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Posts posted by Amezis

  1. I am trying to make a login system that looks and works like .htaccess using sessions, with a PHP script that detects the username used.

    Let's say I log on with the username "Amezis" and correct password. Then I want a PHP (or any other kind of script) to create a cookie or session which stores the user name, so it could be possible to store it in a variable as long as the user is logged in, and so it can be printed when needed.

    Basically, this is what I want the script to do:

    /* This file can only be executed after logging in with the htaccess-style login screen *//* Then, detect the used username, so it can be stored in a variable using a cookie or session, and that way, it can be printed on this page, or on another restricted user page as long as the user has logged in with the htaccess-screen and the session is valid *//* Content */

  2. Thanks Spectre. :)For those who didn't understand my question, I have a php file. If someone loads file.php?view=this_exists, everything is done normally. But if someone loads file.php?view=this_doesnt_exist, then the 404 error code is shown. I am using mod_rewrite, so file.php?view=this_exists is displayed as /this_exists.A search engine would not understand that /this_doesnt_exist doesn't exist unless the 404 header was sent. So I simply wanted to send a 404 in the header without using the apache error function since that wouldn't do the job.

  3. Without looking further into elinks, it seems like it has all the features that opera have. It is possible to disable images, enable "Accessibility mode", where it remakes the layout so it's very easy to use, etc. I don't really see why I should use elinks when all features are also in Opera, and it has better support if I want to view the page normally...

  4. Yes, it is not very known that although firefox claims that they are "faster, safer and better", it is not really the truth. As you state it, there are more KNOWN vulnerabilities in Firefox than Internet Explorer.

    And since I am talking about this, it may be interesting that Firefox is NOT faster than Internet Explorer (6 and 7), according to this widely accepted test:
    In this test, Opera is clearly the fastest. Also, Opera has less security vulneberabilities than Firefox AND Internet Explorer. The reason that people believes that Firefox is faster is because Firefox is using another technique to load the pages - it starts displaying the page BEFORE the site is loaded, while Internet Explorer waits before it displays the page.

  5. Well, I've just started learning Javascript, so I'm no wiz yet... Anyways, I have a form where I want to show an error message when the user has not filled out the "name" field.
    My code looks like this:

    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">function nameempty(){	if ( document.form.name.value == '' )	{		alert('No name was entered!')		return false;	}}</script><form action="submit.php" method="post" name="form" onSubmit="nameempty();"><input type="text" name="name" class="textfield"><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit"></form>
    With this code, it alerts the user when the form is empty, but still submits it when the user clicks [OK]. What am I doing wrong?

  6. I have a MySQL DECIMAL field allowing up to 3 decimals to the number. However, many of the numbers only have one decimal. An example is 5.2. I want the script to echo ONLY 5.2 and not 5.200. However, if the number is 5.211, I want it to echo the whole number, so I can't just use the round() function. Is there a way to do this?

  7. I don't know about any browsers that aren't free. Tabbed browsing has been default in Opera since the 90s, before someone had even thought about making Firefox. The popup blocking works much better on Opera. Those "useful" extension are default in Opera anyways.


    Also, I would just make it clear that Opera is more secure than Firefox. There are over 100 known security issues in Firefox, some of them discovered back in 2004. So Firefox isn't really secure :rolleyes:

  8. What? No FireFox fans here? I use Firefox. Firefox is unquestionable the best browser. Its faster than Opera (believe it) and superb rendering. Its more secure and is frequently updated by Mozilla. due to its Open Source nature several addons in the form of extensions are available for FireFox which makes browsing all the more a better experience.

    Nope, Opera is faster than Firefox, and Firefox is slower than Internet Explorer. Because Firefox renders the page before it has been loaded, it may seem faster, but in fact, it's slower. Also, it is more secure only because it doesn't use ActiveX and because the main target for hackers are people using IE. Opera is even more secure :rolleyes:
    I don't know why some people say that Firefox is better than Opera. Opera has all of Firefox's features, plus alot more. It is more secure, it's faster and it's simply better. Firefox has an awful skinning feature, where the browser must be restarted before the skin can be used. Honestly, that's how M$ does it, but FIREFOX?!? In Opera, you can preview a skin and select to not use it the very same second you've downloaded it.

    Of course, I'm using Opera. I'm a fan of it :lol:

  9. Yin-Yang, you should have around 10 meta keywords. It is not a good idea to optimize your site for a bunch of keywords, instead, try to optimize the site for only a few keywords, and get a good ranking on those.The different from meta keywords and other keywords are that the meta keywords are the keywords made by the author, but the normal keywords are the search engine's words. So if your site is about gaming, and all your meta keywords are about gaming, but you have lots of content about proxies, then Google (or any other search engine) will also have "proxy" as a keyword.

  10. SQL Query to find out the number of items in this Table would be something like:

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM 'test_table';

    Assuming you have opened the DB and made a connection properly. This is not the php code, just the mysql select to count the number of items in a table.

    Post back here if you need the php, too.
    Thanks! But how can I echo that number? I tried this, but it doesn't work:

    <?php echo mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM 'table_name'"); ?>

  11. THANKS ALOT, rvalkass!!!! Finally, I managed to get the menus back. I probably double-clicked there, because the game lagged the computer and I probably clicked repeatly everywhere on my screen <_< I'm pretty sure that MSMGS.exe, because I have two computers, and it is on both of them, and I am scanning my computer regularly with AVG, Norton and Ad-Aware.

  12. Well, my topic title is pretty descriptive. Does GD use much server ressources, is it heavy to run, or is it light and flawless just like a normal PHP script? If I use GD much, should the images be cached?And by the way, I don't know how to cache images. I know how to create them, but I can't manage to store them in a folder, and then check that folder to see if the file is already cached. If it's not, the PHP script will create it.

  13. Well, I recently bought the game Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. My computer is a bit "slow", so I decided to turn off ALL other programs running. Accidently, I turned off msmgs.exe or something like that with the Task Manager, and all menus in my Task Manager are now gone!


    I know my system is in Norwegian, and my computer is skinned (it's NOT the skin because I have tried un-uninstalling WindowBlinds, which skins my computer, and it still doesn't work), but look at the image below, and you'll see what the problem is:


    Posted Image


    Note: Do not tell me to use Linux or Mac because Mac is too slow and buggy for heavy Java-applications, and crashes all the time, and Linux can't run the programs I use.

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