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Everything posted by Matrixdudej

  1. oops sorry lol i just read to first part didnt see it was a either/or question i am using my hosted account not forums lol sorry guysedit:omg...sorry my pc is lagging out alot lately i recently accidently double posted a topic now a reply...sorry i dont mean it
  2. Matrixdudej


    well my sig was oversized o answer the first question i have a brand new sig that i will be putting on soon and as for the second question i left because partly i didnt really know how to code that well using these formats so i tried some other freeweb hosters but mostly i didnt have enough time at that time to continue posting and keeping up my credits to keep my site but going to those different free web hosters i learned some more coding i still dont know alot but i know more and i have more time to keep my credits up anyway im back :Pedit:just put my sig up and i like it and by the way the other sig was oversized in terms of pixels
  3. hey im just checking...its allowed to sell stuff on my hosted site right? im selling diablo 2 lod items for $ and also with some of my sales ill use it to pay $10 yearly so its easier for my site and also if this is allowed i will probably need some help on setting up a paypal icon so let me know please also since this is Xisto and thats how id be selling i will personally donate 10% of my sales to Xisto just because i want to so just let me know :Dedit:sorry there was lag so it double posted didnt mean it
  4. hmmm well it seemd like most of the people believe that they did land on the moon but still, you have to wonder about stuff like this is it true? was it a coverup? did they first land on the moon? but anyway im glad to see some other peoples thoughts about this
  5. wow, solar ipod charger if that works thats awesome
  6. from all the mario games i would have to say wario is the best character in the mario games
  7. Matrixdudej


    i completely agree with you gharrison ya the bigbang to me there are many flaws in the theory its a bunch of crap same with some other theories like wormhole and evolution i bilieve there is a "god" and there is more proof to his existance than there is proof of him never existing so yes i say there is a god and this is from me who is a christian
  8. wow lol an evil mastermind lol very amusing to read actually hehe i like this topic Notice from jlhaslip: Let's keep the one-liners to a minimum, please. - Xisto Readme -
  9. Matrixdudej


    i dont know exactly how long probably a month or so? i mainly posted in my ideads theories or inovations and general talk
  10. ok well ill message ya and tell you some clan benefits and rules however i cant get on until tomorrow at like 1 p.m. eastern standard time but were always looking for new clan members to join hope ya like the clan
  11. ive never seen either nor do i know what either ones are and yes i bilieve the other people when they say you just make alot of random posts lol but they sound like if htey exist that its meant for 4 year olds who arent in school yet and dont know what real television is however i would have to say bob the builder is probably better according to my cousin
  12. i like gatorade however its wird i dont like it warm or fresh cold lol i like it like during halftime when yur playing a game when its warmer but not cold or warm lol but anyway i tried a couple other energy drinks and i love that canadian energy drink but it was hard to get in the U.S. lol but my cousins went there and brought some back,i like monster red,blue,and green but not oarange, i hat full throtle and vault amp is ok and thats where im at
  13. hmm well now that i think about it ive changed my mind i like woodsball when your in no hurry just wanna go snipe and stuff but if you just wanna like test skill like for picking a team and just messing around speedballedit:this was based on my skill id say when your beggining do speedball maybe like 3 rounds until you get used to it then later maybe go play some woodsball
  14. Matrixdudej


    lol ya i didnt forget the rules i enforce rules on other boards im a super moderator so dont need to worry anyway its nice to see someone actually remembers me
  15. messaged i cant use bots cuz i cant leave pc running all the time i have tons of cdkeys though in fact if you did run bots in my channel id pay you...that is in d2 items like hrs or sojs or stuff pmed
  16. i guarantee if i was walking down those streets i would not be speaking this way however i dont and i bilieve that your not feeling about their families and stuff as much but more so your own family but then again this is coming from someone who hasnt been walking down the streets of iraq but just wanted to share this
  17. im comparing it to a videogame because now all it seems like is people sitting at consoles and preesing buttons to make stuff move and shoot like umm auto turrets do you see people standing at the auto turrets no and like i said there is no point to this thread just thought of something i wanted to say
  18. lol itd be sweet and id love to see that happen but i dont think it will EVER happen i think the closest we will be to that is fooling the mind into thinking theres a bottomless drink that will actually quench your thirst i am talking about fooling your mind as in virtual reality i think thats as close as well ever get to your idea
  19. well we need more energy supplemnts so it would be kinda neat but i dont really know how it would work but hmm interesting idea though
  20. well personally i am religious but im not here to flam so dont worry i kinda like your theory i can see it looks like alot of thought interesting really because normally i only think of the two theorys of big bang and god theories so its kinda nice to here a different theory but like i said earlier, im religious so i dont bilieve in this theory but i like the thought
  21. diablo 2 lod on closed bnet is the best game in my opinion however if you play single player it sucks in all aspects and if you play open battle.net no one plays legit its a hacked thng so if you play closed bnet it is best game ever you can pk get better stuff for char etc
  22. aww privte servers are kinda fun but i play uswest nonladder if you want ill be on in maybe 10 minutes /w *cc-founder ill be in op clan-cc ...i was once...not keylogged but password stealer program from someone who many people who play d2 know as gabe scholz yes he got my account it was a perfect smiter with grief perm ebug coh torch anni etc all was legit well anyway id be glad to recruit any new members that have some basic skill on d2 also i think ima start selling d2 items however clan members get free stuff so lmk...message me here on Xisto not sure if ill be on in 10 min or not
  23. thinking about it war is turning into people at consoles now yes there still is physical activity but its decreased alot if you think about it during the U.S. civil war you actually had to look into the faces of the people you killed and now its becoming less and less you never have to think about if that person has a family or anything also think about the atomic bomb that ended WW2? i forget but i think ww2 of course it was a big decision however you dont see the whites eave peoples eyes its becoming souless fighting i guess i just thought about this and just wanted to say t no point i guess just wanted to share my ideas
  24. war in certain aspects does make sense but not over all the aspects consider 9/11 yes i think that because of what had happened on 9/11 that war was justified however i was not old enough to understand the situation at the time i think i was in 5th grade?but now i look back on it and i would justify it they caused many deaths both on the planes and because of the crash thats why i would justify us starting a war with them however i dont justify their acctions but if there is enough reason i bilieve yes war may be the answer
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