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Everything posted by Matrixdudej

  1. my favorite game is diablo 2 lord of destruction for pc because it has pvp pvm different character builds and items i play uswest non ladder and i like the view of the characters however i think that if you play single player/open battle.net/tc/ip games than it sucks
  2. ok my name is "matrix" i guess ill just use 10 hosting credits to change cpanel password...that is if i have enough to do that and still run my site...now that im hosted it shows day until i have to be active again instead of credits im amusuming that that decides on your credits so can someone tell me day/credit ratio please?
  3. hmm how exactly do i verify the name for my cpanel?
  4. im 99% sure im using the right password but i guess ill try to reset it just in case
  5. no not type in twice i mean i type it in then it brings up script prompt again and keeps popping up no matter how many times i try to log in im using my right password and right user but it just has script promp pop up again and again
  6. i mean seeing into time like past or future
  7. Einstein once proved time travel impossible but never said anything about time viewing i bielive so i posted this to see if anyone has opinions i can feed off of about eithera)do you think time viewing will ever be possible and if so your theoryor b)do you not agree with Einstein and think time travel wil one day be possible and if so your theory
  8. well about you thinking why would we make something like that up anyway i heard a rumor saying we wanted to beat russia or something...again by we im referring to Americans
  9. My Webpage heres the login screen My Webpage not working, its taking me to first link My Webpage my site if thats not what your looking for than can you tell me what exactly you do need
  10. after i go to the site where i edit my it it has me type in my username and password...i do then it brings up script promp i type in user and password it brings it up again whats wrong?
  11. with global warming i think yes there will be a second ice age i just hope iit wont be anything soon or to serious
  12. that would be awesome but i dont think it will EVER happen it probably wont ever happen
  13. do you think if inventions didnt exist we were basically "cave men" do you think people would be a lot stronger because we didnt rely on machines to do our work? Notice from BuffaloHELP: Knowing correct forum section to post and contributing with quality content are part of our forum rules. Topic title should be very specific to your post. Moving.
  14. I dont think robots would turn on us they have no soul no emotions unlike humans
  15. im just curious if anyone thinks there are ufos or alien technology in area 51 like rumors say and also i heard something like in fort know theres a safe that can withstand a atomic bomb...no idea if this is true but ifi t is i know gold is worth a lot but with that security do you think its just gold or do you think the government hides something in there?
  16. WE start wars as humans we all have different beliefs and as the end of the world thing goees i think if it does happen it will be because a nuclear war is started because i heard something like between usa russia and china theres enough nuclear weapons to blow up the world 17x over thats how i think the world would end if it ever does
  17. im sure some people who reply will have heard the rumor that the nasa space mission to the moon was really fake footage and we didnt get on the moon what do you think?
  18. i guess i should have been more specific if your caught trying to commit suicide
  19. i love diablo 2 ive had 2 previous accounts besides my current 1 the first account had a hammerdin lvl 87 that got banned and i just figured out it was unbanned a long time ago but now it expired...that really made me mad2nd was a smiter lvl 82 that someone used a password stealer program on mecurrent is hammerdin and about the patch coming out againi dont really think its that important im not mad because its coming out but i dont care if it comes out im neutral
  20. Should suicide be illegal?On one hand its your life your bodyOn the other hand it hurts many people who care about youJust wanted to know what everyone thought about this
  21. ps3 to me is worth the money if you think about yes i know 500 or 600 $ but the $600 ps3 have 60 gb of storage thats $10 a gb plus the graphics are awesome its worth the money its just not many people have the money to afford it
  22. in my opinion ds is alot better its a better company in general psp plays music games etc way better than ds i personally think that ever since gamecube came out nintendo went downhill,but thats just my opinion
  23. does anyone know how i can see what the "hot ip" is for dclone?i know how to search for the game with that ip i just need to know how i can see what the "hot ip" is
  24. yes i know its not a very high tech startegy id just like to post it in case a new person to this game needs a easy to learn guidebe gla its best in my opinionstart building some defensive structures and get a rebel with capture building to go for oil early in game use jarmen kell to shoot people out of construction dozers and use rebel ambush and put a rebel in dozer drive back to your base and start becoming more than gla build lots of black markets supply drops or hackers to get constant money when you have enough build super weapons and lots of tank or other vehicles and deliver a mass onslaught
  25. i say keep it because many people would argue no matter what you change it to its already set so people should deal with it
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