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Posts posted by Amezis

  1. Well, I am currently looking for a paid webhost. However, I won't leave Xisto since it's another site that I'm moving.I need at least 300MB space, and 30GB BW. Also, I need PHP and minimum 5 MySQL databases. If someone could give good, cheap webhosts, I would really appreciate it. Also, a domain included in the package is a plus.I was about to get hosted at https://www.one.com/ but they only offer 1 MySQL database :D

  2. I don't think Spyware S&D is the way to go at all.Try first ad-aware, then Microsoft, THEN spyware S&D if it still don't get removed.Ad-Aware is definately the best one.If S&D find an adware/spyware in your system files, it just delete the system file. So by using Spyware S&D you can wreck your computer, it have already happened to me twice.Look at the posts above for the download links

  3. Well, I'm new to PHP, and I get tons of problems when I use the include tags:Let's say my site is http://www.mysite.com/, and the menu is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. The site I want to include menu.htm in is not in the same folder as menu.htm, but in "folder2": http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ images in menu.htm are located in it's own folder: http://www.mysite.com/ images. However, when I load index.php with <?php include '../menu.htm'; ?>, the images won't load. Then I try to check the image location and it says that the images that didn't load was located in http://www.mysite.com/ folder2/images/


    Why do it change folder? And how can it be fixed?

  4. I KNOW that the processor doesn't make any noise, but the startard AMD fan is for some reason more noisy than the Pentium one...Someone said that AMD increase the heat faster than other processors... Is that why the fan have to be faster or something like that, and be more noisy?I've checked 11 computers now (friends), 5 with AMD and 6 with pentium. The AMD ones are very noisy! None of the computers had upgraded hardware...

  5. Kezzie, I don't like to group items together, like many Firefox-windows or IE-windows...I know all of the icons, since I always use the same programs, and I always have alot of programs open, so I'm fast when I try to open another one...But now I only have 9 windows open, and 10 tabs in Firefox, all Xisto ;)

  6. Below my header, which includes the logo and a horizontal menu bar, there is an empty space of the size of a linebreak.I'm completely new to PHP...My header is an include tag <?php include 'top.htm'; ?>, and where the top.htm site should end, there is a linebreak that I can't remove... Is there a way to remove it?Also, it happens in my vertical menu too, and below the footer, but it doesn't really affect the design.

  7. Well, it's frontpage... not word. I was making a website, with Photoshop and Paint, when surfing on Xisto. And when I am on forums, I always open in new and new and new tabs, so I need two windows to handle everything :unsure: Then I thought I could download some music since I always listened on the same one... So I opened LimeWire and Ares (the A) to download, and started to browse a good download site, but it only work in Internet Explorer. And of course, they have to have .zip or .rar downloads, so I had to open WinZip too. The sword is a game called runescape... A friend on MSN said that I had to log on to meet him ingame... And yeah that's why I had so many windows open. now I only have 6 + ares and limewire which are also running in the background. :D

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