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Everything posted by arza1

  1. Are you kidding I loved this movie. brilliant advertising strategy. One the opening night this movie made 16,000,000. that is 60% of what it cost to make. by the end of that weekend they had double what they spend to make the movie. I haven't checked yet but i am sure it tripled by the end of the week.but what i am getting at is that this movie created so much hype and brought the word imagination back into our lives. Think about the last movie that showed you that much action and story without giving you any details what so ever, of couse other that the internet speculations.The monster, completely original. It reminded me of a walking bat without wings. very cool.I will loose all respect for this movie though if they make a sequel that is shot the same as the first. the producer is already talking about it. supposedly already made just not marketed.anyway those are my thoughts.
  2. wow, i cannot believe what i am reading. this sounds absolutely rediculous. when i saw the title of this thread i though maybe it would be backed-up by some type of logical thought. but no. very funny though. i do like the answer to why there is gravity. very creative. i went to the website and read more on the faq page.....it would be really cool if they followed up on the conspiracy with something besides money. very interesting though.
  3. absolutly nothing. for somereason people can't grasp the fact that they just don't after they die. they all of a sudden stop with no thought. for some this is a scary idea so they will create places that they will go after death. i'll tell you where you go. you go to a cemetery for centuries untill your cascet finnally decomposes along with your body. ah they wonders of recycling. just accept it.
  4. i don't know if all that virus stuff is true or not but i do know that i am not having that problem and i have had gmail for a while. i have never heard of any virus that just let itself in. i figured they are like vampires unless you nvite them in by opening a file or downloading it they are not aloud in. but i could be wrong.
  5. wow, never heard that before. bu6t that is exactly what i was looking for. some home remedy. the next time i get poison ivy i am definitly going to try this.
  6. Has anyone heard anything about the trial? I know it might be a year or so before he actually gets convicted but they might still figure out what they are going to charge him with. they said it might be murder or somehing of that nature. i don't see how they could though. he did commit a crime though, but he didn't directly kill the pilots.
  7. actually you might have gained people skills or comunications skills by playing multiplayer games if that is what you are playing. i will have to agree with the other side though sometimes you get that one guy that plays a game and afterwards is a little on edge and wants to go off on somebody. usually because they lost though. but like others have said video games are like a stress reliever for some people. but it is ultamitly the person resposibility to not let the game influence them to recreate some of the brutal actions on the game. you cannot blame a company or a product for you buying there product and not being able to handle it. especially if it has a violence rating on it. i don't think that we will have to worry about us loosing video games because of their content though, it is too big of an industry for that.
  8. that actually isn't a bad idea. if you guys want to put screen shots of you desktop that you have modified with a theme changer that could be cool. i think we are going to get a lot of windows blinds hits though. i still haven't tried the program but i am working on it.
  9. i think that the thought of people being violent because they are playing violent video games is a bunch of crap. i don't know about you guys but playing games makes me really happy. usually for the rest of the day too. even if it is the most brutal game i have ever played. which is usually the type of of game that i atract to the most. i never feel like i want to do something as stupid as steal a car or murder families or bomb villages. that is rediculus. the only tie that video games might have on our actions is something to the nature of increasing the adrinaline and making us a little on edge or exited. but for kids at the age of 7 plying gta san adres is stupid because they do not have the mind to know what is right or wrong. there parents should take the responsibility, not the producers.
  10. personaly i like the game vector td on candystand.
  11. hmm. i think i am going to try the windows blinds thing. hey do you know if it takes up much of your ram memory. like have you had any problems with it slowing you computer down while running tyhe app.
  12. not just backgrounds, i am talking about like a complete visual makeover. like the look of your taskbars and icons and everything.
  13. here lately i have been looking for a good theme for my desktop. i really don't like the ones that are standard for xp, you know like the green silver and blue. they are really ugly. so i found one that is really good i like it all. i am sure that you all have heard of the zune mp3 players, well it is the theme for zune. it is nice. here it is i like black so this was perfect for me
  14. i would say if this vast space of nothingness, if not getting larger, is probably getting smaller. it is probably a big hunk of dark matter that is pulling all of the universe closer to itself. and i am sure your god had nothing to do with it.
  15. i think muse is a great band that can beat them all. it is hard to say that anyone is better than them just because it is really hard to put such art on a scale of good to bad. I know alot of people who do not like the band tool. but they are my favorite influential band. they have a great sound along with great lyrics. muse is just the same. you can't pick one over the other because it is too hard. i see all bands that have a decent amount talent but you can't have more than the other. it is an absolute you either have it or you don't.
  16. i tried the one you suggested and it didn't work. i need something that is commonly used and rarely fails. i search for some but i couldn't find any that would work. so if you know of any i would apreiciate it.
  17. how about a list of really good ones that work most of the time. i am at school right know but i need a list of proxies to test.
  18. That is one reason why i don't like antivirus software because it becomes a virus itself. ex. not letting you run programs or at least delaying you from running them, pop-ups, updates, and the fact that it pretty much takes over your computer.anyway, i go to this school that provides chances to take classes for a skilled trade at other schools. i am taking an information technology class/computer tech. alot of the classmates in there remind me of the members on trap. but anyway. i was kinda having trouble figuring out how to reformat my pc's HDD. some of them were a big help. but know i have everything up and running again. i decide i didn't want to go throught the trouble to recover lost items so i started over. this time i am backing everything up on disk. or at least the most important stuff.
  19. i am a 17 year old male. it is hard for me to say whether i am a boy or a man because some people would see me a different. i see myself as a man but i am not a man at the same time. i am a boy but i am not a kid.
  20. ok, i will try that but i don't need to back up anything important. it is already gone.edited:you wanna here something weird.i noticed that one of the other accounts on my computer had a lot of the programs that mine did not. so i had an idea. i started a new user account for my pc and made it an administrative account then deleted the old one and wallah i had recycling bin.
  21. i look dumb n glasses but if i wear contacts i only need one. because i don't even look out of one of my eyes. it would be pointless to put two in. so i think i would have to go with glasses.
  22. pick five things off of adult swin that isn't anime and you probably just pick my top favorite tv shows. oh and the universe is a cool show. which comes on tomorrow i might add.
  23. i don't know what you are talking about, i am the only person you are the ones that are made up. i made you reply to that comment. you think you are in control but you are really not. mwahhahahah
  24. what is a coy dog anyway. if it is anything like a coyote then you guys were scared for nothing. especially if you were inside. i would have been like, sweet i get to see a pack of dogs. i would of got out a video camera and started messing with them.Edited:oh they are more like wolves but still ooh scary
  25. i have already posted on this topic but have something else to add.lucky # slevin, oh my gosh. great movie. i have seen alot of great movies sense but this one will always stick with me.
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