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Posts posted by HoRuS

  1. yea, when it comes to flash, free will be a very hard concept to grasp LOL!  Basiclly if your looking for a quality peice of work, you should hire someone to do it that knows how, if of course you have the money! lol again!

          But, if your lookin to do it yourself for money (LOL AGAIN), you should use Flash Mx 2004. Not only will it help you out with flash intros, but can lead you into the door of websites galore (oooh rhymin now!). I currently use it (though im a bit slow with it), and its awesome beyond belief.But, ifd you want to create proffessional banners, i suggest you learn actionscript before buying it, which is the built in code for it.

              Sorry that i couldnt give you any help without the money part, but thruthfully, a lot of things dont go without dollars,

                      J 2 da Mb


    Hahaha I just don't have the $$$ (again!) :D

    But thanx for the help anyway, I'll try to rewrite some of the html codes wich my current flashcreator generates...

    What is an actionscript btw?



  2. Heyhey...
    I was wondering (yea i wonder a lot :D) but are we allowed to have auto-reload scripts like a chat and "prillian" (a phpBB Instant messenger)?
    I turned it off at my former host because of some reason, I think it was bandwith?

    If it reloads pages to get updated messages, then it is not allowed. I recommend you get a Java IRC chat applet if you really want chat.



  3. Yeah! You probably have to edit the theme some where for each theme. Thats how most mods work to get the graphics and all of the CSS and stuff to work right. But I like subSilver anyways. I usually just replace the logo and call it mine lol. :D  :D


    Hahaha evilness at its top :D j/k

    yea I also do that cuz the default logo's usually are a pain in the *ss

    The attachmentmod is a good mod but it requires some expertise on php to make it work 100% correct.

    HoRuS is glad he found the IM 1.3.2c :D

  4. Those are sites I've been looking for months now thanx
    Bootlegged? what's that? Remember im a n00b @ English

    I like their animation shop more than PSPs.

    I never saw that feature :D plz tell me about it :D

    Btw I made a new siggie yesterday :points down: :D

  5. I've learned it by myself, starting with expanding a normal phpBB forum with mods and hacks, made many errors and reinstall it all many times.Did some reading through .php files and .tpl files and found a language in it not just a script :D the hardest thing was figuring out the syntaxes and algorythms in it, because all of these files work together as 1 :D When 1 file (especially php's) gets changed the tpl's wont work good too and vice versa...Sigh I wich I only sticked to HTML

  6. This texts keeps sticking in my head,Sorry in advantage for bad language and cusses :D Point of No ReturnThis is the point of no return I could never go back Life without parole up state shackled and trappedLiving in the hole, lookin' at the world through a crackBut *BLEEP* that, I'd rather shoot it out and get clappedI've gone too far, there ain't no coming back for meAuschwitz gas chamber full of Zyklon-BJust like the spanish exterminating taino'sRaping the black and Indian women, creating LatinosMother *BLEEP*ers made me out of self richeous hateredAnd you got yourself a virus, stuck in the MatrixA suicide bomber strapped and ready to blowLethal injection strapped down ready to goDon't you understand they'll never let me live out in peaceConcreate jungle, guerilla war out in the streetsNat Turner with the sickle pitch fork and machete The end of the world, mother *BLEEP*er you not readyThis is the point of no return and nobody can stop itMalcolm little running up before Elijah MuhammadThe commet killed the dinosaurs, changing the earthThey love to criticize they always say I change for the worseLike prescription pills when you misusing them *BLEEP*The templear knights when they took Jerusalem *BLEEP*And figured out what was buried under Soloman's templeAl Aksa the name is no coincidentalI know too much to government is trying to murder meNo coming back like cutting your wrists open verticallyHow could the serpant be purposely put in charge of the countryGenetic engineered sickness spread amongst meMy people are so hungry that they attack without reasonLike a *BLEEP*in' dog ripping off the hand that feeds himImmortal Technique is treason to the patriot actSo come and get me mother *BLEEP*er cause I'm not coming backThis is the point from which I could never returnAnd if I back down now then forever I'll burnThis is the point from which I could never retreatCause If I turn back now there can never be peaceThis is the point from which I will die or succeedLiving the struggle, I know I'm alive when I bleedFrom now on it can never be the same as beforeCause the place I'm from doesn't exist anymoreThis is the point of no return *BLEEP* you better believe this Mary Magdalen giving birth to the children of Jesus The evolution of the world, bloody and dramaticHuman beings killing monkeys to conquer the planetThe kingdoms of Africa and MesopotamiaMachine gunnin' your body with depleted uraniumThis is the age of micro chips and titanium The dark side of the moon and contact with aliens I started out like Australians, criminal minded Broke into hell, tore it down, and built and city behind itSouth Paw, murderous, methadology *BLEEP*Remember that I'm just a man don't follow me *BLEEP*Cause once you past the point you can never go homeYou've got to face the possibility of dying aloneSo tell me mother *BLEEP*er, how could you die for the throne?When you don't even got the *BLEEP*in' heart to die for your ownIt rains acid, one day the earth will cry from a stoneAnd you'll be lookin' at the world livin' inside of a domeComputerized humanity living inside of a cloneThis is the place where the unknown is living and realWorm wodd to planet X and the seventh sealUniversal truth is not measure in mass appealThis is the last time that I kneel and pray to the skyCause almost everything that I was always ever told was a lieThis is the point from which I could never returnAnd if I back down now then forever I burnThis is the point from which I could never retreatCause If I turn back now there can never be peaceThis is the point from which I will die or succeedLiving the struggle, I know I'm alive when I bleedFrom now on it can never be the same as beforeCause the place I'm from doesn't exist anymorePeace

  7. Nice work

    i like the tut

    anyway can u pot some php stuff



    What do you mean exactly?

    php is a world on it's own heheh.


    I DO have a small tutorial on how to get rid of the "complete banner mod" in the header of the themes + to align your header images:


    -Open the overall_header.tpl stored in the root/templates/yourtheme directory,

    -Find this line: (usually found between lines 95 and 115)


    <table class="bodyline" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td><table class="topbkg" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr> <td><a href="{U_PORTAL}"><img src="templates/yourtheme/images/yourimage.jpg" border="0" alt="{L_INDEX}" title="{L_INDEX}" width="yourimageswidth" height="yourimagesheight" /></a></td><!-- Start add - Complete banner MOD --><td width="100%" colspan="3"><div align="right">{BANNER_0_IMG}</div></td><!-- End add - Complete banner MOD --><td align="center" width="100%">     </td></tr></table>

    -To delete the banner mod from your header delete these lines:


    <!-- Start add - Complete banner MOD --><td width="100%" colspan="3"><div align="right">{BANNER_0_IMG}</div></td><!-- End add - Complete banner MOD -->

    -To align your header to the center delete these lines:


    <tr><td><table class="topbkg" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr>

    -And replace this:


    <td><a href="{U_PORTAL}"><img src="templates/yourtheme/images/yourimage.jpg" border="0" alt="{L_INDEX}" title="{L_INDEX}" width="yourimageswidth" height="yourimagesheight" /></a></td>

    -With this:


    <td align="center"><a href="{U_PORTAL}"><img src="templates/yourtheme/images/yourimage.jpg" border="0" alt="{L_INDEX}" title="{L_INDEX}" width="yourimageswidth" height="yourimagesheight" /></a></td>

    If there would be any issue, I would like to hear and discuss it

  8. I used to use Photoshop and i can say that photoshop is a really good program. I used to make alot of graphics but i stopped and lost my photoshop. I wish i had it again I would start doing things again. But anyways Photoshop is probably the best program available...... Oh and by the way nice pictures


    I use a 30 day trial myself, but I reformat my computer almost every month lol

    For a direct url click here .



  9. Well Amby, you should feel somewhat better cause you really care for those people unlike ,many other people around the globe.From what I heard here in The Netherlands(:D) is that Bush himself only donated $10.000 and an artist here called Marco Borsato (the music itself sucks) donated over a million dollar and there was a song written about the tragedy in wich only artists who donated a certain amount of money could take part, over 20 artists joined.So here it's np for rich people to donate exept for our pm, I didnt hear him about donating grrr...So if there are people who should be proud to have given money to the Tsunami victims, it should be us, the middle-classed poor peeps :D I'm only worried about why we don't hear anything about rebuilding and feeding these victims :looks suspicious smilie:All this $$$ and no news thats it IS used for Asia :D Peace

  10. Thanx :D I find it very usefull, the effects are rally stunning when you know how the program works...The bevel and emboss are my favourites (as you can see lol)I made some images with HP software but that was a errm... waste of timePeace

  11. Cloning is invented for the better good for mankind. Just like many other inventions like nuclear power was invented for creating large mounts of energy to use for propulsion, household and so on but I'm seriously affraid that many governments will use it for their destructive purposes.

    Cloning means a cheap army of expendible humans to blend to their needs if a war breaks out.

    I hope that it will not come this far and that people only will use it to fight hunger and deseases, cuz they will use it no matter what we say



  12. Hi,

    Here's a tutorial how to install IntegraMod 1.3.2c

    (Also view this topic)


    The system requirements are a s followed:

    1) A database source, which is MySQL3 or MySQL4 compliant. If you also have editing features like PHPMyAdmin - this may be helpful but not essential.

    2) A host server with PHP Scripting 4.x Please note IntegraMOD does not currently run on PHP5 enabled hosts

    3) A server space of at least 50Mb and you may wish to consider more if you plan significant uploading, styles and on-site storage of users files.


    IntegraMod can be downloaded from here

    Follow this instructions for a fresh install very accurate:


    1)Upload all the files from the directory integramod (retaining the directory structure) to any directory on your webserver (e.g. /forums/)


    2)Change the permissions of the following directories and files:

    - album_mod/upload directory (777)

    - album_mod/upload/cache directory (777)

    - cache directory (777)

    - cache/attach_config.php (666)

    - files directory (777)

    - images/avatars directory (777)

    - includes/def_themes.php (666)

    - includes/def_tree.php (666)

    - includes/def_words.php (666)

    - includes/def_icons.php (666)

    - includes/def_qbar.php (666)

    - includes/cache_tpls directory (777)

    - language/lang_english/lang_contact_faq.php (666)

    - language/lang_english/lang_faq.php (666)

    - language/lang_english/lang_faq_attach.php (666)

    - language/lang_english/lang_prillian_faq.php (666)

    - language/lang_english/lang_extend_xxxxxx.php (666) if you are planning to update the language files through the ACP

    - modules directory (777)

    - modules/cache directory (777)

    - modules/cache/explain directory (777)

    - profilcp/def/def_userxxxxxx.php (666) if you are planning to update user fields through the ACP

    - templates/fisubice/sub_templates.cfg (666)

    - var_cache directory (777)

    - config.php (666)


    3)Using your web browser, visit the location where you uploaded the files with the addition of "install/install.php" (without the quotes) e.g. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    4)Fill out the necessary information in the installation page and submit the page (be sure that the information you specified are correct - wrong information can result to your forum not accessible or nothing is displayed when it is accessed).


    5)Before finishing the installation, delete the directory "install". Do not just rename this directory. It is mandatory that this directory be deleted.

    Change the permissions on config.php to be writeable only by yourself (664).


    6)Click Finish Installation. You will be redirected to the Forum ACP.


    7)Using your web browser, visit the location where you uploaded the files with the addition of "prill_install/im_install.php" (without the quotes) e.g. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Follow the steps in installing the new prillian messenger.


    8)After installing prillian, delete the directory "prill_install". Do not just rename this directory. It is mandatory that this directory be deleted.



    Settings to do after installation:


    1)eXtreme Styles :: Configuration --- set Default template directory to fisubice and set Add tpl filenames in html to No.


    2)eXtreme Styles :: Styles Management => Set default style --- switch all users to use an IntegraMOD 1.3.x compatible style. It is recommended to uninstall all those styles that are NOT IntegraMOD 1.3.x compatible.


    3)eXtreme Styles :: Styles Management => Manage Cache --- click clear cache for all templates


    4)General Admin :: Rating System --- Set rating system active to Yes. If you do not want to have the rating system active in your forum, just leave it to no. If you do NOT enable it, remove the link from the board navigation block through General Admin :: Qbar


    5)IM Portal :: Blocks Management --- you must disable the cache for the following blocks: Board Navigation, Recent Topics, Links


    6)IM Portal :: Delete Cache Files --- this will delete the cache files for the blocks


    7)Links :: Configuration --- do not forget to update the values for your own forum


    8)News Admin :: Configuration --- set News Mod Base URL to the exact URL of your portal.php (e.g. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)


    9)News Admin :: Configuration --- set News Mod Index File to portal.php


    10)Pseudocron :: Cron Configuration --- set Enable Pseudocron to Yes to enable the sending of digests


    I am always willing to ad more if needed since there are SO many features and different things and you can find "real" support and many more on the IntegraMod Forums.


    Peace :D

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