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Everything posted by hts

  1. what is the point of getting the value of a mysql field which you already know?
  2. well yes, I knew about those errors..I`ve tested this script on my local server and the "a" letter was highlighted inside a word, too..sorry for this..I`ll think on this, as I might need it sometime later ...maybe I`ll come up with something better...
  3. $string1 = "This is my first sentence";$string2 = "This is my second sentence";$find = explode(" ",$string1);foreach($find as $word){$text = str_replace ($word, "<b>$word</b>", $string2);$string2=$text;}echo $text; this might be a starting point for you..it has flaws, as you will notice when you`ll run it ..also, it doesn't do exactly what you`ve asked for..well, just try it for yourself and maybe you`ll be able to modify it to fit your needs (ps: differences are bolded )
  4. well not really..new video cards won`t fit in the slots of an old computer`s motherboard...so it`s not just like that: ... new video cards use a different type of slot, and some old computers just don`t have it ..
  5. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -> Save as image - works with FF 2.0 too...as a replacer for ScreenGrab, which is not tested to work with FF2.0, as the developer says it also, Search Status is a very nice extension: shows the Google PR, the Alexa Rank of the site you are currently viewing ...(and some other stuff) here: http://www.quirk.biz/searchstatus/ the extensions above are what I use beside most of those mentioned by Saint Michael...good list, anyway
  6. to apply a border style: .borderclass { border: 1px solid #000; } the first attribute represents how thick the border will be...the 2nd one is the style of the border (you can put there: solid, outset/inset, dotted, dashed, double and few others )...the 3rd thing is the color of the border...good luck "bordering" your site
  7. no need for such a tutorial, methinks..it`s too general and similar stuff can be found on lots of sites (w3schools.com, for example) - I`m not saying you`ve copy/pasted this tutorial, but it teaches only the very basics ...my 2 cents.. oh yeah: it`s a good idea to use hex values when defining a color in css..also you can use shorthand tags..for example: myclass { font: 16px Trebuchet MS bold;}
  8. most of the extensions are now updated to work with FF 2.0 too @Saint_Michael: you can add unknown words to the dictionary so that next time FF encounters it, the word will not be underline (considered to be correct )... some nice improvements (some of them could be previously added by installing extensions): session saver, undo closing of a tab, closing button on each tab button, better rss feed handling and so on.. for those who use IE -> https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/?utm_source=getfirefox-com&utm_medium=referral
  9. Yes it loads for me, so the problem is on your sideDo other pages of dmoz load? If so, it might have been a temporary problem..If not, check with your ISP (report the problem)
  10. box.net ... 1gb of storage, very nice interface, public files etc...no huge ads ..very nice..try it
  11. it can be done much much simpler, no iframes or such: <?phpecho "<div class=\"content\">";$page=$_GET['page'];$page.="php";include($page);echo "</div>";?> and your url`s will be like: index.php?page=about this will include in index.php, the about.php page (if this is found in the same directory as index.php). well, this piece of code has security problems, as the $_GET[] value is not sanitized...but that`s another story...just understand this and we`ll continue afterwards
  12. you know what`s weird? when I search for something (I`ve tried "school", for example), the number I`ve bolded in the message "Results 131 - 140 of about 22,88,863" always changes... is it randomly generated or what ? Shouldn`t it be the same ?
  13. the problem, as stated above too, is that your uploaded files cannot be accessed and downloaded by other people... however, you can go to box.net - it is a great filesharing service with a nice-looking interface (no, I`ve got no connection to the owner of the site- I just like it )
  14. http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/staticmenu.htm is this what you want? the menu goes down as you scroll the page..if you need more help, just reply back here
  15. well...quite few people use win98 nowadays... it can be said that this OS is obsolete...as far as i know, microsoft doesn't offer support anymore for win98...this might be the sign that it is the time of change ...just kidding..now really, you should get winxp or just install a linux distro...no BSOD`s on those
  16. randomdood: why triple posting? :| some other good sites: http://www.pixel2life.com/tutorials/macromedia_flash/ http://www.tizag.com/flashTutorial/ http://www.echoecho.com/flash.htm very few compared to what you can find searching the almighty Google
  17. my advice: if you don't work in webdevelop/design, don't bother learning all technologies available ...a better way, IMO, is to learn html/css + php (or another server-side language) and use the free ajax scripts available on the internet..some good links to get started: to learn: http://www.w3.org/2002/03/tutorials (choose from that list of links) http://tizag.com/ ajax scripts: http://script.aculo.us/ just search google for more...the links I gave you are just the beginning
  18. some ideas: require a valid email at registration...then, when in trouble with that user, ban it`s username and it`s email address..don't allow more than one account/email address.yes, of course it can be bypassed, but it`s annoying to create an email address for each account...if you need help with the php code or the idea of doing this in php, just reply here and I`ll help
  19. hts

    Web 2.0

    web 2.0 is more like a brand that sounds nice, a marketing idea... it is a name for the new type of sites that appear..the most important feaure of these new sites, methinks, is that they are user-build..that is, the content is added by the user/visitor (wikipedia and technorati - 2 quick examples) look here to see a collection of web2.0 sites: https://moz.com/ and http://www.go2web20.net/ ..
  20. quick stats:PIV, 512 mb ram, geforce 4 mx 440 (crappy, NEVER touch one of these), hdd 60gb, 19" lcd, sony dvd write, sony cd writer ...quite irrelevant a more specific and detalied description
  21. http://www.javascriptkit.com/howto/htaccess10.shtml see here..I think you will find what you are looking for..of course, that code must be adapted to suit your needs..but it`s easy to understand
  22. so: I had adsense on my previous site, but I accidentally clicked on one of my ads, so they shutted down my account..I`m currently working on another project (a more important one, so to say) and I`ll signup for Adsense with this one too..and I surely won`t do the mistake again ) I had a good amount of money (not very much, but not neglectable )about what type of website: anything that is ok with their TOS...(generally, no pornography, warez, illegal stuff and so on..just read on their site)in order to win something (I mean, not 2 cents/week), you need traffic.If you have a lot of visitors, you will win at least a good amount :PYou won`t lose anything if you signup and try, however:)
  23. get a good google PR or people won`t join your directory
  24. you could check their site, you know: https://orkut.google.com/ you don't need an account to figure out what it is about.. oh btw: can anyone send me an invite: htsrzvn [at] gmail [dot] com ...danke (that is, thank you in german )
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