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Posts posted by Amezis

  1. Well, I have a friend that is ALWAYS complaining about how many programs I have opened at the same time. Like 15 items in the start menu, and 20 tabs in Firefox... lolz, that's my way of using a computer.


    So here, I have a screenshot, and I ask you: Is this nighmare?

    Posted Image

    Lol, well maybe a nightmare could be a bad expression. But do you hate to have that many programs open?


    Personally I just think I should close something, but I don't do it... I can live with it - well, in some hours.

  2. 1. Windows XP SP22. Internet Explorer working on Internet.3. Norton Internet Security.Then, I would go on Internet Explorer, download Firefox, then go on Firefox, download:Ares and LimeWire - Good p2psMSN MessengerSmartFTP - I need a FTP client!WinAmpAd-AwareThen, i would go on LimeWire and download:Microsoft Office XP with FrontpageAdobe Photoshop 7.0 (I'm not using CS)Dreamweaver.I know I'm a bit illegal, but, if I only could start with 3 programs, I couldn't do it any other ways...And now, I think I have everything I need. :unsure: So, if I were able to get three softwares, and Internet (no-one said anything about that or any hardware), I could get everything I need. lol. :D

  3. Well, three years ago, my dad bought a computer for me. This one had an Intel Pentium 4 processor. And I could use it without he saw it, when he came, I just turned off the screen and started to do something else :unsure:After some months, his computer crashed, and he needed a new one - fast, so he used mine. So he bought a new one for me, which had an AMD Athlon processor. But this time he knew that I used the computer, since it was very noicy.This christmas, I got a new computer again, and my brother used the old one. I had to build it myself, since he just bought the different parts. I complained about the second he bought for me, since it was very noicy, so he bought a computer-case which was veeeeery silent. However, the new computer was still veeery noicy!Last week, I got a new computer at my mom's house. This time we couldn't spend that much money, so we bought a... hmm... "normal" computer... This time with Intel Pentium 4, like the first one. When I turned it on the first time, I noticed that I almost couldn't even hear the fan(s) in the computer.So the first and the last computer, were very silent, and they used Intel Pentium 4. The second and third, veeery noicy, uses AMD.So, is AMD really more noicy?I know you can buy lots of things to do the processor silent, but, without all these add-ons, just a normal processor, is AMD the most noicy?

  4. Got in php, writing from memory :unsure:


    for: http:\somepage.php?style=1

    somepage php.code<head><?php$style = 1;if ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['style'])) {$style = intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['style']);}if ($style == 1) {print "<link href=\"styles1.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />"}if ($style == 2) {print "<link href=\"styles2.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />"}?><head>

    Try this :D if not work write  :D


    Ok, I'm gonna test that one out. But does it save your preferences? If the user chooses style2, will it open with style2 next time too?

  5. Well, the title and description wasn't that good.I need to know a HTML/PHP/JavaScript/CSS code that can change the CSS used for my site.Instead of using the defaut CSS style, the user can select another style instead of the default one, which will be used on all pages that have the code, and be remembered by using cookies. So, next time the user visit my page, it will load the CSS file the user choosed last time. If it can't find anything in the cookies, it load the default one.Hope you understand what i'm looking for, and I hope you can help :unsure:

  6. The computer has been running since the beginning of January this year, and it has only happened twice. The first time, I reinstalled the driver.But the second time, I tried to go on the Internet and find the reason. When I decided to reinstall that time too, it worked good again.Since this topic has been started, I haven't experienced any problems with that computer.

  7. Well, it should be mostly Accidentally...I was playing a php-based MMORPG (Not reall Massive Multiplayer but oh well), called Outwar. I had my own "crew", and one of the members who joined was Cragllo. He decided to make a website for the crew, and we became friends... I added him to MSN too. Then, he left the crew and joined the crew that was run by some friends. From time to time, I visited his site. One day, I decided to find a new host for my gaming portal, and I looked through many sites but didn't find anything interresting.A day when I chatted with Cragllo, he told me to look at his new game under developement. There was a link to his homepage, and I visited it. There was a link to Xisto from his homepage...I tried to register in the forums, and decided to try this host. Obviosly, Cragllo was a moderator here, but I didn't notice that before I had reached around 60 posts... And now, I'm still hosted here, and I don't plan to leave.That's how I got hosted. Accidentally? Random?

  8. Well, most of the people are actually using IE. But more "proffesional" peoples, and webmasters etc chooses the best programs, which is Firefox and Opera.The reason is simple: Firefox and Opera is1. Faster2. More secure3. Have tabbed browsing. (Operas tabs works a little different than Firefox)4. Internet Explorer has some bugs that aren't in other browsers.

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