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Everything posted by hts

  1. it has nothing to do with the fact that the server is "laggy".php is a server-side scripting language, therefore the content of a .php is parsed (interpreted) by the server. You cannot download a php file (the content of it). What you (should) get (called "output" ) is generally html files (but it can be an image, a pdf file etc.). This means that your files are not "seen" by the server as php files. First of all, be sure that your php files start with <?php (or<?) and end with ?> (the only quick tip that came into my mind )...
  2. of course matak, in css you can specify sizes in: px, %, em (these are widely used)also, you can define for any element a backgroundlearn css, it is a very powerful "tool" to build your site
  3. chemistry simply sucks ....nothing more to say ....sorry for those that like chemistry and are good at it, but that is my very own opinion on chemistry, and I think nothing in the world could change it ^^
  4. well, now really, I don`t want to discourage you or anything like this, but if you don`t know how to build a simple login system, how will you be able to build an entire web-based game script? just wondering..
  5. http://www.positioniseverything.net/ try searching here, it is a very interesting site related to css bugs I sincerely don't know whether your problem has a solution there, haven`t searched, but you can give it a try
  6. @Saint Michel: in my opinion, the ajax-powered yahoo interface sucks hard (sorry for the language, I`ll edit if any problems )...sometimes I can barely move the pointer of my mouse..it "moves" so sluggish..don't really know why, my computer is not really an antiquity yet ..anyway, I think gmail is much better...I simply got used to the interface.. I don`t think I`ll ever switch to another service
  7. This script in PHP will output the pagerank of a given url. If you have at least basic knowledge of php programming, you`ll handle to adapt the script to suit your needs.Otherwise, post back and I`ll help you Here you go: This is the class that does all the "magic" Usage: in the file that you want to show the PR, write the following: It is quite self-explanatory: you include the file which contains the class, you create a new instance of the class (you can name that variable as you wish ), and afterwards call the functions that will determine and the show the PR of the URL provided. If you have any problems, tell me and I`ll help you
  8. $10 in 4 days? and you consider yourself happy? :| for me, it seems really a small amount of money, received for a quite boring work, but anyway - it`s your choice
  9. Ok so I am not sure if this is the error, but there is a line above the 488`th line which seems strange to me (if you can`t find the line, open the file in notepad and search for the text in the quote below ): That comma shouldn`t be there, methinks. Try this way: so without the comma. Tell me if it works
  10. As you might now (or not) energy cannot be created, nor be destroyed. It can only be transformed (brought) to a different form of it. Therefore, you cannot create energy (out of nothing), simply because the output you would get (with your mechanism or with any other invented up until now by man) cannot be higher than the quantity of energy that was used in the process (especially because of the friction involved - but not only) Lets put it clearer: think of a car that uses fuel to power the engine. If you use X amount of energy (generically speaking) to power the car, you cannot output more than this X quantity. Hope it is quite clear enough... It is a simple law of physics that contradicts your theory..Sorry for you (and probably for the humankind )...
  11. well, we cannot help you just like that..blindfolded..post here the code of that file or upload it somewhere so we can view it and maybe debug it, in order to fix the error and help you
  12. at least for you it happens only on special / extreme situations (like earthquakes in Taiwan)..well, for me, it happens almost every day...for few minutes to few hours, my internet connection is gone...that is really annoying, trust me...don`t tell me to complain to "them", because I`ve already done that..for a period of time, it was ok..afterwards, the same problems occurred....but anyway: after such a long time (almost 2 years with this ISP), I think I`m getting used to it
  13. well that would mean that I can login only from the computers which have that file downloaded...that is the biggest inconvenience that I see right now :Pand besides, why would such a login system be needed? I think that the traditional one, improved with an antispam (captcha) mechanism is good and secure enough...for now ..
  14. gmail has one of the best filters for spam. Sometimes I receive even 20-30 spam messages / day.. Well, up until now, none (and I mean it - none) of these has passed the spam filter, into my inbox.. it works perfectly for me ...
  15. just some ideas that I would like to follow, but almost certainly won`t do it completely 1.be more involved (almost certainly won`t happen, but anyway ..I`ll try)2.learn stuff that would be really useful for me throughout life, not the crap @ school (I live in Romania, btw)3.improve my skills in html/css + php :P4.work more to get more money as freelancer :D5.it would be more, but I won`t share those with anyone but myself
  16. I doesn`t load for me (Problem loading page blabla)...Am I the only one with this problem ?
  17. Happy New Year to everyone around Xisto (and not only ).May the year 2007 bring you what you didn't have in 2006 :lol:and the last but not least: have fun with your friends / family
  18. at a first glance, it looks great, BUT:1.I had an account on ahplace, but I had to quit with them, as my site was loading very slow (maybe / probably the problem was on my side, though I`ve got a quite good connection: ~1mb/s)...2.it seems a bit SF - no ads, no nothing - how will they get the money to maintain the servers, pay for the bandwidth etc..3.I might try it, but not right now - for now, I`ll stick with Xisto (for testing of my future site - don`t know when it`ll be ready )...
  19. do you mean, offering to the public readily-installed blogs? just like blogger?if so, you should be aware of the fact that if you will have lots of registered users, you`ll need a large amount of bandwidth...but my personal advice: it is almost pointless to start such a service - there are already big competitors on this market ...but, nevertheless, good luck
  20. Invitation sent to hannes.nilsson /a#t/ hotmail.com !As said above, hope you enjoy gmail - I personally love it and I wouldn`t switch back to yahoo for anything in the world ..tell me if you have any issues creating your account (you should handle, though, it is easy )..
  21. hts

    About Tabs

    Something simliar (and, I think, better ) : ajax tabs this will load the pages using ajax - as per request, not all pages at a time..therefore, you`ll save bandwidth (not everyone will visit your entire site )...
  22. it's all about you (generally speaking ) whether you will become "obsessed" / addicted" to a game (this situation, WoW). Games, in general, should be a way of having fun and relaxing after a day of work/school, not a way of living
  23. it`s not that it doesn't work, you simply receive a timeout response..that is something like " destination unreachable " ..I suppose that this is because the peer between your ISP and Xisto`s ISP is a really long one, so the "ping" is simply lost on its way (one possible explanation )..
  24. well, first of all, you can filter in your account what ads not to display (that is, those that bring you only small sum of $/click)...however, the price / click is determined mainly by the value of the keywords found most relevant for a certain page...so if the value of the keyword is around what you said (<.03), you probably won`t get much above (put into practice the first method though, and see whether you notice changes)
  25. are you bisexual or did I miss something ?
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