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Everything posted by reconraiders

  1. Can you name a php script with a ".jpg" extension and have the server parse it as php? I don't like having the source of my pictures as a php file. I don't know just a thing I have. Doesn't seem right. Seems like a security hole too.
  2. Don't like Fruity Loops!?!?! lol I love fruity loops! But anyway, I think you might look into acoustica. They have lots of different versions of software. I think it might cost a little bit of money. I don't remember. I used to run a cracked version But the software is really simple if that's what you want. They do have some okay effects and stuff too. It's all really simple to use. For what I was doing (and what it sounds like you're doing), it was perfect.
  3. You should probably read some tutorials and other literature on databases, what they are, and what they do. I assume you're probably using a MySQL database. There are tons of places around the internet that you can find out whatever you need to know about MySQL databases. Everything I know, I have learned from the internet
  4. Pretty good tutorial. Good job! I'm going to have to use these techniques from now on. Keep the good tuts comin!
  5. I absolutely loved Ocean's 11 and 12. The brand of film is just amazing. I love the style of it. George Clooney and Brad Pitt are amazing together in these movies. I especially like the soundtrack to Ocean's 12. I haven't seen Ocean's 13 yet, but I'm sure it will be on par with the previous two.
  6. Well, personally... for my own web sites I usually don't use slices at all. I use photoshop to create images and then crop them to size myself and save each image individually. Then I write all the html and css by hand. I always get the result I want with no clutter. But if you don't speak CSS and HTML fluently, slices are the way to go.
  7. Photoshop/ImageReady does allow you to output html laid out in CSS. It is actually xhtml compliant too If they don't want to learn CSS... oh well, more business for those of us who know it! lol. But if you want to get ahead and stay up with the best, you should learn CSS and understand all aspects of web standards
  8. I'm looking into signing up for a paid hosting account with someone. I was wondering how you think these guys compare with Xisto and their partners Xisto - Web Hosting. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ vs. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. I thought you couldn't post asking for referrals. Anyway, bidvertiser.com is a good site to run PPC ads. They will pay through paypal with a minimum balance of $10 before payment. Hope that helps
  10. in the toolbar select the "Slice Tool" and you can just click and drag a sqaure "slice". Make as many as you want. Then you flick "File>Save Optimized" I think.
  11. Create a new directory for each html file you want. "sample.html" gets its own directory "/sample/". Then move that "sample.html" to the "/sample" directory and change it's name to "index.html".so you would have a structure like this...ROOT- SAMPLE index.html OTHERSAMPLE index.html SOMETHING index.html PHOTOS index.html index.htmlsorry if you don't understand that. But basically a directory for each page. The page inside of each directory should be called "index.html" though. The server will automatically recognize it when "yoursite.com/directory/" is called and load it.
  12. You can use ImageReady and just make slices. Then you can have ImageReady output the HTML and Images for you. Takes a few seconds. Really easy.
  13. I'm not sure what you mean by "cross the limit". More info, or maybe a link to the site might help.
  14. Very nice and very clean! I love seeing xhtml strict compliant pages! Good job!
  15. URGH! My vote in "other" got erased and I can't vote again! lol No big deal though. It seems as if I am the only one here familiar with this system. But in my opinion it is very good, clean and efficient. It has many cool RELIABLE mods available. The plugins are very easy to install. Usually just one file needs to be uploaded to the "Plugins" folder and then you can install it via the admin panel. As far as themes, I'm totally sure if there are "a lot". I doubt there are as many as there are for phpBB. But I think you will find some. I have never looked for any themes because it is really easy to make your own templates and themes. You can edit all the CSS really easily in the admin panel. You can also edit all of the templates through the admin panel. All very quickly. My best advice (if you're interested) would just be to try everything out and play around with the features and stuff for a while, and decide for yourself which system you like best. The only reason I choose myBB over IPB is the fact that it's free. The reasons I choose myBB over phpBB... well there are a lot. I won't list them(unless you want me to).
  16. I'm interested in doing that as well. If you want to get a team together and work on it, I'd be interested.
  17. Have you guys ever tried MyBB? I had never heard of it. I don't even really remember how I found it. But I downloaded it and used it and was really impressed. It's actually quite similar to IPB
  18. These two systems are very different. PHPBB is really old now and isn't very good. It is good if you want something really simple with nearly no features. PhpBB gets hacked a lot. The HTML is old and not standards compliant. IPB is much better all around. It has tons of features. PhpBB is free though. IPB costs money. My personal favorite solution is MyBB. It is completely free. It has lots of features to begin with. It also is very modular and allows you to install many available plugins for additional features. It is very fast and efficient. Did I mention it's free? That's my personal choice. There are other good free forums like SMF.
  19. I'm quite interested in this now. I'd like to know how you "combine" the computing power of multiple computers to solve something like this. If anybody really understands and knows how to do that, please let me know. I am going to start gathering a team of professors and math wizzes that I know. We might just go for all 3 prizes. That's 500,000. Even if I get a fifth of that, I'd be fine. Math is pretty fun sometimes, and now it can be plain ol' lucrative! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. I love america's army. I love the realism. I don't play many games really. If I do play it though, it has to be realistic. That's probably why I don't really play many games. There aren't many realistic games out there. I know this will upset a lot of people, but I hate games like counter strike. America's Army is very nice though. I am not able to run the newest version thought. It has some crazy system requirements, and I'm lacking a decent system. They also made the game for XBOX. It was pretty well put together. They had a sniper training mission that lasts two days. It's wonderful. I love this game. I'm a real army buff, I love everything about the army. So this game is perfect for me. It's really cool how in multiplayer, you really have to rely on teamwork in order to achieve victory. The Army definitely did well in making this game. Probably one of the best FPS out there IMO. America's Army FTW!
  21. Wow that's pretty crazy! That's so many images! Google scares me. The internet is pretty much theirs now. Are they going to have this for every major city?
  22. same thing happened with mine. I was wondering about that. I assume everything is well though. Everything works (except fantastico, but I think that's for a different reason... maybe not though)
  23. Just got my hosting account today. I click on the Fantastico link in CPanel and I get a 404 error. What's going on with that? Temporary malfunction? Or am I missing something here?
  24. I just activated my hosting account today here at Xisto! I'm satisfied with what I see so far! I haven't uploaded anything yet, but I think for now I'm just gonna test some scripts out and stuff. Test some of the features of the server and whatnot. If things are good, and I can get lots of good posts in the forums, I might host my domain reconraiders.com here on Xisto. You can check out the site right now. It's hosted somewhere else right now. It is a website for my airsoft team called the Recon Raiders. We replicate a US Army Special Forces Team and conduct mission reenactments. It's pretty fun stuff. You can see lots of pictures and videos of us on the website. You can even post in the forums there if you're interested! Check it out! It's also in my sig!
  25. Okay, I'm hosted here at Xisto now. My first look at the cpanel, I'm pretty impressed. I used to be hosted on a nice fancy CPanel server before. Since then I've been missing all the wonderful features. I'm glad to be here on Xisto with CPanel hosting for FREEEEEE. Xisto kicks butt
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