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Posts posted by Amezis

  1. Well, I've just made a great script, but I'm sure that it will be copied if I don't try to prevent it.Firstly, I know I can disable marking, means that in IE, people cannot highlight the text to copy. Also, it's a form using this script, and I know that in Firefox, you can omit the forms tags (works in Netscape too and all other gecko browsers). However, if people are downloading my site (right-clicking the link and selecting download), they'll get all the scripts anyway.I've seen a site hiding their script (they was also using a form, but when I tried to visit the site the form linked to, I got just an 404 error message), and it was almost impossible to find it. That's a script I want :D Hope you understand what I need, and that you can help me :)

  2. Mambo is also a very good portal too. They have even win in LinuxWorld:

    The Mambo content management system defied the bookmakers by defeating Firefox, IBM and LTSP, when being judged for the best of the best at San Francisco LinuxWorld Conference and Expo, at the Moscone Center.

    I haven't tried it though, but I've seen sites using it, and it looks really great.

  3. Let's say I have the same PHP script on all pages, with the same menus, footer etc, but with different content. The PHP page is called "Sitename - ", and the included pages (which is in HTML) is called "Thingy". I want it to load both titles, so the title will be "Sitename - Thingy". The second page have the same PHP code (with the normal title, "Sitename - "), but is called "Why not?". This one have the title "Sitename - Why not?".Hope you understand what I want, and that you can help me. :)

  4. Also, another thing:

    If you want to open a link in the whole page from the frame, remember to set the target to _top

    <a href="link.com" target="_top">Link</a>

    Instead of _top, you can also use _parent (if you have many frames inside each other, you may need to use that one to only open in the parent frame)

    Notice from cmatcmextra:
    Edited as per request

  5. Well, do not tell me that I don't need it since I already said it could sound weird, but it should be possible.Thanks to the scrollbar on the left side, but I need one at the top too.I am using it because I am running a fansite to a MMORPG. Normally, there is a Java map, but since it doesn't work on all computers (slow, no java and so on), I've made an image version too, that's in a frame (easier to scroll, fit the design). However, scrollbars all around would do it easier for users that don't have any scrolling button on the middle of their mouse.But it would look too weird with a left scrollbar without a top one, so I am still waiting. It should be possible with Javascript, but I'm not into it at all...Ahh wheres this reputation point I would give many of them to the user who gives me the top bar...

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