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Everything posted by arza1

  1. who said that the bible said scientist are evil. because if you are refering to what i said it is wrong. i was quoting a christian i know.
  2. the bumblebee movie wouldn't happen to be a jerry signfeld film called 'BeeMovie' would it?
  3. i am not sure on how to make a pole but if i did it would be for u.s. only
  4. maybe we should take a pole to see how many people have seen or have first hand experience with religious predjudice.
  5. i am not looking to spend any money yet, thanks though
  6. my voice, i didn't think my voice was in any of them. thanks for the review though
  7. yes i have read the revalations, and yes it does speck of the end of the world in some vaig symbolic manner. yes my beleif is that there isn't a god. and yes it is possible that matter is created out of nowhere. the 'matter may not be created nor desroyed' law does not exist any more. they still teach it in school but it has been proven wrong. you are right about my sig. and you are right that i cannot prove that god doesn't exist. but i can decide to say " hey you know what this god business sounds silly as *BLEEP*". and as a idividual i am aloud to speak my mind and bash anyones religion that i please. there is no doubt that the human race will die eventually but there is nothing stopping us from pulling our heads out of our asses and trying to make that day not come for a while. we should give up all of these materials like money or even the money system. how in the world is that unrealistic. god is unrealistic. making a divise to change the path of an astroid is not. we could do it from miles and miles away from earth. using a neclear bomb. and just because the towing idea hasn't been made doesn't mean it isn't possible. i never asumed that you did. i was just throwing a point in there. so wait. you believe in the higher being. and you are saying that i won't know until we pass away. ok so i am assuming that you have passed away. and you know for sure that there is a god. well damn i guess i was wrong. what you are going to say is...... 'no i have faith and i beleive and blah blah blah'. well it seems to me by you aproach that you are for sure. and that i am just some dumb person that hasn't been able to grasp the consept of god. and that i will come around. and i will see whenever i am sent to hell for not beleiving. i hear this al the time contadicting staments coming from religion. religon is supposed to bring happyness into peoples lives but it only bring coruption. what i mean is people think they are better just because they beleive in god. they think they have the ticket to their heaven and people who don't beleive are going to be left behind while they advance. no neither of us where. alive that is. and thank you for backing me up. someone knows there history. Notice from jlhaslip: Merged two consecutive posts. Please use the Edit feature to add information to your previous posts. Thanks.
  8. srry i will edit the post....... but it is my name not a theme. the theme is music i have just decided that i want the sig to be banner size. i don't think i like huge sigs. i want it to be long but not skinny. something that will have a picture of headphones in it but not to tall. here are some headphone pics i like: https://mondotees.com/index.html http://www.dansdata.com/images/hfi550/hfi550_800.jpg you don't have to use these but i am just giving you an idea of what to use. how come no one is replying! i would do this my self but i cannot find a good torrent for cs2 or cs3. when i did find one with a keygen it didn't work. but anyway i also want to add that you can use any filters you want as long as it looks good. i also have some more ideas for the backgroud watermark. seems how it is music theme. there could be notes on a staff in the back and blend into a solid color. ex. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i am sure you might be able to find a more creative flow but just play around and have fun. Notice from jlhaslip: Merged double posts
  9. I am a hosted Xisto user that has gone a longtime without a sig. I will give 30-40 credits depending on the quality of the sig to anyone that is willing to make me one. but i do have some preferences............. -i want it to include the word 'arza' which is my name -no anime -no gaming anything -something that has to do with music....... like stereo headphones -it can but doesn't have to be banner size. -the colors can include black, mustard yellow, blood red or maroon, and gray/white, tan. but doesn't have to include all. -non goth or emo (i don't want the colors to throw you off) the only theme i want is music and my name. -try to make the background have a watermark that looks sort of like this: http://www.sews.com/404page.html or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this one is my favorite pattern: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - oh and i am a guy so don't make it girly:) -have fun just post any questions you have about my preferences or credits
  10. @mojoaparantly you have never been to the united states. i hear people i know people i don't know and even stories of people being predjudice against other religions. you cannot say there isn't. people are going to argue over there beleifs just as you and i are now.
  11. i will have to agree with you when you say religion has set the foundation of our laws and community as a whole. but i think it is about time to let the things go that are keeping us from advancing. like the block stimcell research. why shouldn't we advance. like holy wars or even wars in general. they happen all the time. religion is sticking its nose n places where it doesn't belong. the are conflicts starting in politics because groups of christians don'tlike the path that nonbeleivers are taking. the only reason why we can't reseach on stimcells is because half of the government is christian. what is silly is it couldn't happen the other way around.if an aithiest spoke up and said well you know i don't like the fact that 'god' is in the pledge to the flag. they wouldn't even think twice before refusing to take action.religion is playing to big of a role in the world. people can beleive in something other than religion to make them happy. how about each other. or would that just make too much sense.do you know how easy it would be for me to create a theroy of how the world came about and is going to end by using fantacy characters. the only reason why people 'beleive' in corrupt religions like chritianity and others is because generations and generations before them did. i can almost garantee that 90% of christians have christian parents and grandparents. i don't know this for a fact but it is a good guess.
  12. the most idiodic thing i have heard come out of a christians mouth would have to be this....."scientist are just there to fool you. they have been put here by the devil to try to corrupt your mind"but one thing i don't understand about christians is there hate for other religions. i am not religous but i beleive in good nature and i also beleive in having faith in nonficional people. like you parents or any loved ones. but not faith in something as silly as god or christ or whatever.how a christian can sit there and say "if you are of a different religion you are going to hell" i don't know. because they are all praying to the same god. just in different ways. just because it has a lable in front of it doesn't mean it is that much different that anything else.
  13. i keep hearing this and i have to say...... this is the dumbest thing i have ever heard. god, jesus, allah, the bible or whatever you beleive in has nothing to do with the end of the world. the only thing that does is the things that inhabit it. like us. we have more power than let on. just because someone has told you that there is this fantacy figure that will come to destroy the earth and rescue all good from it doesn't mean it is true. if the world is going to end it is because we are going to let it. it is very possible that we can stop anything that is of threat to the earth. it is just a matter of preparation. lets see........... global warming. the collection of greenhouse gasses in or atmosphere causing temps to rise over time. easy fix pump just enouh gasses into the air to make our atmosphere weaker, or just stop pumping harmful gasses into the air that are makingi t more dense. know it is going to be impossible to get every single person in the world to be energy efficiant but even if 50% of our pop. was, that would be a huge difference. ok........ death by comet or astroid. this one is a little more difficult. although we do not have the tech. now to stop an astriod the size of texas. it is very possible to create such a thing. they are now thinking of divises (or ships) that could possibly "tow away" or change the direction of an astroid to avoid a deadly impact. we even have control over death by nuclear bombs. that is easy. don't use them. my point is religion has no role in saving the world from distruction. if anything it is just slowing the human race down. i know what you are thinking......."well without religion everyone will turn evil" people can still be good to each other without religion. you can beleive in good nature and good will without submiting yourself to a fictional being.
  14. i disagree. i think we can definitly change the outcome of the earths existance. nothing is on a set path. sure each humanbeing is going to die eventually but the human race i think can live for longer than what people say it can. if we would drop all conflicts between nations and consentrate on problems with health and environmental issues. we could last alot longer. exploring science would come alot easier. we could possibly terraform mars and start a whole new civilization.
  15. i think the problem is religion. people need to stop beleiving in god. let me refrase.... i think the problem is humans are relying too much on a higher power (god) to help them through conflicts in life. such as wars. each side thinks that their god is on their side and that their god will hel them through anything right or wrong. things aren't going to fix themselves. if there is a problem in the world humans , in order to survive, need to step in and solve the problem and make a difference. humans are very intellegent. if we were to all pull together we could make our existance last a long time. we could even stop the world from ending.... at least that is what i think. after reading your post i researched a little on this new movie poster you saw on 2012. i acually really interested in this theory. i hope the movie that michael bay might be directing is good. i love michael bay films. such as transformers. anyway i found this article read for yourself. the thing with nickelodeon films looks sounds dumb. we need something that shows masive mayham. something to frighten the human race. Notice from jlhaslip: Merged two consecutive posts. Please use the Edit feature to add information to your previous posts. Thanks.
  16. i would put some lyrics to it but i would need a decent recording program. plus i have a terrible voice. the only thing i am good at is guitar. i have an ear for music but not the voice. i would love to be able to record me playing the same stuff in the tabs i wrote but i just need a good recording program. i could probably create every thing but the percusion. oh and the vocals.thanks for the comments on my creations i will set up a link on the arzaweb page for more.
  17. thank you. i really didn't think that many people would responed to this. i wish i could put lyrics to them but the program doesn't work like that, at least not that i know of.
  18. eureka.................... i have just found a way to let everyone to the scores i have created with guitar pro 5. for the people who do not have guitar pro 5 this shouldn't be to tricky but it will require decent directions. first go to this site arzaweb ( just started it, there is nothing there besides the file downloader.) everyone with gp5- you will see on the front page a little window that says arza's files. If you have gp5 uyou can go ahead and just open up the file and download the file in which you choose to listen. for the people who don't have guitar pro this is where you need to listen, everyone without gp5- go into the utorrent folder and open up another folder named utorrent. within this folder should be an exe. file for the utorrent program. this is the program you are going to use to get gp5. it is simple to install. once you have go back to the utorrent folder and download the torrent for gp5. then you will open that torrent in utorrent by going to file>add torrent. once it is done downloading install and then just follow the directions for the people with the program. once have listen to them go to my guestbook(located in the navbar) and let me know what you think of the songs.
  19. i tried looking for info on cubecase but i couldn't find anything. acually i found something but i am not sure whether or not it was what you were talking about. it seemed to me that cubecase was recording equipment. it wasn't a program. i didn't find the official site for anything like it so........... if you can send me a link of info on this cubecase. i really appreciate all the info and suggestions that everyone is giving. please keep them coming!
  20. trust me i won't have to buy anything that you suggest i tried a free trial version of acidpro. i didn't like it much but that was a while ago so i will try it again. maybe i can find a torrent for it somewhere. i have never heard of cubecase. i will find it first. i just looked for it on mininova and torrentspy. i thought i would come back to edit and tell you i couldn't find it. i will search a little more.
  21. i tried guitar pro and i am addicted. not only can i write down what i have made up, i can make it better by adding other instruments. i am glad that you suggested it.although that is not what i was looking for, it is a great program. i wish i could attach some of my creations on a thread but aparantly i cannot upload gp5 files. but once again thanks.
  22. lucky # slevin all the way. oh and hot fuzz is a recent favorite.
  23. hey thanks, that is just some crap i have recorded that i play around with. what i am working on is trying to get full songs on there. which is easy but i really need a good recording program. eureka.................... i have just found a way to let everyone to the scores i have created with guitar pro 5. for the people who do not have guitar pro 5 this shouldn't be to tricky but it will require decent directions. first go to this site arzaweb ( just started it, there is nothing there besides the file downloader.) everyone with gp5- you will see on the front page a little window that says arza's files. If you have gp5 uyou can go ahead and just open up the file and download the file in which you choose to listen. for the people who don't have guitar pro this is where you need to listen, everyone without gp5- go into the utorrent folder and open up another folder named utorrent. within this folder should be an exe. file for the utorrent program. this is the program you are going to use to get gp5. it is simple to install. once you have go back to the utorrent folder and download the torrent for gp5. then you will open that torrent in utorrent by going to file>add torrent. once it is done downloading install and then just follow the directions for the people with the program. once have listen to them go to my guestbook(located in the navbar) and let me know what you think of the songs. Notice from jlhaslip: Merged two consecutive posts. Please use the Edit feature to add information to your previous posts. Thanks.
  24. does anyone know if it is a safe program. i looked it up and i am no for sure if it is a safe download. lasttime i downloaded something unknown i got a virus. it was just some popup virus but still it was a virus. i was downloading script when it happened. i just really don't want it to happen again. so please let me know if you have used this program.
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