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Everything posted by DjLuki

  1. does anyone know how to set up a microsoft outlok mail? what are those STP and POP3? what do you put there? im trying to use my hotmail email so is it possibe.?
  2. i'd say dont bother getting DSL, its to expensive. Get comcast for $40/mo and ts like 3mb fast so its way a beter deal.
  3. if he can't get in than how can you get in??
  4. i like that beaverelfeater the best and the girly one isn't the bad either. i liekt hose 2 the best.
  5. that looks cool, it explains everything. looks like i got some reading to do lol
  6. heres a poem i wrote, its acutally the firt time i did a poem for fun... Dont want ya cause ure pain in the @$$ you're the reason why i acn't express myself I am tired of your sh** cause your nothing but a bi*** Your a f*n ***** with a big @$$ mole You make my life a living hell but in the end, i will make sure i'll get my revenge i hope you burn in hell, and i hope we'll never meet again.
  7. whats wrong with ie? this is the only one i use, dont know why lots of people dont use it. i used netscape before, that looked kinda cool.
  8. looks like there are two hands. a face covered with hands. the mouth is all smushed up though
  9. thats very interesting, but i don't think it would be a good idea to make that happen beccause we would just mess up the underwater, and soon probably msoe of the aquatic animals would get extinct. They need their privacy as we do. we are scared of sharks, fishes are scared of us. We are fine the way we are. why cant we just live with that. its very smart for somebody to come up with that, but i tink it would cause some conflicts.
  10. did you make those bg's with brushes? and are they grunge? i like the background on all of them, you did a very nice job.
  11. hey im wondering al you people that make those good sigs, what effects do you use the most? like Filter, Render,Sketch,Texture, etc.
  12. umm i think you can make that with swishmax. just go to swishzone.com or if its not that than just do a search for SWISH on yagoo/google, it will give you the page. give it a try but believe me its not that easy, i tried it but it takes a lot of time and work. anyways ope that helped, good luck.
  13. hey can you write a tutorial on how to do that animation to text, like you have it on your signature sig. i can't figure out how to do that .
  14. thanks for that link, here you can find all my sigs and gfx i made...My PS Work
  15. i don't care if it's not exciting right now, im just trying to get better, using different things. and geting used to it more so.Guandgdian, it should work fine, someting is wrong with your browser.
  16. what do you think of this one?
  17. you can find this article at yahoo news https://www.yahoo.com/news/?ref=gs what did the quran do that they have to mess it up? is it a war against the muslims? hatred is rising between religions, and another crusade war will probbably start if that continues. That is not nice!
  18. i like using the brushes but sometimes im afraid i use to much and jsut mess up everything.
  19. alright check this sig out.. tell me what you think...any good? rate me 1-10
  20. i wanna see pictures of aclone. maybe they will show it on tv and see what they're like lol
  21. yea i know the banner is no good, im ot done with it but i just put it there to see that the banner will go there.any idea what kind of font style would look good?
  22. they need to come up with some beter engines that could travel faster. if it takes that much to trvel than a human will never be able to make i. Are there any pictures, also what planet did that robot thing go to? i wanna see what jupitor looks like, since they said it was all ice.
  23. take a look at this template out that im working on.. i checked out about 3 tutorials and i put them all together.. the site is not done yet but tis is just for preview. tell me what you think. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
  24. man im not getting that lol.. that is bigger than photoshop itself.(in mb) thak you though.. i found some at deviantart.
  25. check this out..click ont he link cause it's to big to post it here. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
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