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Everything posted by street

  1. I love that game i too have beaten the game the graphics and game play is really good. I give it a score 10/10
  2. In our spare time me and friends like to go paintball for hours. We also like to go to the movies and when we are really feeling creative we fire flash up and start making games and movies.
  3. I have this problem for at least a week now. I bought 6 months woth of credits because i am going to be out of town for some time and wont have computer access. So I decided to buy some credits so my site can stay up and not go down. It has been at least a week now and i have not gotten any reply from anyone at xisto sales and i went to the help desk and put a ticket in but i have not gotten any reply from them. So I am posting this topic to see if any admin will be able to slove my problem. If any admin needs proof that i payed for the 6 months credits you can pm me.
  4. Source It looks like microsoft is trying to make a super search engine to compete with google. I thought what they did to the live search was a big change but it looks like they have a lot planned for live search. There are some features that i like that they are going to add but some that is just going to put to much junk on the page when you are searching. When i read this line i just started to laugh it looks like microsoft believe that they can compete with google. I think they dont understand that google users are not going to change to there live update just cause they added a lot of tweaks to there search engine. But we will just see in the future. It looks microsoft likes to put there plans out for everyone to see instead of keeping it to themselves. But seeing that they are so confident in there plan they dont care that google knows. It would be funny when 2008 comes around that they dont get google market share.
  5. Hi am trying to make my navigation so they say index.php?id=page But i ran in to a huge problem. When i click on a link here on the left it changes the url but then i see my banners getting repeated. Can anyone help me out. Code include("home/index1.php"); } else if($_REQUEST['page'] == "NE_Info") { include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/m_home/ne_team.php"); } else if($_REQUEST['page'] == "Job_Openings") { include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/m_home/ne_team.php"); } ?> <a href="index1.php?page=home">-Home</a> <br /> <a href="index1.php?page=NE_Info">-About U.S</a> <br /> <a href="index1.php?page=Job_Openings">-Job Openings</a> linenums:0'><?phpif($_REQUEST['page'] == "home"){include("home/index1.php");} else if($_REQUEST['page'] == "NE_Info") {include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/m_home/ne_team.php");}else if($_REQUEST['page'] == "Job_Openings") {include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/m_home/ne_team.php");}?><a href="index1.php?page=home">-Home</a><br /><a href="index1.php?page=NE_Info">-About U.S</a><br /><a href="index1.php?page=Job_Openings">-Job Openings</a> Also i tried the id tutorial here but it really was kinda of confusing so i found a simpler method but this way turned out to give me a headache ><
  6. Click on the free web hosting tab that is located in the top right. Then you should see reset cpanel password. Click that and then you are all set.
  7. Ok if you have to be the "understanding one" you can go out of your boundaries for 2 hrs are so to put him in his place.
  8. Well am having the same problem i have been in the shadow reading this topic and see if the issue got fix. It looks it did for some but not for me. I did a support ticket told me to use the password reset ><.
  9. LOL alex u just my day again with that ice pic LOL. I too have went on the adventure to find the ice wall. Look at your own risk nijas might attack you if you look for more than 3 seconds
  10. I will have to disagree with you all there about puppys being the cutest baby kittens and puppys have been battling for the number 1 cute spot for sometime now .
  11. When i saw the title of this topic i thought i would get a small chuckle out of it but i got a good 3 min laugh of out of it. I really dont think the earth is flat cause when you think about it wouldnt after a time of global warming those so called ice walls that are around would have melted by now? Also why out of all the planets in the solar system the earth will be the only one flat. That just does not make any sense that the world is flat. Venus,mars and the other planets are round and we can see those planets with telescopes so nassa will not be able to change what we see unless they have a special machine that shows images of outer space for us to look in which i highly doubt they have. :DWho ever believes this theory is dumb in my opinion. Thanks for the good laugh.
  12. Wow i thought that all over they had step up the airline secruity but i guessed wrong. Good thing that someone tiped them off on him having the gun. Maybe in the UK there airline secruity is not as high as ours in the US.
  13. Thanks guys that help fixed it.
  14. Can someone help me out i am having a problem with one of my pages i am trying to use the include code for my navigation and top links. Here is the page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Php Code-All my include code have this path way just with diffrent names. I tried putting the path ways like /home/phpinclude/filename but that did not work. I have searched for a lot of tutorials but i have tried all and they have not helped. So can anyone help me out? <?PHP include($DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/phpincludes/top_link_1.php"); ?>
  15. Well i think he got what he deserved he is a star quarterback gets a load of money and he wants to have dog fights to make more money. That is just greed in my opinion. I don't think that he will be coming back to the nfl. Look at Ricky Williams he has been trying to get back in the game but no one is taking him and he did not even do a crime as big as Michael vick so i think he is done going to become a regular person just like all of us and have to live with the actions that he did. Also if his former team take him back after he gets out jail they are just asking for trouble. The money they were given to him to be there quarterback they can go out and find a decent quarterback that will help them win games. Also Vick is not even a good quarterback he mostly runs he cant throw good and what is the point of being a quarterback if all you want to do is run. He just be a running back instead.
  16. Another Disney movie game is out. This is just like the other ds game they made for thats so raven were she dances or does some kind of fashion stuff. Also they have a game for that country singer were it is all about singing. I really think no one buys these games even thou they addicted to the movie this game looks boring in my opinion.
  17. it is an alternative graphic design program when you dont have adobe photoshop. It does not have that much filters as adobe but you can make userbars and some really good sigs with it. I like your user bars really simple. Another thing you should add is the fading animation to them.
  18. Wow what will google buy next there on small country and rename it google city?LOLI guess they want everyone to see how the moon is close up and personal it will be cool if the make the feature free but i highly doubt it. I predict that bill gates is going to buy his own space crew so he can beat google moon land rover.
  19. Yea i have been having the same problems too when i try to do certain actions with mysql in my cpanel. I get a popup that says to download the index.php files. I thought it was something i was doing wrong but i guess it is firefox. Anyone got a fix for this problem?
  20. I dont think friday 13th is bad luck it is just all in everyone head. Cause everything happens for a reason it will never happen just because it is a certain day. Most people think that when July 7,2007 came everyone will have a lot of luck but nothing really happen it was just a regular day. Some may have said that a lot of good stuff might have been happening to them but that stuff happen cause they wanted that stuff to happen. I have stepped on a lot of cracks on friday the 13 and when i came home my mom was alright.LOL It is all in our head.
  21. The search engine i use the most is google it is my homepage cause half of the time i always have something to look up. I sometimes use live seach. I used dogpile only once and that was to see which search engines had my site.
  22. You should try out Online Game maple story. It is a 2d game and it is very addicting when you start to play. Its free to play. World of Warcraft very good online game if you dont mind paying. Offline games Kingdom Heart 1~2 Super Mario 64 Metriod Series
  23. wow i guess the zune was really a big hit much people thought that the zune would not do go against the ipod because of its size but not much buyers care about the size of the product they mostly care about the features. The feature i think that got a lot of buyers is the ability to share music but the downfall is you can only keep it for 3 days then you have to re share again to get the song again. Now the zune is cheap as a psp now.
  24. my favorite adventure game will have to be super mario 64 it may be a old game but it is a fun game to kill time. I also like to play kingdom hearts when i am bored but when i need a quick adventure fix i play mario 64.
  25. 7gears got a face lift good job saint Michael the last layout was a bit to plain in my opinion. But i really didn't care about the layout just went to read the content. It already exist i guess it just was not announced that it was out because i knew it about it.
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