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Everything posted by quiksilver

  1. I know I can trust them. My favorite website is hosted by them OmegaGateway.I sent them numerous emails and today I got them all back >_< They said they refunded my money for one of them and sorted out the payment for the other one. Now I need to wait 24-48 hours for the DNS. >_>I can't wait.
  2. I recently opened a savings bank account so I could create a paypal account and have a source of money for online things. So I registered a domain name for $15.99 at Hostdime and then bought hosting from Hasweb for $10.00 a month. So far this has worked out well except for the fact that the domain name still (after at least 3 days) cannot be found. I went back to hostdime and logged in and it said the payment was overdue. So I clicked "pay now" and I ended up paying for it twice I emailed them and they said to give them all the info at paypal so I emailed them, but it was late and the next day was Sunday and I didn't think they would be open. Then I got an email saying my email was delayed and will be sent. So I am having a lot of trouble with that. It is really frustrating. The hosting is great though I have a site (i think it is an ip address at the beggining) that I can upload stuff onto until I get the domain thing figured out. I plan to add message boards and tell all my friends about them. I will add fun flash games and once I learn php I will probably code some things. I am still debating which message board source I should use. No matter which one I choose it will probably be a lot like Senor Maniacs. I am still going to keep my Xisto subdomain up. Maybe I will put ads on it or something. So, this isn't a goodbye topic If you want to check my current site out: my Xisto site
  3. I started going to my highschools weight room this summer with a friend of mine to lift weights.we go usually twice a week. The school provides each person a folder with papers of work out routines which is nice because otherwise I would be lost.They have dumbells that go up to more than I willl ever be able to lift, two places to do squats ( more about them later), two places to bench press, two places to do incline press, two places to lift those big bars, and 1 place for leg extensions and one place for leg curls.I like doing incline press and bench press because I feel those are places where I need more muscle. I also like doing the leg extensions and curls because those are a bit easier. I guess I have strong legs. The one that I dislike the most is squats. With dumbells squats are easy, but with the bar it feels like hell sometimes. My neck will hurt for days after. Is this a good weight room or somewhat small?
  4. Hmmm, well, my favorite would have to be the one I am using now.Crest Vivid White.It's pretty cool. I like getting brand name toothpaste that you see on tv everyday. It just seems like I can trust that it actually does something. :/
  5. Wow, thats really cool. I didn't know games could do that.Well, if I ever get to the point where I am disappointed with my weight I know what I am going to buy.
  6. I have seen all of the movies.They are okay. I am not highly anticipating the next one. I just go to them because my friends do and it is something to do
  7. I voted blue. It has always been one of my favorite colors.Red was a very close second. Personally, I think red and blue look great together.If only my class agreed with me we would have red and blue shirts instead of hot pink
  8. They both look really good. She should be happy with them.I personally like the second one better.
  9. Thanks, if the time comes.....I suppose I will remember what I have learned today.
  10. I always see those things like on the news as "fun way to lose weight" or something like that or at arcades. I thought about trying one and then I thought...hmm nah I still have that shred of dignity I'm just kidding I just wouldn't do it in front of people. People can be mean
  11. yeh, that is another thing that is great about it. Sure you get better after playing for longer, but it isn't hard to get the hang of. And playing other people in multiplayer is a lot of fun. Every once in a while I get frustrated because of certain characters abilities. Like Ivy for example. she has a long distance weapon, the whip. This makes me angry because I can't get a hit on her when she uses it. Another character is Link. Don't get me wrong I think he is cool and all, but he has a bow and arrow and bombs he can throw. Right now those are the only flaws I can think of.
  12. Yeh "lol" is extremely overused.hmmm, great confidence one thing I lack greatly. maybe when I am older I will have more.
  13. Wow!I love them both, but prefer the second.I wish I could do stuff like that...
  14. I clicked it for you. I used to play that game. I havent kept up lateyl though. :/I found another new game just like it though.
  15. I talked to my brother about that adaptar and he said it is like $40 dollars and extremely hard to get because it is made in Taiwan( I believe is what he said. I may be wrong. Lets just go with an Asian country.) and they stopped making them. At least that is what he told me.I'm kinda disappointed about that
  16. From the minute I played the arcade mode demo at Best Buy or Wal-mart I knew I had to buy this game the minute it came out. Also depending on which system you buy it for you get a special character. (There are a lot of other really cool characters to choose from, also)Nintendo = LinkPlaystation= SpawnXbox=some old guy(sorry I don't know who it is) This is a great game to play with your friends or alone in the "Weapon Master" mode.definite ten out of ten.
  17. Yeh, I am also at a complete loss as to why they would do that.
  18. I bought this game. I had a five or ten dollar off coupon plus it was on sale so I got a good deal on it. I mostly bought it because of the good deal and I saw some attractive characters in it and people said it was good.I played it and thought it was somewhat fun, but I ended up selling it to Gamestop so I could buy Gran Tourismo 4.
  19. Wow! I am not alone!I made the exact same mistake. I bought this game for the online and was disappointed when I couldn't play. I was told they were going to re-release the game with online play. I wish there would just be like a cheap expansion thing to buy because I don't want to rebuy the game.Also I saw a picture of what the next Gran Tourismo could look like on one of the next generation systems. It was beautiful.
  20. My brother recently purchased Meteos for his Nintendo DS. I thought it was a dumb idea because I thought it would get old. Then again at the time I didn't even know what you did in the game. (come to think of it I don't think he did either )I have played it and it is pretty fun. You have to get 3 or more of the same colored blocks next to each other and they will shoot up. You can only move blocks up or down though.All in all it is a pretty fun game. After a long time my wrist gets kinda sore though.
  21. There are one of my favorite games. I have all three "Stealth Action Redefined" "Pandora Tomorrow" and " Chaos Theory"I think these are great games to play. Sadly I haven't beaten any of them To tell the truth I kind of buy them for story. I have a poster of Sam Fisher and I also had my art teacher draw me a picture of him. You can see it in a topic I made on the creativity or whatever board.I like to play Sam Fisher with my friends we pretty much just walk around and "execute" each other and drag them into a corner. (all in good fun)
  22. http://www.zdnet.com/article/gamers-face-jail-in-greece/ That is carzy!! The law even includes games that come with windows and cell phones. I feel bad for those guys. I bet there are a lot of angry teenagers in Greece. If America ever does this I am moving to Canada
  23. I haven't heard of anything about being able to surf the web with a PSP, but I have heard about being able to play roms and stuff on the DS.I believe you need to buy an adaptor or something like that so you can play them. My brother has a Nintendo DS and he told me about this. If it is legal and all I hope he gets it.
  24. I remember playing this game. I beat it offline. It seemed somewhat short. (I am not very good at games so I was surprised I beat it)I never played it online. I wasn't able to play online when I was playing it. I could now, though.
  25. Heh after reading that I got the advertisment "Whose eyes are these? (they are obviously Angelina Jolie's.It is good she is adopting children supposing they are living poor lives and are at risk and are exposed to disease and death. Her newly adopted daughter and adopted son Maddox should be living pretty good lives considering the fortune Miss Angelina Jolie must have from the movies she has been in.They will grow up with a very attractive mother. And if her and Brad Pitt continue their relationship they will have a cool dad
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