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Everything posted by DeM0nFiRe

  1. a) By tech he does not mean technology, as far as I can tell. The name does not have to reflect the setting. Some stories are specifically designed in a way that the setting does not matter.
  2. Battlefield 1942 (Single Player, Conquest (Multi-player), Co-Op(bot play), Capture the Flag (Multi-player), Objective (Multi-player))Notes: A very fun World War II game, however it is kind of old so it's hard to get big battles going on anymore unless you just do it lan. If you do it lan against bots it is fun to find strategies to win in the first couple minutes
  3. What? Do you know what the order of events is supposed to be for the next ice age (if it does happen) ? It is supposed to get hotter first so that the ice at the north and south poles melt and raise the global water level. this will change the jet streams in such a way that the temperate regions of the world no longer get the warmth they used to from the equatorials seas and the temperate regions become a whole lot less temperate. the raised water levels will freeze and walah! Your own, true to life Ice Age. Less trees means less CO2 which means the Ozone layer that reflects a lot of the suns heat is gone, so temperatures will rise. But these higher temperatures melt the ice caps and start the whole process.
  4. Actually guys, before you get too upset, try actually going to the store and picking up the product before you decide that it cannot be used for Nintendo DS. If you'll notice, even the Styluses say "Only for Nintendo DS Lite" on the package, even they work just as well on both. I would recommend bringing your DS to the store and looking at the product and looking at your DS and seeing if it looks like you can see why it won't fit. If you cannot tell why it won't fit, just buy it (From a place with a refund policy) and give it back if it doesn't work.
  5. Are you using any pre-made scripts? If so, we kinda need to know that :)Looks to me like one of a few things has happened1) You ran out of space on your hosting account. It looks like this script is trying to save data in files rather than in databases and it looks like you have no space left for it to write.2) You are trying to open, without creating, a file that does not exist.3) You are trying to open a file that has it's permissions set too low.
  6. The speed of light is the theoretical speed limit of the universe, and as far as I know nothing has ever traveled faster in either matter or energy form. Also, it is not just light that travels at the speed of light. In fact, all electro magnetic waves travel at that speed, from gamma rays, to ultraviolet rays to the visible light spectrum to microwaves. Computers these days are so fast that one of the limiting factors in their speed is, indeed, the speed of light. Light does not travel instantly, so they are now making processors as small as possible so that the electric impulses have a shorter distance to travel.If we could think and move at the speed of light, we would also live longer in relation to our normal moving selves. For example, if two twins turn 20 at the same time and one of them gets aboard a spaceship when he turns 20 and the other remains on earth. The one in the spaceship moves much faster than the one at earth, let's say a one hundreth of the speed of light, or 3 million meters per second (Which is still unrealistically fast for our technology, but we'll go with it anyway) When the one in the spaceship returns 30 years later as observed by the one on earth, the one on earth will be 50 years old while the one in the ship may be only 27 or so (That's an estimate, there's an equation but I don't have it on me.) Now, this is just a theory but I figured since it was a theoretical question I would bring it in ^-^
  7. What? Of course some one knows how the mistakes happen XD A missed decimal place or an incorrect operator symbol is probably the culprit. But some one has to know where the errors come from because people made the computers and the errors! XD
  8. Yeah, they really have been advertising it for a while, and they announced it first several years ago.Anyway, it is an unfortunate thing because, for the most part, the people that can afford to get digital TV, in whatever form, are already getting it. The only people that this really affects are the people who cannot afford cable or satellite TV. I think, though, that certain circumstances will let you get the converter for close to free, but I forget.
  9. Actually, the idea that you yourself need to know programming isn't necessarily true. If you have a legitimate idea for a game, all you have to do is design the game in a way that makes it, no only fun to play, but fun to create. A lot of ideas beginning designers have to create this huge mega-game are just way too complicated to be any real fun to make so they can't get the team. If you step back and scale down your project to a reasonable size-- and always stay open to suggestions-- you can get a game made with no programming skills.
  10. Um actually if you wanted to make a Flash game you would want to know Flash...Over all, however, exemption is correct. There are a lot of questions that you need to ask yourself and your team. I already mentioned some of them earlier, but exemption just added a couple more. What type of game do you want to make? Text Multi-User Dungeons will not require much more than PHP and MySQL. A more intensive game like World of Warcraft (Which I am going to assume the OP is shooting for) is going to require a lot of time, money, and experience so I would recommend you try something else first.
  11. For screen capturing, the Growler Guncam (I think that is what it is called) is pretty good, I think. It is free, if you don't mind a watermark on your videos. Otherwise it is like $15, which is no big deal.
  12. I wouldn't say that scooters messing up are a problem with the brands but rather with the whole concept of a scooter. Thin bars attached to thin platforms aren't really going to last all that long. My scooter broke on me while I was juat making a regular turn. The handlebar and steering column poped right off of the platform and I went flying XD
  13. I have one blog right now. I use it only to post some stuff about my various web and game development projects. Ironically, I made the blog about my web development because I didn't have the time to develop a real website
  14. DeM0nFiRe


    I don't know about the newer Halo and CoD, but Halo 1 is considerably easier than CoD1 in my experience with them.
  15. Nah, you don't need any books to become an expert. You just need to know how to do research and you need practice.
  16. Hey guys,For learning web languages (HTML/CSS/JavaScript, PHP/MySQL etc.) I would highly recommend w3schools, as was mentioned before. w3schools is not really a school, and by following their tutorials you will, by no means, become an expert. They are more of a starting pad than anything else. Personally, I didn't even use their tutorials. I just looked at the reference sections. If you know what order you want to learn things, this can be a great way to learn them-- You just open up your favorite text editor and FTP program (Or even use Cpanel's built in text editor) and open up the reference sections of w3schools and begin.w3schools is not just for learning, it's also a great place to go back to later if you forget a particular function. One warning I would give, however, is that for the object oriented languages like PHP, w3schools will NOT teach you anything about Object Oriented Programming, and if you want to create dynamic software you are going to need to learn that. The best part about Object Oriented Programming, however, is that the same principles apply to every language, so if you already know any OOP lanuage, just take a look on PHP's own website to see how PHP's structure differs from your favorite language.w3schools, however, will only really help you to learn the basics. Once you have those basics, however, you'll be able to look up specific functions by simply heading over to PHP's website. They, of course, have an online manual with documentation of every function in PHP.
  17. Hey, thought you guys might be interested to know that the website the Original Poster started this topic with has changed their site since then. Maybe you guys scared them into doing it
  18. Hey there, my account is suspended right now because I used the password reset via the credit manager.
  19. Please reset my Cpanel Password. Thanks. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Issue with your account. Please PM me. Account suspended?
  20. Ahh man, I really hope I can figure this out. The game is a whole lot of fun! I really like playing the zombie mod.Now, one other thing that is weird is that it is not just CSS doing this. DOD and HL2 DM do it too.
  21. Hello everyone, Anyone here who does know me, knows that I've been doing game development for a few years now. I've been programming games in Ruby for around three years or so now, and it has been a lot of fun. After about a year and a half of programming games with ruby I decided to learn how to develop websites with PHP. About another year and a half later I am quite fluent with each of these languages and have my tendrils in so many PHP and Ruby projects now it's actually pretty funny. I continue, of course, to learn new things all the time in each of these, but for the most part I know what I am doing in each. Now I have decided it is time for me to learn a new language-- C++. I a few days ago (Actually, it was Friday ) I started reading a book called "Learn C++ in 21 Days". I got through the first six days in an hour and decided that this book was too easy and was not going to teach me what I wanted to know. I prefer to learn through practice anyway. I then decided to learn 3D programming at the same time as C++. Since friday I have been using the Irrlicht High Performance 3D Engine to teach myself C++. I didn't want to lock myself in with an end-goal for the project, so I decided to create a game where I would decide to add features as I felt I needed to learn them, and this is where DeM0nFiRe's Irrlicht Test Bed comes from. I've started a blog to record my experiences with it, and I will share that with you guys now: First post, posted on Sunday: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (Contains Screenshots) Second post, posted Monday: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (Contains Screenshots and a Demo!)
  22. Personally I use GNU GCC (MingW). I just also put the executables in my root system folder so they are part of the windows command line. All I use now to do C++ work is Notepad++ (a free, tabbing and colorcoding text editor) and cmd with gcc. I really recommend doing that. It is free, and it works well.
  23. I went to reset my password, and it deducted 15 credits or so so now I am at -12...I accidentally had the password sent to the wrong place so I have to do it again. How many credits is 10 credits going to cost me this time? 47?
  24. Hello guys,I went to visit my site, and it reaches all the pages fine but I apparently do not have access to MySQL anymore. Or at least the MySQL accounts I had already created do not. My site is coded around phpBB, so when I go to my website I get phpBB3's error screen telling me the username does not have access to MySQL. Is this just something like I need to 'flip a switch' so to speak to get it working again or is there more to it? I'll do what I can to get it working, I hope I haven't lost everything.
  25. I've already looked at a bunch of servers and I always get the same thing. As far as the ISP goes, I still have the same ISP as I did before I moved. I only moved down the street so it's even the same headquarters I'm getting it from. This whole thing is quite perplexing.
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