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Everything posted by longtimeago

  1. First of all i need to guide you regarding posting. I guess instead of posting 2 diffrent post above you could have very well edited your old post , and could have updated it. So comming to your Query , I guess there is a possiblity to boot a computer using a USB drive ( MSDOS ) and then after booting from pendrive you will be led to the command prompt . Here in the command promt you are free to execute any exe files. If you have the windows setup file in the same pendrive or in a different one , you can just go and execute it through command promt. But i am not very sure whether this tech will work because by default inorder to install Windows you have to Boot from that CD and then only you can run a full fledged setup.But anyway you can try out the above referenced tutorialOn the other hand there is an option. Just copy all the contents of the windows CD in the pendrive and login to the operating system you are currently running . Then insert the pendrive and just run the win xp setup from the pendrive ( Note: For this you have to have your previous operating system working on your computer )
  2. The world around comprises colours, sounds and experiences. The experience I had on that dreadful day was filled with diffrent moods of colours. Red colours of blood shed ,the black of terror , the greys of lost lives and everything that could mar the beauty of a perfect blessed day given by God. I saw there . Well, what was it I saw there? The sounds of explosion filled the air as I saw those masked men emerge from nowhere.Well what was my first impluse reaction ? I really thought or rather believed, that it was something that i have read in the magazines. But realized that it was real. Then the incident came to an end which was not an easy end.But is that the real end ? No .. Recently terrorism of similar kind continued and it had killed a sports player.? But this time that was not in India but in another country , so these attacks continues and what is the real end for these?? Just before this incident of a sports person who was shot , there was yet another maijor incident , that is the srilankan players shot in pakistan.So what is the real end for all these happenings ?
  3. ah.. i too wanna gain weight , i too tried a lot , ate heavy foods , foods with high fat content ... But still no use. Nothing happened to me, then i though for a while why do i really need to increase my weight ? when i am healthy with what weight i am , that will be simply more than enough. So tell me the exact reason why you wanna put on weight ? are u looking weak? or are you really weak ? Do you have a good stamina ? Can you go for a long walk for 5 km without any tiredness ? If you have a good stamina and if your body condition is really good then you neednt care about your weight. May be if you look too lean in physic then may be you have to .
  4. As far as Google desktop search is considered i would not go for it, this dont mean that i am against google search. My day starts with Google ( i mean the nirmal https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl ) , but google Desktop search is concerned it is going to be a back running process in the CPU which will definitely occupy some space in the main memory. When the main memory gets loaded, the performance of the computer is reduced to a greater extent.Just think !! is it necessary to run a process continuously ( Back running process ) which we are not gonna use always , once in a while we are gonna use google search. Not the entire time the comp is on. On the other hand we cant forsake certain back running process , eg. Antivirus software , this is yet another back running process and this too occupies a considerable amount of space in the memory , but this is highly essential.If you wanna search something within your computer too then just take pains to open the search provided by the operating system, which will occupy less space in the memory
  5. i guess loosing weight has no connection with eating at mcdonalds , only possible way that he can claim that he has reduced weight by eating there is , he must not have taken any food which includes a high fat content, if you eat anywhere and dont take foods of high fat content , then you are sure to reduce weight, so the concerned person in this case cant claim that he reduced weight because of eating at mcdonalds , may be he can claim that because he ate food which has less fat content he reduced weight.
  6. Hell is there and Heaven is there , Atheist are noway normal people , this is my comment on then , they dont believe in God , because if the believe in God they have to believe the existence of heaven and hell , which is true and which is present , all that they want is to live a carefree life by tagging themselves Atheist and so none can question them , There for i would invite everybody to believe that there is Heaven and there is Hell , there is one and only God , according to the Christian belief , the Lord God Almighty .
  7. Browser more secure than firefox and chrome ? First of all i wont agree that firefox and Chrome are safer, in particular firefox and chrome claims that there is no phishing if we use their browser , but who said so ? Phishing has proved that they are in existence even today . So there cannot be a statement saying "Firefox and Chrome are Safer browsers " No they are not . Phishing still exist and openDNS announced it openly on feb-2009 , https://www.opendns.com/about/press-releases/opendns-announces-february-2009-phishtank-findings-paypal-again-most-spoofed-brand/
  8. For over the years when the evolution of internet attained its peak , e-marketing picked up. So this is the point where people had to exchange/ Transfer money online , where as transfer of money online was not an easy task. This brought in the evolution of Paypal , where people can link their bank accounts with paypal and can transfer money from and to paypal with therir bank account.So in recent past whenever you see an e-commerce website ,while checking out paypal was a common option found.But few months back , Google launched a checkout by name " Google Checkout" and this is a service offered by google, but what shocks me is that Why is Google Checkout not that popular among common people like paypal , to be more clear Google Checkout is not to be seen in most of the e-commerce website , though this is a free service offered by Google why is that it is not so popular ?Even in our Xisto forum we have a separate discussion by name "Google Services" . Here too all the services of Google are found, adsense , gmail etc. , but Google Checkout is not to be found , Why is it so ?
  9. ah , girls are different from guys that i do agree , but you have to agree with me something , there are different kind of girls and understanding which category the girl falls is yet another different task ! So better have patience move with them and in a course of time you will get to know about them
  10. As far as pendrives are concerned trancend rocks , 8 GB Pendrive in Kingston costs Rs.875 ( INR ) and im sure this is less than trancend , still i would recommend you to go for trancend , moreover please note that there is also a 32 GB pendrive from trancend , so if your planning to use the same for a long time , you can think about going for a 32 GB pendrive . Have a best Buy !
  11. As far as firefox is concerned it is a single process , no matter how many tabs you open , still it runs as a single process in your computer , so if you open more number of tabs you can expect your fire fox to work a bit slow , this has not connection with your internet connection , whether it is broadband or a dialup , moreover the main disadvantage here is that if there is an error or some problem in anyone of the tab , then they whole process is stopped which leads to the shut down of firefox.Whereas in Chrome , the condition is diffrent , each tab runs as a seperate process , so you neednt worry Chrome RoCks !
  12. Dear friends , at present i have hosting a particular domain and i have purchased this domain name outside ( Not via XISTO ) . Not that i have found the reliability of XISTO and im planning to renew my domain through XISTO . With the $ i have over there i guess it will be sufficient for the same , No what doubt i have is , if my domain expires on 07-apr-2009 and if i want to renew through XISTO how to do it ? Now if i go for domain purchase , it tells me that this domain is not available , yeah of course it is true that the particular domain is not available because i have purchaced it outside, So some one guide me how to renew it with XISTO. Moreover when i go for XISTO , in the who is look up will i be able to provide my details ? for the domain which i am purchasing , and after an year can i again renew the domain with XISTO . If i choose Transfer my domain in the XISTO page i get this error . but i have not purchased with XISTO , i have only hosted with XISTO , so now it says to cancel before placing the order , im bit comfused Guide me please !
  13. I personally love pets and animals , but i wanna tell the whole community who are lovers of pets and animals , you please dont bring animals to your home and ask your kids to respect them , anyway they are animals , and animals needs care and not respect . In recent past i have seen people bring wild animals home and ask their kids and family members to respect them, so please show respect for whom it is due . Now days a school going kid is able to respect the wild animal which he tames at home where as he is not able to respect his school teachers , So kindly make note of the same , Care for your pets and im in noway against that . Animals need care .
  14. Oh .. No .. I am a hosting a PhpBB2 forum , and in the initial days i had no problem with the same , i just had a proper way in which users sign up and my forum was looking and was working fine , may be this continued for about more than few days. On one day suddenly spammers broke in , i was really unable to find out whether they are mannual spammers or BOTS , because they were bypassing the Captcha in the registration form. Then i came to know that Captcha can be bypassed easily by hackers and spammers and no longer Captcha provides its security.So from that day till now i have my PhPBB2 forum stormed by spammers , by storming what i mean here is that they just create fake accounts in hundreds , so now i am planning to remove the phpbb2 forum entirely from my site , the only question what i have is that , now spammers got to know my site address and if i move to some other stuffs like chats etc. in my site will the spammers attack that too ? if so kindly let me know how to avoid them.I also tried blocking their IP address from cpanel. Still they come
  15. ya, this may sound that your files are hidden , but beware this is hidding only when the files are being accessed via windows GUI , on the other hand this will not work if some one is trying to access the same from MS Dos , for example let us consider you wanna hide 5 files , 1.exe ,2.exe ,3.exe ,4.exe ,5.exe , and you ZIP all these files into a myfiles.zip ,Now after you hide this myfiles.zip in a image file such as .gpeg or .gif , when you open from windows you can see a image file and can think that your file is completely hidden.But on the other hand go to start--->run--->msdos and just go to the folder where you have hidden the file , here you will be surprised to see that the file which you have hidden has the name myfiles.zip.jpg or myfiles.zip.gif , So friends this is a good trick , still it has its own flaw, so be careful.
  16. ah this is quite confusing for me , can any one tell me is there any possible way in creating a browser with the help of C# Dot net , if so can you please guide me , Thanks in Advance
  17. Easiest way is go , have a bath ( if needed ) .. go to the open ( else to a place where you feel comfortable), sit read the Bible , and you will have the answer spoken to your inner heart , this is not just for Depression , for any problem in life and im sure.Sit , Pray and prayer can bring in miracles , no matter of what the depression is , Prayer is a communication between God and the individual.
  18. We should realize that -The only thing that does not change is change. Circumstances and opportunities may vary.Dont get disheartened. Be bold and learn the valuable lessons it teaches you. Find the positive aspect in everything . Remember even a dead clock shows the right time twice a day. Thus your days of sorrow will impart priceless lessons of experience which is thebest teacher of life. For every valley there is a rise. Every problem has an ultimate solution. P.B. Shelly further throws light to this
  19. Happiness and sorrow are inseparable .Pain and sorrow shows the real meaning of happiness . Going down into the valley of sorrow wont teach us the valuable lessons of life. Analyzing the reason for sorrow and rising up like a phoenix will impart the true colour to life. This will also enable us to lift and support others who are down with sorrow and pain in life.
  20. Life is full of ups and downs. Successful people are those who find the silver lining behind every cloud. They have understood that happiness does not depend on their circumstances but attitude towards the circumstances. Attitude decides the Altitude. Once King Solomon the wisest King ever lived was asked the secret for true happiness. His reply was Yes, he realized the truth of life, the key to happiness-neither happiness nor sorrow are permanent.
  21. This sounds intresting , but on the other hand if this was a fact and not a rumor , why would have microsoft hid this ?? It would have been a pride for them to make this known to the public that the founder of Microsoft is using a special operating system that no one else in this world uses .Moreover if it so , then for sure the same features will be available in the Operating system which are released by microsoft, so my personnel opinion is that this is a big rumor and do not believe this.
  22. All these suggestions are fine , but beware please , there are many underground forums which says , if you make some posts or if you become a premium member in their forum they will offer you a valid rapid share premium account as long as you are a member in that forum.Moreover there are some forums which say that they offer life time membership in their forum and if you become a life time member they will also give you a life time rapidshare premium account for free .. So beware !! All these are fake ...Beware ! once again .
  23. So whenever i see any topic regarding school i am reminded of my old school , anway i have completed my schoolings , still if i recollect the past , i just feel like being a school kid and i really loved it . Now that i am completing my college studies too in another 2 or 3 months, so really now that i am missing my college too ,Missing school life and college life , i graduated my schooling in march 2005 and i will be graduating from my college in may 2009
  24. As far as Google Chat is concerned there are 3 simple ways to use it ( Official ways ), one is through Gmail , Orkut , Google talk . In the above mentioned 3 ways of using Google Chat , only in one way file transfer is ennabled , that is through Google Talk ( messenger ) .So now the problem is if some one is logged into both Gmail and Google talk simultaneously and if he/she is using Google Talk for Chat and if the person in the other end tries to send a file , what happens is that the "Send File" button is displayed and after clicking it , the person can see an error message which states that Files cannot be transffered because your friend is using some other client other than google talk. This error occurs inspite of the person in the receiving side is logged into google talk and is using the same , but he/she may be checking his/her mails simultaneously without logging out from the chat in the Gmail Browser window .So hope Google sees to this and rectifies the same , RoCk on Google !! Keep RoCking !
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