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Everything posted by DjLuki

  1. why do so many people read that book? is it really that interesting? and its so big..
  2. well since your a designer, isn't there a way to just make a simple one with paypal? srry don't know much about this type of stuff so im not much help..
  3. ok i will try to improve on my next sig all those things. thanks.*Johnny* there is a 2px white border but its not visible here because of the forum bg so you can't really see it.Hmmz.i'll try taht blending on my next sig because so far i've looked at a lot of tutorials and most of them have been different so its kinda confusing me but thanks for those tips.
  4. ok on this oe i tried to do a better job with the text.. i tried to match it with the bckground but i think the picture doesn't look that good ..i looked at this tutorial on blending it but this is how it came out so don't blame me for that one lol.
  5. i'd say go out and run a mile or two lol. do something to get tired and taht should work. i have that problem to, i can't sleep very early
  6. by the way, ezwards stinks!!! you have to gget like 100 ore more people to sign up and than they have to get people to sign up, its like 1000 points to get a stinkin domain. think how much he gets like $200 out of it..goin off the subject sorry...
  7. please man, i know its not free i've had it. its only free with cracks . maybe if you seen my other topic about the problem you would know.
  8. i think i used 400x160 for mine. i didnt think the text looked that bad
  9. ok well i thought i'd post this here since nobody i think looks at the other graphic boards... i made these in cinema 4d..
  10. thanks, to the text i didn't add a bevel i just added some shadows, stroke, and made the mode soft light or something like that. i havent downloaded any fonts yet since im not gonna be using it for very long,.i thought about bleding the render at first but to me i didn't think it looked very good so i just left it.
  11. ok well since i have another 20 days of the trial version i thought why don't i just use them so here i made this sig today, i never used tech brushes so they might hade made the sig look bad and maybe the whole sig itself sucks to but i tried. anyways, comments, crtitics ill take em.
  12. wel my definition os scary is something nasty looking, something that freaks you out or i dunno it doesnt have to be that scary, maybe witch or something like that ya no.
  13. well these are the first things i made ever in this program. i just got it today so im nnot good at it. i made this through a tutorial, and this i don't know what it is i made it myself just playing...i messed it up some cause its not showing the whole thing.
  14. well im just gonna search until i find the right program for me lol. thought i'd stick to photoshop but stupid computer is nto letting me so i have to do smoething else and i like working with graphics.
  15. yea you can use bloodyrayne or anything that loks scary lol.
  16. i don't wanna make games, but i saw tutorials where they made people walk and bullets fly, you can do animation with it i don't want it just to make 3d stuff.
  17. hey i wasn wondering if somebody could make me a sig since i don't have ps anymore. my comp just ownt let me install and register it.anyways, i want asig that ispic: vampire tpye or something scarycolors: something dark no preference or whatever makes it loks goodstyle: grunge,tech, abs, w.e ure good at or mix emtext: DjLukican anyone od this for me plz?
  18. those 3 first links, they all have same background just changed the pic in the middle. the pics are nice but it doenst look like theres much work put into it. loks like you could do that in paint program to.
  19. ok im also looking where to download this i read a review and it loked cool, it sayd they use it to make games, etc. since you can make people walk i think. if you knw where i can download it please reply, and if you have a serial key can you pm that to me? thanks
  20. i like that last one but i don't like how the picture is stickingout of the sig. ad second one is awesome to. wish i could make those kind of bakgrounds
  21. thaks a lot. love the last one, been looking for thos ekind of renders, it has real life renders so its cool. thanks ofr the links! if ya know anymore pos them here, so i dont have to search google and yahoo all day to find a good one lol. also can you use those renders as background from linke 1&2? peace
  22. i used to play that game to. but than i forgot the site and just let it go. i was having to many fights and losing all of them
  23. well i already knew where to go, but thats not working just putting the http. lready tried it, it aint working, and i have outlook 2000 version.
  24. what do you have against french people? i thinkt they're fine, they're people like everyone else. explain yor reasons why you dislike them.
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