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Posts posted by Amezis

  1. Tyssen, the post clearly states that it is in Opera 9 and not Opera 8.5 that it works. It works sometimes in Opera 8.5 though.


    When I have been designing, there has been lots of issues both in Firefox and Opera, even if the code is 100% correct, and I have to write awkward pieces of code to make it work in all browsers. Anyway, it has been harder to me to program for Firefox than for Opera.


    Well, the main reasons that I use Opera are:

    The only thing I do is not browsing the web. I'm sure Firefox is good if you do that, but I actually SURF on the web. Firefox is too slow to let me do that :angry:


    Also, I actually have a e-mail. So, I want to read it. Not online, as that would be too slow (even in Opera). So I'm using a mail client. Opera have a mail client, with notices (with sounds) appearing when you get a mail, even if Opera is minimized. That's good, and I can answer fast. Of course, there are other clients doing that, but I prefer to not have too much in my start menu.


    I am also downloading lots of things. So, I need a client that lets me download something without opening new windows. In Opera, I can have tabs for downloads (and mail, and chat and every shortcuts I need), which will have a small additional window next to the page I'm browsing telling the status of all downloads.


    Also, I am sometimes closing tabs accidently. It's good to open them again without having to browse the history. That's a feature I miss in Firefox.


    When I'm browsing, I often have pages open that I do not want to bookmark, but still have them when I come back. Opera is excellent, as it lets you open the same pages that were open when you closed.


    I am also active in Wikipedia. For me, it's important to have a fast browser for that. Also, I am active in the Wikipedia chat. Of course, I could download mIRC or another IRC-client, but again, this will lead to many open windows. So I'm using Opera.


    I like to see the status of my website, such as the encoding, the SIZE of the page (very handy to know) etc. Everything like can be opened without having to click click click and open new windows.


    Also, it's good to use shortcuts to navigate EVEN faster.


    Furthermore, notes are handy.


    And to end, I would like to tell you that Firefox is NOT faster than Internet Explorer. :angry:

  2. Bumping.

    I also want this to be in ADDITION to the other fields.

    Basically, this is what the search form would look like:

    |First field|	 |Second Field|		   [submit]
    The results from the first fields will be what I asked above. It works fine now. The second field will search in 3 mysql rows: Row1, row2, row3. The rest is explained above. How do I do that? I can't manage to make it work for multiple rows...

  3. Ok, I got another question now. How can I search multiple rows if the user submits one field?So, if the user submits something in a field named "fieldname", it will first check the first row (row1). If there's no hits for that search, it goes to the next row (row2). If there's no hits, it goes to row3 etc.

  4. I have a int column with numbers, and I want to show only the numbers between 5 and 20 in that column.

    So my list would be like this:


    I know how to only show numbers that are less than 20 or greater than 5, but I can't manage to combine those two (Less than 20 AND greater than 5).

    So I guess it would be something like this:
    SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `introw` >= 5 && <= 20
    How can I do that?

  5. Well, I am creating a search script for a MySQL-database. But how can people submit "first second", and then the script searches for both of the words, not the exact phrase?

    So if someone types "first second" it will also show entries containing "first blablabla second".

    This is basically the code I am using:

    SELECT * FROM `$table` WHERE `row` LIKE '$text'
    But this only shows the exact phrase :)

  6. Yeah, but Firefox is mostly for the users that only needs a normal browser. Opera is faster than IE and Firefox, it is much more secure than both of them together, its skin system is WAY better, it's more customizable, there is an integrated mail client AND IRC client there, integrated RSS client. Everything an average (and most of the pro) users needs is default in Opera.


    I personally use Opera because:

    - Easier to skin. You can download a skin in a few seconds, then it automatically changes to the new skin. A pop-up appears asking you if you want to keep the skin or delete it. That way, you can preview skins "live" without having to keep them on your computer.

    - Fastest. It is faster than Internet Explorer AND Firefox, and on average, it is the fastest browser on ALL systems.

    - Open the browser as it was when you closed it. When you start Opera, you can open it as it was when you closed it. So, if you had 5 different pages open in one tab each, all the 5 tabs will load automatically. This can of course be disabled.

    - More secure than Internet Explorer and Firefox. It is more secure than Firefox, and of course more secure than IE.

    - Good password manager. The password manager is much better than in IE or Firefox. Also, the passwords are encrypted, unlike Firefox. So if anyone uses your computer and you have stored your passwords in Firefox, they can actually see them! But in Opera, it is safe.

    - Mail client, IRC client and RSS client. Good for me, since I use all of them.

    - Easy to customize.


    And for Firefox lovers, this is why I don't use Firefox:

    - Too slow. Really, it is. It's not much faster than IE actually.

    - Hard to skin. When downloading skins, I have to restart the browser. If I don't like the skin, I have to disable it, then delete it. Woah, that's too awkward.

    - Only a simple web browser. No mail client, RSS client, IRC client. I would have to have 4 programs open instead of 1.

    - Scrollbars. For some reason, the scrollbar doesn't change color even if the CSS tells the browser to do so. I like when it changes :)

  7. I was just going to post a topic about this. I think it's great, and I actually hope Google will start a real hosting company (hehe, I'm sure it will be cheap)

    Something funny is when you try to use the editor in another browser, such as Opera, which doesn't have rich text editors. This is the message you get:

    Our programming wizards tried their darndest to get Google Page Creator to work with as many browsers as possible. But alas, even the most expert practitioners of web sorcery must sleep now and again, lest their JavaScript magic run dry.

  8. Yes, actually there are 3 cron jobs, all on 5*****


    I am on a shared server. The server load AND used memory (%) is too high.


    The host want me to have below 1 in server load, but it rarely gets below 2-3. It has and it has been up to 40.


    jlhaslip, GZipping will result in even higher server load. By using Gzip, I simply use less bandwidth. However, I am allowed to use 400GB monthly, so that's not a problem :huh:

  9. The topsite is currently where we get most of the visitors from, and that's why we have it. The clan forums have almost 14000 posts, while the main forums only have 5000. Also, the to join the clan, they have to post an application, which will let them be a user of the forums, or not. The phpBB forum is official forums for my site, while the IPB forum is a separate part of the site. There are different skins on the forums, the clan site has some modules that are completely useless on the main forum, etc. Since the forums are so different, it is impossible to merge them.

  10. I am currently using too much ressources on my site (not hosted at Xisto), and it will be suspended tuesday if I don't do anything with it. I have done almost everything I can, and even if the ressources I use are lower than they were, I still use way too much.


    So, I would like some help. I will list all my scripts telling what they do and how they work, and will let people telling me which of them that may use much ressources.

    NOTE: This is a fansite for an MMORPG game.



    The main forums are phpBB-driven, but are heavily modified. The main page sends 14 queries, when viewing a specific forum, there are 16 queries, when viewing topics, there can be betwen 15 and 26 queries at once. I have tried disabling it in 10 minutes, but it didn't affect the server load or memory usage. They are located here.


    Invision Power Board

    The site is a gaming site, and we have a clan on their own forums. I have absolutely no clue on how many queries that are sent, but basically, there are only a few modification installed, and I think that there are sent 2 queries more than an un-modified board on the home page. I have also tried disabling it in 10 minutes, but as the phpBB board, it didn't affect the server load or memory usage. Located here.


    Topsites system

    We used Aardvark Topsites, and out of 10 sites with this scripts I know about, 1 removed the topsites because of excessive server load, and another had to change host. When I received the mail from LP telling me that I used too much ressources, I immediately started on setting up a new topsites system. The files for Aardvark Topsites are now completely deleted, and the new system, evoTopsites. I have tried completely disabling the evoTopsites too, to check if it used some ressources. But the ressources were not affected. The new topsites are here.

    NOTE: Before I deleted the old topsites system, the server load could go up to 20 (4 cpu's). It is rarely going above 5 now (still 4 cpu's).


    My main page

    I doubt my main page can cause the problem. It is only file-driven, with no MySQL at all. There are only a few variables defined, around 5 if-elses, and the rest is include(). There is no way to "disable" it, so I haven't done it. But I doubt this part uses much ressources.


    "Dynamic signatures"

    This is a feature on the main page. The script uses a parser to load the stats for a character in the game my site is about. The stats are then displayed on an image using GD. They are cached in 24 hours, and are then loading again if the image is requested. There is no way to disable it, so I haven't done it.


    Simple CMS system for the clan site

    The clan site is using a simple, hand-coded CMS system. It simply loads a requested entry from the database, and displays it. The administration panel can add new pages and edit existing ones. However, the site is not even published yet, and it is only visited by the moderators and administrators of the site, and from time to time, some members.


    Also, the number of visitors has increased the last weeks, since we got indexed in google around 2 weeks ago.


    If there is ANYTHING you can say that may help me, please do it. :huh:


    Notice from mayank:
    Edited topic title & description

  11. Thanks. Those steps also helped me to get #1 on many keywords in MSN. However, it seems like Google has banned me, and those steps won't help you getting un-banned. There are a few things that may help to get un-banned, but none of them has worked for me, yet:

    Duplicate content
    If your content is copied from another site, no search engines will like you. This is a very common way to get banned.
    So, if you have many domain names for your site site, you should only have 1 main site. The other domain names should be redirecting to the main domain name, or make your main page have full links.

    Hidden content
    You should not attempt to hide some content with your keywords. Using the example with "Anime", you should NOT have hidden content (or unreadable text) with "Anime info", "Anime games", "Anime comics" etc. All your content must be visible. (You can of course use Javascript for expandable/collapsable areas, such as the forum index here.)

    Keyword stuffing, long title tag etc
    You should not have too many keywords for your site. More than 20 keywords will just be useless, and the spiders may just ignore it. Also, you should not have too many characters in your title or description tags. This, however, should not get your site banned, but will give you poor rankings.

    Don't use images for content
    Some sites wants to be very fancy and cool, and uses lots of images, even to display the content. Firstly, remember that search engine spiders will not be able to read the text on the image, thus not understand what the site is about. Secondly, people with slow internet will have to wait many minutes for your site to show, and many will leave because the loading time is too high. Lastly, this will lead to a massive bandwidth usage, which would be very expensive for you. As the keyword stuffing, this will not ban you, but will lead to very poor ranking, if ranked at all.

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