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Everything posted by arza1

  1. the power to heal is a good one but i want to think of one that is different. i was just talking to my stepmom about this subject and she said to be able to control time. she would be called the eon jumper.me i always thought it would be cool to fly. this really isn't to help people but i really wuldn't want to be cursed with anthing else. it would be kind of like swimming in the air. mmm.... comforting. i guess i would be called 'i am not a damn super hero leave me alone man' just kidding.either that or to be able to be like the flash. move really fast. i could get things done like that. i would be called really fast man.accually i like the speed thing better. but without any other powers when ever i ran into things it would hurt bad, because i don't have the power of strength.
  2. i think it is funny to say cruel jokes like......nothing is funnier that the sound of a bag of puppies being beaten with a bag of kittens. but there is no way in the world that i would ever hurt an animal or let someone else hurt them. i am totaly against it.i hear case of minor cruelty to animals and it still tears me up. like dogs being chained up outside and their collar gets to small and it cuts into ther neck. i hate that. i wish people took better care of there animals.i have two dogs and they are awsome. if anyone were to ever hurt them i would be pissed. that is why when ever i see anyone being mean to someones animals i stop them.that is all you can do because there are people that like doing that kind of thing. they think that because they are as intelligent as humans you can treat them bad and hit them around and such. thath is wrong. deffending someone from a rabid or angry do is ok but not if the animal is innocent.
  3. i would have too say my two favorite types of music are classical guitar and modern blues(like the stuff off of the white stripes self title album) i also like hiphop and rap. but it has to be good rap with great music to backup the rap. a lot of instruments have to be incorperated though.the only thing that bugs me to listen to is country. although i do like bluegrass, modern country or pop country is worse than hiphop on your local pop station.i love all types of expierimental and instrumental music like.....tooltomahawkblue man groupdon caberroincubusyesi also like jazz. not the elevator jazz though. my friend is a bassist and he loves jazz. he turned me onto marcus miller. now that is good jazz. he also turned me onto the philidelphea experiment. they are ok but they push the hole elevator thing.but i can also listen to heavy stuff like pantera and tool and any alternative.
  4. i started a freewebs acount and got my website up and i wanted to show it off. i showed my friend who has an account here. you know him as cerb. he told me that i could have a domain here without all the ads that you have on freewebs. so i checked it out.at the time i didn't understand the system so i canceled my account. later on i wanted to start another account so here i am.
  5. acually there is this theory with quantum physics that is based on the thought that one item can be in two places at the same time. i think that it involves wormholes but i am not sure. i haven't read into it that much. i think that they acua;;y tested it with some us battleship or something. i know there is some type of conspericy behind it.it is deffinitly something to research. i think i might do that later.
  6. what a weird topic. i can just imagine the guy that thought of the question of whether you can swimfaster through syrup or water. he is some guy at some college in some door. smokin weed trying to figure out a expeiriment for his science exam that involve girls rolling around in syrup.
  7. not only do i think that there could be life in other solar systems, i bet that almost every single one has some type of life filled planet. maybe even more than one. i could just be bacterial life or even intelegent life.anyway it is it would be selfish and stupid of us to think that out of all the galaxies and solar systems we are the only planet that has life. it would also be selfish of us to think that the life on those planets are like us. like you know with limbs and whatever... our physical form.i don't know... it is hard to assume.there are known knowns and known unknowns and there are unknown unknowns. those unknown unknowns suggest that we know nothing about life outside ourselves so it is even hard to me to state my opinion on this topics.
  8. this episode of 2012 that this guy was talking about said something about a program that can predict the future by searching the web for certain words or phrases that have to do with the topic or subject searched for. i am not sure on how it works or how it even lets you know the predictions. but it is something to research.anyway suposidly it came up with that the there will be some major event that won't only change our country or nation but it will change the entire human race.it also said something about the earth passing some type of solar equater and it changing the magnetic field of the earth. this somehow is supposed to move the crust on the mantle derasticly. so much that our country should be about where antartica is.i was also watching this episode of the show called the universe on the history channel. this episode was about the sun. they got to this part in the episode where they were talking about solar flairs. they said that the sun has season for when theses flairs ar the worst. these seasons are about ever 11 years. they said that the peak of these flairs are in the fall of 2012. they did not go on about twenty twelve but they said that a direct hit from one of these flairs could be derastic.
  9. that cannot compare to eternity. becuase eventually this bird that never dies is going to get to this last grain of sand. then eternity stops. eternity cannot stop it is on going. that is like saying that there is a guy that never dies and he has to count until he reaches infinite. it isn't going to happen but somehow he does. it doesn't deffine the word or the meaning. i know bad analogy but it is the best i could come up with.
  10. alright.... i never really spent that much time on google maps before. so i decide to test it out to see how it works. i typed in..... new york, ny to paris, france i randomly scrolled down not looking for anything, but for no reason BAM! something jumped out at me. on the 21 step for trip to france it says...... swim across atlantic ocean 3462miles i swear, try it out for your self... weird huh google maps Notice from jlhaslip: Merged topics
  11. ok even if we were able to do this, like you said, it is out of our technilogical hands. but not by much. the only real thing stopping us from doing this is money, politics, and religious reasons. for religious reasons someone might bring up that god entended us to liv on eart blah blah blah and so on. for money reasons nasa just doesn't have enough cash support. the us would probably end up taking it out of tax payers wallets that don't believe in the mission anyway. and as far as politics are concerned, we would need the support of other countries. this would be a world event. it would have to be. but the way things are going i don't see anything like that happening. espeacialy if the conflicts of nuclear weapons and war are at hand. i agree great idea but it is a long way away. i didn't even think about the possibilities with venus. one question though, i might be thinking of mercury but oh well. is it venus that as a atmosphere so thick that we can't even se the surface. i mean being as it is closer to the sun than us or even mars it has a strong atmosphere. i wonder why the solar winds didn't effect it as much as mars.
  12. agreed. i also think that you should make a tutorial forum, that would be nice. i also give this an 8 or maybe 8.5 it is a good quality sig, thanx for sharing.
  13. i totaly agree! all the movies you posted are on my favorites list. i also agree on the mood idea + it is really hard to pick all time favorites because there are so many. you also get in this mood right after you see a good one that makes you feel like it is your fav. but the next day you like another better
  14. oh i know it will be an un-manned mission but i thought maybe that they will be able to launch samples back to earth. its weird, they said that landing things on mars is so difficult that it would be like, if possible, trying to throw a football form california to new york and landing it in some type of target. so i am asuming launching something off of mars would be twice as hard with a small launcher. well maybe not, from what i have heard mars has a weak atmosphere that has been broken down by solar winds from the sun and low gravity, so it might even be the same as launching a full size rocket on earth. i don't know, i really don't know much about mars this is the first time i really got into the topic. i don't know anything about the politics at all.
  15. i have noticed hear lately ther hasn't been much people one around 7:00-10:00pm. usually in forums and stuff there are alot more people. anyway, this forum, although not that active, contains my favorite topic. i love to talk about music. debating even better.so even if you are not that interested in music or you feel like you will be criticized, because you will, post something about the music you listen too. i don't think that you get credits for these posts so don't worry about that aspect of this forum. maybe that is why people arn't posting
  16. this is going to sound weird but...... BEANS AND CORNBREAD ALL THE WAY.i don't like the beans meal that is all out, just a little ham beans and salted corn bread. no onions. ewwwww.
  17. i think i played this one. i don't think i liked it much or i would be able to remember if i played it or not.as a matter of fact i don't think i like any of the need for speed games. never did. there really are better driving games out there. like gta4. now that is a great game. need for speed reminds me of a kids game. there is no chalange. there is just "cool" looking vehicles.
  18. i was watching the history channels new show called universe last night. well they said something about the pheonix mission. but they said it was set to launch summer of 2007. do you know if this mission involves bringing back samples or not. i don't see how they would but it would be cool. that had that meteorite frome mars but that was just a small sample. if they could get a soil sample of one of the poles i am sure they would be able to determine that there is some type of life. whether it be a new form of life or some type of bacteria.great topic!
  19. lucky # slevin is one of my all-time favorite movies.......it has a great story, great actors, great action, great dialogue, and its just freakin great.if you haven't seen this movie yet you need to.complete guy movie though..... prepare yourself to be amaized!
  20. here is a band that has recently been introduced to me.TOMAHAWKthis band is a native american influenced rock band.i guess that the same guy from mr. bungle(also a good band) went to live in indian reservations for a while and decided that their style of music should be incorperated throughout rock.check them out
  21. you know i have never even played those games. i heard it is alot like god of war which is amaizing. gow is kone of my favorite games ever. so i will have to check out this game sounds iteresting.
  22. what is this program that you used. at first i like it but then i realized you used a program and then i noticed with a program it should have better quality sound. i make better recordings with just the recorder for windows. avatararza i am sure if you practice mor they will turn out cool. try shortening them a bit and they should be good.
  23. i like....gta san andresarea 51any madden game007 for 64poll position for nesall driver games(mostly Driv3r)ace combat.........list goes on. i am not much of a pc player though, i like plsystation mostly
  24. yeah mine was the NES too. after that my dad bought a sonyplaystation 1 and then years later the PS2. i played other systems at friends houses but never owned any others.that is weird that yours was a 64. great system though.
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