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Everything posted by Forbez

  1. Holy crap. Nice post, very intresting to see yet another program whereby hackers can hack you. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. Looks very intresting. I searched for a few things, didn't actually find what I wanted though. I'll still be using ask.com for my searching though, hasn't change my mind at all. It's just a popularity contest. Site with the most vistors are top of the search list. I enjoy finding those hidden sites packed with relevant information.This isn't really my thing.
  3. First, you had your caps lock on.Secondly, you gotta choose for yourself. It's best to do both. But if you want to stick to one, stick to which one you prefer. Remember though, if you got for the designer you still gotta learn abit about coding to develop an actual working site. And you can create a whole site simply by coding.
  4. I've seen that skin else where before. Simple and slick, which I like. I couldn't be bothered to register, but I like how Guest can only see one forum which promotes the whole forum and gives you reason to register.The Sig of the week is a good feature, shame it's at the bottom really. I didn't notice it untill I check who made the skin. Perhaps add content to the "Affiliates | Advertise | Link To Us" section.I like the annoucement part at the top, very classy. The news scroller is okay, but at first glance I didn't read any of it. I personally hate news scrollers.Overall a nice looking site. I can't say anything much about the content of threads or posts though as I didn't look at any.
  5. I LOVE VISTA TRANSFORMATION PACK!!! I installed it about a week ago, it's brillant, truely is. Pretty much everything is changed to the style of Vista. I did have the Vista Transformation Pack 6.0 ages back, that was okay not brillant but okay. I installed the vista transformation pack 8.0.1 last week and love it. So much more has been changed for the better I think. Everything is smooth and slick and works prefectly. I have no problems with the Vista transformation pack at all!
  6. I'm always using Xisto, Google and Ask.com, Total Battlefield 2142 and Total Battlefield 2, Game Replays, Hotmail (To check my mail of course), Clan Base and the online maginzine Askmen.com. Sometimes I visit Newgrounds.com for their latest flash movies.But those are pretty much what I daily go on.
  7. I remember when they updated the Cpanel last time. Nearly everyone had some sort of problem with it. There's no need to update, I like it how it is. Nice and simple, no need to complicate stuff.
  8. Typical Microsoft behaviour lol.
  9. I'd say to little, at least double the amount. Microsoft can pay any fine, so why not make it so why not take enough money which is useful?
  10. This is madness, if they continue, there would be no sites left!
  11. Those are pretty cool. Shame i've already seen them before lol. Devil one is the best, and uncle sam of course.
  12. This is stupid, really is. Innocent people killed again and the person killing them all, is dead. You can't punish a dead person. This is a great reason why Guns should be banned, so innocent everyday people don't get killed by some maniac loser.
  13. Firstly, whats up with the whole thing being in bold?Secondly, Yes I agree this is double standards. I researched a little about Kosovo declaration of independence. I totally agree they should be a serprarte country. Thanks for the intresting thread!
  14. Yes, yahoo steam is going down. People are all going to Google or other places. If Yahoo and Microsoft were the same company, there would be no compeition at all. Microsoft-yahoo would win everything. I disagree with Microsoft buying Yahoo, Microsoft have enough as it is, they should just leave it at that.
  15. Arrr, shame he was a great guy. *Saracasm*
  16. Very good tutorial, I'll be using this. Thank you coolcat!
  17. *Still in shock*Great move for microsoft. Their only doing it for the money really, but heck, i'm not complaining. Thanks SM, i'd never believe it if I found it myself.
  18. I've read in my dreams, espcially signs and notices. I've brought this subject with a few of my friends, they all remember reading something whilst dreaming. Are you sure that scientist prove that humans can't read in their sleep?
  19. Hmm, intresting thought. Many factors may happen. One being that, the teleporters simple disappear from human sight. They'd simple be within each other, which isn't possible now, but with teleporters it would. Perhaps it causes a rip in space and time? As the teleporter would be coming out of it's self whilst inside the other teleporter, wouldn't this move or rip time? To be honest, I don't know. Anything could happen. Very intresting point to point out.
  20. That internet is a great place for the Catholic faith to expand to. The main threat though would be spammers and inappropriate messages. I doubt the Catholic faith would agree to this. It's just lazy really. If you have a sin to confess to, go to the Church and confess. Simple.
  21. This is intresting, very intresting indeed. If we gave it another 70 odd year, to allow this generation of 12-16 to get older. We could see the difference alot more easier. Most teens these days neglect and ignore their parents ideas, orders and views. Parents are less displinced on their children as they remember just how tough their parents were. Many cultures respect their elders, China is most famously known for that. Chinese people leave longer then most European people do. Consider that China is a third of the worlds population, i'm not looking at the average but the top end of the chart. I believe God is right, listen to your parents and you'll leave longer. Alot longer then if you didn't.
  22. Forbez


    Are we allowed to discuss YouTube in this section of the forums? Afterall it is apart of Google Corporation.
  23. I havn't experinced any lag going on any Xisto related web pages. Strange, I must of missed it.
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