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Everything posted by DjLuki

  1. Thanks for the news, but people need to learn that all these emails they get about free stuff they're al fake or are virues.. unless you just get an email from someobdy you know. This is probbably working for the virus designers cause a lot of viruses are being sent the same way though emails as attachments. just read the subject before you open it or download any kind of attachment!
  2. mine is Vanilla and strawberry.. i also like vanilla and chocolate mixed.. its awesome lol but i don't eat it very much ..it hurts my teeth
  3. thats very nice.. i like the blending and the matching of text colors.. i stink at both of those .. anyhow..great job.. i don't know waht to rate you.. i like the way you made it but i liek sigs where there is a picture where i can see it more..btw..did u get that pic from halo or UT? lol looks kinda like that.
  4. that's way to much work saint michael.. and i still don't think it would work because ure basically changing nothing.. and i think i'll try what googlue said.. put it in the inex.php.. but which index file?
  5. ok do i just do that on a new layer? cuz i tried doing that before but it wouldn't work.. i couldn't fo it.. or do you just make it on a new canvas and than paste it?
  6. no not like that... this link will take you to that tutorial...https://www.maximumgamerz.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1216
  7. that's is not background music lol.. theres a WMP on the left side which starts automatically.. guess i should change it so whover wants to listen to it just click play on it.
  8. alright..those were all helpful tips.. thank you.. also does anyone know how to make like a spotlight in fonts? like when a light goes through the fonts..almost like a animated scanline.. i found a tutorial at good-tutorials but it doest show how to make it work on a sig.. only the text by itself in a canvas. not sure if you know what im talking about .. if you seen like light oving across text and reflecting light from each letter....
  9. thanks for your comments.. first of all no im not a girl lol.. and i'm not bi either.. i just thought it would look cooland attract more ladies to it since a lot of them like the pink color. Reason i pick phpnuke is that it's easier to do things than in html where you have to create everything yourself.. but im working with graphics right now so soon i will make my own .As for the title i must have forgotten because i thought i had given it a title. And very soon the whole links should be working, i just hadn't had much time since all the exams in school have been coming up.i'll make sure to tell you all when everything is done or when i update most of it.
  10. check out my site.. it's in english but the music is not lol. turn of ure speakers if u don't wnt to her it or just stop it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. im trying to put that on my index page.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ .. itried to put it into that box where you will see a different banner ..i want to replace that..and i just told you the code... are you sure you know waht you're talking about lol.. you asked the same question like 3 times. and this is not porn or warez advertisement.
  12. ok thats true.. here is the code/script...
  13. ok is this better? i tried to add a border but idk why it wont show up...also i didn't change the text..but i did do some change in colors..
  14. hey..are java scripts allowed? cause i've been trying to put this script..it's like an advertisement.. but it will not allow me.. when i try to put it it gives me this error" These HTML Tags are not allowed? anyone have this problem or know how to fix it?
  15. ok well is all the blending and rendering ok? casuse that's what i've had trouble with..did not know how to blend.
  16. ok now tell me what you think of this one..
  17. well yes there are a lot of web designers out there and graphic makers but you can always grow by jsut starting spreading the word through friends and family..that's how almost all businessses start..plus tehre are millions of companies and they all need websites ..i think it's an ok job but you have to be able to know all the languages so when a customer asks about a specific thing..u should be able to do it. I was going to give it a try on making games or game graphics..i heard that some people that make games.. they work there for like weeks without ever oging home.. it must mean that there is a lot of work needed..
  18. u got a cool sig.. did u d the animation with imgaready?
  19. DjLuki

    Car Sig

    well i think i've come up with a font solution.. i got some new cool fonts.. and im still trying to learn on blending and rendering. i will come up with a new version . but maybe with a different car and a girl or maybe not evne put a girl there..
  20. well maybe some crazy peson is still angry about the nazi thing and will be stupid enough to kill him..i don't really belive that he willl ast only 7 months...although he is an old pope...why can't they just pick a younger one and last longer? maybe they're afraid he wont do a good job and its faster for his turn to end..
  21. i don't like that kind of a border thing you did and those green buttons.. it kinda looks a little bit like some sites give away for free lol..and they're not that god trst me. but the text makes it look better.
  22. hey can somebody make a tutorial on how to make a grid on photoshop? i want like some thin lines.. not like the brick ones that are already on there..plz and ty!
  23. thats just stupid.. why would anybody do something like that? is he really a religious person like he said he was?cuz if he was i don't see why he would do that..that person should be sued..
  24. thats very cool.. looks almsot like a video game review.. although i don't like that the camrea moves to much.. makes me dizzy and it's a little bit long.. other than that its great!good job!
  25. he's a pope! if he has become a pope, you must respect him and that means he deserved it..or he wouldn't be.. nazi don't exist no more..even though im not a christian or catholic.. i still think he deserves the respect, no matter what his background is.
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