, I'd suggest keeping the CSS styles (and the Javascript, in case you keep the image rollovers) in separate .css and .js files. This way, they're always cached into the browser, loading pages faster and wasting less bandwidth. It also helps on maintenance, since you have to update just a single file. And about the "spacer.gif" images, you could use css as well instead, but this is a minor issue. I guess that's all for now! Hope it helps. =)
  21. Hahahaha that's something to think of. "Traveling the lands of sillis" is simply beautiful. Not that the other ones aren't nice, but they're not as great as this one... About your current work, it's quite early to say anything, in my opinion. But the old one is very well designed =) Just wished it had more colors, maybe.
  22. Remove the 'render clouds' effect and reduce it to duotone (or even three colors), and you've got a pretty nice wallpaper =p
  23. Black isn't usually a nice color for children-oriented sites. You should combine your desired color with white. Green, blue and white work very well together, for example.
  24. For text editor (with syntax highlighting, of course) I'd recommend UltraEdit 32bit. Works for other programming languages as well. For WYSIWYG, Dreamweaver is the best choice, though pretty expensive one...
  25. This site is simply wonderful. Wonderful. I use it for quite a long time. I just hope it gets as big as Corbis someday... It's very unlikely being it free, but...
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