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Everything posted by longtimeago

  1. hello! friends what does Christmas mean to you ? Just Celebrations ? and Cakes ? or something even more . I will let you Know what Christmas really mean to me. According to me Christmas is the Birth of Christ and according to me In this Christmas Christ must be born in our Heart. Where was actually Christ born 2000 years ago? We all know that Christ was born in a Manger. He could have very well born in a Big Royal Palace . But think for a While why in a Cattle shed ? Its all because the cattle shed symbolize the Dirty place , the stinking place .But since Christ was born in that place , the place was honored and made worthy. In the same way Our heart may be filled with Dirty aspirations and Our life may be stinking but still If you invite Christ to your Heart he is ready to be born in your Heart and make it Worthy and clean . Now what do you get if Christ is Born in your heart ? In the Bible we clearly read that when Christ was Born the three wise men did not bring three kings to Jesus. Each brought a different gift to Jesus, one brought a myrrh (expensive perfume). Another brought gold, and the last brought frankincense ( also a perfume) So our life too will be filled with Precious things if we let Christ Born in our hearts, Christmas is all about LOVE.. Lets all Make a small prayer this Christmas , Lord, let my family be knit together with cords of love that nothing else would ever matter. Especially, keep us at a safe distance from all peer pressure that would seek to propel us to extravagant expectations. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 2008 !
  2. Hey Is it really working ? I dont think that anyone will pay for solving riddles can u please be more clear and give some more details about the contest
  3. First of all i am happy that this is the 100th post i am making Now let me answer to this question, Yes is my answer , there is Life after death , Once we die our Soul departs from our body and we all go to the Presence of Heavenly Father , in the judgement throne we are Judged . Its Lord Jesus Christ is our Saviour from eternal condemination , a man is judged according to his way of living on earth , if our Name is Written in the Lambs Book Of life we will enter into heaven, Thats Eternal Life , there is a Parable in the Bible about Eternal Life ,
  4. Home Work i guess its really neccesarry , else without a home work a skool student what can he do at home ? its the home work which he or she does makes him a school student , Whenever if u call a small child to play he may say that he has a lot of home work to be done , this gives him a responsiblity , by a simple Concept home work the Child at the Young age gets responsiblity .So i Strongly suggest that Home Work is necessary and that makes a child to grow with more responsiblities.
  5. My favourite colour is the Rainbow Colors and whenever i look up the sky on a rainy day i search for a Rainbow and when i see that rainbow ,I remember the Covenenant which God gave to Man that the earth wont be Flooded with the similar kind of rains as in Noah s period, To remind this to man only the Rainbow appears in the Sky and i love that Colour , For it is Written in the Bible,
  6. hey online earning is upcoming these days , 1st i came across that the only leagal one is the google adsense and then i came across many online earning stuffs and in that most of them are frauds.Before trying to step into online earning just try to read or get some testimonies about the Company.The 1-800-Mail.com according to my search info is surely a fraud site .Dont go for it
  7. All of them in today world know Darwins theory that man was evolved from Monkey.And all of them know that Lord God Almighty is the only gateway to Heaven, and God Created the world and created Adam and Eve .Now which one do u believe ? Darwin theory or God ?The Bible says,Its better to put trust in God than to put Confidence in man.
  8. Girls and Make up go hand in hand they are like Bread and Butter, you cant try to seperate them and if you do so too the Culture remains the same.
  9. Just Dont take any fatty foods. Drink a Lot of water and moreover run 5 km per day there is a Chance of u reducing 2 KG then. too loosing weight totlly depends on the type of Muscles u have developed .
  10. My site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Recently i have hosted the site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ actually i really dont have any proper ideas to put it as the contents if u have any please let me know any good ideas,moreover my aim in creating the site is to just get familiar with website hosting and stuffs and to get a practical knowledge about the google adsense,and i hope that i am gaining what i needed to
  11. Hey, the first basic step you can take is that you can try to clear your Browser in the Cookie, moreover you say that you have been using a fire fox so when you have started your firefox you must have ennabled the option Import from Internet explorer ,If that is the case clear the cookies and the offline content of your internet explorer browser too.
  12. hey i have a doubt , for security reasons you had kept the old server running and so was the problem arising regarding the account suspension , then why to format it ? Just Shutting Down the old server , wont it be a solution?More over in future for any reference the old server might be of use.Then why to format it ?
  13. It was my closest Friend birthday and here in my College the trend is that the number of Kicks he must Get on his birthday is equal to his age. but My friend was 19 at that time and he was not Just Left with kicks.The Clock Struck 12:00 on his birthday , the boy was missing in his room, i mean the birthday baby was missing and he hid himself inorder to escape from the kicks. So everybody started to search for him and he wasnt Found.Atlast he came out the morning and since it was morning no one was in the mood to kick him with birthday Bumps so all decided to give him something special,the evening Dusk Came he thought that he had escaped from the bumps , but a Mega Preparation was done for him ,1)Rotten Eggs.2)Rotten Tomatoes.3)Baking Flower4)Bananas5)Mud Mixed with waterAll these Items were thrown on him and his Birthday ended. The Key Fact is that he Escaped from the Kicks But Got Something more Special.So NEVER HIDE YOURSELVES AT TE STROKE OF 12:00 ON YOUR BIRTHDAYS.Any Birthday experiences Of yours ?? You are welcomed to Share it here ..
  14. Nice Tutorial , but the only fact is that i guess this wont work well with people who use Slow internet connection , may be a Dial up connection cannot Offer the expected speed, however broad band users can benifit out of this.
  15. Site Builders are meant for people who are intrested in website designing but who are not Well versed with the coding tags and syntax. Moreover Site Builders Such as Dreamweaver which macromedia offers is of great User Friendly,I Suggest You to use Dreamweaver and you wont Get Stuck inbetween with tags.
  16. hi, just now i went through ur site and saw. It is good for a beginner, please try changing the layouts, the *bottom* colour background ans the black colour font dosent seem to go hand in hand. Check it out.
  17. I have heared people saying it is Voice Over Ip. Does that mean a voice chat is VOIP ? or a Call via internet is VOIP ? or what is that it is ? Can anyone please explain it in detail in simple terms ?
  18. This is My real life and terrible experience , i am sharing with u.Hi friends i am 19 years old guy and i am having a dry skin , i dont apply oil to my hairs but still i have pimples and the left out scars , i tried many ayurvedic creams. I went for Himalaya , Vicoo etc. But still i have , i tried changeing soaps. But still i have , is there any solution for that ? Can i be reduced instantly , can i regain the old polish face ? is there any Suggestion please tell me. I dont go in Sun too for a long time , still i have.
  19. Please all the moderators must do something for this , i gave the website to many of my friends and it is down moreover Google Crawls on it and site is down rating gets reduced.Is there any Solution for this ????Help ! please .. Site is Down...
  20. i accept all your comments on my topic , but the thing i wonder is does the script takes more than 2 days to release my account moreover in the mean time to my credicts are getting subtracted , please can any moderator or administrator help me ? or anyone else have experienced the same problem please tell me the solution ?
  21. hi friends once upon a time i was hosting websites with some free servers , other than Xisto and on one fine morning i had a thought why to go for free servers because in those free servers they were demanding money to remove their advertisemnt. or they had a sub domain.So i purchased a domain and i was looking for some free space provider and i found that none was giving it for free at that time i came to know about Xisto , i read that it was free but i must be active in the forums so what i did was i signed up for the forums and i started being active in the forums.I followed all the rules in trap except one BBCODE the quote tag, though i was caught for not using, but i learnt a leasson, and i stopped coping and pasting , then during my exams i stoped posting so credics came to negative, again now i posted still accont now released So i am confused. Am i kicked once for all.
  22. IPv4 to IPv6 , many of my friend were asking me why this migration from one IP to another version, then as i read books i understood the need for this migration.In todays world almost each one has a need of more that one IP , for example , his laptop needs one , desktop one, mobile phone needs one, in such an increasing demand for the IP address we cant go exausted of IP , so that we have migrated to IP6 any way there is a good backward compactablity so that people using the old IP neednt be afraid.
  23. Friends recently i had my computer thrilled with failure to start. I contacted the system dealer , he said that the RAM had the problem and replaces it , my old RAM is a 1 GB RAM.I saw the RAM in that we have the copper teeths like structure in the bottom which fits in the motherboard there one copper stripp has come out .Is there any solution or must i throw the RAM ? Notice from BuffaloHELP: Title modified
  24. for 1 m $ never one can cut his/her finger , because im sure that with that finger if one works hard he can get even more than that 1 m $ , so never go for these ideas, work , strive hard , earn $,Moreover with fingers learn typing , learn to browse the internet in the fullest , thats it you are done 1 M $ is nothing there are so many wide openings for people who can work on the internet so stop having ideas of cutting fingers and strive hard.
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