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Everything posted by jimmy89

  1. Being in Australia I got a great view of the 'blood moon' though it wasn't really red, it was more of an orange colour! Still it was great to see
  2. Thanks!Strange though, must be something to do with the server. Which account do you have (10 or 30 credit), cause my CPanel is coming up with Email accounts: 1/99
  3. What is CPanel reporting as the amount of email accounts that you are allowed to have? Have you exceeded that amount? Otherwise it might be a server issue and the admins might have to have a look!
  4. If found a heap of them when trying to workout why it wasn't working! Have a look at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png to see what I was talking about!
  5. I am assuming, by Java, you meant JavaScript - which would be a much easier alternative. I copied this code from http://www.hashemian.com/ <script language="JavaScript">TargetDate = "12/31/2020 5:00 AM";BackColor = "palegreen";ForeColor = "navy";CountActive = true;CountStepper = -1;LeadingZero = true;DisplayFormat = "%%D%% Days, %%H%% Hours, %%M%% Minutes, %%S%% Seconds.";FinishMessage = "It is finally here!";</script><script language="JavaScript" src="http://scripts.hashemian.com/js/countdown.js"></script> As you said, you've been blasted with heaps of code without explanations - so I'll explain this for you. 1 TargetDate - This is the date (and time) that you are counting down too! 2 BackColor - This is for the graphical side of it, change this to match your website 3 ForeColor - Whatever colour you want your text, this is it! 4 CountActive - Whether the timer is counting down or not 5 CountStepper - How much to count down each time (make time faster by increasing this value ) best to leave this one! 6 LeadingZero - Display zero in front of values (e.g. 04 days left) 7 DisplayFormat - How the values will be displayed, change to whatever suits you! 8 FinishMessage - This is what is displayed when the countdown is finished! the very last line <script language="JavaScript" src="http://scripts.hashemian.com/js/countdown.js"></script>tells the browser where to look for the javascript file. If you want, you can download this file and host it locally (with your website) and change the address as necessary. Good Luck -jimmy P.S If you want to, search on google for javascript countdown timers, theres heaps of websites and most of them should have explanations.
  6. But I've seen screenshots that have shown that the ReadyBoost tab appears in the properties window and allows you too choose how much of the usb that you want to use for ReadyBoost.
  7. Hey,A friend of mine has just purchased a new 1gb SD card to use on his vista computer. When the card is inserted, the options come up (where you can choose what you want to do, view pics, print pics etc) and the last item on the list is use this device for readyboost. But when he clicks on it - nothing happens.If you look in the properties window, there is no readyboost tab, even though it was found as readyboost compatible before. Any ideas whats happening?Thanks
  8. I have had similar problems with other online shops too! Thus the reason I don't like to purchase things off the Internet. Its really out of your hands, you pay them the money and wait - and you could be waiting days, weeks for whatever you purchased. That's why I like to walk into the shop, pay my money and get the product upfront!
  9. jimmy89

    Learn Html

    I think today, this type of coding is a kind of given! everyone knows it and its old (in some respects ) Today, I would be looking to learn some of the more 'recent' languages instead of html
  10. the first post said that which actually means that he wants it off, so no worries!
  11. what was the term that you were searching for? Normally, this error occurs when google has recieved heaps of the same search string. Have a try of the string at a later time and see if it happens again!I had this problem once before, and a few hours later - the problem was solved!Good Luck
  12. thanks for that! I will try what you have suggested so far and get back to you with any problems, if you don't mind
  13. I'm already in love with it I would really like to get a new camera - especially one like this, but its a bit on the expensive side (especially for me!) It would be great to have, maybe when its a bit cheaper!
  14. I don't quite understand what you mean, when the values in the 'detail' view are changed and the OK button is press, how do I save those values into the text file I have already, but not making a second entry under the same ID (so appending the data thats there already)
  15. IF you are looking to install a E-Commerce system on your website, there are some good ones that can be found in Fantastico, in the CPanel. They are CubeCart, OS Commerce and Zen Cart. I haven't used them before and am not sure if they are totally free. Do a quick google search and havea look at the results that come up! https://www.google.com.au/search?q=free+e+client=firefox-a There is a heap of websites there that you can look through!
  16. Looking at it simply, I think it might work. Imagine, you have a water turbine, water passes through the turbine, spinning it and creating electricity. This electricity powers a pump which would take the water back to the top to start again. Any excess electricity can be passed onto the electrical grid. Problem is that you must get the pump started in the first place (so you are going to need an external power source while the turbine gets up to speed) and also that one turbine may not generate enough electricity to power a pump and have excess to send to the grid!Still, I think its a good idea - but i'm sure it has been carefully examined before now!
  17. Yeah, I remember the days when it was still free! I have a copy of that on cd somewhere . Its a very simple program, but heaps of fun if you are looking for a very simple way of making games!
  18. I seem to have trouble connecting to your site also, so its not just a problem at your end!Your hosting credits at 1.86 should be causing no problems because you are still above 0. (and if it was the hosting credits, you'd be getting a suspended page).Check with whoever your Domain Name is hosted through, if your site cannot be found and there is a DNS error, obviously the DNS servers don't know where to look for your website.
  19. If memory serves me right (and its been a long time), in VB6 there was a Web Browser template that could be used! It put in the browser control, status bars, menus etc etc. Which was good if you were adding simple browsers to your project!I must say that I prefer the new browser control in VB.NET! It has many more options then the VB6 one did! Sten, if you want to try out VB, have a look at the Visual Studio Express Editions (search on this board, theres heaps of topics!). You can have a go of any of the .NET languages for free!
  20. Habble, I done it before too! I think the idea is the same though!ok, that make sense so far. How is the easiest way to make the list box with 13 columns? in coding terms of cause. What code would I need to pull the information from the text box (or the external file) and format it in the columns?Please correct me If im wrong, but when the dialog appears it takes the selected information (of the item thats being edited) and displays it for editing. Then, when the changes are accepted (OK button pressed) it copies the information back into the listbox.Then, how can I save this listbox? Is there a simple way of reading all the lines and then saving them into a file?Thanks Heaps,-jimmy
  21. Sorry, but I;m programming it in VB.NET, not PHP! I should have mentioned it, but being in the VB Forum.
  22. I'll try and explain it a bit more. The external file has list of items, of which there are 13 details for each item. So the file reads 1,2,3..13 then starts at 1 again for the next item. When the program reads the file, it puts each of the details in its own list box (so there are 13 list boxes). So in one list box, I will have all the one detail for all the items, and so on for all the other items. When you type in the ID number for a item (the ID is the first detail) the first list box will find the ID number and select it. Using the SelectedIndex, all the other list boxes will select the detail for each item. Then the details from each of the list boxes are displayed in text boxes and labels, so they are nicely formatted for the end user. Now the end user can change the text in the text boxes and this is what I want to save. What would be the easiest way of saving the 'new' (or updated) details for the item back into the external file? Thanks, -jimmy
  23. Hi All,These are the steps in which the program worksLoad Data into text box > Line by Line copy the data into list boxes > Load data into separate form from text boxes.What I am having problems with is when I want to edit the data that is on the other form. Each different value has a text box and what I am trying to do is to update the original text box so that I can save the file onto the computer. But because the original text box already contains the data, I cannot just add new lines to the end of the text box, because I would then have two entries.What I'm looking for is a way of updating the lines in the text box. Or, if I move the new data back into the list boxes, what Is the easiest way to move data from the list boxes to a text box.Thanks,-jimmy
  24. Yeah, I also heard about the toys being recalled, but the Pet Food is a new one to me! I didn't hear of that! And you have raised some very valid points here, we have seen this so far, but what else is happening hat we don't know of (yet). Nothing against the Chinese!
  25. my bios can detect my usb memory stick when it is plugged into the computer, so it can detect usb drives. Restart the computer with the memory card reader plugged in - with a memory card in it and look in the bios for the boot priority. There you should find the usb device and put that at the top of the list (if its anything like my computer)Good Luck
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