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Posts posted by Amezis

  1. Over a month ago, I bought a domain name for my site, but my site is still not indexed. I did everything needed to get indexed, but I forgot one thing: The old site had exactly the same content as the new one. So I had duplicate content. Therefore, I want my old site to redirect the user to the new site with this script:

    <?phpheader("Location: URL . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); exit;?>

    global-rs.com is my new URL. However, on my old site, which I will be placing this code on, there is a problem: It was a free host, not Xisto (I already had another site hosted here when creating the other site). They didn't offer subdomain, it was just a directory: thehost.com/globalrs. The code shown above will redirect me to global-rs.com/globalrs/someurl But is there a way to remove globalrs/ from the redirection, so it will only redirect the user to global-rs.com/someurl?

  2. Well, I used this a while ago, there is another topic about this here on Xisto. However, sometimes, the browser loaded wrong images. For instance, if there were two image on a website: cool.jpg and neo.jpg, neo.jpg could load where cool.jpg should have been loaded. This happened to me when loading sites with lots of images, so I changed it back to the normal, and now it works better...

  3. Sunny - You can't check backlinks for sites that are not indexed...If you do a backlink search in MSN, where my site is indexed and have a good ranking, you can see how many backlinks I have.Tuddy - Thanks for your advice :P Zerohawk - You should read my post before replying, I wrote that I have submitted my site normally AND to google sitemaps. Also, you don't need to submit the site manually to get it indexed.Niloc - I know lots about SEO, and is there something I haven't done to get a good ranking? I have good keywords, my site shows very relevant content, I have a good title, no errors in the HTML, regularly updated, many backlinks etc.And if I can get very good ranking in MSN after only one week, appearing on the first hit on many popular search terms, I should know something about SEO... :P

  4. A month ago, I moved to paid hosting and got a domain name for one of my sites, which is a fansite for a game.

    The fansite has a very good ranking in MSN Search, and if I search for the game name (RuneScape), my site shows up on the second page. Also, on some popular search words for the game, my site is the first result.

    I have around 40 incoming links, the page has big updates 2-3 times every week, the site is valid w3 (except that I don't have added the doctype), I have submitted my page to Google Sitemaps and the page is crawled many times every days, and I am even using Google Adsense, which actually shows relevant ads, and not public ads. And of course, I've manually submitted my site to google.
    Also, my site is slowly getting indexed in Yahoo, but the ranking there is pretty bat at the moment.

    This is the site adress is http://www.global-rs.com/

    So, is there anything I am doing wrong?
    My site is not indexed at all... When I'm searching for site:global-rs.com in google, there are no results...

    Is there anything I can do to get my site indexed?

  5. You should be able to specify the border colours by including a Hex colour code to each or all borders using the properties of " border-color", "border-top-color",( also bottom, right, left).


    Oh yeah I didn't think about that! I am not that bad in CSS, and I knew that.. I just didn't think about it, but thanks, I'll try it! ^_^

  6. Well, most people here came up with complicated solutions. I think this is exactly what you looked for:

    Enter your URL and check, it will then tell you the total size of your webpage including images, css, javascript etc. It will also show you the download time on different connections, how many external files you are actually using etc. Very useful tool ^_^

  7. I have another question. I am using this code in the HTML:

    <td width="120" id=menu"> <a href="http://www.global-rs.com/guides/atlas/;
    And this is the CSS:

    #menu { background-color: #193265; text-align: center; font-weight: bold }#menu a:link, #menu a:active, #menu a:visited { font-size: 10pt; text-decoration: none; color: #BBC9D7; display: block; width: 100% }#menu a:hover { background-color: #1F3E7E; color: #BBC9D7; display: block; width: 100% }

    However, I want to have class instead of ID in the HTML:

    <td width="120" class=menu"><a href="http://www.global-rs.com/guides/atlas/;

    How can I change the CSS so it will work?

  8. I'm not really interrested in a RuneScape clan since I don't play anymore. When I'm on the computer, I'm mostly working on my site, which is a fansite for RuneScape :)


    The site is called Global RuneScape, and this is what we have:

    Skill Guides

    Quest Guides


    Skill Calculators

    Dynamic Stat Signatures (this is an image that imports your stats from the runescape hiscore, and inserts it into a cool image that can be used in signatures in forums)

    Forum & Live Chat

    And of course way more.

  9. Well, I am trying to make my site valid HTML 4.01 Transitional. So, I need to remove the topmargin="0" and leftmargin="0" attributes from the BODY tag. So, I need to do it in CSS. I'm just a rookie CSS, but I think that this code should work:

    body { margin: 0px }

    However, that doesn't work for some reason. I've tried the code in a plain document, and it worked there. But why doesn't it work on my site?

    My site is http://www.global-rs.com/ if you want to check out. (I know I have been an idiot using ID instead of CLASS, lots of work to do now)

  10. It it my opinion that Bush Jr. is being "influenced" by Bush Sr. in all decisions that are made. After all, it is normal that a son would goto a father for advice especially a father with experience as president of the United States.

    I agree.


    Anyone who argues that the war in Iraq was started without ANY self serving reasons must be very niave. Oil was a certainly a factor, and also personal financial gains. Yes, part of the reason may have been to help Iraqi people but who really knows how big a part that was.
    There are still no proof for this. I haven't heard that American people has been taking the oil from Iraq. Also, the US doesn't sell more oil because of this.


    The Iraqi people share a common hatred of the US because they screwed up their country allowing Saddam to get into power just to profit from the country's oil.
    George W. Bush was not president when "US screwed up their country allowing Saddam to get into power". This thread is about George W. Bush.


    Maybe, Jr. is just trying to right a wrong and didn't quite execute as well as he had planned...


    Notice from wassie:
    Edited quote tags

  11. Okay i kinda knew abit of that but you've informed me more about it.  ;)

    my friend has her own website *hosted by Xisto* and he has it copyrighted to her so when ever i ask her how she does something she always says

    'i cant because its copyrighted to me' ahah  :)


    If your friend thinks that it's okay that you use the stuff on his/her website, you can of course do it. When content is copyrighted (you don't even need to tell it on your site, it's copyrighted "by default"), you can ask for permission by the owner to use it on your own site.

  12. So tell me whose idea was it then? And who gave the order to go to war.

    The president is not the only responsible for the war, there are actually more important people than him.


    and more importantly he is RESPONSIBLE for the things that happen in the name of the US-Government.

    Yes, of course he is responsible.


    I am not sure where you go that idea from but Bagdad, which is at the centre of Irak is, where the old culture is and actually it is spread out throughout the whole country, and if you look at the behavior of the American troops in Bagdad, once it fell, shows very clearly, that there was no interest in the old culture (have you heard of all the looted ancient artefacts? and why were there only guards at the oil ministry?)

    I got this "idea" from many sources, and there are many cultures in Iraq. Why are you saying THE OLD CULTURE when there has been MANY cultures in Iraq?? This land was home to some of the world's first and most distinguished civilizations. These included Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian and many other cultures.


    Some of the sources are people that I know, that has shown me photos. The are Kurds, that have a completely different culture from the people in Bagdad.


    Another source is a fact book I bought about this, since I'm very interrested in it. The culture I mentioned lives in a marsch area, and if you try to tell me that the country only has one culture, then you should just try search in Google or Wikipedia, and you should find some interresting info.


    Who sold the weapons to Sadam Hussain? Donald Rumsfeld. Who trained Sadam Hussain back in the 50ies. The CIA. He was OUR baby, till the US government got bored of him.

    He was a terrorist, and lowered the living standards and human rights in Iraq. [source]


    So, I don't think this has anything to do with what the US did with Saddam back in the 50ies. (My opinion - not a fact)


    I only know concerned citizens, that want their country back

    As I said, there are many cultures in Iraq, and I know a Kurd family that escaped from Iraq in 94. They want their country back, but their country is not Iraq, it is Kurdistan. However, Kurdistan is not a real country.


    I don;t know where you got your "knowledge" from but it can't be based in reality.

    Now, I've told you where my knowledge came from. For this post, I used Wikipedia, but I normally read books or talk to people about it. As you should see, the Wikipedia articles are very neutral, so it may be worth reading them.


    Which war are you talking about? The war in IRAQ is over. OVER. since about two years. Did you know that? I bet you did not. I also bet you thought that Sadam Hussain was responsible for 9/11.

    The war in Iraq is not over yet. The US army don't send lots of bombs etc, but there are still fight between american (now with iraqi help) and terrorists (I didn't find any better name). It would be good if you bet some hosting credits or something, because I have never mentioned that I thought Saddam was responsible for 9/11. And I don't think that.


    Well, yes, the country has no stable government, but they do have a government, they do have laws there already as well.

    Yes, the laws are there, and the governement too. But if all the american troops are taken out of the country, no-one will care about the laws (Just like in New Orleans - there were laws there, too).


    There are at this point in time more brutal dictators out there than Sadam Hussain.



    I actually agree that the american troops should stay in IRAQ, but they should not make an half arsed attempt, as they do in the moment.

    What the american troops do in Iraq, is because it is not easy for them. When they came to Iraq, they never thought that they were going to do such things. That's just how people react.


    (The last quote tag messed up the whole post so I needed to put it in a CODE tag for some reason...)

    If he really cared about the Iraqi people, he would have done a lot of things differently (he and his government that is, but since he is the pResident. It is his RESPONSIBILTY)
    Doing lot of things differently? Like what? Just go to Saddam and ask "could you please be a little nicer, I don't like the way you rule the country now".

  13. I think lots of people has misunderstood what actually is happening.It's not BUSH that goes to war. Nor is it him that raises the oil prices.There are lots of people that are the head of a country, and Bush is not really the leader. He can't do everything he wants. Also, the war on Afghanistan and Iraq wasn't bush's "idea". The only thing Bush really did was to inform the world that there will be a war.Also, as many of you knows, only 10 percent of Iraq supported Saddam Hussein. (people supporting Taliban in Afghanistan were around 5%). Also, Saddam has killed thousands of people, and this is a fact. In south Iraq, there were a civilization that had been there for around 5000 years. Saddam killed around 50% of this civilzation, only because the areas they lived in was a good place to hide in.I am sure "Bush" (the American governement) knew this. Lots of similar things happened in Iraq, too. But I'm not sure that bush-haters knows this.Also, you should not say anything against Bush unless you REALLY know what you're talking about.I won't say anything for or against Bush (the American governement) as I don't know the details, but I've told a little about what I know in my post.But one thing is sure: it would be completely wrong to stop the war now. If this happens, the country will not have any governement, laws or anything. So the war can't stop before Iraq has a stable governement and don't need help from other countries.So, if you're against war, don't try to stop the current war, as this will just make everything worse, but try to prevent a new war.

  14. Could anyone tell me what security feature Firefox has built in?The main reson that Firefox and Opera are more secure, is that most crap you get from IE is because of special programming that Firefox and Opera doesn't understand, and therefore you won't get anything.And the reason that IE is less secure is simply that there are more people using it, therefore if you make something bad, it's best to make it for IE since more people will get it.

  15. Actually, I've never made webpages at geocities. I started with something called "HomePage", which also had an online site-builder... I think I was 10 years old or something like that... But then they removed their free hosting, so you now have to pay to have a site there.The site I made was actually lots better than sites I could make at Geocities...Later, I made a new site on freewebs... Not that good though... Later, I tried to make my own site with Frontpage, and it actually became a very cool page, but I was annoyed buy the 50-files limit, and I just found Xisto, and thought it looked cool... I didn't have a clue about PHP or anything like that, and I just started learning HTML...Then, I made a new site, which couldn't be on Xisto, since I already had my old site, and I didn't want to make a new account, so I found a new host. (It was called orgfree). I still didn't know anything about PHP, but I started to understand CSS. My menu and header was in iframes, which I think was a pretty good idea ;) But my friends told me that they only saw smilies instead of images (orgfree had hotlink protection), so I moved to a host called 50webs. They were actually very good, but now I wanted a real forum (I used invsionfree). So I moved, once again, to a host called dHost. They offered PHP, 1 MySQL database, no ads, and didn't require any forum posting.Then, I started to learn PHP when I understood how powerful it was.Only two weeks ago, I moved to a paid hosting, since my website started to become popular. Every days, I got more and more visitors.Also, my site is now completely made in PHP...So this is my story about how it started. And a big thanks to Cragllo, a mod here. I visited his site and saw a link to Xisto, and that's how I founr Xisto, and why I'm here now. I used the forums for lots of help and it's here I learned PHP. :)

  16. Ok, thanks for the info, Tyssen. Also, thanks for all the good comments.As I said, the site is about a MMORPG. If I search for RuneScape Skill Guides in MSN, my site turns out as the first site. However, it's strange that google haven't listed me. I have also lots of backward links now, and I have submitted my site to Google Sitemaps with a valid XML sitemap. The status is currently "OK" and the site has been crawled... I hope it will get indexed soon then...

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