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Everything posted by acantocephala

  1. Despite php. you can also use a simple JavaScrip code to show time in your website: <!-- THREE STEPS TO INSTALL CURRENT TIME: 1. Paste the specified coding into the HEAD of your HTML document 2. Add the onLoad event handler to the BODY tag 2. Put the last code into the BODY of your HTML document --><!-- STEP ONE: Copy this code into the HEAD of your HTML document --><HEAD><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- This script and many more are available free online at --><!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com --><!-- Beginvar timerID = null;var timerRunning = false;function stopclock (){if(timerRunning)clearTimeout(timerID);timerRunning = false;}function showtime () {var now = new Date();var hours = now.getHours();var minutes = now.getMinutes();var seconds = now.getSeconds()var timeValue = "" + ((hours >12) ? hours -12 :hours)if (timeValue == "0") timeValue = 12;timeValue += ((minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + minutestimeValue += ((seconds < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + secondstimeValue += (hours >= 12) ? " P.M." : " A.M."document.clock.face.value = timeValue;timerID = setTimeout("showtime()",1000);timerRunning = true;}function startclock() {stopclock();showtime();}// End --></SCRIPT><!-- STEP TWO: Add this onLoad event handler to the BODY tag --><BODY onLoad="startclock()"><!-- STEP THREE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document --><CENTER><FORM name="clock"><input type="text" name="face" size=13 value=""></FORM></CENTER><p><center><font face="arial, helvetica" size="-2">Free JavaScripts provided<br>by <a href="http://javascriptsource.com">The JavaScript Source</a></font></center><p><!-- Script Size: 1.45 KB --> (Taken from: javascript.internet.com/time-date/current-time.html) Hope it help
  2. Try to read a basic MySQL PHP website making related book, they used to cover this topic step by step; first of all, you have to know exactly what do you want, then you can start to work; how moch knowledge you'll need? I you want to start your own site you'll have to learn several things. If you have no idea, you can always use a free CMS script and you just will be a site administrator and not a programmer. Gook Luck
  3. Just disconnect it... that's all, but you have to be aware that this "beep" could be very useful sometimes to diagnose some problems
  4. Well, you need to upload the SAME images folder to your host server in order to display the images correctly.
  5. Check this out: Source: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-types.html Note: SQL INT supports -2147483648 to 2147483647 range. Notice from rvalkass: Linking to your source is not enough - you need to put any copied material inside QUOTE tags.
  6. You don't need a $_GET to pass parameters, or a form, you can use a simple link like this: <a href="results.php?criteria=searchField=A">Title with A</a><a href="results.php?criteria=searchField=B">Title with B</a><a href="results.php?criteria=searchField=C">Title with C</a> And then, the results.php page: <?php ... $_connection ...?><head><title>Books!</title></head><body><?php$sql = "SELECT * FROM books WHERE $_REQUEST[criteria] like '$_REQUEST[searchField]%' ORDER BY title";$result=mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result)){while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo '<strong>'.$row["title"].'</strong>;}}else echo 'No records were found!';?></body></html> It works for me!
  7. It's not so hard...First of all I haven't use CS3 but CS2 so I guess there's no a big difference. Here's an advice first:* I't a bad idea to try to make the whole template with images 'cause your web site will load slow. You must use the images the header and maybe the footer, and the rest of the body use html, trying to combine the color of yor header with your html background and so on... About CS3 you were right, you could use the web and devices tool with the slice tool.You can find the slice tool as part of the Ps tools and it's seems a cutter tool image... so pic that tool and try to draw "squares" over your CS3 image. The tool is quite smart and it will numerate each slice. You must try to make pieces and make a sort of a puzzle with your PSD image. One your finished, export your image with web and devices option menu; set the parameters (if yu want jpg's or png's or gif's and the quality) choosea name for the file, the target folder and save it, or better said, save them, because CS3 will make for you separate images as slices you did with; after that go to dreamweaver and using tables "re-compose" the puzzle by loading the images previoulsy sliced and stored by CS3
  8. * It?s an open source Language; that means it's free!.* The data types and structures of PHP are easy to use and understand, because can identify PHP what you mean, and convert types automatically.* You don't have to know everything there is to know about PHP to start writing useful programs.* PHP supports various Plat forms, which means PHP can be installed on almost all operating systems such as Windows-x and Linux.* PHP doesn?t necessarily require a program compilation, because it runs right on the web browser.* PHP operations can be done in other languages too.* It's safe. You can hide the code.* It's object oriented.Cons?I don't know... maybe the error handling... Cannot figure out other disadvantages.
  9. Maybe you could use an editable JTextPane which could have embebbed graphics and other components. You should check this cool example: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope it help
  10. Have you tried to write the MySQL sentence like this: and how the pho file receives the password? through a submission form? because you can try '$_RESQUEST[password]' instead of '$_GET[password]'
  11. It's hard to believe... where did you read that? It think I'm going to start to save some money to buy the next iPod with 30000 TB oh harddisk capacity :XD: How many mp3's!!!!
  12. Have you tied to sneeze with your eyes open? I'ts fun to try, but I think it's imposible
  13. It reminded me that Simpsons episode where Homer try to make his web site, just a bunch of animated gif's dancing around the screen LOL. Great one!
  14. I did the same thing, I live in spain and I don't thing they're gonna call me in Spain for a free account!, besides that field in the register form is only for those who join freehostia with a pay account. Anyway.... I've been using freehostia for a while (just a personal DB site a sort of database of all my music) and I'm happy with it. The page loads fast and the database is going well; they have no ads at all and I think for a small site it works well. Higly recommended If you don't need a big site with a big DB.
  15. Yes, but a little bit more expensive tan GIMP... :XD: Mi advice? try to download free cool templates and try to find how was it done and start to make some by yourself.
  16. The movie was OK as somebody has remarked before, it is like 4 episodes put together on one movie but with jokes a little bit dirtier than the TV serie, obvioulsy the animation is better (the color, the shadows, the motion, the audio), a bunch of chinesse names appear in the final credits if you are Simpsons fan you will love this movie, 'cause almost every character is there; there are some little funny details, for example when Homer rides the bike at the end of the movie he jumps over the old Springfield Canyon you can see the ambulance that crashed the tree when Homer jumped with Bart's skateboard (first season?) :XD:
  17. Most of the good "PC freaks" doesn't use antivirus because they are invasive, and slow down the computer... (virus does the same thing). If you have a PC for work and don't need to be connected to internet DO NOT use antivirus... just keep your PC away from internet. It's just a suggestion...I you know where are you surfing (safe places, dont use p2p, torrents, direct downloads, porn, hacker sites) you can live without an antivirus.If you don't wanna use an antivirus get a software like Norton Ghost, install everything, make a image of your hard disk and backuo everything in anothr partition or external HD... if you have a problem just format everything and takes 15 minutes to come back to the original setup.
  18. I tired to and the web site is really cool and good programmed in flash... but I tried a picture and I didn't like the results because I thought the program will analize mi pic (it ask for a well contrasted pic) and make me as a simpson character, but in my pic I was in a different position and the simpson result was almost a profile pic... so I guess my pic wasnt necessary.Anyway is a fun site to try to get some sice results...
  19. I used to hava azureus because it's a great sofware but it takes a LOT of memory and slow down my PC so much so I decided to use ARES is a good p2p softwares and it can manages torrents. Id doesn't have all the features of Azureus (for example you cannot choose which file download and which don't) but you can use not only for torrents but for other p2p stuff.
  20. Maybe you want to check this site out... maybe is not the script you want exactly but it can give you some ideas http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope it help!
  21. I think I'm gonna try it... thanks I have some experience with some free hostings, I need to have som MySQL DB's, PHP support and of course good bandwith and space. These are the sites I've tried: 1.- 110mb.com Great site, amazing features, PHP, MySQL, but they recently disable my MySQL because... I don't know; well the thing is if you wanna have a db you have to pay $ 9,95 once. Other teatures as fsockopen() $5 and so on... The fastest I've tried so far. No Ads. 2.- hostistry.com Good NO ADS OS SPAM hosting. Great features, domain, fantastico, cool control panel. 7 free db's!, but pretty slow. 3.- newsit.es Great features too... MySQL Database Admin v1.5.5 (pretty simple) 5 free databases... No ads; slow. 4.- 12GbFree.com Well lot of space, 3 DB, a little white minibanner at botton with their ad (12Gbfree... blah, blah), not very annoying. A little bit faster than the number 2 or 3. MySQL phpmyAdmin, etc. 5.- freephpwebhosting.net 1000MB (1GB) Disk Space, 10000MB (10GB)Bandwidth, Easy to use WYSIWYG Editor, Full FTP support, PHP, 2 mysql databases One click wordpress blog script install, One click Phpbb forum install One line text self-advertising at the botton of your page. Little bit faster. 6.- 1111mb.com great one. Will die in a couple of weeks Hope it helps
  22. A WYSIWYG editor: NVU it's free, stable, not so hard to use and also you can find a portable version! so you can fix someting easily anytime at anyplace. Graphic Editor: GIMP it's a open source software like photoshop. Sweet!
  23. Hi there!I'm new here... I was wondering what could be the better forum for me to fit in... there are several that catched my attention, but since this is my first post here I wanted to post a suggestion and a question too.Have you asked yourself how many non english speakers are out there? I mean I speak spanish and I have no problem to post in english because my english level is not bad - I think - but if some of the administrator could post a poll asking for foreign language members maybe we can receive a sorprise.Well it's just a suggestion I think it will be great to have a spanish forum (for instance); it will expand de community and open new horizons to this forum... so, this is what is all about, or isn't?Well se you around everybody!
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