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Everything posted by quiksilver

  1. Notice from NilsC: This is not Poem or Lyrics, songs. This looks like homework "Credits will be removed" Ronald Wilson ReaganRonald Wilson Reagan was born on February 6, 1911 in Tampico, Illinois. He was the son of John Edward Reagan and Nelle Wilson Reagan. John Reagan was a shoe salesman while Nelle Reagan was a homemaker and occasional shop clerk. His father gave Ronald the nickname ?Dutch?. He had a brother named John Neil Reagan (1909-1996) who was an advertising executive.When Ronald attended high school he was out for football, basketball, track and swimming. He was elected president of the Student Council and worked as a lifeguard.One he finished high school Reagan attended Eureka College in Eureka, Illinois in 1928. He majored in economics and sociology. While in college he was out for football, track and he was captain of the swim team and was elected President of the Student Body. Ronald graduated in 1932. After Ronald graduated from college he became a radio announcer for WOC in Daven Port Iowa, but moved on to WHO radio in Des Moines Iowa. Here he did play-by-play accounts of major league baseball games, Big Ten football games and other sports events.After doing radio Ronald started doing movies. He entered the U.S. Army Air Force in 1942, but he was not allowed to go into battle due to his vision. He spent the war in Hollywood helping make training films. He was discharged in 1945 as captain. In 1952 he finished his last picture with Warner Brothers. The name of the movie was The Winning Team. On January 25, 1940 Ronald Reagan married Jane Wyman. They had a daughter named Maureen Elizabeth Reagan who was born in 1941 and died in 2001. They had a son named Michael Edward who was born in 1945. Jane and Ronald were divorced in 1948. Reagan married Nancy Davis March 4, 1952. They had a daughter named Patricia Ann Reagan who was born in 1952 and a son named Ronald Prescott who was born in 1958.On November 8, 1966 California elected Ronald Reagan as their new governor. By a vote of 3,742,913 to 2,749,174 Reagan won the election. When Reagan was first elected governor the state of California was in debt $194 million dollars which he took care of by instructing all state agencies to cut there budget by 10 percent and by ordering a freeze on the hiring of new state workers. In 1970 Reagan was voted in a second term. Reagan spent eight years in California?s statehouse. On Election Day, November 4, 1980, Americans decided they wanted Ronald Reagan as president. On January 20, 1981 for Ronald Reagan?s swearing-in ceremony he said, ?Now, so there will be no misunderstanding it?s not my intention to do away with government. It is rather to make it work-work with us, not over us; to stand by our side, not ride on our back.? On January 20, 1985 President Reagan took his second oath of office. When Ronald Reagan took office the inflation rate was over 13 percent. Reagan?s plan for fixing these problems was based on supply-side economics. According to supply-side theory, increasing the amount of money in people?s hands would increase both investment and demand, making the economy stronger.
  2. Darn I didn't get a grade for this. I really wish I did though
  3. Whoa...*drools*That Is the coolest Playstation 2 I have ever seen. I won't buy it since I already have one but I can dream can't I.
  4. It is already out here where I live, but I doubt I will get it unless I hear some super great things about it. I alread can use my brothers Nintendo DS so I don't see the point in getting another handheld system unless the Sony PSP has so really great games.
  5. I seriously love Lemmings. There is a site where you can play the game, but I don't have the link. I should buy this game. It gets tuff!
  6. Here I rehosted it at imageshack for those who cannot see it. http://echo.cx/ She drew it for me. She only had like four days. The mian problem was she only had that little picture to look at. It isn't an art school it is an elementry school art class. To tell the truth you wouldn't need to know how to draw to be an art teacher at my school, but this teacher is realy nice.
  7. It is of Sam Fisher the video game character from the games Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I think it is great! What do you think?
  8. I had to write a 200 wrod essay on what respect is due to my classes behavior in front of a teacher and a priest.RespectRespect is something that has to be earned. Teachers, priests, authority figures and many other groups of people are classified as people who are supposed to be given respect. Not only are people supposed to be given respect, but people's decisions are also supposed to be respected.The Merriam- Webster Dictionary defines respect as "to consider deserving of high regard."The president of the United States should be given respect wether people think he is respectable or not. The president's decisions should also be respected. Sometimes the president makes decisions that people disagree with. Those people should tell why they disagree, but many times this comes across as disrespectful. Often it is hard to tell someone something while still respecting them.Respect can take years to earn or it can almost be earned overnight. Teachers, priests, authority figures and other groups of people spend years in school before they earn their respect. Musicians can right a song and earn respect almost immediately.Respect is ten times easier to lose then it is to gain. Respect can be lost in an instant one word, one decision or one action can loose a person their respect.People can spend their whole lives thinking of ways to earn respect, but unless they do something they will never get it.It is hard for people to get good jobs if they are not respectable.Everyone has a different opinion on respect and who deserves theirs.In contrast respect is something everyone wants and something no-one wants to loose.It came out too 255 words.
  9. Now I have message boards that work fine, and a nice amount of good users.
  10. I plan to buy the Playstation 3 as soon as I possibly can, as for the Xbox (360) I will get it if I can, but I doubt I will be able to afford it. I hope once they come out they focus on making good games and not a new console it isn't fun to have to buy a new $200+ console every year.
  11. Oh thank God. I finaly got this game and love it. I tried to play online but I couldn't log into the account at first. I wasn't trying very hard so I will try agian soon to check that out. I recommend you all get this game.Oh and it has a bonus movie teaser trailer for the movie it has the Splinter Cell movie trailer on it.*trailer spoilers*It is really short and doesn't show anything but Sam Fisher.*end of spoilers*
  12. To tell the truth I don't know. What does that mean exactly.Now I have about 1000 points.
  13. So, how long does it actaully last? I have an ipod mini and they say that it will work for 10 hours or something like that but it only runs for about 4 hours.
  14. 7/10She is pretty attractive. Overall it is a pretty cool sig.
  15. Hi, I also did not make an introduction topic until I had been coming here for about a month. So you like Led Zeppelin? I was at itunes earlier today and I searched Led Zeppelin and they didn't have a thing. It was quite odd.
  16. Hello Darker333.I have always liked most animals. I have always wanted a dog but my parents wont allow it I have only had fish for pets. Where do you keep all of your pets?You have some interesting views on music and other popular things.
  17. Welcome, I hope you enjoy Xisto as much as I do. Mark is my name but please call me quiksilver or quik. I am Catholic so I go to Church a lot.I also enjoy video games.What is primary school?
  18. Tomorrow Never Dies is my favorite because it is the only one I have seen
  19. I have never been on a rollercoaster so I don't know that feeling sadly. Mine would probably be when it is a warm night and you go to bed and the sheets are clean and cool.
  20. I doubt we ever had a conversation but good bye maddog39 I hope everything goes well for you at your new site. Oh, and please to come back and check on us. >_>
  21. I have never had a problem with it. At school I also have to work with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Access.
  22. Sounds cool, but I like my Playstation 2.
  23. I am using the LUE2 source, but I am not having any of those problems. I don't know how to help you either. Sorry.
  24. I have about 500 points now, but I am starting to lose interest in the game. It was fun for the while I played it.
  25. This is a fun game I have played it somewhere before. I got .4106 Ambling Armadillo. Not so great.
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