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Everything posted by arza1

  1. i have tried audacity but i don't like it much. i will check out acoustica. i will download the torrent.
  2. i research these programs and i don't think they are what i am looking for. i want something to record on. they look like programs such as finale. which is a program where you place notes on a staff and it plays it to you. well guitarpro deals with tab but same thing. i will definitly try them though. i am downloading the torrent for guitar pro now. i will let you know what i think of it when i do. in the mean time does anyone know of any recording programs that take feeds from mics and such. something where i record and mix and alter with ease would be pleasent. but i don't think there is much out there.
  3. i am a guitarist and i want to record my music better. the default rcorder just isn't cutting it. i am just wondering if you guys have any ideas for a good recording program. it can be a free download or something you have to buy.something that runs on windows xp and isn't to complicated.i have heard of fruity loops and have tried it but i just don't think i like it much.but please help me out.
  4. Hey, my name is arza and i am a guitarist. i like to play anything that makes noise(any instument). i put some songs that i have recorded with my defalt sound recorder on my freewebs site. i have been meaning to update them but haven't got around to it. none of them have lyrics but they are still cool. give them a listen and tell me what you think. it has been known to take a while to load but i have no problem listening to them. here is the link don't be afraid to tell me they suck oh and most of them are just me messing around. mostly onetime recorded random stuff.
  5. i have seen a lot of guys with straghtend hair that don't look gay. long hair even. now if you were to cut the straightend hair into an emo like haircut it would look kind of gay depending on your facial feature. acually all emo hair cuts look gay. i hate worrying about my hair and how it looks so i usaully cut mine into a burr or a fade. some people say i look like a recrute or a naxi or something but hey they are the *BLEEP* that have to do there hair in the morning. plus my haircut looks decent with facial hair.
  6. i have acually heard that they have proven white holes which are the opposite of black holes. now ofcourse they ar not acually white. but it is supposed to be spitting out whatever its counter part swallows. because everyone knows that matter cannot be created nor destroyed.another thing i have heard is that there might even be black holes on earth. just like dark matter black holes cane be any where. it doesn't take a dying star to start it. this hasn't been proven though. it is just a theory.
  7. the universe isn't just expanding it is being pulled. it is being pullled by something called dark matter which can be anywhere and everywhere. even on earth. but that doesn't mean that there has to be more universes. heaven and hell is made up. they are not individual universes. i do not beleive in the bible or christianity, however the bible is full of metaphors. if anything heaven and hell are right here on earth. hell represents the hell that people themselves through by choosing to things to put them in that situations. and the samething with the mentionings of heaven. now if you are talking about afterlife afterdeath stuf that is what ever you want to beleive but if you beleive in the bible then hevean and hell are hear on earth. but some could argue. there is a theory that kind of ties in with the whole more than one universe thing. it is called srting theory. this theory is completely complicated and very hard to understand. anyway, this theory ivolves the ability of there being different dimentions. and i think that the dimentions could represent other universes. there is also another theory that is is one of my favorites. i am not sure of the name but if it were true it would mean that there are an infinate amount of universes. try to think of our universe with all the galaxies and solar systems and planets and even the minerals or elments on our planet, and every little grain of sand on our beaches and the atoms and molecules that the sand is made of so on. now try to imagine that the universe which we live in is one single electon of an atom in a grain of sand on a beach on a planet in a solar system in a galaxy in a different universe. how small do you feel. that would mean there are countless amounts of universe just in our homes let alone our planet or our solarsystem and so on. i acually think this to be true. i kind of like the feeling of being small. but what if we were in an atom about to be split by an atom bomb. that would suck. it would definitly have an impact on our universe.
  8. i just don't see it...... it is in the pic isn't it. it seems like it would be more complicated if people are finding it in 15 minutes.
  9. if i remeber right the ice caps are made from CO2 so..... but there is said to be frozen water in the soil so if we can get the planet to warm up small lakes could form. and it is possible to warm a planet. we are accually doing it here. but with mars it could happen faster and alot more safe. they way it would happen is we would pump gass into the atmosphere to build it up and then it would trap more heat from the sun.
  10. i was watching a show on on demand from the science channel and it was about a mission to mars that involves sending people. this mission was called Mars Direct. research it. it sounds like it would work but i guess the are a few things they need to work on. like: i guess the people would be exposed to alot of radiation due to spending 6months in space. and they would catch cabin fever. which if you don't know is just a case of going crazy because you have to spend so much time with other people. but anyway it sounded intresting. here is a wiki link explaining the mission. i think the discovery/science channel did a better job. mars direct
  11. i have heard that the falling in your sleep thing is caused by something else. my grandpa reads all these books about the mind and spirit. he has explained to me what an out of body experience is. he said it happens to most people whilethey are sleeping. usaully it is just your spirit rising out of your body and then just coming back down. he says that he has learned to control it but doesn't like to do it because it scares him. anyway, he told me whenever people are experiencing this they are usually in such a relaxed state that the spirit comes out. then you get a sence of falling whenever you are coming back down. have you ever been woke up by an un explained bang. well you are suposed to hear a bang from your spirit slamming back into your body.so the falling feeling is acually your spirit falling into your body.now i don't believe in spirituality or that it is your spirit falling into your body, but this is suposed to be what is happening.
  12. my great grandmother comes up from florida to indiana every once and a while and we went to visit her at her sisters house in bloomington, in. i remebered this topic and i asked her how my grandpa made rings in the army. she said that she is not sure about how he did it there but she did say how he made them for the kids when he was back home. i guess he acually hit the middle of a dime, out of all things, with a spoon until the dimes center was as thin as tinfoil. then he knocked a hole in it and beat on it until it was ring shaped. i still have doubts that this is possible. mabye be with a different tool. but a spoon would not be my tool of choice.
  13. i don't know about you guys but when i dream i never dream about past or recent expierences. when i dream all kinds of new images that i have never seen before(something i think my mind has created) gets mixed with things i have seen. the dreams are never important or have any reasonable sequence. hlf the time when i have these off the wall dreams i don't remeber them. what i also want to know is why our brain chooses to remeber a dream if it is just a replay itself. or why does our brain choose to forget these dreams we have.
  14. The possibilities of life being more intelligent are very high. We would be really arogant to think that we are the smartest things out there even for mars. Why wouldn't mars have a smarter species. Maybe the intelligent life on mars, if there was life on mars, wasn't at all like us. what i mean is maybe it isn't at all how we see life maybe the organisms on mars worked completely different than ours. maybe the reason why we can't find traces of life so far is because the life that was there were made from strictly energy or some type of being that adapted to the atmosphere that mars once had. in order for the theory of life on mars populating earth to work, the life on mars would have to be more intelligent. it might make you fell uneasy but it is just a theory.
  15. i would like to know why we dream. why does our brain fell like it need to replay mixed memories. this never made much sense. i mean sometimes i don't dream. but i want to know why i do when i do.
  16. i knew about centripetal force, but i didn't know if that acually made the planets move outward. so if i used the term and didn't understand it completely there is a possibility that people wouldn't understand the theory i was trying to get across. whenever my dad told me about this he didn't say anything about centripetal force so i didn't want to use it whenever i explained it. i always thought it was called centrifugal fource. but aparantly i am wrong. what is the difference between 'centripetal' and 'centrifugal' force. i know they both have to do with some type force that is related to rotation.
  17. while we are on the topic of being small. i have also had this theory about the universe.i think that the entire universe is just one part of one atom of one little mineral or one grain of sand. try to think if that is true. try to think how many universes there are out there just in our world. i have heard about people trying to imagine the term infinate or anything that is not ending. how small would we feel if this turned out to be true. i think that this is probably the best possibility of why the universe is here. it might sound a little comic book like but i think that it could be true.
  18. me and my dad were talking about life on earth and where it came from. he was telling me what he thinks about it and it really does make a little bit of sense.the way he started was by asking me what happens whenever you tie a rock to a string and spin it around. the rock wants to draw away from the center source of whatever is spinning it. he was telling me that he thinks that the planets in out solar system ar doing the same. whether it be inches at a time or maybe even a mile at at time.this is what he thinks: all the planets are moving outward. there is a spot in out solarsystem that is ideal for life to exist. mars used to be full of intelligent life that spread some sort of seed over earth before their planet was too unable to support life. they are kepping the life in our solar system alive and going. and in millions of years the same will happen with earth and venus. but it might mot even be humans that do it. we could be long and gone and some other species has become so intelligent that they will figure out how to put life on venus.sorry i can't explain what he said better but i don't quit remeber it.i want to know what you guys think of this theory. if you don't think this happend what do you you think.
  19. i kind of have that problem exept i have no depth perseption because i am 80% blind in my left eye. because of this my brain onl decides to look out of my right eye. so whenever i close my right eye i can see out ouf my left but only then. i went to the docter to get glasses and they told me that i cannot fix my eye with glasses i have to train it by closing my right one all the time. i acually wore only one contact in my bad eye until they figured out it wasn't going to help. they said i have a focusing problem. they said my brain wont let my eye focus. so if you can imagine the screen of that monitor in the pic above being the same focus as every thing but alot worse that is how i see out of my left eye. i can see outlines of large things but words and peoples faces and even if i am driving i cannot see. but my right eye is perfect. more than perfect. i can see better than most people sometimes. weird huh.
  20. is there any way to keep it from blurring i wonder. i mean this could be sort of useful it was a better quality pic. i wish you would fix the pics in the tutorial. then maybe i could help you out with how to make it look better. for this do you need a blank canvas or is it best to start with any pic.
  21. It isn't that i think that asking questions is stupid it is just that your question was a stupid question. i am all up for questions. but if you do not have the brains to answer an obvious question of yours with awnser being in the rest of the forum i am going call you your question stupid. and to answer your question that i have answered already, the main point of making rings like any other type of jewelry is for craft or hobbie. to pass the time with something, as cerb said, one of the coolest ways to pass the time. maybe if i were into anime or whatever the cartoon crap is on you avatar, i wouldn't have to be involved in iteresting hobbies like coin rings. i would apreciate if we get back to the topic on hand. which was. how does one make a coin ring with only a spoon or other small tools that would be carried on the common ww2 GI, or even ww1 GI. this of course rules out any power tools such as drill and other related tools.
  22. wow great tutorial. i am going to have to try this. i have always wondered if you could but never really tried it. the second way seem alot better than the first. which photoshop are you using
  23. but like i was trying to get across, the uses of a coin ring are simple. it is a hobbie. i find it interesting that you can tke something worth very little and turn it into somethin that you would probably pay alot for at a store. well not the coin ring but some ring made of steel. it is also a test of patients. you have to hit this ring about million times while spininning it like a wheel. but you have to hit it in the same spot or it will ripple on the edges and will be useless for a ring.coins that will work but are not out of your reach:a copper 50cent peice is what i like using because when it is done it fits and it has width. now if you are making on for a female you can use a quarter with no problem. and if you don't mind spending a little bit of cash you can go to any coin shop and buy silver 50 and 25 cent peices. the 50cent ones are about 4.50 and the quarters are like 2.50.the steps:hit the coin with a small hammer or spoon lightly. you want to hit the rim of the coin while it is standing like a wheel. while you are hitting the coin rotate it so that you hit it evenly all the way around.once it has flattened to about the size you want all you have to do is drill out the middle and sand it down with a dremel or even sand paper will work.there s a link above in the last few posts that can be useful in making your ring.i think that these rings make excelent gifts if you want to buy someone jewelry and do not have enough money.
  24. i live in a small town in indiana where everybody thinks that they are thugs or hicks but they really are not. everyone here either starts crap with people just for the fight or are the people getting put in the situation where you might get picked on for being whomever they are starting the fight with. i really like my town it is nice but there are just alot of stupid people. i am lucky to have found the friends that i have. they are pretty much the only ones with levelheads. there is alot of drug traffic for such a small town. alot of kids in my highschool like to brag about how they did a shitload of coke over the weekend. you can here people selling in the halls. but i really have never heard of any fighting over drugs. wierd huh. my friends and i have decided to not do drugs. i am glad they did because i would be the only one in our school that doesn't. well maybe not the only one.
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