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Everything posted by Matrixdudej

  1. hehe someone eplied well anyone about your runescape suggestion...NO!!! lol sorry but i tried that game and it sucks i hat gameplay graphics and its not just cuz i was poor lol the outline of game sucks so lol sorry for putting it down but i despise that game lol
  2. Matrixdudej


    hey i used to be here on this forum but i left and now im back just wanted to say hi
  3. no,i was more so wonmdering for example if there was a pobox i could mail cash to instead of using paypal...o well
  4. hey,i was wondering if theres lkike a place i can mail the $10 yearly for the hosting because i dont have much time that i can really spend on these forums and i dont use paypal or western union...is there some place i can mail the money to?
  5. Hey i was just simply wondering if anyone bielieves bad luck always happensdon friday the 13th if so than why are you superstitous and if not tell me why not also tell me what some of the biliefs are about how many years of bad luck lol for exapmle break a mirror is supposedly seven years of bad luck step on a crack and youll break your mothers back knocking over salt walking under ladders etc lol just tell me what you think about this stuff
  6. just wanted to see what kind of music the people at Xisto like the best personally i like rock...what do you like?
  7. Hi, i need a signature theme of course i want it about the matrix and my username on it thanks for your time in advance greetz and happy holidays
  8. lol,well now its past christmas so i hope all of you had a great christmas and i wish you all a happy new yeargreetz
  9. hey im just wondering what do you guys/girls think is better to play on paintball either woodsball or speedball? and if you choose woodsball lemme know why if you choose speedball same goes :lol:greetz and happy new year
  10. hey,does anyone know a website where i can like look up if there is a paintball arena where i live...or near where i live?i just got a paintball gun for christmas and i wanna shoot someone without getting yelled at lolgreetz and happy new year
  11. hey im not good with gfx at all and i have a sig that was made for me but it has to many pixels to fit in sig requirements maybe if someone could help me tone it down?so it can fit within sig reqquirements?link to it if you can help me is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png if anyone can help me out id be really grateful
  12. well,many people have jobs as translators and they would be out of luck if everyone in the world spoke the same language,however it also has benefits,no confusion and also there would no longer be a need for a translator however, some languages are harder to learn than others,yes it would be beneficial but also non beneficial,however unless they make a machine that teaches you a language really fast in the distant future i dont think it will ever happen lol
  13. o ok,sorry i didnt reply for a while i was away because of the holidays,and no need to worry i got it,my friend is going to help me make subforums and stuff,thanks anywaygreetz and happy holidays
  14. Hmmmm well one super power id probably go with invisibility+clothes go invisible with me lol because you could sneak up on people or you can mess around with people lol and as for a name probably Matrix and a strong second would be teleporting like nightcrawler on x-men lol
  15. hey,i wanted to know what you guys/girls think is the best energy drink Monster?Full throtle?Red Bull? personally i have only had monster red blue and green and i was wondering which i should try next or if i should just stick to monster lol ya i know kinda a wierd topic but anyway what do you think is the best?
  16. lol, why exactly did you want to make this topic, my first kiss was with someone by the name of Jessica but again why did you make this topic chances are you wont know who any of us are talking about lol
  17. hey, as you gussed i need help with creating subforums...can anyone explain like what i should use to create subforums and how to do it...in case you dont know what im talking about for subforums for example i play diablo 2 and i want to make a category diablo 2 (already made) and underneath it i want a link to like uswest useast trading zones etc, thats what i mean by subforums so if anyone can help me i'd be grateful :lol:Greetz
  18. Hi i have a clan on diablo 2 lord of destruction non-ladder if you would like to join either reply to this message or private message me benefits are free gear/trade bait,free grushes,chaos runs,baal runs, and soon uber leveling for clan members our channel is "op clan-cc" my account is "cc-founder" and my most active member and co leader is "death_jr2" thanks for reading this greetz
  19. lol looks like someone had a little time on their hands lol but neway i like yur ideai think it would be awesome
  20. im sure many people have heard the story but does anyone really bilieve that the devil/devils child will be born on 666 but also many people dont bielive in the devil i was just wondering if anyone had a opinion on this and also i have a question about this...how did the number 666 ever get associated with the devil???
  21. well the way to destroy humanity would be inflicting the very reason you want it destroyed and i dont want to die lol so i am 100% against this
  22. i say that it doesnt matter because you can say its breaking the rules to show PDA but that wont stop it people will still show PDA and all they will accomplish is more kids in detention if it bothers anyone look away it will always happen get used to it
  23. I was just wondering what would happen if ALL of the worlds oil would cease to exist and it ran out,and yes i doubt it will be anytime soon but do you think it would bring mass chaos?would something else be invented to replace it by then?Eventually the world will run out of oil its just a matter of time...a lot of time but still none the less what do you think would happen?
  24. Hey i just wanted to know is there anything about christmas that relates to a tree?as far as i know and i am a christian the story of christmas is about three kings who cam to see jesus a manger in which he would be born a five hundred year old prophecy of his birth and a star that would lead the three kings to baby jesus so does anyone know what a christmas tree really has to do with christmas?
  25. well lots of people celebrate christmas and dont bielieve in christ so maybe the x-mas was meant to cross out christ but i dont really think it makes that big of a deal if people want to say x-mas let them,if they want to say christmas let them this is my point of view
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