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Posts posted by HoRuS

  1. well maybe they are really active these days and always looking for defects in the phpbb system and releasing various critical updates. well it seems that the phpbb gourp still has a lot to do in terms of securing it's system. even though it is true...it is still my favorite!


    Yea same here... But your right about the security thing :D

  2. Don't want a child? Don't f*** around? Try telling that to the entire world. I'm sure they'll listen to you.

    Hehe ok i know, who would listen? I'm just trying to tell that nothing comes without consequences...


    I'm not sure you understand how hard it is to give a child up.

    Well ermmm i got a son myself and I would never give him up... The thought itself drives me mad :D


    As for women who are raped I think there is an exeption allthough the child can't be blamed, but why not let it be born and give the child to fosterparents and such?

    I will take these words back... but I'll stay with this: The child CAN'T be blamed for his "dads" actions... It's a sick world :D

  3. Abortion IS murder...A fetus is not yet a child but capable of becoming one and has the same rights as all of us, TO BE BORN!!!You don't want a child? Then don't f*ck around with everyone!I have a child myself and I can see what a fetus can become, everyday of his life... As for women who are raped I think there is an exeption allthough the child can't be blamed, but why not let it be born and give the child to fosterparents and such?Think before acting...

  4. Errrr is phpBB in a rush?

    Today I got another mail...

    phpBB 2.0.13 released:


    Hi everyone,

    phpBB Group announces the release of phpBB 2.0.13. This release addresses two

    recent security exploits, one of them critical. They were reported a few days

    after .12 was released and no one is more annoyed than us, having to release a

    new version in such a short period of time.

    Fortunately both fixes are easy and in each case just one line needs to be


    The first issue is critical and we urge you to fix it on your forums as soon as


    Open includes/sessions.php


    if( $sessiondata['autologinid'] == $auto_login_key )

    Replace with:

    if( $sessiondata['autologinid'] === $auto_login_key )

    The second minor issue, reported to bugtraq several days ago, was the path

    disclosure bug in viewtopic.php. For further information on how to manually fix

    this bug please see our announcements forum at https://www.phpbb.com/:


    As with all new releases we urge you to upgrade as soon as possible.

    You can of course find this download available on our website at:


    Note: The Downloadmirror in Belgium works... The rest the need to resync.

    As per usual three packages are available to simplify your upgrade.



  5. scripting is not for making your site look nice.  scripting is for adding functionalitly to your site.  it is COMPLIMENTARY to HTML/CSS.  So, the statement "PHP is HTML" isn't quite right. 


    As for other scripting languages, they all are COMPLIMENTARY to HTML and work the same way as PHP.  The differences are in the functionality where one scripting language is stronger than the other.

    I have no idea what you mean here.  You are saying php is only good for fourms then, your next line says that they are more for "sites" than forums.. I am confused.


    In any case, there are both forums AND "Sites" that use php.  This forum is run on php.  The "sites" that are run off php are those that use a php content management system like phpNUKE.  If you want an original site, you cannot use these type of canned php sites.  you must write your own php scripts.


    I used some systems like phpNuke, phpBB and PostNuke but they all don't fit me...

    But what I meant was I saw sites based on php but they were not forumbased, meaning they didn't look like the forums at all... The problem with most systems I worked with was the other pages were similar to the forums.


    You do not have to use the most scripts the best in order to create a nice site. There is a lot that can be achieve by using CSS properly. Then use PHP in your site if you need to provide server side functionality. Let's say database access or functions. Also do not think that PHP was created to provide Forum functionality. PHP is a great Web technologie which can be used to build a lot of functionality and using it in forums is just the top of the iceberg.

    Please how do I use CSS? I know it's related to the lay out but I havent dared to edit it yet lol

    I think I really need links to sites about php other then phpBB, phpNuke or phpHacks.


    Thanx all for the info ;)

  6. whenever my internet goes out, i just google "free internet *city name*" or "free internet *area/postal code*" and just use whicever one doesn't have software or banners to install.


    worked for me so far whenever my ditzy cable goes out.


    I tried to google that but nothing on there was free... Maybe here in Holland there is no such free service ;)

    But how do ya deal with the modem then? Cuz i can only access internet tru my cable modem, so if i install other software the modem probably won't run on it...


    But thanx anyways

  7. Today I got this message in my inbox:

    I wanted to share it with you all ;)

    Hi everyone,

    phpBB Group announces the release of phpBB 2.0.12. This release

    addresses a couple of potential exploits and fixes a number of issues

    involving path disclosures, etc. It also introduces a new ACP based

    version check (language package maintainers please note the

    additional localisation required for this). For further information

    please see our announcements forum at phpBB.com:


    As with all new releases we urge you to upgrade as soon as possible.

    You can of course find this download available on our website at:


    As per usual three packages are available to simplify your upgrade.

    Upgrade information using the mod template should be available

    shortly (for those who prefer this method).

    --Powered by PHPlist, https://www.phplist.com/ --

  8. HeyI learned php programming in a few months but my problem is, wich programming "scripts" are better, there are a lot as I can see...I know php is html alike but how does all the others work like ColdFusion, Perl and Java?I want my site to get the best scripts and all possible features to make it awesome but on php alone I can't build an original site, it would be based on forums only.I see lots of sites with php but they are more like "sites" then forumbased.Can anyone tell me what all these scripts are?Peace ;)

  9. Cloning animals isn't good, because they have a concious(!) as well as human beings. Cloning organs is ok, I think it will benefit people when there are donor organs, but without it coming from animals or dead humans.When the subject has a concious(!) or somekind of emotion/awareness I think it's really unethical to just use it for own purposes.As for cloning humans ;) omg, I really don't like the idea about the cloning-technology falling into the wrong hands, esspecially the ministery of Defence people's hands...Peace(sorry for my porr English :P )

  10. When I first loggen into my Gmail account I couldn't send invites to anyone. But after a week or so I could (I mean, the "invites" bar on the left suddenly appeared). So probably you've just opened up your account and you need to wait a while to send any Gmail accounts. :P


    Yea I see it now, I only used a Outlook alike client so I never logged into gmail itself ;) Thanx a lot got 50 for anyone who might like 1 :D



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