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Everything posted by Matrixdudej

  1. ya if you read on in my topic i figured out scripts but now...it says my page cant connect but my cpanel still wqorks
  2. ya i edited my last post about ftp panel but ill try to remake i guess...is it just me or is Xisto.net down?
  3. o sorry i didnt know there was a Xisto.net forum seperately divided but to answer your question no not typo i was on site a day ago but not there anymoreedit:but the ftp server they sent my email is still up...where i edit my forum however my forum itself isnt up
  4. the dumbest things i have ever read are on warning labels such as on a curling iron "do not insert this in any orafice"LOL when did this become a problem?
  5. hehe well look at my name and i dont need to tell you what my favorite movie is my user name says it all
  6. if someones doing something like making fun of you or whatever for no reason bash em they have no reason to be doing whatever there doing
  7. it was d2tah.trap17.net,and i had 11.60 hosting credits a hour ago and now i have 7...but anyway my site was up a day ago and...now its not
  8. hey i thought i might as well give a guide on how to make some easy neopoints these are sites to where you can get free neopoints by either finding a link or a red "NP" and i suggest for games monster house,berry lucky charms,matching games are the absolute easiest and the last thing is in the main shops go to magic shop and buy potions (not healing) by haggling and sell them in your own shop most of them you can make a good profit off hope you like my guide Notice from jlhaslip: No referral links allowed. And Lists like this shopuld be quote tagged. Removed potential referral links and added quote tags. Please read the Xisto readme to find out what is and what is not allowed. Thanks.
  9. i think they rip you off...if your going to sell a game sell to friends or even on ebay or something...its still better than ebgames
  10. hey if anyone wants to join my diablo2 lod clan let me know thats the reason i looked for a way to get a website i play on uswest non ladder/ladder if anyone wants to join and you think your good enough let me know, either pm me or respond greetz
  11. well thanks for the offer but now it says my page isnt coming up im editing it some now but it shows it not a existing website can anyone explain this?
  12. i made my site now how do i edit it all it has is this is a te st page for my site how do i dd forums etc etc Notice from BuffaloHELP: Title modified. Please make your title descriptive.
  13. i think playstation,i personally think that ever since gamecube nintendo has gone downhill
  14. i like gmail better than hotmail but i think there are a lot better than gmail
  15. i like the simpsons better than futurama,mainly the treehouse of horror episodes
  16. i like halo series better but i like playstation better than xbox i guess i just dont like the fact that in gta after you beat it it gets boring
  17. does anyone know where i can get a FREE tutorial on learning c/c++?
  18. i think its possible but,no one has figured out how yet and one day someone might take the internet hostage but why are you wondering anyway?
  19. Matrixdudej


    i think that its worth the money for example the $600 one has 60 gigabytes thats $10 a gigabyte plus great graphics i think its worth the money if you have the money
  20. hmmm i dont remember who iroh is but,i like your idea,i think that because katara and zuko are stuck in that place that ang will get to the firelord but get caught and then zuko will bust in there will be a scene of him thinking etc etc and then he will blast the guard/firelord..whoever has ang
  21. if we make our site can we make forum gold?and how many credits do we need?how do we check our credits?
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